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Chapter 301 Going out to Wei, seeing the devastated eyes, watching the moat cut across the sky

Ji Qiu left.

But the aftermath has not subsided yet.

Outside the Linzi Royal City, a vague figure, invisible to others, stopped.

His eyes spanned the far distance, and he looked at the young man who was a little more than ten feet tall on the Zishui River, and wanted to be taller than the sky. He hesitated for a moment with his withered palm, and finally reached out.

I just wanted to stop him before he left.

Pressing with big hands, the originally peaceful aura seemed to be swept away. In an instant, the situation suddenly changed, and even half of the sky seemed to be shrouded in clouds, causing countless ordinary people who could not see this figure to be shocked and inexplicable.

These days, Linzi Royal City, which has always been peaceful and calm all year round, has really changed too quickly.


The moment he took action, a tall middle-aged man in scholar's shirt stopped him.

The flow of people outside the city gate is not small, they are bustling, coming and going.

But no one could notice or see the invisible fight between the two people.

Thunder breaks out in silent places.

This is the power of great supernatural beings.

The two figures gradually rose up, looking at each other in the clouds above the city.

"Mr. Chen, do you want to capture this gentleman from Jixia and send him to the palace to give the king comfort?"

Holding a volume in his hands, the Master looked at the rushing Zishui River. A young man disappeared along the waterway.

Then he turned back and looked at the kind-hearted old man in front of him.

The old man whom he called Mr. Chen was silent.

"A long time ago, you were also the king of divine blood who reigned supreme in this land, with immeasurable majesty. Even though you are not as noble and powerful as Qi, you will not bend your back for others."

"With the name of the king removed, the bloodline and authority belonging to the king have been taken away by others. Only a few remaining powers are left, still showing the glory of the past."

"You should know in your heart that although King Qi accepted your surrender and took half of your royal blood and authority, this is just a bargaining chip that must be paid to live in this ancient land of Qi."

"King Qi is already old, and he no longer has the decisiveness to kill as before."

"He is not even willing to burn the divine blood, accelerate his decay, and compete with us even when he is not absolutely sure!"

"The motherland has become an illusion, and the great hatred of Southern Chu has not been avenged."

"And are you really willing to fight me for him?"

The master’s eyes were dull and he stated a fact.

At this time, the old man opposite him who was wearing luxurious brocade clothes and had a kind face finally moved his lips:

"The reason why you are able to achieve what you are today."

"The Lord of Jiang Qi is absolutely indispensable."

"Without his strong support, Jixia and you, the so-called disciples of a hundred schools of thought, would never have developed to where they are today."

"Is there really no room for change?"

The ancient divine-blooded man hiding in the ground emphasized his tone:

"King Qi. He holds my divine blood and authority."

"And I should stand on the same line with him both emotionally and rationally."

"The power controlled by Jixia and the common people is still too superficial. You can't imagine how terrifying King Qi's strength is."

This conversation above the cloud is isolated by the barrier constructed by the two of them, and no one can explore it.

After Chen Gong slowly finished speaking, he looked deeply at Master:

"But, I won't fight with you."

"Time will eventually prove everything."

After saying that, his figure gradually fogged up and disappeared into the clouds.

The ancient people in Qi who once had the king's name and their surname "Chen" disappeared.

He came here for Ji Qiu.

Since even the outstanding people among the divine blood ministers could not capture and kill him, then for the sake of the king's majesty, even the king of Qi did not care about Ji Qiu's life.

He will always invite someone to come and kill him.

And the master came here for the origin of the Jiuqing Tian clan, the old man who was once called King Chen.

Seeing the young man walking away along the Zi River with clear thoughts, the Master heard what the old man said just now and smiled for no reason:

"Time will indeed tell everything."

"It will bury the sands of history, turn the former glory into decay, and turn the supreme power into ruin."

"I can also call people, from the peak to the end."

"The era of mortals has not yet begun, and the first generation of divine blood kings cannot even maintain their own aging."

"They are bound to not be an obstacle to restarting this era."

"Things that can hinder us"

"Only those so-called gods who are high in the clouds and overlook all things are sacred."

Master looked up at the sky.

After a heavy snowfall, the world was filled with a slight chill, which moistened his hair.

They seem to have completely disappeared since the divine blood ruled the world.

But the traces they left behind are everywhere.

Master once traced back the classics and witnessed those sacred styles.

In a few words, there is a record that ordinary people failed to offer sacrifices to a certain so-called "righteous god" who was in charge of plague on time, so they were lowered into the Dharma body by him. When they opened their mouths and spat out, they were infected with diseases for thousands of miles, and tens of thousands of people died and were injured.

There are warlike gods who, in provoking a war with Xuan Shang, take pleasure in killing, torturing, and dying in pain. There are also gods who are as fierce as fire and will easily cause the earth to crack and burn all living things without caring about the lives of others.


Even those with a slightly better temper.

