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Chapter 956 Mega eagles!

"Bi Diao, use wings to flap!!"

On the coast, Xiaozhi is instructing BiDiao to warm up.

The eagle, which had not been seen for a long time, spread its wide wings, circled in the sky for a week, and then dived towards the sea.

Bang bang!!

The white light wings suddenly flapped against the water, causing a majestic burst of water to burst, creating a gap in the vacuum, creating a huge movement.

The white light wings were covered with a layer of metallic silver light, and the steel wings were waved out, causing the sea surface to tremble crazily and ripple again and again.

Next are the air blades, storms, and brave bird attacks that Proud Swallow has yet to master...

Bi Diao unleashed his bird-type signature moves one by one, showing great courage.

After conquering the Viridian Forest, Bi Diao turned his attention to other forests in the Kanto region, with the intention of wantonly expanding his territory.

After successive battles, Bi Diao is extremely powerful at this moment. Even a powerful alliance king will not show any signs of weakness.

In addition, now that Celebi, the God of the Forest, has joined, this gives Bi Diao a better excuse.

That is, the so-called divine right of kings.

Celebi is the god of the forest, he is the king of the forest, and it is completely in line with destiny.

"Hiss, hiss...!"

The proud swallow standing on the shore looked envious and even made eagle-like movements on the spot, flapping its wings to imitate.

It feels that its experience value is constantly rising.

"Okay, Bi Diao!!"

Seeing that Big Eagle had finished warming up, Xiaozhi walked forward and threw a small ball into the air.

Bi Diao’s mega evolution stone!

"Bi Diao~!!"

The eagle made a loud cry, flapped its wings and flew towards it. Its eyes flashed sharply, and it steadily held the small round bead in its beak.

Without thinking much, he swallowed it on the spot.

Bird Pokémon have their own unique esophageal organs, which can be used to regurgitate food and store props. There is no need to build an additional mega stone object and inlay it on the surface of their body.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi took a deep breath and raised his right hand high.

On the wrist of his right hand is a mega bracelet made by Da Che.

Similarly, Bi Diao circled for a while and came to the position directly above Xiao Zhi's head.

"Mega evolve, Bi Diao!!"

As Xiaozhi let out a loud roar and thought, the keystone bracelet on his wrist and the inside of Bi Diao's throat began to glow with a strange white light.

The light kept flashing, and finally even escaped from the body, turning into energy pulses like electric currents, connecting people and birds together in the void.

Bi Diao's body was also completely covered by strange white light energy, and a special shell similar to a prismatic eggshell evolved on the surface of the body.

Bang bang...!!

Finally, all the colorful energy eggshells were broken open, and Bi Diao appeared in everyone's sight again.

The entire body appears shorter and wider, and the feathers covering the back have changed from yellowish brown to reddish brown.

The edges of the wings, which are getting wider and longer, still have traces of blue feathers.

The most eye-catching thing is that the feather crest on the head of the eagle has become more gorgeous, with golden feathers in the middle and rather fancy pink feathers on both sides.

Not only that, a bunch of bent pink feathers also fell in front of his forehead.

The other strand extends to the back, like a pink tail, which is actually more slender than the entire body, swaying in the wind, looking extremely coquettish and cool.

Mega competition!!

The power of mega evolution is not easy to master, and if used forcefully, it can sometimes cause Pokémon to go berserk and lose their mind.

But for today's Xiaozhi, it is not difficult for him as a veteran.

After you get used to each other's bond, you can basically use it smoothly.

"Is this Bi Diao's mega evolution...?"

"It's become even cooler..."

This big movement caused Xiao Gang and Xiao Lan, who were not far away, to come closer. It was the first time that they saw Bi Diao's new form.

However, the long feathers on the back of Mega Bi Diao's head don't seem to have any other purpose besides being handsome...


After gaining the new power of mega evolution, Bi Diao's speed has been greatly increased.


Flying in mid-air, it even made an intrusive friction sound.

It seemed that even the air could not withstand the speed of the wind.

The improvement of Mega Bi Diao is basically in the two aspects of speed and special attack. In fact, other qualities have not changed much.


Mega BiDiao flapped its wings and flew out several blue-white air blades. Both the number and power were far greater than the previous warm-up moves.

The bombardment hit the ocean, and the entire sea surface shattered with cutting marks, making a huge noise.

Boom boom boom!!

The storm trick stirred up by his wings spread out and combined with the sea surface in front of him to form a very huge seaspout, sucking in everything in the ocean.

It is difficult to see the end of the sky, as if it is connected all the way to the horizon...


Even Xiaozhi couldn't help but dumbfounded when he saw it.

But now that the mega evolution is ready to go, you can try what Brother Chi said before.

"Bidiao, come down first."

Xiaozhi shouted.

"Bi Diao~!"

The Mega Eagle immediately flew down, folded its wings, and stood beside Xiaozhi like a strict guarding soldier.

One person and one bird looked at a dragon leisurely spraying water on the sea next to it.

Xiaogang and Xiaolan didn't know what riddle Xiaozhi was trying to solve.

"Chenglong, use absolute zero!"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly opened his mouth and gave instructions.


Chenglong understood and let out a melodious chirp, then his whole body began to radiate an astonishing chill.

In an instant, the surrounding air seemed to freeze suddenly.

The overwhelming icy energy spread out, and the seawater connected to his body was instantly frozen into solid ice.


The absolute zero attack continued to spread outwards, and the originally swaying sea surface began to freeze outward with Chenglong as the center.

It wasn't until it spread nearly thirty meters all the way that the ice track converged.

"Now, use Parrot Talk!!"

Xiaozhi instructed again.

This time, the target of Xiaozhi's words was mega Bi Diao.

At this moment, the latter's eyes were gleaming, and a strange white light was flowing in his pupils. He had completely copied Chenglong's one-hit kill with absolute understanding.

"Bi Diao~!!"

Then it fluttered its wings and flew down to another place on the sea. In an instant, the terrifying and chilling chill arose overwhelmingly again.


This sea surface, which was still full of water, was frozen into solid ice again within a short time.

"Is it really possible to copy a one-hit kill..."

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi nodded, and the name of a characteristic mentioned by Brother Chi appeared in his mind.

No defense.

This chapter has been completed!
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