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Chapter 106 Accidents and Accidents

 Oppenmo Klaus is a serious criminal and one of the few "indigenous people" who was not moved out after Area D was semi-privatized by several big gangs.

He had about twenty or thirty lives on his body. This was the number that the law enforcers had when they arrested him, but in fact he killed sixty-nine people before being arrested after the Second Corporate War.

The Federation is a big country, even a powerful one, but the government is undoubtedly a small government. From the day the first corporate war broke out, it lost its ability to restrict large companies.

On the surface, the corporate war is indeed won by the federation, but in essence, the condition that companies can retain private armed forces and not pursue those specifically responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity does not look like a winner at all.

Oppenmo was a smart man. He jumped from the army to the corporate alliance after the first corporate war. During the second corporate war that followed, he made a fortune relying on his skills.

Maybe Oppenmo was not a murderer originally, but in two consecutive corporate wars, neither side followed the basic principles of human warfare, which made Oppenmo accustomed to the practices on the battlefield.

Since the end of the Second Corporate War, he has been in retirement. The first time he killed someone was just because the neighbor was having a party that was too noisy.

Oppenmo was used to using the most direct method to solve problems. He directly carried a silenced weapon and sneaked into the party alone. From start to finish, it only took eight minutes and fourteen people.

When the local law enforcement officers cordoned off the scene the next day to investigate the major case, they even visited Oppenmo to question him, but he was so calm that the law enforcement officers did not associate the murderer with him.

Since then, Oppenmo has naturally brought the rules of the battlefield into his life, from coworkers fighting for parking spaces, to gossiping bosses and secretaries, to rude street boys on the street.

It was only within the first month of his retirement that Oppenmo realized he had screwed up.

Before law enforcement officers began to search for him, Oppenmo randomly selected a car on the highway, removed the fingerprints from the body of the original owner, separated the body, and threw it into a crusher on a roadside farm.

When Obermer was finally arrested in Night City, he had taken control of a small gang, and it was the gangsters in the gang who called the police.

Their original gang of forty people had shrunk by half thirty days after Obenmo took power. All members who had different orders or made mistakes were killed by Obenmo.

After Els Benbiber moved into Area D, the gangs in Night City were like companies that had just qualified for campus recruitment. They could select talents from across the federation through Night City Prison.

For example, the chemistry teacher who was hired with a large sum of money to move to prison to teach, he was just going through the motions in Night City Prison.

As for Obenmer Krause, he was left as scraps that no one wanted. No one wanted an outdated murderer who could do nothing but kill.

Unless he innovates on this path and uses absolute power to break the existing order, such as the Losas organization, such as...Tangji.

Of course, Obenmo Klaus himself didn't care about this. He just silently watched the place change, and watched the newcomer named Tang Ji kill several prisoners with a clean and neat method.

He is waiting, waiting for the next war to come. People like him will always be useful by then. Before then, Oppenmo's daily task is to eat well, sleep well, and stay in good condition.

But accidents always happen. Three days before Tang Ji was imprisoned, Ben Bieber took him out of the prison and enjoyed him for a whole night without any conditions.

Oppenmo was very puzzled by this, but he asked for nothing. If the other party did not ask for conditions, he would not ask.

However, starting from last night, Oppenmo felt that something was wrong. He dreamed about the neighbor's family that he killed.

In the dream, a total of fourteen people stood next to him, maintaining their expressions at the moment of death, staring at him with bloody eyes.

Obenmo felt that something must have gone wrong, maybe it was the Ben Bieber people who had done something to him that night, because he did not pay attention to every appearance at that time, and his memory should not have everyone's faces.

Obanmo, who had not slept well, looked at the time and decided to sleep for a while and put this matter behind him.

But the moment he closed his eyes, more victims appeared around him. They did nothing, just kept their expressions of death, just like Oppenmo had killed them before, without any additional emotions.

Just for convenience.

Obanmo suddenly started to work, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at the time in a daze. Only one minute had passed since the last time he looked at the watch.

