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Chapter 454 The field of trainers!

Following the instructions of Togepi, Xiaozhi and the other two were the first to leave the shop. Gong, who was behind, thought it was some kind of farce and didn't want to go. He had to follow after being forced by his sister.

Then the group of people walked out of the commercial street in this direction and came to a bush behind the island. They just kept walking in this direction and didn't see anything strange.

During the journey, Xiaogang even leaned down several times and tried to listen to the ground with his ears. He is a big rock snake brother, and he can tell if there is a big rock snake underground.

It's just that along the way, I didn't even see a small fist stone, which is very baffling.

Until a few people arrived at the edge of the island, at a beach, with the sea in front of them, and there was no place to move forward and explore.

"Hey, I said it's impossible...why are you feeding me!"

Ah Gong was a little discouraged and was about to turn around and leave, but Xiao Zhi grabbed him by the corner of his clothes and forcibly turned his head forward.

At this moment, a small island appeared in front of him across the sea.

That is the direction that Fairy Togepi is pointing!

"This is..."

Ah Gong was stunned for a moment. As a local, he knew that this was an island affiliated with Ou Gan Island. It didn't even have a name. There was nothing except the outer beach and a bare rocky highland in the middle.

Could it be...

"Impossible, my grandfather is obviously the crystal rock snake he saw on Ougan Island!"

He directly denied it.

"This is really possible... Although the Big Rock Snake is afraid of water, the shortest distance between the two islands is only five meters. If the tide goes out, there is still a chance to avoid the water and migrate directly to the other island."

Xiaogang analyzed it seriously.

"But I have also searched for that island, and there is no sign of the big rock snake at all."

At this time, Xiaozhi discovered a blind spot and couldn't help but said:

"You have searched on the island...but what about under the island?"


Ah Gong was stunned again, this was something he didn't expect.

The bare rocky plateau is about one meter high, with a thick patch in the middle. Maybe there really is an underground cave?

This is not to blame Ah Gong, because his thinking has long been solidified in the game, so it is naturally difficult to think of these things, but Xiaozhi and others are different. When they first arrived, there was only a lot of excitement in their minds.

As if he had found the real answer, Ah Gong's breathing became rapid. However, with the sea more than five meters wide in the middle, he subconsciously wanted to go to the dock to find a small boat.

"No need? It's up to me, right? We trainers have a trainer's way of crossing the sea."

Xiaozhi grabbed his collar and threw a Poké Ball with his other hand, with a proud expression.


A red light flashed? Chenglong appeared in front of everyone.

Of course, Xiaozhi didn't want to carry people across the sea? Instead, he raised his hand and pointed:

"Please, use the freezing light? Create an ice road!"

Chenglong nodded in understanding? He twisted his neck, opened his mouth, and condensed an icy blue energy ball in his mouth, which finally turned into an icy blue electric snake and shot towards the sea.


Soon, an ice road almost one meter wide connected all the way to the opposite island, temporarily dividing the sea water into two.

"Let's go quickly. I'm still not familiar with Chenglong's freezing beam trick. The ice won't hold up for long."

Xiaozhi said, and a few people understood, and quickly and carefully stepped on the ice road? They arrived at another island.

"Thank you for your hard work, Chenglong!"


Then, following Xiaozhi's idea, the group of people no longer searched on the rocky ground or on the surface, but started exploring inch by inch along the beach and along the surrounding rocky ground.

Don't tell me, within a short while, they actually found a hidden entrance? Covered by gravel and shrubs, there was a large round stone more than one meter wide stuck in the middle.

"Oh, it seems like we're going to send out a Pokémon that can use "strange powers"..."

Ah Gong frowned. He didn't have a Pokémon with fighting attributes. Just when he was about to turn around and ask for a solution, he found that Xiaogang and Xiaoxia had already kept a long distance from the rock, with expressions as if they were watching a show.


A Gong: "?"

However, Xiaozhi saw that Xiaozhi had already pushed the brothers and sisters away and walked forward. He raised his Qilin arms and placed his palms on the surface of the giant rock. He lowered his center of gravity and took a deep breath.

"Um, Xiaozhi-kun, are you trying to push..."

Without saying anything, Xiaozhi began to exert force suddenly, his arm muscles swelled, and he gritted his teeth.

