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Chapter 40: The Universe Inside

Looking at the 5,000 yuan in front of him, the middle-aged man looked in disbelief: "Little brother, are you sure you want to buy this painting?"

Ye Bufan smiled slightly: "I have taken all the money, is this still fake?"

"Okay, I'll keep the money, and now this calligraphy is yours."

The middle-aged man happily accepted the 5,000 yuan. He thought he had lost money this time, but he didn't expect that he would get it back.

After getting the money, he happily left the antique shop, while Ye Bufan rolled up the scroll and put it away.

The shop owner saw that although Ye Bufan was wearing ordinary clothes, he was extremely generous with his actions. He immediately came up and said, "Little brother, do you still want Yan Zhenqing's calligraphy? I have many more here."

Ye Bufan shook his head and said, "No, this one is enough."

The shop owner refused to give up and said: "Brother, to tell you the truth, this calligraphy was originally fake."

Ye Bufan didn't want to talk nonsense to him, so he said casually: "How come, I think this is Yan Zhenqing's authentic work."

The shop owner said: "Little brother, I won't lie to you, this is the last time I participated in a treasure appraisal show, and an old lady took it up.

Experts have identified that this thing is not only a fake, but also extremely poorly made and worthless.

The old lady originally wanted to take it home to build a wall, but I bought it for 50 yuan."

He told all his truth, hoping to wait for Ye Bufan to regret it greatly, and then buy another painting from him.

Unexpectedly, Ye Bufan shook his head and said: "Sometimes the results of expert appraisal may not be accurate."

"Little brother, you are so stubborn."

The shop owner said as he took out dozens of calligraphy and paintings from under the counter and put them on the counter, "Look, the calligraphy and paintings here are all authentic. You can pick any one and I will definitely sell it to you at the lowest price."


Ye Bufan said: "No need, I already have it."

"Little brother, don't leave in a hurry." The shop owner stopped Ye Bufan, took out a scroll and spread it out, and said, "Look, this painting is Ji Xiaolan's original work. It will definitely be hidden for a few years if you take it back."

It will be worth twice as much.”

Ye Bufan glanced at the calligraphy, which was filled with a faint aura, and he could confirm that it was indeed Ji Xiaolan's original work.

It is estimated that this painting was what the middle-aged man was interested in. It reminded him of the joke about selling cats in bowls. It seemed that the shop owner was repeating the same trick and wanted to tempt him to take the bait.

What he was looking for was a magic weapon, and he was just making some small money from calligraphy and painting, so he was too lazy to talk nonsense with the shop owner, so he turned around and walked out of the shop.

The shop owner had been busy for a long time, but Ye Bufan didn't even look at it. This made him angry, and his face immediately darkened: "I wonder if you are sick?

I spent 5,000 yuan to buy such a fake and treat it as a treasure. I really don’t know if you were kicked in the head by a donkey or if you are blind?"

This was very unpleasant to say, and even sounded like a personal attack.

Ye Bufan originally didn't want to argue with him, but when he heard this, his face darkened, and he turned around and said: "You clearly have a treasure in your hand, but you treat it like junk and force it on someone else. Am I blind or are you blind?


"You wouldn't say this thing is a treasure, would you?" The store owner said with disdain, "Boy, let me tell you, the person who wants to pick it up from my white mouse has not been born yet."

It turns out that this guy's surname is Bai. He has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks and is extremely cunning. People who are familiar with him in the antique street call him White Mouse.

Ye Bufan held up the scroll in his hand and said, "Yes, this is a big treasure. It's a pity that you didn't see it."

The white mouse rolled his eyes and said with a treacherous face: "Since you are so confident, how about we make a bet?"

He has been involved in the antique industry for more than ten years, and he thinks that it is impossible to make a mistake. In addition, this painting has been appraised by experts, so how can it be a treasure.

For this kind of profiteer, Ye Bufan didn't mind giving him a lesson and said, "Okay, you tell me how to bet."

The white mouse looked happy. Since this kid wouldn't be fooled no matter what he said, it would be a good idea to win a sum through betting.

He said: "If you can prove that this painting is a treasure, I will lose you 200,000 yuan in bet, otherwise you will give me 200,000 yuan."

In his opinion, this kid in front of him is just a silly and cute fat sheep, and he needs to bite him hard.

"Yes, but it's just empty talk. You have to create a written statement to save you from denying it later."

"No need, as long as I, Yang, am here, no one can deny it in Treasure Garden."

As soon as he finished speaking, a middle-aged man about 50 years old appeared in front of the antique shop.

This man was wearing a long robe and had an elegant temperament. At first glance, he was no ordinary person.

"Master Yang, why are you here!"

When the white mouse saw the middle-aged man, he immediately greeted him with a flattering face.

"Master Yang is here, Master Yang is here, please give way."

There were a lot of people wandering around the Antique Street. Just as Ye Bufan and White Mouse were talking to each other, a dozen people had already gathered at the door to watch the fun.

Seeing the middle-aged people approaching, these people leaned to both sides to make way for a passage.

"Who is this?"

"Don't you recognize this? This is Master Yang Ziqian, the master treasure appraiser of Jubao Garden, and he is also the president of the Jiangnan Antiques Association."

"Master Yang is a very trustworthy person in Jubao Garden. With him as a notary, no one dares to deny anything, otherwise he will not be able to leave Jubao Garden."

After entering the door, Yang Ziqian nodded to the white mouse and looked at the scroll in Ye Bufan's hand, "Little brother, can you lend it to me?"


Ye Bufan handed over the scroll in his hand.

Yang Ziqian unfolded the scroll and looked at it, then frowned slightly, "Little brother, listen to my advice, it's okay not to make this bet."

Hearing what he said, the white mouse's face immediately fell. He also wanted to make a fortune from this big fat sheep, but if Yang Ziqian interfered like this, he would be in vain.

But given his status, he didn't dare to complain.

But at this moment, Ye Bufan said: "Mr. Yang, this calligraphy is not as simple as it appears on the surface. In fact, there is something hidden inside. You just need to notarize it."

Yang Ziqian was slightly startled. He naturally knew the character of the white mouse and did not want this young man to suffer.

But after hearing what Ye Bufan said, he said with great interest: "Well, I want to take a look. Are there any antiques that I, Yang, can't see through?

I have done this notarization, you can start the gambling, if anyone loses and refuses to admit the loss, I, Yang, will be responsible for it."

Seeing Ye Bufan insisting on betting, White Mouse felt very happy. If he said that he was wrong, he might be wrong.

But the treasure appraisal experts on the TV station all said it was a fake. Now Master Yang Ziqian doesn't see any mystery. It's obvious that this kid has a disease in his head.

He said proudly: "Well, now that Master Yang is doing the notarization, no one has to worry about denial. You can show me what it means to have the universe within."

Ye Bufan took the painting and first took off the wooden shafts on both sides.

The white mouse sneered: "Boy, you won't tell us that there is an interlayer in this painting, right?

To tell you the truth, we have already tested this kind of bad street method, and it is absolutely impossible."

This chapter has been completed!
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