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Chapter 116 The backhand of the Skeleton Gang

"Three cars, five people, it doesn't look difficult to deal with." Jain Ismail observed Tang Ji and his group with binoculars from the highest point of the town.

He is one of the observation posts of the Skull and Bones Party, the largest criminal gang in the area. They almost monopolize the wasteland area from the west of Night City to the Great Rift Valley.

The origin of the Skull and Bones Party cannot be traced back. The earliest members were the remaining residents of these abandoned towns, members of the Skull and Bones Society, and freight drivers passing by.

As time went by, these people were finally brought together by the cruel laws of the jungle, and they were more organized than the Sword Society.

There are nearly 400 core members of the Skull and Bones Party, who can be regarded as out-of-service professional soldiers.

They even restored an abandoned machine shop to modify their own vehicles and process the looted cars.

Most of the time, those vehicles that have been repainted and have various nameplates removed will be sold nearby to drivers in need within the Skull and Bones Party. There are also small towns inhabited by people nearby. A few high-quality products will be sold to places like Night City.

Big city.

Of course, the real big deal is cargo. The Skull and Bones Party has already formed a mature industrial chain, and they know which logistics companies' vehicles cannot be moved.

"It seems that four of them are security guards and are weakly armed. In order to ensure the safety of the goods, it is best to mobilize about 20 people and eight vehicles." Jain Ismail reported to his superiors on the phone: "I have moved the vehicles

The photos were sent to the mailbox and they were very tight-lipped and didn't know their destination."

"Yes, it is very suitable to set up an ambush near the river mouth bridge. They have nowhere to escape." Jain Ismail smiled cruelly: "Let the hound knights entertain them well, and they will naturally go in that direction.




"This ghost place is even more desolate than the place we stayed in Persia last time." Ethan, who had recovered his nerves, leaned next to the lead car and said to Tang Ji: "I heard that the residents of these abandoned towns would loot

Passing travelers, do you think that group of locals are plotting against us?"

Tang Ji looked over following Ethan's words, and the locals raised their middle fingers at him in a very friendly manner.

"Enough rest. Let's set off and rest in the next town." Tang Ji patted the car door. According to the recommendations on the map, the current safety level of this rest point is poor. It is not recommended for any group of less than ten people to spend the night here.

Tang Ji didn't want to have a shootout with a group of farmers here. He just wanted to get to Baja California as soon as possible and find the ice princess.

After getting back on the road, Tang Ji replaced Anthony as the driver. The assisted driving function could actually cope with most road conditions, but he was the lead car and had to be careful about unexpected situations.

The vehicles driven by Saint and Martin behind could safely and boldly turn on the following system. As long as there were no accidents on Tang Ji's side, they didn't even have to touch the steering wheel.

"Get some sleep? I work the night shift." Tang Ji adjusted his seat to a position that suited him, looked at the endless plain in front of him, and raised the speed to the highest level.

"Okay, I'll take over at four o'clock." Anthony responded, lying on the passenger seat and closing his eyes. It only took a few seconds to fall asleep. He was used to this kind of fragmented rest time.

But obviously someone didn't want them to rest too well. An hour later, Tang Ji found a simple roadblock in front of the road, blocking a right-turn road.

Although they were not going in that direction, it was obvious that someone was making a small move.

"Attention, someone is watching us." Tang Ji gave the order on the communication channel and woke up Anthony at the same time.

"Is there trouble?" Anthony opened his eyes, looking as if he had never slept, and picked up his rifle from the back seat.

"Someone set up a roadblock at the intersection." Tang Ji frowned. He had just passed another intersection blocked by a roadblock.

Whatever the intentions of those who set up the roadblocks, it is clear that they are moving in the direction they want.

"Is it a player?" Anthony put on his helmet and began to adjust the night vision device. After a moment of hesitation, he replaced his rifle with armor-piercing bullets.

Tang Ji's team members are indeed elite, but they have never experienced this before. These people have fought on the fly before.

"Probably not. If we were players, they wouldn't use such gentle methods. They would probably send superhumans to knock us off the roadbed directly." Tang Ji looked at the two headlights that suddenly lit up in the rearview mirror and thought.