They are all aloof and indifferent to ordinary people like ants, just like they are pets kept in captivity.

Their bloodline evolved into the original divine blood king.

This group of divine blood kings inherited the power of their bloodline, so they are also called "authority".

Such as controlling water and fire, controlling wind and thunder, or summoning great plagues, strange and strange energy, and so on, the list is endless.

So it is not so much that Xuan Shang was defeated by Zhou.

Rather, it is man who has been defeated by God.

In Master's eyes, this ancient Qi land was reflected. He seemed to have traveled through time at this moment, seeing the reflection of the era long ago when people were shouting to kill Zhentian and were riddled with holes.

The people wearing wild clothes are completely different from the shamans who have found extraordinary magic power, listened to the ancient nature, and worshiped the gods in Haojing.

On this ancient Jiuzhou, fight with the sacred in the sky and the divine blood on the earth.

Finally, the end.

Until the sacred person named 'Shang' shed a ray of blood on the ground in the north.

That was the original Lord of Jiang Qi.

The ancient times have evolved to this day, and even if he is as glorious as the King of Qi, he cannot help but face his own end and death.

And hundreds of schools of thought have only just been reborn.

Just like the cycle of time, if there is no interference from outside things, the old things will eventually perish and new things will usher in.

Therefore, if it were just the Zhou Dynasty and the other countries, Master believed that, one after another, they would eventually be able to completely eradicate this era one day in the distant future.

But if the holiness in heaven intervenes again, just like Xuan Shang did back then, will the final outcome happen again?

He is also unknown.


In the far west, active in the land of the Three Jin Dynasties, it is based on the ancient shamanism and supplemented by the theory of Li Er's Book of Yin and Yang.

But he informed him.

He seemed to have foreseen the person who could end all of this.

The Master looked into the distance.

He also wanted to inform others.

He also met someone who could end all of this.

The sun and the moon go by, and time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, several months passed.

"Chaoge. Chaoge"

"Xuanniao. Xuanniao"

"God of man."

Silent babble, if present or not.

Along the way, it echoed in Ji Qiu's ears from time to time.

The further west he traveled, the clearer this became and the shorter the distance.


He left the fertile plain, walked out of Qi in the north, and arrived at the ancient territory of the Three Jin Dynasties - Wei, and began.

Ji Qiu could even feel that some vague pictures were beginning to slowly appear in his mind.

Cyan mysterious light surrounds the divine bird flying in the sky.

The loud and long-lasting sound contains a call from thousands of years ago.

The mysterious bird of destiny descended and gave birth to Shang.

Ji Qiu, who was walking all the way, closed his eyes.

This trip left Jixia, except for the familiar feeling that was getting closer and closer.

It also confirmed another of his conjectures.

The territory belonging to the second generation of Taiping Road slowly emerged in his mind and was described.

Immediately afterwards, the state that once was located in the northeast of the Great Yan Dynasty slowly overlapped with the current chaotic era of the Seven Kingdoms.

Even though it is very different from the previous impression, even the earth and sky in this world are dozens of times wider than they were back then.

However, Ji Qiu went all the way from Qi to the territory of Wei.

You can still notice a bit of familiarity.

After all, when he traveled around the world, he really practiced medicine barefoot and visited the thirteen states of the Great Yan Dynasty!

Previously in Jixia, he had only guessed secretly.

But now, he is almost certain.

This life and the second life come from the same source, which is the ancient history of the Great Yan Dynasty, who knows how long ago!

However, compared with later generations

There are many changes in the records and history of this era.

Not only is it a magical power, but also about the history before the Great Yan, there is also a direct chronology. It seems that someone with great supernatural powers has taken action to isolate the information belonging to this era.


At the same time, we also abandon the gaze from outside the territory.

At that time, even Ji Qiu, who was a great sage and mentor, traveled all over the world and could not find an opportunity to go further, let alone others.

"However, when I left, I had a vague feeling that the world was about to revive."

"I can't say that in the future, I will be able to see with my own eyes again the lineage of our Taiping Sect."

"But until then."

"No matter what the determined trajectory of future generations will be."

"In this life, I must go against the will of heaven and change my fate, reaching the limit!"

Ji Qiu knew very well that the simulation of reincarnation can only change one's destiny once.

It can reverse the past, even change the future, reverse cause and effect, trace back to the source, and achieve new results!

In later generations, he put a devastated world back on track to face the great changes that would follow.

Therefore, I don’t know how long ago.

He must also achieve the scene he had glimpsed in the Five Classics!

The history of this period is written into the Spring and Autumn Period.


Create with your own hands an era that belongs to humans!

Otherwise, how can we fulfill our ambitions in future generations and promote the reputation of Taiping Dao?

Today's cause, future consequences.

That’s it for the avenue of cause and effect!

Ji Qiu came out of Qi Qiu, walking alone, with nothing long on his body, only the breeze on his sleeves.

