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Chapter 124 Senior Commissioner

Para Mikkelsen, Joint Corporate Investigation Office, Senior Special Agent.

If the Joint Corporate Investigation Office is the most mysterious and powerful department in the world, then Mikkelsen is its external image entity.

The ginger suit, which was not considered popular half a century ago, and the top hat of the same color are the only impressions most people who have the privilege of coming into contact with this department have on it.

The establishment of the Joint Corporate Investigation Office was very short-lived. It was established by several leading entities after the first corporate war.

The purpose of its earliest existence was to integrate the secret resources of different companies to fight against the intelligence departments of big governments in various countries and to prevent incidents similar to corporate wars from happening again.

The agents of the Joint Investigation Office did their job very well. They met the outbreak of the second corporate war in advance, allowing the joint enterprise to prepare for the war in advance.

Subsequently, they played a decisive role in the war between the new energy enterprise cluster and the Petrochemical Alliance, which ultimately allowed the Petrochemical Alliance to survive in the Persian District.

The latter withdrew from the corporate alliance in the second corporate war and chose to side with the military. The Joint Investigation Office gave them a profound response.

As the global hot war gradually ceased, the nature of the work of the Joint Investigation Office gradually shifted to other areas. In the past ten years, the most important work they did was to wipe the butts of major companies and executives.

A certain company's laboratory accidentally leaked, causing the town where it was located to become a ghost. However, the company's local power could not cover up this fact. The Joint Investigation Office took over and covered everything up.

After a senior executive died accidentally due to long-term cannibalism, local law enforcement accidentally found the factory he used to breed and process 'food ingredients' during the investigation. The Joint Investigation Office took over and dealt with all relevant insiders.

Over the past nearly half a century, the Joint Investigation Office has used its actions and capabilities to win the trust and support of capital.

They can mobilize the armed forces of military technology, they can mobilize the air force of the aviation group, they can even apply for the use of small-yield nuclear bombs, and then mobilize companies like the Corinning Group to dispatch professional teams to deal with the aftermath.

In fact, throughout the history of the Joint Investigation Office, they have used nuclear bombs almost once every five years, and three of them were personally determined and requested by Mikkelsen.

If the Joint Corporate Investigation Office is the most powerful department in the world, then the senior commissioners within the Office of Joint Investigation are the embodiment of power.

Para Mikkelsen is a senior special commissioner. He has no superiors, and no one can interfere with his work content. Except for reporting to the Joint Investigation Office Committee every year, no one can interfere with his will.

The committee members are all taken by turns from the major shareholders of the entity companies in the corporate alliance and are not responsible for the specific work of the office.

Mikkelsen's low and slow voice and calm eyes are Mikkelsen's signature features. Many business executives have known Mikkelsen for twenty years, but have never seen any other expression on his face other than a smile.


But today, Mikkelsen suddenly showed a hint of surprise on his face, his eyebrows slightly raised, and the document he was writing in his hand paused for a moment.

The secretary standing opposite Mikkelsen, ready to respond to the commissioner's orders at any time, noticed Mikkelsen's micro-expression, and a storm instantly arose in his heart.

He has been in this position for three years, and this is the first time he has discovered such an accident in a special commissioner.

One of Mikkelsen's clones had just been caught, and he was surprised.

This was not the first time his clone had an accident. During his long career, he had lost fifteen to twenty clones every year, but this time it was too unexpected.

He didn't even realize what was happening, 'himself' was brought in front of the previous surveillance target.



Tang Ji bought all kinds of chewing gum from the convenience store, and Martin ate them like melon seeds, eating them by the handful.

When he went out, surprise and surprise arrived at the same time.

The door of their car was thrown to the ground. A bus in the distance was making a screeching brake. The driver almost hit the guardrail, but luckily he pulled the front of the bus back at the last moment.

The man in the suit who had made them embarrassed before, with a hint of surprise on his face, was pinned to the ground by Soult.

The young man patted the man in the suit hard on the face and looked at Tang Ji with some pride: "He is following us!"

A smile appeared on Tang Ji's face, and he threw all the chewing gum into Soult's arms: "Well done!"

"Yes, you did a great job." The man in the suit also praised, and then looked at Tang Ji with difficulty: "Hello, Tang Ji, this is not the way I expected to meet you, you are a very nice person."

"Who are you?" Tang Ji skillfully hung a pair of restraint rings on the man in the suit: "Are you also looking for the Ice and Snow Princess?"

"Ice and Snow Princess?" The man in the suit smiled and expressed his contempt for the name: "No, I'm looking for you."

"Looks like we need to have a good talk." Tang Ji looked at the crowd of people looking out curiously at the convenience store and the passing vehicles, and escorted the man in the suit into the car: "Fortunately, we have plenty of time."

Anthony looked at the car door on the ground and then at Surte: "Put the car door back, otherwise you will have to blow the wind on the way."

Soult snorted, picked up the car door honestly, and put the door back with force. He was not afraid of the wind, but a child who came from the wilderness did not want to see the vehicle being destroyed like this.

"Now, we can have a talk." Tang Ji watched Soult consciously get into the passenger seat, and turned to look at the man in the suit: "It's best not to play riddles with me, I'm a rough guy, and I don't have much patience.


"Don't worry, I understand this very well, and I have no intention of asking for trouble." The man in the suit had no sense of being a prisoner.

