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Chapter 137: The Profound Truth of Whoring

Give me a monkey to train, and I promise to make it a champion in the future?

Xiaozhi couldn't help but spit. To put it nicely, isn't this just free prostitution? If Firestorm Monkey never wins the championship, it will always be in his hands.

It's the same as what he said, "Bibi Bird, when I become a Pokémon Master, I will help you change your nickname."

Everyone is an old painter.

"Mr. Shan Dou, it's not good to have sex for free."

"The soul will be spurned by Arceus."

"It's impossible for you to hit another flying knee kick from now on."

Xiaozhi and the other three said disdainfully.

Shan Dou showed a bitter smile, secretly thinking that this kid is not as stupid as he looks, so he is not easy to fool.

Since it's not easy to fool people, just convince them with reason.

"Okay, actually I also have selfish motives..."

Shan Dou took a deep breath and started to stir up emotions.

Although at this moment he has understood the importance of family and will no longer devote himself to the P1 fighting competition, his dream of becoming a champion is still there, and since seeing the Firestorm Monkey, his dream of becoming a regional champion has even increased.

To a world level level.

"By the way, didn't you lose? Why don't you have the nerve to breed my Firestorm Monkey and make it the third runner-up?"

Xiaozhi muttered softly.

The sound reached Shan Dou's ears, and his dark face couldn't help but blush, and then he said seriously:

"I have the secret method of seeing and cutting, and I can completely teach it to the Firestorm Monkey!"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows and then snapped his fingers.

The Firestorm Monkey, who was still eating, understood, and directly separated dozens of phantoms, stretched out his head and was eating at the same time, making it dazzling.

"So adaptable..."

Shan Dou was secretly shocked. The Firestorm Monkey had a new improvement in a short period of time after using Jianqie, which only increased his thirst.

"What I'm talking about is not an ordinary view..."

He suddenly smiled mysteriously, and after some groping, he took out a book from his chest. The cover looked a little yellow and worn, and it was an old thing.

You know, most fighters can actually do it, so it's not unusual.

"But what if it's the highest state of view?" Shan Dou suddenly asked.

The three people's eyes widened when they saw that the cover of this book had exactly four big characters with flying dragons and phoenixes written on it. Just looking at it made people tremble.

Extremely comfortable.

"Gan! Self-consciousness, isn't this the ultimate secret book that even Master Xiba highly esteems!"

Xiaogang was so frightened that his eyes widened for several seconds. He subconsciously wanted to take the secret book and look at it carefully, but was carefully separated by Fan Dou.

"Yes, it is the ultimate meaning of freedom. This is the supreme secret book passed down from our family. Master Shiba only borrowed it for half an hour back then, and the next year he became the strongest fighter in the Kanto region!"

Shan Dou said deceitfully.

Hearing this, the eyes of Xiaozhi and the three of them suddenly became hot, and they wished they could snatch it away and take a closer look.

Why are the four words "Zizhijiyi" still written in modern characters, and there seems to be the handwriting of "xx Publishing House" on the edge.

"To tell you the truth, one of my ancestors, surnamed Sun, was the strongest fighter in the world at that time. He saved the planet from danger many times."

"The world was not so peaceful at that time. The overlord of the universe, Pokémon King, would attack our earth every two days. Even if we don't talk about threats from the outside, pink demons with infinite regeneration were often born inside the earth in an attempt to rule the world. It was really terrifying. Only

My Grand Ancestor Sun can barely compete."

"This state of ultimate freedom is the supreme secret that he spent his whole life trying to understand and passed on to future generations..."

That's right, Fan Dou.

Full name, Sun Shandou.

Xiaozhi and the three of them were bluffing after hearing this. These shocking events are not found in the history books.

"Didi. At the scene, everything he said was true."

The illustrated book on Xiaozhi's waist suddenly prompted.

Fan Dou: "?"

This time it was his turn to be confused, so he just said it casually, but it was still true?


Since the opponent's illustrations said so, the convincing was even greater, and Shan Dou smiled.

"How about it, you hand over the Firestorm Monkey to me, and I will teach it the ultimate secret of the ultimate freedom. It will become a more powerful being than King Xiba in the future, and you can also become his glorious trainer!"

He drew the cake and said.

Xiaozhi was moved and his breathing was a little rapid.

Even the head of the fiery monkey pretending to be having fun next to him was red, as red as his butt.

"No, if you really have this ability, then why don't you pass it on to your Kuai Fist Master?"

Xiaozhi discovered the blind spot.

"Haha, my Kuai Quan Lang is older and his qualifications are average, just at a level of 1v, and more importantly..."

Speaking of this, Shan Dou suddenly blushed with embarrassment, scratched his head, and then replied in a low voice:

"Freedom requires a pure and sincere heart. Only a child's... child's body can better match this profound meaning."