In an instant, the aura of a muscular beast filled their faces, causing the two of them to subconsciously take a few steps back.


A few seconds later, in the incredulous eyes of the A Gong brothers and sisters, the rock really started to move, and then it was pushed forward one meter violently and roughly.


Seeing that there was a new path inside, Xiaozhi stopped exerting force and clapped his hands with satisfaction, his face turning red due to the excessive exertion.

"Brother, I seem to have summoned a monster..."


Several people quickly looked to the side of the rock. This was a new cave entrance, but it was not very wide.

After looking at each other, several people got into it one after another. After all, they finally found the place and wanted to find out what it was.



At the beginning it was extremely narrow, and then I became enlightened. After taking dozens of steps, I suddenly became enlightened.

After several people walked ten steps, the narrow hole finally began to expand, and even as they continued walking, it turned into a spacious cave space, about the size of a football field, with a height of nearly 4 meters between the ceiling and the ground.

But the environment of this cave is extremely special. At this moment, the surrounding rocks, whether it is the ceiling or the standing rocks, have turned into ice-blue crystal clear crystal cylinders, and there is a refreshing feeling in the air.

the taste of.

"So beautiful..."

Xiaoxia couldn't help but blurt out that this place reminded her of the cave where the unlucky god lived on the Red Lotus Twin Islands. It was also so beautiful.

There was even an icy blue pool in front of a few people. The water surface was as calm as a mirror, reflecting the luster of the surrounding crystals, making the entire cave feel like a dream.

Looking at the crystal cylinders around him, Ah Gong was sure that the crystal rock snake must be here!

Just there?

There are dead ends all around and you can see the end of the wall at a glance, so the only possible place to live is this pool.

Xiaozhi couldn't help but stepped forward and reached into the pool. Unexpectedly, the pool was extremely cold and biting, making him shiver.

Although it is normal for the cave water source to be colder, since the outside is still a tropical beach and the inside is the temperature of ice water, there is only one possibility.

There is something big under the pool!

"Pikachu, just give it a shot of electricity, about 10,000 volts."

Xiaozhi commanded tentatively.

This is not for attack, just to draw out the existence inside.


Pikachu stepped forward, turned around, and put its tail into the water. Immediately, an electric current emerged from its cheeks and radiated along its tail to the entire pool.

"Gulu gulu..."

The entire water surface began to roll, as if something terrible was about to come out, which made Xiaozhi and Pikachu take a few steps back and prepare for it.


The next second, a low roar came, and then a huge creature broke through the water and appeared in front of several people.

The body exposed on the water is about three meters long, and its body structure is the same as that of an ordinary rock snake. However, the gray-brown rock body has been completely replaced by crystal clear crystal rocks. The rough appearance of the rock snake has changed, and it looks very...

Exquisite and exquisite.

It's the Crystal Rock Snake!!

"This is the Crystal Rock Snake..."

Seeing the existence that he thought about day and night, Ah Gong couldn't help but stay where he was, his eyes widened, and he even forgot to breathe for a while.

This is the most perfect work of nature, surpassing all her previous works put together.

Like a work of art, noble, exquisite, and full of aura... No matter how many adjectives you use, they are not enough to describe Ah Gong's inner praise for it.

It was only today that he finally knew why his grandfather had an epiphany...

At this moment, countless fantastic ideas burst out in his mind, and the road that had been blocked suddenly became clear!

Ah Gong also had an epiphany.


The Crystal Rock Snake was not a good-tempered one. He was sleeping peacefully and was suddenly shocked. He immediately condensed a crystal rock in front of him. Without any hesitation, he attacked Ah Gong, who was standing at the front and fell into a daze.


But with a flash of white light, a small yellow figure appeared in front of Ah Gong. The tail of the ladder instantly turned into steel. With a flip of his body, he directly split the incoming crystal rock into pieces.


The exploding debris finally brought Ah Gong back to his senses. He couldn't help but take a few steps back in fear, but unexpectedly he seemed to have bumped into something.

Turning his head, he saw Xiaozhi standing behind him without knowing it, with one hand holding his hat and the other holding a Poké Ball, looking extremely high-spirited.

"The artist's time is over, now it's our trainer's domain!"

This chapter has been completed!
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