He was in no hurry to go to Chaoge.

During this period of time, the young man, who has gradually grown up, traveled to half of the country and saw the scenery of various places outside Linzi.

And the appearance was not much different from what he thought and what Jixia had heard.

There are ninety-six large cities in the whole territory, except for the core Linzi and a few important cities.

Most of the cities are ruled by the god-blooded ministers and descendants of their families for generations.

A god-blooded minister rules over thousands of miles.

Although even the divine-blood Qing Clan may not be able to produce a powerful man with rich divine blood who can reach the level of Shangqing in one hundred years.

But there are many incompetent descendants of them in later generations.

In addition, the enclosure of land and self-reliance were based on the gentry and the common people were subordinate.

A top-down ruling class was formed.

It is very consistent with the solidification of class in Ji Qiu’s impression.

He originally thought that this was the general style of this era.

Until, quietly, he walked out of the ancient vicissitudes of the border, where Qi Di Shenxue Shangqing was stationed, and entered the territory of Wei.

Ji Qiu finally understood.

Why, it is said that among the seven kingdoms, Qi is the most generous in its governance of ordinary people.


Following the blood-boiling guidance, Ji Qiu headed north.

What he saw along this road could no longer be described as desolate.

Zhao, Wei, Han.

The three divine blood kings were ancient beings dormant under the control of Lord Jin long ago.

Later, they set off a dark revolution, staining the ancient land of the Three Jins with blood, depriving the Jin lords of their royal blood and authority, and expelled and beheaded the most powerful Jin lords among the kings.

It is only now that the current situation has been formed.

And the Wei family.

The Lord of Wei inherited the power of 'Pest', which was the most treacherous among the seven kings and difficult to prevent.

But at the same time.

He is also one of the beings who has been most severely cursed by the divine blood and has the longest life span.

Now, he has not been born for a long time, and he has proclaimed himself in an unknown place, and the power of the huge Wei Kingdom is held by three ancient figures on his behalf.

Ji Qiu once heard an explanation from Jixia, a bachelor from Wei Kingdom.

The land of Wei is dark and dark, and all the people are like ants.

Among them, the descendants of the divine blood, the secret arts they control and the divine blood flowing are mostly related to the witches of Haojing and the sacred ones who control the plague.

This place has been suffering from diseases and plagues for a long time.

One of the hundred medical schools, the leader of his school, has been traveling in Wei for a long time, including his accomplished apprentices, who have traveled more than the three Jin Dynasties.

Ji Qiu looked at the desolate Wei land and the dim cities. Looking from a distance, he could see that they were full of illness.

It can be seen that most of the residents are basically plagued by plagues. It is estimated that their life expectancy is up to thirty. As their body functions decline, the only way out is death.

You know, ordinary people in Qidi can still live past forty before they are considered old.

Traveling through less than half of the Wei Dynasty, every time Ji Qiu visited, he saw a constant stream of major illnesses and minor calamities. One-tenth of the ordinary people were suffering from diseases.

You will be cured, but I will be sick.

Those who have worse luck may even be valued by some divine blood and taken back as experimental materials for practicing secret techniques.

Whenever Ji Qiu saw him, he would take action.

But this approach is nothing more than drinking poison to quench thirst.

This ancient land, with the blood of the gods flowing, the curse of plague has become deeply rooted.

The only way to solve it is to completely kill the source!

But right now, it's not time yet.

Feeling depressed, Ji Qiu quickly headed north.

With his current way of doing things, although he can't be called Chaoyou Beihai Mu Cangwu, he was already hundreds of miles away in a blink of an eye, which is not false at all.


He walked to the border between Zhao and Wei.

This place is completely depopulated, without a trace, without any living beings.

Some local people once passed by Ji Qiu to help him. They were grateful and kindly reminded him.

The Jedi in front of them, even if the divine blood steps on them, their bones will be gone.

According to legend, a minister did not believe it and even died in it, causing the Wei Dynasty to tremble. However, even the ancient Duke was only afraid of this but did not dare to step forward.

That was a restricted area that only Jin had recorded a long time ago. What exactly existed in it may only be known by the long-dead Lord of Jin.

Those who later stole his kingdom knew nothing about it.

After hearing the advice, Ji Qiu just smiled and said nothing more.

Because the boiling blood in his body is reviving and whispering.

It was giving him a message, telling him—

There is a natural chasm in front that separates everything.

It was exactly the end he was looking for along the way!

Ji Qiuling felt empty and looked down.

He looked at the abyss-like, endless black water that seemed capable of swallowing up everything.

Stop for a moment and then go down.

And with his appearance,

This natural chasm filled with black water suddenly surged and beat endlessly, even making the heaven and earth darken!

It's like someone who has been waiting for a long time but has never waited!

(PS: It’s 1 million. It’s the first time I’ve written 1 million. It’s like a milestone. Set a small goal and hope to write 2 million!)

This chapter has been completed!
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