His Kuai Fist was debauched in his early years, and he had a bunch of Fearless Boy's Pokémon Eggs at home, which were not flexible enough to use in ordinary ways, let alone the supreme state of freedom.

But he saw that this fiery monkey had a pure heart of fighting and must be a malleable talent.

Even this trainer has the aura of being single for ten thousand years, which is a bit eye-catching.


Hearing these words, Firestorm Monkey wanted to use his fists.

I don’t know if I’m praising it or mocking it for being a chick.

Looking at the excited expression of the Firestorm Monkey next to him, Xiaozhi was a little hesitant. It had been seen from the fighting competition that the Firestorm Monkey was very interested in this kind of competition.

If Shan Dou really possesses a secret that even Heavenly King Xiba cannot achieve, handing over the Firestorm Monkey to his opponent would not be considered as an act of humiliation.

"What do you think, Firemonkey?"

Xiaozhi gave the choice to Firestorm Monkey.


The Firestorm Monkey stuffed all the food into his mouth. After some hesitation, his eyes became firm and he nodded towards Xiaozhi.

Seeing this action, Fan Dou was immediately elated and secretly thought in his mind?

"I promise to hand over the Firestorm Monkey to you."

Seeing that the decision was made, Xiaozhi no longer hesitated and looked at Fan Dou with a serious expression.

"But you have to agree to a few of my requests, otherwise I can only refuse you."

Shan Dou suddenly smiled and nodded repeatedly.

"First of all, you must let me read your secret book of Self-Freedom for one night, otherwise how will I know if it is a fake?"

Xiaozhi pointed his finger at the secret book in his hand.

"Yes, but I can only lend it to one of you for one hour. I only lent it to Master Xiba for half an hour."

Shan Dou is not afraid of any differences in this regard, because this secret book is really not a roadside stall, but was handed down from real ancestors.

The text was obscure and difficult to understand, and he could only understand one-tenth of the content after studying it all his life. He didn't have to worry about a stupid teenager secretly learning the secret book passed down by his family in an hour.

Even the original King of Heaven, Sheba, after borrowing it, admitted that he only understood one-tenth of it, and said that no one in the world could fully understand this great secret book.

This kid probably can't even recognize all the words.

Xiaozhi nodded without trace. After all, Brother Chi is not a human being now.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't understand, there is always someone who can.


However, Xiaozhi was secretly frightened. Seeing that the other party agreed so decisively, it seemed that what he said before was most likely true.

"Second, I am the trainer of the Firestorm Monkey, not an honorary trainer. I just leave it with you, not give it to you. Even if it wants to participate in the competition in the future, I will be the commander."

Honorary trainer?

To put it nicely, this name was just an empty shell, severing the bond between him and the Firestorm Monkey. Xiaozhi secretly cursed the old fox, there was no way he could agree to this.

Hearing this, Shan Dou's face changed drastically, his expression suddenly became a bit ugly, and he was about to say "no".

Seeing this, Xiaozhi turned around decisively and planned to leave directly.


The Firestorm Monkey also raised its fist. Its trainer will only be its big brother, not Uncle Black who appears from nowhere.

"Okay, I promise!!"

With a gloomy expression on his face, Shan Dou agreed, but he always felt like he was being used for free.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi patted his shoulder and said with a smile:

"Uncle, how can I prostitute you for nothing? Your status is also very high. I can engrave the logo of your fighting spirit gym on the golden belt of the Firestorm Monkey. If it wins the championship, the glory will be yours too!"

Xiaozhi turned to attack and reversed it in two levels.

In other words, I just have an extra training ground similar to Dr. Ohki's backyard, and I can also read a book of great secrets for free.

Fan Dou: "..."

His head started to hurt a little.

"And at the Quartz Conference or other important competitions, I may have to call back the Firestorm Monkey to participate. Remember to manage your time well. After all, fighting is the best way to improve!"

Xiaozhi is still outputting.

Fan Dou: "..."

"Also, let us meet every other week. After all, we have a deep love for brothers..."

Fan Dou: "..."

"Also, you must try your best..."

Fan Dou: "..."


After Shan Dou and Xiaozhi signed a series of unequal contracts, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, slammed the table and shouted:

"The benefits are all yours, so what do I have?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi looked at him like a fool and said in disbelief:

"You are the honorary trainer of the Firestorm Monkey. Isn't that enough?"

Fan Dou: "..."

If there is a great secret to free prostitution, the young man in front of me has undoubtedly grasped the essence...

(It’s July, let’s get some recommended monthly tickets)

(Yuhong City is starting to undergo renovations, and Chi is about to come out to show off.)

This chapter has been completed!
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