Obeng, who had never been afraid in his life, silently walked into the bathroom and took a cold shower. At the same time, he thanked the man named Els Benbie again. The newly renovated cell was much more luxurious than before.

When Oppenmo walked out of the bathroom, he saw that the inmate living opposite was also in a daze, with a pair of frightened eyes constantly looking around, as if he was worried about something.

The person opposite was named Danny Sanchez. Obanmo remembered that the other person had a lot of criminal records, ranging from theft and robbery to rape and murder. It was almost a complete encyclopedia of criminal law.

Danny Sanchez felt that he must be crazy. He had just dreamed of killing his first girlfriend. That was almost ten years ago.

They were drinking and taking drugs, and everything was going great, but in the end, that bitch actually wanted to break up with her!

Sanchez could not tolerate such betrayal. During the quarrel, he grabbed his girlfriend's throat and let her scream, fight, and twitch until she was no longer alive.

Afterwards, he hid his girlfriend's body under the bed and slipped away quietly. As a result, a gang fight broke out in the apartment a few days later, and the entire building burned down. The fire burned all traces.

Sanchez thought he would never recall that night again in his life, until he had a dream last night.

In the dream, his girlfriend crawled out from under the bed, lay on top of him, and strangled his throat with her hands. However, he had no power to resist and could only watch as she made it impossible for him to breathe little by little.

When Danny Sanchez woke up from his dream due to suffocation, he found that his hands were pinching his neck.

When he got up and walked into the bathroom with lingering fear, he found in the mirror that his neck had been pinched and had several blue marks.

Similar strange things covered the entire prison. Els Benbieber, who rushed back to the prison overnight, recalled in his dream how he grew from an ordinary little accountant to a giant step by step.

There's just something wrong with the perspective. In his dreams, he always possesses the competitors and blockers that he kills one by one.

When Ben Bieber woke up, he almost immediately realized that this was a prank from a superhuman being. Normal human dreams would not be so logical.

Else Benbieber's first thought was Tang Ji and the woman he pushed back. Benbieber was a little angry. Apparently, the warden had tricked him regarding that woman.

"Make an appointment with Munstein. I'll invite him to have dinner with me tonight." Ben Bieber told his subordinates: "I've had enough of that Tangji. I'm going to hand out weapons to the people below tonight. I don't want to do it tomorrow morning."

Never saw him again."

Ben Bieber felt that he had played enough, and the game had become dangerous. His bodyguards were still trying to persuade him not to take risks even though they were loaded with live ammunition.

But Els Benbieber made the wrong calculation, and Tanguy was even less patient than him.

Last night, Tang Ji reached a certain level of agreement with Lust, one of the Seven Deadly Sins, in his dream, and they could cooperate within a certain limit.

Like greed, both parties who cooperate do not trust each other, and both parties know this, but when facing the group of players, they at least will not hold each other back.

Greed doesn't like players because they take away their unique abilities or invaders from another world.

But Tang Ji does not trust greed. In comparison, Tang Ji trusts lust more, because players cannot dream, which weakens the power of lust.

Of course, the lady herself did not recognize the title of lust. She insisted on calling herself the Lord of Happy Dreams.

The Lord of Happy Dreams showed her power to Tang Ji. She used a little trick to spread her power throughout the prison, causing all prisoners to reappear the sins hidden in their hearts once they enter the dream state.

Of course, in order to make the dream appear more intense and real, the Lord of Happy Dreams has additionally processed the effects displayed in the dream, and even added a unique "plot" for each person who has a nightmare.

This greatly facilitated Tang Ji.

Tang Ji couldn't interrogate the other party's case every time before killing someone. That would be too troublesome.

But now, Tang Ji has a more detailed list of scum. For the Lord of Happy Dreams, most people who can dream have no secrets.

Tang Ji walked out of the cell door. Because of the masterpiece of the Lord of Dreams, almost all the prisoners around him were doubting their lives. They seemed either nervous or sitting on the edge of the bed deep in thought.

