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Chapter Five Hundred and Sixth Ancestral Grave Was Shaved Kabi Beast

"Is it actually a combination of Kirbymon and Gengar? Isn't it true that neither one can defeat the other...?"

Xiaoxia from the review team couldn't help but said.

Ghost attributes and general attributes can be said to be the most special opposition combination. It is often said that ghosts can bully ordinary Pokémon, but in fact there is no such thing as one bullying the other. Normal special moves and ghost special moves are immune to each other.


"That's not entirely true. I can only say that both of them can no longer use their best fighting methods...but they can still fight."

Xiaogang next to him corrected.

But the Gengar on the opposite side was outrageous. It was actually lean and lean. This made the two people who were used to Xiaozhi's fat Gengar a little uncomfortable and frowned deeply.


Soon, the battle begins.

"Gengar, use surprise!"

Yongci took the lead in launching the attack, and saw Gengar's body covered with a layer of dark black light. The figure turned into a ghost and suddenly rushed out, hitting Kirby's belly.

Extremely fast!

This is not a ghost attribute trick, but an evil attribute trick. The Gengar clan also understands evil attribute tricks.


The high-speed surprise attack hit Kirby, but then Gengar bounced back as if it had hit cotton, even going backwards.


The surprise attack had no effect, and Kirbymon's expression did not change at all.

This is not a physical attack type Gengar.


The Gengar was stunned for a moment, but quickly retreated and somersaulted to stabilize his figure. His flexible movements perfectly matched his lean body.

"In that case, let's use the wave of evil next!!"

Yongji didn't stop and attacked again.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gengar grinned with a huge crescent moon. He swung his arms and condensed a layer of evil energy in his palms, and finally threw it out violently.

Even as it advanced, the energy beam gradually changed into dense, black halos, and the attack was fierce and rapid.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Waves of evil!


Kirbymon didn't dodge, and the wave of evil just exploded in Kirbymon's belly, sending energy smoke everywhere.


But when the smoke and dust cleared, Kirby shook his big head, still looking like it wasn't a big problem.


"How can it be!?"

This time it was Yuji's turn to be shocked.

Physical attacks can be said to be ineffective, so how could the evil wave of special attacks not be effective either?!

"This only means one thing. My Kirby is much higher level than your Gengar."

On the other side, Xiaozhi just said proudly.

After being beaten and suppressed all the time, this time it was finally his turn to feel proud.

Even though his Kirby had just been tamed, when Xiaozhi and Xiaogang performed a physical examination on it, they unexpectedly discovered that the level of this Kirby was ridiculously high.

It's not even lower than his fire-breathing dragon Gengar, it's a mature Kirby beast.

And the belly is the most defensive part of Kirby.

"And a little trivia: the weight of a Pokémon like Gengar is linked to its strength."

Looking at the lean Gengar opposite, Xiaozhi, a Gengar master, couldn't help but remind him.

The fatter, the stronger!

Such a lean Gengar is not only unsightly in appearance, but also greatly reduced in strength.

Yuci: "?"

"Now it's our turn to attack!"

Xiaozhi's eyes narrowed and he raised his hand and pointed.

"Gabimon, use Blizzard!"

This is the second characteristic discovered by Xiaozhi. Although his Kirby has normal attributes, it is unexpectedly close to the element of ice and snow. It is a heretic Kirby.

Without even mastering the freezing ray, he directly mastered the ice attribute's ultimate move - Blizzard.


Kirby roared, opened its mouth hugely, and then puffed out its cheeks and shouted loudly.

"Sass, rustle..."

Immediately, countless gusts of wind, snow and ice were sprayed out, creating a chilling atmosphere. The temperature of the entire arena dropped, as if there was really a blizzard.


When the wind and snow hit, Gengar trembled and quickly dodged to one side.

Fortunately, the shortcomings of the blizzard - low hit rate - have not been eliminated. With Gengar's high-speed mobility, avoiding the blizzard is not a big problem.


The blizzard cleared, and a powerful chill fell on the ground, immediately freezing half of the field into a field of ice. This also made Yongji and Gengar raise their eyebrows.

It's actually a Kirby that specializes in ice and snow...

"In that case, Gengar, let's use our special move!"

Gengar nodded knowingly, and his face returned to a confident and playful expression.

The purple-black figure once again turned into an afterimage and disappeared. The next moment, it appeared directly in front of Kirbymon's face. Even Kirbymon was startled.


A pair of blood-red eyes just widened, and strange energy emanated from them, turning into a rippled aperture, completely covering Kirby...



Kirby's figure swayed on the spot for a while, and finally its hind limbs tilted, and its big butt sat on the ground with a calm expression and no other movements.

The slit of eyes also turned into a slit under the hypnotic halo.

Hypnosis, success!

"Good job, Gengar!"

Yuuji was overjoyed when he saw this, and launched the combo without any ceremony.

"Next, use the nightmare trick!!"

This is Gengar's old combo, and even Ash Ketchum knows a thing or two about it.

Once the hypnosis is successful, then combined with nightmare or dream eating, it can cause huge damage. However, Gengar has not suffered any damage at this moment, and nightmare is the best solution.


Gengar's blood-colored pupils suddenly became fierce, and the purple-black figure trembled, and a translucent shadow that looked like Gengar flew out strangely, rushing towards the motionless Kirby like a ghost.

In less than a moment, Kirbymon's body was covered in a tragic red light, and its honest face did not open its eyes, but it frowned tightly.


There were also bursts of low moans coming from his mouth, and he looked uncomfortable.

At this moment, Kirbymon's mind was filled with countless sumptuous delicacies being placed in front of his face.

But just when he was about to reach out to grab it and stuff it into his mouth, he found that his mouth was completely sealed with 502 glue and he couldn't open it at all.

What a nightmare.

This made Kirby, who was only 60% full, completely angry, with even a slit of his eyes standing sideways.

A terrifying aura is also condensing and rising on Kirbymon's body.


For no apparent reason, Yongci and Gengar on the other end shuddered at the same time.

What appeared in their eyes was a giant bear beast whose whole body was covered with a miserable red light. Its legs had already stood upright, its squinted eyes were even more erect, and its aura was like that of a demon god.


Interrupting Kirbymon's dream is still a dream of eating.

Two crimes combined into one, this is even worse than digging up the ancestral grave of Kirby!!

This chapter has been completed!
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