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Chapter 121 Clues and Investigation

 The real name of the Ice Princess is Chrissy Cunningham. Her relevant information has been placed in Tang Ji's mailbox, including her parents, blood relatives within three generations, the schools she attended, the friends she met, and her classmates.

The list is all there.

Aria's ability was so strong that Tang Ji was a little uncomfortable with it. It took him two hours just to read the information on Ice and Snow Princess, and then Tang Ji realized that the information was meaningless.

As a new generation of teenagers, Chrissy almost actively uploads her life online for everyone to see, just to gain more fans' attention.

Tangji could easily find the date of her first period from her puppy video homepage, and Chris was already a qualified UP host long before that.

Although her online name is Ice and Snow Princess, Chrissy’s appearance is actually not outstanding. She has the iconic Chinese character face of a federal girl, freckles, thick legs and thick buttocks. As early as when Tang Ji was still a teenager, mainstream aesthetics began to cast aside her.

This model is for women.

Therefore, Chrissy’s tireless video sharing did not bring much attention, at least in the small group she belongs to, it has always been in the middle and lower reaches.

This situation didn't start to change until she became an awakened person. Tangji found the video she posted on the day she awakened as a superhuman. It wasn't really a search. Chris pinned the video to the top permanently and added the following text:


In the video, Kris put her finger into her water glass, and then slowly condensed the water in the glass into solid ice.

She gained 90,000 followers that day, and most of them were questioning the authenticity of Chrissy's video. After all, in this era, the cost of doing such small special effects is horribly low.

But then, Chris began to make more attempts in the video. Tang Ji watched the superhuman who had been renamed Ice and Snow Princess. From the beginning, she could only slowly condense a glass of water, and gradually grew into a person who could condense a glass of water slowly.

When surfing, he condenses the waves into ice walls.

And the original intention of supporting her is just to increase her fans.

Tang Ji watched the last few videos of the Ice and Snow Princess before she disappeared and fell silent. This was simply too ironic. In order to obtain this kind of power, players would even cross the world. Greedy for the sake of increasing power, they have been devouring their own kind for more than two hundred years.

In order to find the secrets and limits of superhuman beings, countless large companies have spent a lot of money to build laboratories and trampled on laws and human rights. However, a girl under the age of 18, with the support of becoming an Internet celebrity, only used less than three

The transformation was completed in a matter of months.

Looking at Chrissy's power, Tang Ji came up with countless magical uses in a few minutes, each of which could cause great damage.

The Ice Princess is not a weakling, she can even be said to be very strong. Just her hand that freezes the waves can scare many children. If this level of supernatural ability is used to deal with robbers, they may have to drive tanks.

But the robbers drove the Ice and Snow Princess away in a taxi. Tang Ji didn't know whether this was a kidnapping case that was audacious and relied on luck, or a kidnapping case carefully planned by a professional team behind the scenes.

The Ice and Snow Princess is a powerful superhuman, but at the same time she is also an underage girl who is inexperienced in the world. Her parents divorced and started their own families, so she was extremely insecure when she was growing up.

She is very eager for recognition. She is strong on the outside but weak on the inside. She is a member of the sorority in school. She has been bossed around by her "girlfriends" for a long time and has been to the correctional facility twice.

Her boyfriend was six years older than her, and he was a low-life gangster. The biggest thing he ever did in his life was helping a local gang bring contraband into school.

Moreover, the 'love' between the two people cannot be said to be very sincere. After Ice Princess became famous, the gangster named Moritz asked Chris for money many times, and the two even quarreled over this matter.

In a fit of rage, the Ice Princess froze Moritz on a streetlight for two hours before letting him go. This incident was also posted on her personal homepage, with as many as six million views.

This incident made Moritz very embarrassed, and his so-called street status declined rapidly. Seeing this, Tang Ji circled Moritz's name.

Maybe we should pay a visit to this brave man who dared to break into the ice cave. We cannot rule out the possibility that Moritz became angry and took the initiative to provide information to the kidnappers.

Tang Ji understands this group. Compared with Wu Qianying, their brains are closer to those of rats. They will do anything for name and reputation.