Things are starting to get interesting.

"So someone wants to rob us?" Anthony also saw the lights suddenly appearing from behind, which were two motorcycles.

"Let's ask them directly." Tang Ji watched a knight approaching the motorcade at high speed, but before he could make a move, Martin and the Saint behind him completed a two-for-one cooperation, squeezing the motorcyclist.

Died on the guardrail.

The knight on the other side immediately slowed down when he saw something bad happened, hanging far behind the convoy, switching between high and low beams from time to time, as if he was reporting to his accomplices in the distance.

"This is quite boring." Anthony glanced at Tang Ji, then silently put the armor-piercing bullet back and replaced it with ordinary bullets. After hesitating, he took off his helmet again, as if he was considering whether he should lie down and go to sleep again.

a while.

Fortunately, soon, more knights appeared around the convoy. They continued to climb over various obstacles in the wasteland outside the road as if they were showing off their skills. From time to time, they fired shots in the direction of the convoy, trying to continue to create pressure on the driver.

Tang Ji turned on the night vision mode of his tactical goggles and held the steering wheel with one hand. As a result, Anthony's rifle was aimed at a knight riding a big red Brennan Apollo.

He has the best driving skills among all the knights. When climbing over the slope, he even performed a difficult 360-degree rotation for Tang Ji.

Tang Ji pressed down the car window and let the strong wind outside the car blow into the cab. He put the muzzle of the gun on the car window and waited for the other party to take off next time.

Twenty seconds later, the opportunity came. The knight jumped up high, while Tang Ji calmly pulled the trigger. The bullet and the knight completed the intersection at the highest point.

The roar of cars and motorcycles covered up the sound of gunfire. If it weren't for the flash of muzzle flash, the riders didn't even realize that someone in the convoy was shooting.

But then, the knight fell to the ground. He was swaying on the ground at a speed of 180 miles. He clicked several times in succession and collapsed on the ground in a weird posture.

The remaining knights immediately dispersed, leaving only three or four people following the convoy at a distance.

Anthony also opened the window and threw a spider mine outside. Ten seconds later, the spider mine sensed the knight passing by and exploded angrily, leaving a mess on the ground.



"Six of us died, and the hound riders didn't dare to chase." On a high ground near the highway, an off-road vehicle that had been modified beyond recognition was parked at the highest point.

The person speaking had a prosthetic eye from Qilus. At this time, the prosthetic eye had already poked out of the eye socket by three to four centimeters and moved with the movement of Tang Ji's motorcade.

"Give up now? That's a convoy transporting medicine, and many people in the gang can't wait long." Sitting in the cab was a burly man, wearing only a sleeveless jacket at this time of year, and a big

skull printed on the back.

"I just feel that they are too calm. A head-on confrontation may cause great losses." The one-eyed man stared at the leading car and calculated the distance: "They are almost reaching the bridge. Let's do it as planned. The Skull and Bones Party is not easy to mess with!"

Tang Ji also saw the bridge in front of him. From the map, it was a bridge that was five kilometers long.

Anthony used a telescope to observe the bridge from a distance. If someone wanted to rob, this was undoubtedly the most ideal place.

With the front and back blocked, the people on the bridge didn't even have a decent shelter.

"These bastards chose a good place." Anthony laughed, but he was a little out of step with the times.

At the same time, Ethan has released a swarm of drones to outflank and search for all possible enemies from both sides.

"There are twelve people and three camouflaged vehicles at the bridge." Ethan quickly drew a map of the battlefield: "There are four vehicles following us two kilometers behind, and the one on the motorcycle."

"Wow, what did I find?" Ethan's tone sounded like he was opening a Christmas gift: "I found a large trebuchet behind the 600-meter slope on the north side of the bridge?"

The picture was immediately projected into the tactical goggles, and Tang Ji and the others saw a metal trebuchet at the same time.

Because of the angle, this trebuchet hidden behind a gentle slope will never be discovered by drivers on the road.

This ancient weapon, which seemed to be taken out of an ancient movie, made the whole team silent for a while.

"At least now we know what method they plan to use to stop us on the bridge." Ethan zoomed in on the video. There were a large number of scrapped vehicles piled around the trebuchet, and a crane was placing these cranes on the trebuchet.

