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Chapter 129 The end of the harmony between humans and Pokémon!)


Teacher Ma shouted low and punched hard.

Immediately afterwards, the martial arts bear master next to him suddenly took action, and his fist was filled with a layer of dark light. The speed was so fast that Roaring Tiger couldn't react at all. He was directly punched away and knocked down on the long rope of the ring.

Stop the backward trend.

"Haha, junior, your strength is pretty good among your peers, but it's still far behind my disciples."

Teacher Ma, who was in a naked state, smiled softly, and his face immediately turned red when he talked about his disciple.

The apprentice he said was similar in age to the masked man, but his strength was extremely strong, not even inferior to his own.

The Galar Champions League at the end of this year is said to be a competition among heroes, but there is no surprise that he will win the championship.

Of course, Teacher Ma is referring to Pokémon battles, not a one-sided fighting competition.

He could tell that this masked man was more of a trainer than a serious fighter.

Thinking of this, he saw that Hunter Xin was happy and reminded him:

"Your fighting method is too limited. Fight more with strong people. This will make you go further."

"Thank you, Teacher Ma, for your advice!"

The masked man quickly and seriously bowed to Teacher Ma. His voice was not as rough as his appearance, but instead sounded like a reserved scholar.

Ever since he stepped out of the Alola region, the strong men he saw were indeed not on the same level as the local trainers.

Passerby trainer, gym leader, league competition, king champion...

This actually strengthened his belief!

He longs to establish a Pokémon Alliance in his hometown so that all trainers in Alola can participate and fight and progress together!

But he will never lose today's battle!

Thinking of the masked man taking a deep breath, he made a strange posture on the spot amid everyone's confused expressions.

As if dancing, a red crystal on the strange bracelet on his arm was emitting a dazzling red light.

The masked man suddenly spoke and roared loudly:

"Burn, burn the venue with the flame of victory!!"

I saw the Blazing Roaring Tiger roaring on the spot, and then suddenly jumped onto the pillar of the arena, opening its hands to welcome the cheers of the cheering audience, and the momentum reached its peak.

Then it crossed its arms and flicked it, and a burst of terrifying blazing flames burst out from its whole body, and the periphery of the flame was even covered with a gloomy black.

Then the Roaring Tiger suddenly jumped into the sky, and the terrifying flames on his body began to overlap with the lights of the arena.

The fiery figure fell down, and with the black flames filling the sky, he flew towards the martial arts bear master who was motionless on the ring!

"Evil Leap Crush!!!"

The masked man punched out his fist and shouted loudly, reading out the name of this move.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Terrifying flames and explosions soared into the sky, and the entire arena was shaking crazily. The sound of collision seemed to spread from the second dimension to the third dimension. Even the people outside the screen felt their bodies tremble, and were shaken by this surging force.

He was so shocked by his fighting spirit that even the TV seemed to be vibrating.

The TV screen was indeed vibrating, and a blur of snowflakes and no signal covered the entire view of the screen.


Then the TV made an explosion sound, and then burning white smoke rose from the back of the TV, and the screen suddenly disappeared.

"That's it?"


"I have taken off my pants!?"

There were complaints all around.

Xiaozhi, who was sitting at the front and watching with great interest, couldn't bear to be interrupted suddenly by others at the critical moment. He quickly stepped forward and snapped pictures of the TV in an attempt to call back the signal.


Due to excessive force, the TV was knocked directly to the ground, and was scattered into a layer of ruins...

Xiaozhi: "?"

Seeing that everyone seemed to be about to start a fight, Xiaogang quickly laughed and explained:

"It's okay everyone, I watched the live broadcast, and Teacher Ma won in the end."

He is a loyal fan of the p1 fighting game. He watched the entire game live broadcast 2 years ago.

Even now, he is performing the operation of breaking clothes in gym battles, and he is still secretly imitating Teacher Ma.

But as soon as he finished speaking, many passers-by around him, and even Xiaozhi, all looked at Xiaogang, and a fierce light appeared.

Even if you are full of Buddha nature, spoiler dogs are always the most annoying.

Xiaogang: "?"


Afterwards, Xiaozhi took his Pokémon that had finished repairing magic to the backyard of the training ground at the Pokémon Center.

The battle on the screen made his blood boil. Compared to the final champion, Teacher Ma, Xiaozhi wanted to have a hearty battle with the handsome masked man and his flaming roaring tiger.

"Come out!"

Xiaozhi was so high-spirited that he threw three Poké Balls in a row. A red light flashed, but only two Pokémon appeared on the training field, plus a lone paper fan.

