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Chapter 110 Accident and Highway Pursuit

 Theoretically speaking, the entire city of Night City is a no-fly zone, but the city government cannot even manage the ground, let alone airspace safety.

Tang Ji and the others traveled across a small section of Night City, and apart from receiving warning text messages from the NCPD, there was not even a symbolic expulsion.

Tang Ji wanted to say that this was not the case here, but he couldn't lie. Before the Green Wave Lake Security Group contracted the entire NCPD business, except for a few areas, the airspace here was as free as the federal democratic slogan.

Cheap drones have made privacy impossible in the entire Night City. For a while, more people were injured by drones than in car accidents.

Later, the city government had to legislate to require real-name registration for the purchase of drones, but this is the Night City after all. You can buy guns without a license, and of course you can buy drones without a license, as long as you don’t go to those officially authorized stores.


"Our new target is hiding in a scrap factory. It has been abandoned for almost twenty years and is currently occupied by the Knife Club. It is impossible to determine the specific number of armed personnel and the number of civilians on site." Anthony was flying the plane,

While skillfully explaining the situation outside the city, he went on two field trips to raid the Knife Club when he was working in the trauma team.

"Every raid on the gathering place of the Swordsman Association is like opening a blind box. They may only have 7.62-caliber rifles, or they may surprise you with a few old tanks." Anthony drew a circle on the map: "Most of them

Sometimes, you can't tell who are the militants and who are the poor, so kill everyone with a gun and then consider civilian accidental injuries."

"Head, I have a question." Martin raised his arm and then said: "I want to know whether this mission is a private mission or an official mission of the Lazarus Group? How is the mission allowance calculated?"

"Private mission, but the mission allowance is calculated as normal, I will pay for it." Tang Ji comforted Martin, saying that even capitalists could not do such a thing as letting mercenaries work for free.

"I have no problem." Martin smiled honestly. He was more concerned about money than brotherhood. If the former could have enough to eat, he would not have to go out to fight in the first place.

"Boss, I don't want money. I am willing to help you fight the war." The saint made the sign of the cross and said with a pious face: "I told the priest about you, and he said that you are a judge walking in the world.

Let me follow you carefully."

"He hasn't talked to me for many years." The saint rubbed his eyes, feeling a little lonely: "He has never approved of the path I chose, but this is the only thing I can do."

"Brother, you are already an adult, why do you still listen to the priest?" Martin patted the saint on the shoulder: "You speak like a child who is at odds with his parents."

"You don't understand, he has fed an entire generation of people in our parish, more than 300 children, half of whom have become cannon fodder for gangs." The saint dodged Martin's hand: "I attend almost every month.

A funeral to send away those brothers and sisters who grew up with me."

"This country is hopeless, and the whole world is in ruins." Martin Sanye shrugged and hummed an Indian song.

Tang Ji didn't understand the meaning of the lyrics, but the emotion contained in them was enough to make people calm.

"It is expected to arrive in three minutes. Martin will be my assistant shooter and provide fire support." Anthony reminded: "It is expected that there will be more than two hundred members of the Sword Club at the gathering place. I will wait for your signal. If support is needed, I will give priority.

Destroy their parking lot."

"I hope they don't have anti-aircraft weapons." Martin smiled grimly and began to put on his own protective equipment. He was familiar with all kinds of heavy firepower. Whether in the air or on the ground, as long as there were bullets in the machine gun, he was fearless.

The gathering place of the Blade Club looks disorganized. Compared to the prosperity of Night City, these people seem to have already lived a life of wasteland punks in advance.

Hundreds of thousands of used cars piled up into walls are arranged like a maze in the landfill. The members of the Rogue Society live among them, with scattered tents and a few working cars mixed together.

In an open space, nearly a hundred people gathered around a large bonfire and seemed to be having a carnival. Tangji and Saint jumped out of the cabin when the tilt-rotor aircraft passed by for the first time.

When the silent mode of this kind of aircraft is activated, the sound can be almost covered by the wind, and Tang Ji and the Saint just landed quietly inside the landfill.

The night vision equipment clearly marks the heat source signals within the visual range. The information provided by the Tiger Claw Gang is already very comprehensive, including the target's name, photo and vehicle model. But if you want to accurately find the target at this gathering point,

It still takes some time.