Then there is the Sunshine Hotel. Shortly after the Ice and Snow Princess disappeared, a waiter from this hotel disappeared without any reason. The hotel has already fired him for absenteeism.

Alia found the employee's personal information. Scorpius Boro was a local and lived in the suburbs of San Diego.

According to his recent spending records, Scorpius made a small fortune, buying a new car, new motion sensing equipment, a customized virtual girlfriend annual membership, and high-quality takeout for a whole year.

It sounded like some otaku who had made a fortune was fulfilling the wish he had made when he was eighteen. Tang Ji also circled the name.

Next came the local gang that was in charge of this area, the Midnight Judge Gang. When Tang Ji saw this name, he was silent for a long time.

To be honest, after getting used to the professional gangsters in Night City, Tang Ji couldn't adapt to the sudden sight of such nonsense gang names.

He didn't even dare to think about the style of the daily bulletins on the local law enforcement channel. It was probably that someone who entered by mistake would think that he accidentally walked into the neon cartoon set.

Tang Ji twisted his nose and drew a circle on the name of the gang. The local gang must have better information than anyone else. At least in Night City, it is rare for outside gangs to bypass local gangs to commit crimes.

Because once this happens, the gangs that manage the area will be more active in pursuing criminals than law enforcement. In order to reasonably divide the territory, the gangs in Night City have to spend nearly 10 million federal dollars in "military expenses" every year.

Tang Ji went through the information he had compiled again, and finally went through the process with the San Diego Law Enforcement Bureau. He was a law enforcer himself, and he knew all about the shady secrets in the Law Enforcement Bureau.

There are so many disappearances and kidnapping cases in this area every year, and there are 17 professional teams on the surface. If the local law enforcement bureau has no knowledge of this, it is simply an insult to people's intelligence.

But knowledge does not mean action. When Tang Ji was still the law enforcer in Night City, didn't they still have a list that they could only look at every day but not take any specific actions?

Fortunately, Tang Ji is now a free man, and the bastards at the top of the list are either dead or missing, which can be regarded as resolving the grievances of the past.

Night City is like this, and San Diego is no exception. The local law enforcement bureau must know something, but due to the evidence or the mastermind behind it, they can only pretend to be deaf and mute, or worse, complicate it.

It seems that there is no need for any specific action plan at the moment. With Alia helping to collect information on the Internet, and Ethan secretly deploying the drone network, Tang Ji's team has already occupied a favorable location.

"Anthony, the two of us will go to the city to find someone, and the rest of us will be on standby here." Tang Ji chose the mature and steady Anthony to act together.

The characteristics of the Saint are too obvious, Martin is too big, and Ethan is a weakling. Leaving him in the drone console is the best choice.

"You also come with me." Tang Ji looked at Surte who was a little overwhelmed and summoned him.

For some reason, Soult breathed a sigh of relief. He had been hesitating just now. If Tang Ji left him here, would he run away or be a prisoner?

After all, he was still a prisoner in name, and the only person who could restrict his escape was Tang Ji. If Tang Ji was not around and he stayed here, Surte would be a little embarrassed.

It feels like he is here to stay...

Soult quickly followed Tang Ji, as if if you hadn't stopped me, I would have successfully 'escaped' long ago.

"When do you think he will realize that he has no acting talent?" Martin touched the Saint's shoulder and looked at the three people walking away with a mischievous smile. He was still holding a cell phone video in his hand: "Wait a minute.

When he grows up, if I show him the video, can he beat me?"

"God said, you can't be too boring as a human being." The saint stayed away from this fool: "And if he wants to beat you, he doesn't have to wait until you grow up. Just be careful."

"What are you afraid of? He can't make trouble with his head. Haven't you seen those potions? Maybe one day we will become superhumans. Then who will be afraid of whom?" Martin walked back nonchalantly, looking forward to it.

The day I became a super human.

As a standard violent person, if he does not covet superhuman abilities, it is purely to comfort himself. Martin has single-handedly supported nearly half of the old, weak, sick and disabled in the tribe. He desires power more than anyone else.

And all of this was carefully concealed by him.

The scenery of San Diego is completely different from Night City. In comparison, it is closer to the cities that Tang Ji visited in the European Community, but the population density and prosperity are far higher than there.