Under the trebuchet, seventy or eighty people in ragged clothes and with yellow faces were shouting and howling to coordinate the trebuchet.

The "geniuses" of the Skull and Bones gang built this big thing based on an old movie. This thing can be fired twice in three minutes to block both ends of the bridge without damaging the bridge itself.

Each projectile can throw out five car wrecks. They have practiced this trick countless times and will never fail.

"You lazy guys, listen up! This time we are lucky! The fleet on the bridge is full of good medicine from Paradise!" The person shouting had sores on his face, which was caused by the collapse of the body's immune system.


But he doesn't care. Most of the drug addicts here will take this road. Getting high to death is definitely the best way for these people to die.

"Bliss in heaven! Bliss in heaven!" This group of people burst out with 120% effort, almost crazy efforts to help the construction machinery complete the preparation work.

One of them accidentally got his head smashed by a falling iron hook, but no one cared.

The Skull and Bones Party is not a charitable organization. Those who can eat, drink and enjoy themselves are only warriors.

And these people are either small town residents with no way out, or unlucky guys who were captured without anyone to pay the ransom.



"What should we do? I can try to destroy the trebuchet, but I can't guarantee the effect. That thing looks quite strong." Ethan's drone circled around the trebuchet: "I

I never thought in my life that one day I would encounter such a retro enemy."

After getting Tang Ji's approval, the three attack drones controlled by Ethan launched micro missiles at the trebuchet connection point, the crane cab, and the crowd.

Along with the chaos of the crowd and the fire, just as Ethan guessed, the trebuchet still stood there.

In retaliation, with the efforts of the crowd, the trebuchet slowly turned its angle, and then suddenly threw out its "cannonball".

The wreckage of the five cars, which had been dropped countless times, fell on the right side of the convoy like a goddess scattering flowers.

Obviously, this group of operators only specializes in blocking the bridge and cannot accurately hit the enemy with this ancient weapon.

"What should we do? Rush over? There are quite a few of them." Anthony looked at the bridge getting closer and closer, and finally began to feel that it was a bit tricky.

That trebuchet gave these predators a huge advantage.

Tang Ji didn't say anything, he just stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

Unless they were willing to abandon their convoy and walk down the road to attack the trebuchet, forcing their way in was the only feasible way.

These predators have calculated their mentality correctly and maximized their advantages.

"The prey has been baited!" Seeing Tang Ji's motorcade finally get on the bridge, the two people who directed the entire operation on the top of the mountain finally smiled.

"Let Soult go there too and add extra insurance. These people are too dangerous." The one-eyed man said to the current actual controller of the Skull and Bones Party.

Surt is the trump card of the Skull and Bones Party. He is the only superhuman controlled by the Skull and Bones Party, but fortunately Surt is strong enough.

Of course, it is also a problem that Surte is too strong. His existence has begun to affect the authority of the current leader of the Skull and Bones Party.

"Okay, let him go, but be careful not to overturn all our goods. He caused us heavy losses last time." The strong man hesitated for a moment, but agreed to One-Eye's suggestion.

They need those drugs, whether they are ordinary drugs or addictive compounds, they are short of them.

Soon, near the trebuchet, as new orders were issued, a man who looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, but with a strong spirit in his bones, stood up.

It can be seen that he has great prestige. When he stood up, the coolies around him cheered.

"God of War! God of War! God of War!" these people shouted. As long as you have watched Surte fight once, you will completely surrender to this young man.

This is Surte, the superhuman of the Skull and Bones Party.

He stood on the car wreckage that was going to be thrown out in the next round of the trebuchet, raised his fist high, and amid cheers, he was thrown out by the trebuchet along with the car wreckage!

Surte even had enough energy left to jump back and forth among the debris scattered in the air, restraining the debris from being too scattered.

With loud noises, all the debris fell on the bridge, forming a roadblock.

As for Soult, he was already one step ahead of the wreckage and landed firmly on the bridge.

He dragged the car wreckage with his bare hands to concentrate the wreckage and block the entire bridge.

This chapter has been completed!
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