The members of the Ran Knife Club almost all look the same. They have inherited the cultural style of road riders of the last century. Almost all men have long hair, beards, and wear black leather jackets, while women like to wear tight leather jackets.

Of course, the number of the latter is extremely rare, and it is difficult for most women to survive the first year as a member of the Rantokai, because they are extremely harsh on female members internally and regard them as men's appendages.

Tang Ji and the Saints split up into two groups with a tacit understanding. Tang Ji first sneaked into a simple tower, which was the sentry of the Luan Dao Society.

Although the sentries themselves were drinking beer and turning the radio up to the maximum volume, at least they had this awareness and were simply models in the Knife Club.

Tang Ji approached the sentry from behind, grabbed his throat suddenly with his iron hand, and pulled him off the chair: "Brothers Lance and Cornes, do you know each other?"

The sentry struggled hard, but could not make a sound. His sense of resistance soon collapsed in front of Tang Ji's dagger.

"Very good, just blink when you get to know them." After Tang Ji received a positive reply, he spoke again: "I will slowly let go now, but if you make any noise, I can't guarantee that you can see the sun tomorrow.


"Ha...ha..." The sentry breathed hard and pointed in the direction: "They live over there. There is a yellow bus. That is their home."

"What else do you need to tell me?" Tang Ji continued to ask, his tone was very calm. Most of the members of the Luan Dao Society should die, but he did not intend to skip the trial process and kill people.

"I knew what big trouble they caused..." the sentry complained: "They left the camp a few months ago and prepared to go it alone, but they died quickly and only two of them came back."

"Please don't kill me. We haven't done any highway robbery for a long time. We found a smelting furnace in this garbage dump that can still be used. It can sell metal ingots with good purity. We have begun to transform.

Got it!" The sentry looked at Tang Ji's equipment: "If you want Lance and Cornes, feel free to do so, no one cares about them, really!"

Very good, the situation went much smoother than he expected. What he was most worried about was that there were more than two hundred high-speed car gangs here who liked to shoot all living things.

"If you didn't lie to me, not many people would die tonight." Tang Ji knocked the sentry unconscious with the butt of his gun. If what he said was true, Tang Ji was willing to leave him alive to pursue a new life.

"Target location updated, yellow bus in the southwest, I am moving in the target direction." Tang Ji marked the yellow bus in the visualization eyepiece.

The straight-line distance to get there was less than three hundred meters, but he needed to cross a half-collapsed car wall.

It was difficult to move stealthily in this environment. The rusty metal products under Tang Ji's feet followed his footsteps, making rhythmic creaking sounds, and occasionally made loud deformation sounds due to uneven stress.


If it weren't for the bonfire party in the distance, the sound Tang Ji made would have exposed him long ago.

Tang Ji suddenly remembered three short knocks in his helmet, indicating the emergency signal they had agreed upon, and he immediately hid himself in the shadow of a car wreckage.

A few seconds later, the Saint marked a heavily armed target from his direction, about a hundred meters in front of Tang Ji.

It was a fellow traveler. Tang Ji immediately confirmed that the other party was not from the Luan Dao Club. The equipment he wore was enough for the leader of the Luan Dao Club to change his car.

Tang Ji closed his eyes, blocking out the interference coming from the direction of the bonfire party, maximizing his hearing, and the sound of subtle footsteps in the night wind reached his ears.

Those who have the same target are the same yellow bus as them, but to get there, you must walk a certain distance on the car wreckage.

It is this distance that allows Tang Ji to easily mark all third-party members.

There were six people in total, divided into three directions and approaching the yellow bus in pairs. Maybe there were snipers from the outside, but Tang Ji didn't notice it.

"Suspend the mission and wait for my order." Tang Ji suspended the mission, not because he intended to back down, but because he had a strong intuition that there was something wrong with the yellow bus.

Its location is too good. Not only is it far away from the center of the gathering place of chaos swordsmen, there are no checkpoints around it. To reach it, you must pass through a metal road that cannot hide your whereabouts.

More importantly, the bus is located in a location that will bear the brunt of the wind when it blows, which is not comfortable at all.