But compared to the Night City, it seemed much more desolate. Many buildings were still old-fashioned buildings built half a century ago. On the other hand, Tang Ji was extremely uncomfortable with the fact that he could see the night sky in the city.

He was also extremely uncomfortable with Sirte. In his short life, he had never seen so many people gathered together. A gathering of three to four hundred people in the wilderness was considered a big event.

But now, the world was displayed in front of him except for the towering buildings with brilliant lights. The streets were bustling with traffic, and the lights converged into a long river that made people cry.

Pedestrians crowded on both sides of the road, and people wearing all kinds of strange costumes had smiles on their faces. Surte even saw two men kissing each other on the roadside.

Before the child could recover from the shock, several girls wearing transparent ponchos with fluorescent paint on their bodies swaggered through the market, making the child's eyes wide open.

Not to mention Soult, even Tang Ji couldn't help but look at this scene a few more times.

"Watch the road, Anthony." Tang Ji turned back and looked ahead without any trace, and suddenly found that the vehicle had started to issue a too-close warning.

"The brakes are a little loose. I have to check it tomorrow." Anthony changed the subject calmly.



Moritz is a young man with a flexible mind. Relying on his decent looks, he has maintained ambiguous relationships with many members of the opposite sex for a long time.

After realizing that one of his girlfriends had become a gold mine, he immediately became dedicated and affectionate, transforming into Mr. Nice Guy and coaxing Chrissy into confusion.

But the good times didn't last long. As the number of Chrissy's fans soared and her traffic began to monetize, the little girl who wasn't very smart began to become more and more difficult to maintain.

She spent a large sum of federal dollars to optimize her face shape, adjust the three dimensions, and stretch her thighs at a medical beauty institution. It is undeniable that the money made Chrissy reborn and became 312% more beautiful than before.

But Moritz found that since then, it was 312% more difficult for him to climb into Chris's bed. Before a date, she would even ask herself to deodorize her entire body before kissing her.

Heck, he would have to travel for a week to bring illicit goods to a gang to pay for a full-body odor removal!

From that moment on, Moritz realized that he would not be able to grasp this gold mine. In the comment area of ​​the puppy video, there were many handsome and handsome men extending invitations to Chrissy.

The most recent successful one has nearly 10 million fans on the puppy platform. The whole body has been carefully prepared. Every muscle is in golden proportion, and every inch of skin is flaxen gold. Even Moritz can't help but be moved by it.


He didn't know how he could compete with these 'artificial beings'. It seemed that the only way was to turn Chrissy back into the ugly duckling.

So when someone contacted him secretly, hoping that he could provide Chrissy's real-time updates, Moritz hesitated and agreed.

For two consecutive weeks, Moritz would send Chrissy's itinerary to the mysterious person. He also thought about whether doing so would hurt Chris, but every time he sent a message, he would bring himself two hundred federal coins.


On the day when Kris had the most intensive schedule, Moritz earned more than 2,000 yuan in a single day. This money allowed Moritz to taste Kris' artificial opal for the first time that night.

He swore that Natural Oppai would never reach that level!

From then on, Moritz no longer had any psychological burden. His simple brain circuit came to the conclusion that this money would make him and Chris live a better life.

Until Chris suddenly called him that day, saying that someone had entered her room at the Sunshine Hotel. She was scared and wanted to come to him. Moritz was very happy. While comforting Chris, he habitually

Chrissy’s updates were sent to the mysterious person.

Along with the two hundred federal dollars came the news from Chris. She said that someone was following her. She got into a taxi and asked herself to pick her up at the door.

And then, no more, Chris disappeared, and Moritz, no matter how stupid he was, realized that he had played a disgraceful role.

Fortunately, the mobile phone card he used to communicate with the mysterious person was an anonymous card provided by the other party, and could not be traced to Moritz. He cried bitterly, shredded the card and mobile phone together, flushed it from the sewer, and spent two days

Forgave myself.

After all, that woman will leave him sooner or later, right? This is life.

Moritz hugged his new girlfriend, immersed in drunkenness and money, feeling like a poet.

But the next second, the poet was pressed against the wall by an iron hand: "Are you Moritz?"

This chapter has been completed!
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