The painter breathed a sigh of relief, passed by Tang Ji, walked into the cell and turned over the woman on the bed. He didn't have much impact, as he didn't sleep much.

Tang Ji glanced at him. If he could survive one more night, it would prove that the painter did not lie, or at least he did not commit an unforgivable crime.

The dreams of the Lord of Dreams will dig deeper into people's subconscious every time they fall asleep. Sometimes you think you have forgotten, but your body does remember it.

You have forgotten the victim's face, but your hand that stabbed the victim's body with the knife still remembers how the warm blood flowed through the skin.

You have turned a blind eye to the victim's last scream, but your ears remember every cry and bury them deep in your memory.

Tang Ji passed by one evil person after another who was reflecting on the meaning of the dream, and sentenced them to death in his heart.

not now...

Tang Ji's eyes swept across the second floor. The eyes of several bodyguards were moving with his movements. That was his target.

The scum imprisoned in this prison cannot escape, but the same cannot be said for the VIPs on the second floor.

Tang Ji reproduced the entire structure of Area C in the confinement room. From the first floor to the second floor, he remembered every wall and every entrance.

He knew how to quickly get through the first floor to the second floor, where he could use it as a foothold, and where he could use his strength.

The whole process only takes seven seconds, and it actually does.

"Come out." Tang Ji said, pointing to a weak prisoner who looked at his palms with doubtful eyes.

Danny Sanchez was startled by Tanguy's appearance. He didn't know how he got into trouble with this evil star.

"Why!" Danny Sanchez put up his final resistance. He knew that he was no match for Tang Ji, but in prison, if you are weak, it means you can be bullied.

He must at least show his attitude before compromising.

"Stand by the wall, right here." Tang Ji opened the locked iron door of the cell and ordered in an urging tone.

"Yes!" Danny Sanchez felt that his goal was achieved. He at least resisted one more sentence than those dead people. This is definitely the most arrogant record in Area C so far!

Sanchez thought that Don Quixote had taken advantage of his cell, so he stood by the wall.

As a result, the next second, he suddenly felt a pain on the top of his head, his body dwarfed, and there was a strange sound of bones breaking in his ears, and he lost consciousness.

From stillness to movement, Tang Ji's activation was so sudden that the prisoners around him didn't realize it, and the bodyguards on the second floor didn't respond immediately.

The only person who saw the whole process was Oppenmo Klaus. He saw Tang Ji let the weakling stand by the wall, took a few steps back, jumped into the air, stepped on the weakling's head, and raised his hands again to grab him.

Lived on the railing on the second floor.

As for that weakling, half of his head was stepped into the chest, and he died inexplicably.

The law enforcer Tang began to take action. Oban looked at the corpse for a while, roughly restoring the power that the opponent had exploded at that moment, and then silently walked back to the bathroom and began to assemble the weapons he had hidden privately.

He knew that when the law enforcer came down again, it would be a massacre.

They were the same kind of people, at least Obanmo thought so, so he could guess what Tang Ji was planning to do.

Kill those who are able to resist first, and then kill those who have the opportunity to escape. The last remaining ones are the lambs locked in a pen and waiting for death to come.

Obengmo was not a lamb, nor did he want to be a lamb. When he came out of the bathroom, he had a homemade spear and a palm-sized hand crossbow in his hand.

He didn't think crossbow arrows could hurt Tang Ji, but at least they could be used to express his attitude.

Obenmo sat on the bed, using the metal bedside table to polish the dagger that served as the spearhead. Every time at this time, he wanted to thank Els Benbieber. Without his presence, these things would never have been assembled.

It's a pity that the 'good man' can't survive today. Auburn calmed down and began to prepare for his final battle.

He felt that he could accept such a result. Tang Ji was a real warrior...

However, Obenmo's obsession could not last. His body suddenly pulled out and his whole body became distorted. A line of small words gradually became clear in front of his eyes, but Obenmo's consciousness was finally completely terminated.

[Phase test: Test mission type-combat test

Mission target: Tang Ji

Mission Difficulty: Medium

Task reward: Internal beta qualification]


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