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Chapter 76 The picture book can also raise Gu, it really has you!

After resting for a night in Ziyuan Town, Xiaozhi and his party began to head towards the Golden City in the west.

There is a flat avenue between Ziyuan Town and Jinhuang City. It is slightly elevated and has a wide view. On both sides, there are endless forests and shrubs, full of green and vitality.

From time to time, wild Pokémon passed by or popped out, causing the three of them to exclaim in surprise.


Soon, it was getting late and it was already dusk. Seeing that it was impossible to reach Jinhuang City tonight, the three of them decided to find an open rocky place to camp for the night.

The sage Xiaogang next to him has already finished setting the table and stove, blinking his big eyes, beaming with joy, and humming a tune to prepare for cooking.



Several butterfly-like Pokémon suddenly flew out of the bushes nearby. They had white transparent wings, a soft blue body, and a pair of big red eyes. They couldn't be called beautiful, but should be described as cute.

While flying, the wings were sprinkled with shining white powder, which fell around the sage Xiaogang. He subconsciously spread his palms to catch it.

For a moment, the composition in front of me became extremely sacred and flawless...

Xiaozhi Xiaoxia: "..."

Gan, the more my teacher looks at the painting style, the more wrong it becomes!

When you get to Golden City, lock him in the Pokémon Center!

Facing Miss Joy for twenty-five hours, we must let him bloom again with the brilliance of the will of the rock!


The three people's eyes were attracted by these two bad butterflies, and they all looked up.

"Didi. Badass is a fallen Pokémon. It has abandoned its dragon bloodline, but it has grown wings. It is the product of the corrupted evolution of Armored Chrysalis."

Illustrated auto-broadcast reports.

Xiaozhi quickly released his armored chrysalis, a red light flashed, and a huge green banana-shaped Pokémon fell to the ground with a "dong" sound, making a small crater.

At this moment, the size of the armored pupa is at least 150% of the average armored pupa. Its eyes are firm, and the black cracks on its green body are filled with a vague and mysterious atmosphere.

I saw its eyes raised upwards, taking in the two giant butterflies flying around, and felt a strong sense of disdain.

You can obviously evolve into a giant dragon in the sky, but you just want to evolve into a long-winged insect for a short while?


There is simply nothing in this world that is more tempting than evolving into Rayquaza!

Xiaozhi was infected by its fighting spirit, and he slapped the armored pupa suddenly, completely ignoring the metallic "clang" sound coming from his palm, and shouted:

"That's right, we must evolve into the most powerful Rayquaza and fly high in the skies of Kanto one day!"


One person and one insect are all excited.

Xiaoxia: "..."

It seems like both of her friends have brain problems now...

What's surprising is that this time the illustrated book didn't stop talking after the sound, but suddenly made a "ding" sound, as if it had received some prompt message, and then made a mechanical sound again.

""It turns out that this is the take-off posture of Bada Butterfly. The citizens of Jinhuang City knelt down after hearing this"

Three people: "?"

"In the past week, the eastern suburbs of Jinhuang City will have a level 7 southeasterly wind. Passing tourists will have the opportunity to appreciate the collective migration of Bada butterflies. This is really a rare beauty. Please watch the details prepared by the editor for everyone next.

Information about Bada Butterfly. The giant stingray is a gentle Pokémon. It is a kind-hearted insect Pokémon and rarely attacks humans..."

Three people: "?"

Xiaozhi quickly stretched out his finger to pause the sound, then switched the picture book to the main interface, and found that several apps had been installed on it without knowing it.

What to see with dead leaves.

Dead leaves headlines.

Shaking leaves.

Withering soon.

There are nearly 10 news pop-ups on it.

"If your monthly salary reaches 3,000, you should go to the Twin Islands once"

"After learning these tricks, Rattata can also counterattack Champion Crossing"

"The Pokémon League has never released dark information to the public"

Xiaozhi scratched his head. After looking at several titles, he had the urge to click on them. He quickly shook his head and shouted in his heart:

"Gan! When did I install these things?"

"Didi. The trainer passed by Kuye City and connected to the public wifi in Kuye City. The system was automatically installed." the illustrated book replied.

The reason why there is no prompt after so many days is because these apps have their own default means of not prompting within 15 days.

Take good care of yourself first.

After 15 days, it had taken root and sprouted.

Wherever the dead leaves are flying, the fire is endless.

Xiaozhi was furious when he saw this. Isn't this just bundled software? He couldn't encourage these evil tendencies, and he quickly shouted:

"Delete them all for me, I just want the pure illustrations!"

"Didi. Start deleting dead leaves headlines..."

"Beep. Deletion failed."

"Didi. Start using plan one: install Dead Leaf Butler..."

"Didi. Start trying to use Dead Leaf Butler to delete dead leaf headlines..."

"Beep. Deletion failed."

Xiaozhi: "?"

"Idiot, Xiaozhi, how can you use Dead Leaf's anti-virus software to delete Dead Leaf's app!" Xiaoxia scolded quickly.

"Xiaoxia, please don't say bad words!"

The sage Xiaogang on the side interrupted her righteously.

Xiaoxia: "..."

Xiaozhi rolled his eyes and once again had a clever idea in his mind.

"Picture book, then you can install a real new town security butler for me!"

Zhenxin Town is a pure and flawless town, and there is absolutely no chance of any messy junk bundled software.

When the time comes, use the Zhenxin Town Safety Butler to serve the Dead Leaf Butler in one go!

Picture Book: "Searching..."

"Can't find Zhenxin Town Security Manager, keyword replacement..."

"Jipan Security Manager was installed successfully, Baiyinshan Antivirus was installed successfully, Alola Guardian was installed successfully..."

I have installed three anti-virus software in succession.

Xiaoxia Xiaogang: "..."

Can you actually install anti-virus software from four companies on one computer at the same time?

Are you really not afraid that this illustrated book will explode like this?

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes were brighter than ever before. He took a picture of the illustrated book and said enthusiastically:

"Then delete each other! See who can survive!"


I am really a little expert at repairing illustrated books!

Xiaogang Xiaoxia: "..."

Legend has it that there is an ancient tribe in a remote area of ​​the Sinnoh region. They have a unique and wild way of training poison-type Pokémon.

They threw five kinds of poisonous Pokémon, namely Arbor, Dragon King Scorpion, Poison Skeleton Frog, Centipede King, and Trembling Salamander, into a narrow space and let them fight.

They call this method raising gu.

And in the end, only one Pokémon will come out alive, and it will be the most powerful Gu King!

Although the methods are bloody and cruel, they can cultivate truly unparalleled poisons.

However, last month it was said that they had been reported by nearby residents, and now the entire tribe has been arrested and sent to labor camps to receive progressive new ideas.

And in front of me, Xiaozhi's amazing operation of installing four anti-virus software at the same time in the illustrated book, the sense of déjà vu is too strong...

Can illustrated books also be used to raise Gu?

I really have you, Xiaozhi!

Soon, the Pokémon illustrated book was placed on the high platform by Xiaozhi, and the fan began to spin, indicating that the CPU was running crazily, and the bloody and bloody Gu cultivation inside was in full swing...

The three of them stepped back several meters, fearing that the illustrated book would explode.

"Xiao Zhi, are you sure your illustrated book is not from the SAN brand...?" Xiaoxia asked tentatively.

Xiaozhi smiled confidently:

"Don't worry, everyone in Zhenxin Town uses IP!"


(The recommendation vote is in the last three days. It is very important. You must vote for me...Comers, please!!)

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