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Chapter 34 One question and three unknowns

"What's going on? Who is this young man? How did he get to sit on the judges' bench?"

"Isn't that Ye Bufan? Is he crazy? Why did we sit in the front?"

There are a dozen students who came to take the exam today, from different schools. Several of them are from Jiangnan Medical University and they all know Ye Bufan.

Everyone couldn't figure out why the student who was supposed to take the exam suddenly sat at the judges' table or in the middle position?

Ma Wenbo was completely dumbfounded and even stopped reading the message in his hand. He didn't understand what Ye Bufan was doing?

Han Shuai was also stunned. What happened to the third child? Is he suffering from severe delusion? Did he really regard himself as a judge?


Xie Donglin's majestic voice sounded in the venue. Everyone in the audience knew that this was the director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and immediately shut their mouths.

He said: "I am Xie Donglin, the director of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I welcome all students to participate in today's internship examination. Let me introduce to you the members of today's judging panel.

This is our Dr. Zhang Bai, this is Mr. Cao Xinghua, a master of traditional Chinese medicine in Jiangnan City, and this is Dr. Ye Bufan, the leader of our judging panel today."

When he said that the first two people were okay, everyone applauded, but when Ye Bufan came here, everyone was stunned.

Han Shuai's mouth is so big that he can stuff an egg into it. Let me choke him. What Lao Sanyuan said is true. He is really the judge today!

Zhu Linlin looked even more unbelievable. She just laughed at her for not even being qualified to take the exam, and then she tried to use her connections to kick her out. As a result, she turned into today's judge and the leader of the assessment team.

Ma Wenbo stretched out his hand and pinched his thigh hard. The severe pain made him grin and almost scream to confirm that he was not dreaming.

Xie Donglin said: "Okay, let's officially start the interview now. The first student to participate in the assessment, Zhu Linlin, will come on stage."

There are only three quotas this time. Ma Wenbo had already cleared the way for Zhang Bai to let Zhu Linlin pass on the stage first to avoid being occupied by others.

But they never expected that the dean, who never asked about such trivial matters, would actually be here to preside over it, and the judges would be replaced by the current Ye Bufan from Zhang Bai.

Although she felt helpless, Zhu Linlin still walked up to the front desk and bowed to the three people on the judges' bench.

Cao Xinghua asked: "This student, let me ask you the first question first. What do you understand by 'cultivation is not seen by anyone, but God knows the intention'?"

As a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, he attached great importance to the cultivation of medical ethics, so he hung this couplet in front of the Baicao Hall.


Zhu Linlin usually doesn't do well in her studies. This time, she was told that it was just a formality and she would definitely be admitted, so she didn't make any preparations.

She had never heard Cao Xinghua's questions, so how could she answer them? Her face turned the color of pig liver in an instant.

Zhang Bo shook his head secretly and said: "Mr. Cao, the academy doesn't teach much about medical ethics. How about we try another question and ask about professional knowledge."

Ye Bufan immediately understood. It seemed that Zhu Linlin's so-called relationship was Zhang Bo next to her.

Mr. Cao frowned and said, "Well, can you tell me the difference between Bai Zhi and Atractylodes?"

Atractylodes macrocephala and angelica dahurica are two very common traditional Chinese medicines. They have similar appearance and similar medicinal effects. It is easy to confuse the two medicinal materials if you are not careful, so he mentioned them as a separate question.


Zhu Linlin was dumbfounded again. Although she was also a student of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, she knew very little about traditional Chinese medicine. How could she know the difference between Atractylodes macrocephala and Angelica dahurica.

Seeing that things were about to go wrong, Ma Wenbo in the audience kept winking at Zhang Bai, signaling for him to help.

Zhang Bo said again in desperation: "Mr. Cao, they haven't left school yet. This question may be too professional. How about we change it to something simpler."

Cao Xinghua's face suddenly darkened, it was obvious that Zhang Bai was speaking for this woman.

At this time, Ye Bufan said: "Dr. Zhang, what kind of questions do you think are easy? How about Tangtou Song? As a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, this should be the simplest, right?"

Zhang Bai also felt embarrassed and said awkwardly: "This is okay."

Ye Bufan sneered and said to Zhu Linlin: "Then just recite the soup song."

He knew this woman very well. When the two of them were together, he repeatedly urged Zhu Linlin to recite the Soup Song, but the woman ignored her and was more interested in eating, drinking and having fun.

At that time, the two of them had a good relationship, and he doted on Zhu Linlin and didn't care. Now it seems that this is just a lazy habit.

"I...I won't..."

Zhu Linlin bit her lip and struggled to spit out these words.

At this moment, she hated Ye Bufan in her heart. If this man hadn't suddenly jumped out, how could she have been so embarrassed?

Cao Xinghua said angrily: "You can't do this or that. I don't know anything about it. I really don't know what you have learned in medical school over the years, and where did you get the courage to come here to take the exam?"

You failed the test this time, go back and learn professional knowledge."


Seeing Cao Xinghua directly give the conclusion, Zhang Bai bit the bullet and said: "Mr. Cao, I think this female classmate has a good image. It's OK if she stays in the hospital to train her."

He was forced to have no choice. Last night he patted his chest and agreed to Ma Wenbo. He might lose face in front of his nephew.

In addition, the Ma family is very rich, and he is planning to let his sister buy him a car.

Originally, he thought that Ye Bufan and Cao Xinghua could give him some face, but he didn't expect that Cao Xinghua would become angry as soon as he said his words.

"Dr. Zhang, what do you mean? Are we doing a beauty pageant or recruiting interns?

You can pass if you have a good image, but what about other students who are good at medical skills? Is it fair to them?"

Xie Donglin was sitting next to him. He originally didn't want to interfere with the judges' work, but now he couldn't stand it anymore and said with a cold face: "Zhang Bai, do you know what you are doing?

From now on, you will not be a judge, the selection work will be left to Dr. Ye and Mr. Cao."

"Yes, Dean."

Zhang Bai said dejectedly. He originally thought that the dean and Cao Xinghua would give him some face, but he didn't expect that they completely overestimated him.

Ye Bufan glanced at Zhu Linlin with a playful expression: "This student, your evaluation result is unqualified, please go down."

Seeing that the final deal was ruined, Zhu Linlin could no longer control her emotions and said angrily: "Ye Bufan, this is all your fault!"

Cao Xinghua said dissatisfied: "What are you talking about, little girl? You didn't know anything about it, yet you blamed someone else."

"I'm not convinced."

Young Master Ma Wenbo lost his temper. He stood up from the side and pointed at Ye Bufan and shouted, "He is just an ordinary student of Jiangnan Medical University. What qualifications do he have to sit here and be a judge?"

This chapter has been completed!
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