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Four hundred and fiftieth chapters Fairy Pokeby guides the way

The glass shattered all over the floor. After being silent for a while, the brown-haired man finally raised his head again and found a broom to clean up the debris.

It was only now that he noticed the three Xiaozhi and Zhengmei at the door.

"Ah brother, why don't you refute them! Those bad guys!"

Masami said angrily.

The two people who broke the glass before were not superiors or bullies, they were just peers. They were not qualified to break A Gong's works or make sarcastic comments.

"Haha...what they said is actually right..."

However, Ah Gong only showed a bitter smile, rubbed his sister's head, and then looked at Xiao Zhi and the others.

"You are...?"

"Oh, we came to take a look because we heard the news about the Crystal Rock Snake." Xiaozhi said immediately.

Hearing this, Ah Gong was startled, and after half a second he couldn't help but sigh:

"Zhengmei, are you telling outsiders these ridiculous things again?"

Xiaozhi immediately blurted out and asked: "Are you saying that the Crystal Rock Snake does not exist?"

"Yes, it must exist!"

Zhengmei next to him was the first to answer, and it looked like there was an argument. Ah Gong had to quickly sweep away the glass shards at the door, and then led a few people into the house.


In the jewelry store, the outermost corridor is the merchandise corridor, but there are not many glass jewelry. They are scattered on the display window, looking like they are dealing with business.

Inside, there is an empty hall. There are still a lot of glass ornaments placed in the corners. Most of them are based on Pokémon prototypes, such as Pidgey, Rattata, etc. There are one-to-one life-size figures, and there are also small ones.


The room inside is the furnace room for firing glass. Non-professionals are advised to enter with caution.

"Hey, I think the sculptures inside are much prettier than the ones outside."

"Yes, this glass can reach the duck. It's so cute and cute."

Several people commented on the Pokémon glass placed in the hall. As the saying goes, a layman can only watch the show, but they couldn't understand the specific details. They just thought it was pretty good.

"Why don't you put these outside for sale?"

However, Ah Gong just turned cold and smashed the glass duck on the spot, and the slag fell to the ground.

"No, these are soulless things. I don't want to take them out and smash our house's sign."

Although the level of glass products in this hall is actually almost the same as those outside, it is far from reaching Ah Gong's standards, and it is even more different from the works of his grandfather Zeng Jin. Xiaozhi and a few laymen may

He can't see it, but he understands.

Completely soulless work.

"Hey... Zhengmei? If I can't reach grandpa's level next month? Let's close the store, and you and I can go back to our hometown to raise pigs..."

Ah Gong sighed.

Is he a stubborn artist? If the work is not up to standard, he would rather smash it than sell it.

"I inherited this store from my grandfather. Although the name of the store has been changed from "Lao Gong" to "Ah Gong", I will never destroy my grandfather's golden sign."

Xiaozhi and the three of them nodded for a while, and then asked the most important question.

"So where's the Crystal Rock Snake?"

Seeing how many people didn't seem to care about their own affairs at all? Are their goals accurate? This made Ah Gong raise his eyebrows, but he still sighed and replied slowly:

"That's what I heard from my grandpa when I was a kid..."

Ah Gong's grandfather, Lao Gong, Zeng Jin was also an ordinary glassmaker with mediocre qualifications.

Until one day, he saw a large rock snake made of crystal in the wild. It was a perfect work of nature, and his mind was enlightened on the spot. The level of glass production was directly maximized, and it became Ougan Island.

The top glass maker.

Ah Gong feels that his craftsmanship has now reached an impasse. A few years ago, he also tried to find the crystal rock snake, but to no avail. Now he has even given up hope.

As for younger sister Zhengmei, she is still searching, even resorting to lame tricks like drifting bottles, in an attempt to help her brother figure it out.

When the situation was at a stalemate? A voice suddenly sounded.

"In that case? Let's help you find it!"

At this time, Xiaozhi patted his chest and said enthusiastically.

That confident look made Ah Gong a little stunned.

For no apparent reason, the flame in my heart that had been extinguished long ago seemed to be ignited again.

"Brother, let's search one last time! We will definitely find it this time!!"

Zhengmei was also holding his arm and walking along the steps, Ah Gong unexpectedly nodded.

Xiaozhi and the others were overjoyed when they saw this. They had never looked for it before, so they didn't think the chance was slim.


"Then first, where did your grandfather see the crystal rock snake?"

Several people began to discuss around the table, and the thoughtful Xiaogang from behind asked.

There is a clear division of labor among the three. Xiaozhi is responsible for boosting morale, Xiaogang is responsible for being thoughtful, and Xiaoxia is responsible for watching the show.

"Well, my grandpa saw it on Ougan Island, somewhere in the back mountain. But then my grandpa wanted to look for it again. After searching for most of his life, he never saw it again..."

Not only Grandpa Lao Gong was looking for him, but Ah Gong also searched for him on this island for a long time, but he couldn't find any trace.

"This is strange..."

Xiaogang frowned and rubbed his chin.

When several people landed on the island, they also saw the general appearance of the island. The island is not particularly big, just a small island with a radius of several kilometers. In front is a commercial street, in the back is a mixed area of ​​rocky land and forest, and is surrounded by a circle of sandy beaches.

Well, it stands to reason that if you really want to find any Pokémon, it shouldn't be that difficult...

Moreover, Big Rock Snake is a rock and ground Pokémon. It is impossible to swim away from the island. Unless it has been tamed by someone, otherwise it should be easy to find...


After some thought, even Xiaogang, who is the understanding brother of Big Rock Snake, is also in trouble.

Zhitan was helpless, and Xiaozhi was also in trouble.

"Humph, you have to rely on me to turn the tide at the critical moment!"

At this time, Xiaoxia from behind stood up, still holding the broom that Ah Gong used to clean just now, standing in front of her, looking confident.

"Um...are you going to follow the instructions of the ancients?"

Seeing Xiaoxia's posture, Ah Gong and Zhengmei were a little confused.

The so-called fairy guide is to pick up a wooden stick and let it fall. The direction the wooden pipe points after it falls is the direction you want.

It is for the guidance given to you by the immortals.

It's just that this is pure nonsense. This seemingly normal girl has a bad mind?

"Huh! I don't know."

Xiaoxia just snorted coldly and already stood the broomstick upright. Xiaozhi and Xiaogang next to her understood her plan and immediately showed expressions of praise.

The next second, Xiaoxia had already lifted Togepi in her arms onto the broomstick.

"Togepi, tell us the direction of the Crystal Rock Serpent!"

It's true that fairy guides the way, but she has the super lucky fairy Togepi to guide her.

Landing a huge airship safely may consume a lot of Togepi's ability, but if you are just looking for a Pokémon, it is not that difficult.

"+1+1 Duhei~~"

Togepi didn't realize it, but he still shook his finger, his little head showed a childlike playfulness, and finally pushed the broomstick in one direction.


Then there was a weird anti-physics trajectory, and the broom actually fell in the opposite direction to the thrust, which stunned the A Gong brothers and sisters.



(The third update will be coming soon, please order!)

This chapter has been completed!
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