Wang Xudong took Su Wanqi and drove away. Su Wanqi had no idea that Chen Hu and the others were coming behind. Wang Xudong did not want Su Wanqi to know these things. Similarly, Wang Xudong did not let Chen Hu see him, and he did not want Chen Hu to do this.
The group of people knew him, which was why he first called Wu Tian and others over, and then asked Wu Tian to call Chen Hu.
"Are those people from the security company you run?" Su Wanqi asked while sitting in the car.
"Is this illegal?"
"It's not illegal. I can't do anything illegal. All procedures of the security company are in compliance with laws and regulations, and the content of our business is also legal."
"I'm talking about today's approach."
"What we did today was legal. These people were armed with weapons and wanted to hit me and kill me. Can't I ask people to defend themselves?"
"Xudong, I think Li Zetian will never swallow this breath. He is the only son of the Li family. You can tell how pampered he is at home by looking at him like this. After being beaten like this today, Li Zetian
The family will never give up. You may not know it well, but the Li family is very powerful in the East China Sea, in all aspects. This time... we may have really stoked a hornet's nest." Su Wanqi was sitting in the passenger seat of the car.
"If you poke it, just poke it. The wasps flew to the face and stung you. It's impossible not to poke it. My principle in life is not to take the initiative to cause trouble, but I will never be afraid of trouble if it comes to me. I don't care about the Li family.
No matter the Liu family, no matter what family, no matter how powerful it is, if they really want to do something to me, Wang Xudong, they will have to put in some trouble. It doesn't matter if they really knock me down, as long as you are still willing to follow me.
That's all. At worst, I'll sell shoes and then work as a security guard. Anyway, I believe I can support this family no matter what." Wang Xudong said with a smile and looked at Su Wanqi, the co-pilot.
Su Wanqi blushed slightly and said, "I'm telling you something serious."
"What I'm saying is serious business. I don't care if you ask me to give up everything I have now, but I can't accept my woman being bullied. So, the Li family can use whatever means they have on me. It doesn't matter.
At worst, we'll just have to do it all over again, right?" Wang Xudong grinned at Su Wanqi.
Listening to Wang Xudong's words, Su Wanqi felt warm in her heart. She was very worried at first, but when she heard Wang Xudong's words, she suddenly realized, yes, it's not a big deal, she can just start over from scratch.
I originally thought there would be a violent storm, but it didn't. The next day it was still calm and nothing happened. Su Wanqi seemed to have forgotten what happened last night. Only Wang Xudong knew that the Li family would never give up.
He himself was quite helpless. He didn't want to cause these boring things, but there was nothing he could do if things happened to him. Although he was a little distressed, he didn't regret it. If what happened last night happened again, he would do it again.
Make the same choice.
On the night of the third day, Wang Xudong had dinner at home, and then took little Su Hao to play football in the yard of his home. He played with the child for more than an hour, while Su Wanqi and Uncle Yang sat aside and watched the big one and the little one.
It was a great time, and both of them had happy smiles on their faces.
"Miss, there is something I don't know whether to say or not." After hesitating for a moment, Uncle Yang said to Su Wanqi.
"Uncle Yang, please tell me." Su Wanqi said respectfully. When she saw little Su Hao accidentally falling down in the yard, she shouted anxiously: "Slow down, be careful."
"Should you and my uncle go through the procedures for remarriage?" Uncle Yang asked.
Su Wanqi's face suddenly turned red when she heard this.
"It's not a problem for you two to always sleep in separate rooms like this. Miss, don't think that I am nosy in my old age. You and my uncle are not young anymore. I don't know what you two were like before, but now,
I think you two can't continue to play like this. It's time for you to have an explanation. I can see that my uncle is really good to you. Go through the remarriage procedures and then get together while my old Yang is still strong and healthy.
I can help you take care of your children, don't you think?" Uncle Yang said to Su Wanqi seriously.
Su Wanqi blushed and did not speak immediately. She looked at Wang Xudong and little Su Hao who were playing happily in the yard. After a long time, she nodded and said: "Well, okay, Uncle Yang, I will consider it."
Uncle Yang nodded and said nothing more.
Wang Xudong went to take a bath by himself after playing with little Su Hao. After taking a bath, he did not change into pajamas. Instead, he went downstairs fully dressed.
"Are you going out so late?" Su Wanqi asked in surprise when she saw Wang Xudong coming down.
"Yes, there is something going on at the security company, and I have to deal with it."
"Xudong, stop working so hard, stop working so hard." Su Wanqi felt a little sorry for Wang Xudong.
"It's not hard, it's okay. I'll be back soon. You can rest first." Wang Xudong smiled, then hugged Su Wanqi directly, kissed Su Wanqi on the face, and said, "I'm leaving first."
Then, Wang Xudong strode out.
Su Wanqi blushed when she was suddenly kissed by Wang Xudong, but she did not refuse or complain. After Wang Xudong left, she actually laughed and was in a good mood, humming a song and went upstairs.
Wang Xudong drove away from home and headed directly to Sunshine Community.
When Wang Xudong drove to the gate of Sunshine Community, he saw a bus, a Coaster and many small cars parked at the door. These cars were from the security company and the property management company. They were neatly arranged on the square at the gate of Sunshine Community.
There were several rows of security guards wearing uniform security uniforms and holding uniform security sticks in their hands. They stood there motionless, causing people who occasionally passed by to look sideways. They may have never seen such a majestic security guard.
Security guard.
There were forty or fifty security guards in total. Beside the security queue, there were about a dozen people in suits chatting together. On the other side, Wang Xudong saw Wu Tian, Li Xiaotian, Lin Tingting and someone from the property company.
The four vice presidents stood there chatting, looking relaxed and comfortable.
Seeing Wang Xudong's car parked nearby, Wu Tian, Li Xiaotian, Lin Tingting and others quickly came over.
"Is everyone here?" Wang Xudong asked.
"All sixty security guards from the security company are in place. Our property company only has about ten people here because they are not needed tonight. The rest will come here tomorrow to officially report for work." Lin Tingting introduced to Wang Xudong.
"Is it sixty security guards this time?"
"Yes, according to our plan, the sixty security personnel can meet the needs. Of course, if we feel that there are not enough during the operation later, we will ask them for more people." Lin Tingting answered. (To be continued)