Tang Ji just watched as a two-person team slowly approached the yellow bus, and then rushed in one after another.

The next second, a sudden explosion caused chaos in the entire Luandaohui camp.

Either someone was secretly helping Lance and the Cornes brothers, or the brothers suddenly became smarter, and they were obviously well prepared.

Tang Ji is more inclined to the former. Obviously his investigation actions have been noticed by interested people. His speed is already fast enough, but there are still people who are one step faster than him.

Els Ben Biber, Tang Ji read the name again. He was the only person who might realize the value of these two brothers faster than himself.

But who are those militants just now? Naturalized people? Or other forces?

Tang Ji didn't have time to think too much. A modified Mizutani Falcon 'Wild Wolf' drove out from the corner at high speed, rushed through a specially set short slope, crossed a long distance in the air, and landed on the wall.


Are they brothers Lance and Cornes? Tangji realized that he would most likely return empty-handed this time.

Tang Ji underestimated the enemy. He didn't think that the small players in the Luan Dao Society would bring him any trouble, but now, they did.

"The saints stay at the scene and pay attention to the armed men. If it is possible to determine their identities." Tang Ji quickly issued an order: "Anthony, pay attention to a Mizutani Falcon 'Wild Wolf' driving eastward at a very fast speed. Follow it.

, pay attention to identifying third-party aircraft."

"Roger, heading in the target direction." Anthony didn't waste any words. There was an accident in the mission, and they could only activate the backup plan.

Tang Ji took advantage of the chaos and found a Tingwei Colby Lone Peak in the Luan Dao Hui camp. Although the performance was not as good as that of the Wild Wolf, it was still fine for running cross-country.

Pressing the accelerator to the bottom, Gufeng was like a nimble mouse, bypassing the noisy crowds and driving out of the camp.

Not far away, an off-road vehicle with military technology was flashing its taillights and running wildly in the direction where the 'Wild Wolf' left.

Tang Ji followed silently, relying on the effectiveness of night vision devices without even turning on the headlights.

"The target vehicle is driving towards Night City, and someone may pick them up," Anthony reported again: "Do we need to intercept it in advance?"

"Don't take action, wait for the third party to appear, you are entering the market." Tang Ji overtook the car at the corner and replied: "Keep following, if I lose track, they really enter the Night City, follow them, keep following them.

Until they settle in."

"At your current speed, you definitely won't be able to catch up with that car." Anthony made a rare joke: "That Wolf is perfect! After the mission is over, I plan to drive it back."

"It's up to you." Tang Ji hit the steering wheel and turned off the road. The gravel road on the side of the road made the whole car bumpy as if it was about to fall apart.

Tingwei Colby's Lone Peak series has an unimaginable level of durability, and it can withstand the most intense bumps tenaciously.

After a few turns, Tang Ji had already seen the taillights of Yelang's car, flashing in the distance.

When he was working as a law enforcement officer, Tang Ji had done this kind of work many times. Federal-style stops could ensure the success and safety of passengers to the greatest extent.

Tang Ji's lonely peak turned back to the road again, less than a hundred meters away from the wild wolf. The driver of the wild wolf tried his best, but Tang Ji's reaction ability was even better.

Taking advantage of another scimitar, Tang Ji slowly approached the right side of the wild wolf and used his left front wheel to rub the opponent's right rear wheel.

The average speed of both parties was over 180 kilometers per hour. This small collision immediately overturned the two drivers.

Tang Ji trapped himself firmly in the seat belt, holding a quick-response gel capsule in his hand. Once the car body was not so strong, he used medicine to save himself.

But fortunately, after rolling more than a dozen somersaults, Lone Feng still persevered tenaciously.

Tang Ji kicked the car door open, looked at the wild wolf in the distance and immediately rushed over.

"Kenes!" Tang Ji opened the door of the Wild Wolf's car. The driver inside was already unconscious. Judging from his appearance, he was one of the targets named Cornes.

The passenger door of the Wild Wolf had been lost. Tang Ji looked along the direction of the roll and saw a broken body lying on the roadside.

Cornes became the only witness left, and his life may have never been so valuable in his life.

Tang Ji took out his weapon, looked at the approaching military technology off-road vehicle in the distance, and raised his gun.

This chapter has been completed!
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