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Chapter 969 The Black Blow War of Ancient Humans

"you know me...?!"

Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect to be directly named by the other party.

"Well, my cousin once sent me a videotape."

Daigo explained.

Naturally, Daigo, like President Zifuqi, also obtained information from Daichi.

At first, Daigo just regarded him as a trainer with good qualifications, until he saw Xiaozhi start to challenge the king of the alliance, and even took out a Dark Lugia...

Dawu memorized this name thoroughly.

What he didn't expect was that this young man would suddenly be in the deepest part of the cave?

Nominally, this time I came to the Stone Cave, Daigo was just here to dig for rare rocks...

In fact, it was he who saw a incomplete ancient book and found this place based on the fragmentary clues above.

The ancient mural in front of him proved that his guess was not wrong.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Daigo, where exactly is this place...?"

After introducing himself, Xiaozhi couldn't help but look at the mural in front of him and asked curiously.

The style of the mural is primitive and abstract, but you can vaguely see that it depicts a scene from the ancient world.

The ocean is rolling, the volcano is erupting, it's like a doomsday scene...

In the center of the mural, there is a giant beast with fangs and claws. It raises the two claws of its forelimbs and makes a roaring motion. It also spits out a ball of flame-like things from its mouth.

On the back of the two broad paws, you can vaguely see an "Ω" symbol mark.

"Is this a Pokémon...?"

Xiaozhi secretly looked at this upright giant beast. Although it was surrounded by the ocean and countless volcanoes, it was still extremely domineering.

But he always felt like he had seen this giant beast somewhere...?

"The God of the Earth, Groudon..."

Dawu directly read out the name of this giant mural beast, which made Xiaozhi's body shake violently.

Yes, it does look a bit like Groudon.

In particular, the head of this mural beast protrudes forward, with a slight hunchback, which is exactly the same as Groudon's posture.

He had seen this ancient god once when he was traveling in the Orange Islands. The domineering scene of the latter using gravity + cliff sword to instantly kill six divine birds was still vivid in his mind.

As a mere stranger, Xiaozhi felt that the intensity of this scene could definitely be ranked in the top 3 based on what he had seen and heard in his life.

to2 is Groudon's knockdown + Cliff Sword, attacking Lugia.

"It's not just Groudon."

Daigo warned, pointing his fingers at the edges of both sides of this huge mural.

On the upper side of the edge is a strange creature with a triangular head and a long body extending from behind, as if flying in the sky.

On the lower side of the edge, there is a creature that looks like a whale jumping out of the sea. The surface of its body is also carved with a letter pattern similar to "α".

It's just that it's too small, more like a small fish jumping out of the water.

At this moment, Groudon's figure occupies almost 70% of the huge mural.

There is no doubt that the person who painted the painting was obviously showing deliberate partiality.

"You guessed it right, the people in this ancient ruins believe in Groudon, the god of the earth..."

Recalling the records in that ancient book, Dawu slowly explained.

If his guess was correct, that little fish should be Kyogre.

The small triangular-headed snake flying in the sky is Rayquaza.

It seems that even in ancient times, people have already had the habit of fighting with each other and stepping on each other.

Although people did not have the Internet at that time... they painted the Groudon they believed in in the c position on the mural.

And the opposite existences are drawn as small fishes and small snakes.

Maybe there are other ancient murals somewhere that show the domineering Rayquaza and Kyogre, but Groudon is painted as a clown.

The legend of Groudon and Kyogre has been circulating in the Fangyuan region since ancient times. "Why is this legend so different from the popular version...?"

Dawu touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

Even the appearance on the mural is different from the mainstream Groudon, not to mention that the current Groudon has been in the public eye for more than a year.

"Could it be a mega evolution...?"

Standing nearby, Xiaozhi couldn't help but speak.

Ordinary Pokémon can mega evolve, so as a god, why can't Groudon and Kyogre...?

But he has seen the power of the Cliff Sword, and on this basis, he will mega evolve...


Xiaozhi couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.


"Mega evolution..."

Dawu just repeated the word, thoughtfully.

There is currently too little research on ancient gods in the academic world. Even if mega evolution does exist, it is not impossible.

After thinking to no avail, Dawu had no choice but to give up and continue thinking. He was not an academic expert.

It would be better to take a photo of this mural and give it to a specialist to study.

Seeing that Dawu had stopped thinking, Xiaozhi finally remembered the business.

"Mr. Daigo, please fight with me!!"

Xiaozhi immediately sent out a battle invitation.

That's right, in his heart, fighting is the first priority... President Zivucci's letter is the second priority.


Daiwu glanced at Xiaozhi. If it were anyone else, he would have refused without even thinking.

After stepping down from the position of league champion, Daigo is too lazy to accept countless challenges.

But if it were the young man in front of me...

"Since we can meet here, then I, Dawu, accept your challenge...!"

Daigo's tone was very formal, and his eyes gradually became serious.

Just in time, let me see the strength of this youngest king trainer!

Xiaozhi was overjoyed when he heard this. He was about to take out the Poke Ball, but Daigo stopped him with his hand.

"Go outside, this is a historical site, you can't fight here..."

With that said, the two of them walked together to the wide stone chamber square outside the mural stone room.

The area here is huge, and even the ceiling is very high, allowing Pokémon to move around.

Even the oxygen content in the air is different from that of the lowest cave outside, making it a very suitable fighting place.

"Then the rules of the battle are 1v1. If one party loses the ability to fight, the winner will be determined."

Daiwu and Xiaozhi were a few meters apart and reminded them.


With only one Pokémon to fight against the league champion, Xiaozhi's enthusiasm has not weakened at all, and a Pokémon ball has been turned out in his palm.

"It's up to you!!"

With that said, Daigo and Xiaozhi threw their pokeballs at the same time.


A red light flashed, and what appeared in front of Dawu was a large metal bird covered in armor with several red iron wings.


In front of Xiaozhi was a giant brown eagle with brilliant feathers hanging back from its crown.

Armored bird!


Both of them are flying Pokémon, similar in size, standing on the rocky ground with their wings folded, facing each other from a distance.

This chapter has been completed!
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