Xu Zhenguo and his wife left after saying that. Qi Tianlong's parents also realized that their son had said the wrong thing again. Qi Tianlong's mother ran over quickly and wanted to hold Xu Shanshan's mother, but she avoided the other party and said, "We can't control this matter. Yifei's affairs have always been his own final say. Although we are elders, we are enlightened elders and will not interfere with the lives of juniors!"
This is what I said, holding a gun and a stick, which is considered to be a reply to Qi Tianlong's words just now.?
ww. ?
The two of them were completely different from the day before yesterday, so Qi Tianlong's parents couldn't stop them and beg them for help.
When Xu Zhenguo and his wife walked away, Qi Tianlong's father angrily raised his hand and slapped his son in the face. In my memory, Qi Tianlong had never been beaten, and his parents were spoiled by him very much, and he was also very successful, so he didn't have to worry too much about his studies.
But this time, Qi Tianlong was slapped. He was blindfolded and looked at his father with his face and his eyes wide open.
Qi Tianlong's mother screamed, protected her son and shouted to her husband: "What are you doing? Why are you hitting the child?"
"I beat him!" Qi Tianlong's father said: "If you can't speak, shut up. Did you have the share of your words just now? Look at what you are saying!"
Qi Tianlong had red eyes and said, "It's not my fault. Their son-in-law has women outside. Wouldn't I tell you about this?"
"Get out, get out of here!" Qi Tianlong's father cursed angrily, his body trembling with anger.?
The three members of the Qi family were quarreling with each other here. Xu Zhenguo and his wife had already arrived at home. They were not really angry, but they didn't want to provoke this matter, and their daughter didn't like each other, so why bother to get involved again?
Xu Shanshan's mother said, "Old man, you said if we ask directly, wouldn't it be nice?"
"What do you think?"
"It's not very good!"
"That's all, the question you asked is stupid."
"Tsk, you said I'm stupid?" Xu Shanshan's mother immediately raised her eyebrows and pointed at Xu Zhenguo and asked, "If you have the courage, please say it again!"
"No courage!" Xu Zhenguo shrank his neck and bent down to carry the things they had just bought into the kitchen.
Xu Shanshan's mother snorted and muttered: "I don't know if you dare, no, this matter must be confirmed. We can't both daughters give each other!"
This matter will probably become a matter that has troubled Xu Zhenguo and his wife for a long time in the future. It is not big or small.
Li Yifei woke up, got up early and finished exercising. After breakfast, he heard the report saying that Murong Yuanqing was back. He visited his old friend and did something by the way. Li Yifei was not easy to ask about it. After a few greetings, Li Yifei handed it to Murong Yuanqing with a box containing white flicker. ?
Murong Yuanqing asked Li Yifei about his life this time while checking Bai Xiao.
Li Yifei hesitated for a moment and told the story of the Vietnamese master he met. As for the experiences and experiences in the secret realm, Li Yifei briefly said, and Li Yifei also briefly said the words before the Vietnamese master died.
Who knew that after hearing this, Murong Yuanqing's face became solemn. He repeatedly asked Li Yifei about the situation at that time. Li Yifei told Murong Yuanqing in detail about the situation at that time.
Murong Yuanqing touched his chin, frowned, with a serious face, and was silent for a moment. Murong Yuanqing said, "After coming back, have you contacted them?"
"Of course, I called last night, otherwise I would have jumped a foot long ago. Ningxiang said everything was fine there." Li Yifei replied.
Murong Yuanqing nodded, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "In this way, we will set off to find them tomorrow, take Bai Shan, and seal the child first."
Li Yifei nodded and quickly said, "But when I went to find Bai Shan, I'm afraid someone would have leaked it, otherwise the Vietnamese wouldn't have found us so accurately."
"This matter... is not easy to investigate. We shouldn't know much about it. As for the others, we don't know much unless..." Murong Yuanqing said here, stopped, unless he wanted to say something later. Li Yifei vaguely guessed something. He frowned, shook his head, and said, "Maybe we were worried too much."
"Okay, that's it. Tomorrow is over, I'll arrange the plane and fly directly over later." Murong Yuanqing said.
He has this right to call the helicopter, because Jiang Ningxiang and others are in the mountains, and it is too difficult to get there, so it is faster to fly directly.
"Please trouble Senior Murong."
"Okay, this is not just for you. I am also looking forward to seeing him grow up and want to know where he can go!"
"Ha ha!"
Murong Yuanqing went to call, and Li Yifei came back to prepare. Bai Shan had already got it. Tomorrow is here. Ask several seniors to join forces to seal their son, there is no need to worry about his danger for the time being. After all, this child is at the age of enlightenment. Even if he is a fixed person, even if someone makes an idea, it will not be fine.
There are not many times when Li Yifei needs to intervene in the family. He has been a hand-off manager for a long time. He can do those things without doing them. For example, at this moment, Li Yifei is holding a water pipe to water the flowers.
The two daughters surrounded him, holding small pokes, and were helping.
Lin Qiong, who was at home during holidays, held her arms and stood aside. She looked at the big and two young people busying, and she was a little envious. Before she was injured, Lin Qiong had no idea about this. But after this injury, Lin Qiong suddenly felt particularly eager to have a child. Having a child of her own, she took care of her since she was a child, which seemed to be a good choice. Among them was Lin Qiong's parents' persuasion. Unfortunately, Li Yifei couldn't do that now and could not get pregnant.
Lin Qiong thought with some regret, hoping that Li Yifei would get rid of the witchcraft as soon as possible. Lin Qiong must ask for more requests and strive to have a child.
Li Yifei's cell phone rang. He turned off the water pipe, walked back and took a look at the phone. There were several messages. After clicking on it, Li Yifei deleted the information.
After looking at Lin Qiong, Li Yifei handed over a glass of watermelon juice and said, "If you feel bored, just go back and have a nap. Why are you doing here in the afternoon?"
Lin Qiong took the watermelon juice, bit it, took a sip, gave Li Yifei a blank look, and said, "It's not boring, it's so interesting to see how fun the children play."
"The credibility of this is very low." Li Yifei smiled.
Lin Qiong immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "What, am I telling a lie?"
"Haha, it's true. If you like children, let's just give birth to one. You should have a child. If you give birth a few years later, it will not be good for your health." Li Yifei grabbed Lin Qiong's hand and leaned into his ear and whispered.