There is also a small note on the paper fan.

"This place is very small. I'm afraid there is no mother ghost. I have gone to the next door to take care of the city."

"Don't think about it."

Although there were all kinds of ghostly symbols on the note, Xiaozhi still understood what it meant.

The Strongest Gengar: Hunting for Beauty in the City.



Xiaozhi resisted the urge to run to Yuhong City to catch Gengar on the spot, and focused on the other two Pokémon in front of him.

A grumpy monkey and a grumpy fire dragon.

The Firestorm Monkey is much larger than the Fire Dinosaur.

However, both Pokémon looked at Xiaozhi with disdain, then looked at each other with disdain, and finally turned away their eyes at the same time, standing there minding their own business, looking carefree.

There is a huge gap between the image of the blazing roaring tiger that Xiaozhi had in his mind 5 minutes ago.

"Well, students below, please stop whispering. I'll tell you about tomorrow's arrangements."

Xiaozhi coughed and said seriously to the two thorn heads in front of him:

"Tomorrow in the P1 fighting competition, I plan to choose one of you two to appear. The goal is to win the championship of this city-level P1 fighting competition. Are you confident?!"

Upon hearing this, the Firestorm Monkey's eyes showed a flash of emotion, but he quickly pretended that nothing happened.

The fire dinosaur yawned, obviously not interested in the fighting competition.

Xiaozhi had a clear view of the two Pokémon's expressions and movements, and secretly made a decision.

But at this moment, he released these two thorns together not to choose who would appear on the stage.

He has only one purpose, to win the war by making everyone work together, stop fighting among themselves, and listen to the party's command.

As the saying goes, be obedient.

Only when the team is united can we go further!

"I know you may be unconvinced and think that you are much stronger than the trainer..."

"Ho ho ho!"

"Ho ho ho!"

The two Pokémon nodded repeatedly, indicating not to talk such nonsense.

"Hey! If that's the case, then let's settle this matter today!"

Xiaozhi suddenly shouted loudly, causing the two of them to tremble.

"Ho ho!" "Ho ho!"

One dragon and one monkey looked at Xiaozhi with unkind eyes.

Just talk, why are you shouting so loudly?!

But he saw Xiaozhi taking off his shirt, revealing a row of lean and powerful muscles. His skin was exposed to the air and had a healthy wheat sheen. It seemed that every tissue cell was filled with powerful energy.

With great vitality, two clear and powerful eyes looked at the two Pokémon in front of him eagerly.

In an instant, an aura of eternity and wildness hit their faces, making the Firestorm Monkey and Fire Dinosaur look solemnly, and couldn't help but take a step back at the same time.

It's like taking off your clothes and releasing a terrifying ancient beast...

"Come on, do you two go together, or do I beat you two up alone?"

Xiaozhi's eyes flashed fiercely, and he raised his thumb with his right hand and pointed at himself. He looked arrogant and said word by word:

"Today, let me go down to Xiaozhi and show you the education of love!"

Since you all think you are better than him, let's really try and see who is stronger!

I, Xiaozhi, am definitely not a low-level trainer!

Chi, who is watching a show in his soul: "..."

Is this what you mean by low-level...?

Seeing that both of them were too shocked by him to make a move, Xiaozhi raised the corners of his mouth, rushed forward with his backhand, and directly dragged the two Pokémon to the ground at the same time.

"Ho ho ho!"

"Ho ho ho!"

At this time, the two Pokémon suddenly came back to their senses, with fighting spirit in their eyes. They were totally worthy of fighting!

He immediately fought back, wanting to educate himself as an arrogant trainer.

As a human, you actually want to compete with their Pokémon in terms of physical strength?


"Ah ho ho ho!!"

The Fire Dinosaur flicked its arm on the spot, triggering a Dark Hell Thrust, intending to hit Ash's back yard with a Poison Dragon Drill.

"Hey! Silly dragon, just watch the boxing!"

However, Xiaozhi's fist struck out with lightning and hit one of the Fire Dinosaur's eyes one step ahead of time, directly beating it into a Panda Dragon.

Then he turned around and kicked, hitting the Firestorm Monkey's nose right in the face, kicking tears out of it.

"Ho ho!!"

"Ho ho!!"

One dragon and one monkey were furious, and they rushed towards Xiaozhi, punching and kicking him, causing endless dust to rise in the training ground.

"What a picture of Pokémon and humans living in harmony..."

Xiaogang Xiaoxia, who was watching from behind, couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth and showed a happy smile.

It’s really the ultimate enjoyment.

This chapter has been completed!
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