He took out a box of cigarettes that Tang Ji had never seen before from his pocket. He tapped the bottom of the cigarette box gracefully, and a light golden cigarette popped out. He gestured to Tang Ji and was sorry to see that the other party did not respond.

He shook his head and shrugged: "Your loss is tobacco made from the leaves of the Tree of Life."

Tang Ji didn't know what the tree of life he was talking about was, but when he lit the cigarette with a match, a strange aroma spread quickly into the car.

He immediately held his breath, put out the cigarette, opened the window to let in fresh air, and threw the cigarette away.

"You just threw away 50,000 federal coins." The man in the suit frowned, seeming to regret his loss: "And it's still 50,000 federal coins that have a price but no market."

"Maybe we should start with torture first." Tang Ji looked at the cigarette case and lighter in the other person's hand, but did not try to snatch it away. This man gave him a strange feeling.

He had an aura that was no less than Wolfgang's, but his instinct told him that the man in the suit in front of him was not a threat, and he could strangle him to death at any time if he wanted.

"Don't be so impatient, kid. Since you caught me, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer." The man in the suit knocked on the cigarette case again, and another cigarette popped out. He glanced at Tang Ji as a warning: "

Don't bother me smoking this time."

Tang Ji watched him light up his cigarette calmly and calmly, as if he was not in the enemy's car, but in his own office.

"Where to start? People like us have mastered so many secrets that it's hard to find a clue." The man in the suit smoked slowly, and the cigarette burned equally slowly, exuding a fascinating smell.

: "How about I start by introducing myself? You can call me Mikkelsen, Para Mikkelsen, senior special correspondent of the Joint Investigation Office."

"Big shot, but why would a big shot like you monitor me?" Tang Ji's eyes wandered over Mikkelsen. He tried his best to block the noise inside and outside the car, and did not find any electronic equipment on the other person.

"Losas organization, player, nuclear explosion, Ark organization, prophet." Mikkelsen only used a few words to make Tang Ji's eyes become sharp, but his next words stimulated Tang Ji even more:

"Wu Qianying, Tang Anran."

Tang Ji suddenly exerted force, caught Mikkelsen's throat with his iron hand, and pressed him against the back of the seat: "What else do you know?"

"Cough!...Cough!" Mikkelsen's face turned red due to difficulty breathing, but he still calmly stretched out his hand far away, as if he was worried that the cigarette would be affected: "Don't get excited...

Watch out for...my cigarette!”

Tang Ji let go of his palms and sat back again. Mikkelsen took a few deep breaths and took a puff of cigarette before speaking again: "Look, I know everything, but I didn't do anything. Believe me, if

I want to do it, I’ve done it a long time ago.”

"What do you want? What is your purpose in finding me?" Tang Ji tried to calm down, but Tang Anran's exposure made him confused.

"I am a senior commissioner of the Joint Enterprise Investigation Office, and LS Road Group is also a member of the Joint Enterprise Investigation Office, so it has no secrets from me." Mikkelsen's tone was as before, completely unaffected by anything: "I am also

I don’t know what your value is, I didn’t plan to meet you so early, this was an accident.”

Having said this, Mikkelsen glanced at Surte meaningfully: "I am a superhuman myself. I have known from a long time ago that superhumans will become trouble sooner or later, but they grow too fast."

"Next, I'm going to tell a long story, but when I finish, you should be able to tell me yourself why I came to you and what your value is." Mikkelsen took the remaining cigarette in one gulp.

After partially smoking, he carefully put the cigarette butt back into another small box: "You'd better be patient and listen to the end."

"About thirty years ago, on the eve of the second corporate war, we noticed that there was a force laying out in the dark, trying to provoke a new round of war. It not only penetrated deeply into the government and military, but also penetrated deeply into us.

Mixsenson lit a cigarette again: "Our initial goal is to dig out this force and prevent the occurrence of war."

"Maybe you don't believe it, but those big companies and groups that represented business alliances at that time did not want war. Nothing can destroy the financial market more than war. What capital wants is benefits, and rights are only incidental.

Companions, the only thing they don't want is responsibility."

"It's ironic, isn't it? They don't want to replace the government at all, nor do they want to get more rights with responsibilities from the real regime, but it is obvious that someone is plotting secretly to guide the direction of the situation."

"Some people in the federal government at that time were also aware of the existence of this force, but they had no time to investigate in depth. The entire department was purged. The same was true for us. We suffered heavy losses, but we didn't know where the enemy came from.


"The final result is as you can see. The second corporate war broke out in a haphazard manner. No one knew what the benefits of the war were, but everyone had to participate in it. There was no winner in the war, and it continued until everyone was exhausted.

It’s just over.”

"I am one of the few surviving senior special commissioners. Since then, I have been tracking down the organization hiding in the dark. There has been great resistance. Although I am equally good, I can only keep the investigation from stalling, almost

Not much was achieved.”

"Until the emergence of the prophet, I learned a lot of truth from that little girl... Player, it unfolded beyond my expectations. I even guessed that extraterrestrial forces were secretly interfering with our development, and for this reason, sixteen missiles were launched

Satellite, but the truth always surprises me."

"I'm sorry about the attack by Losas in Night City and what happened to your wife and children. I got some information in advance, but I didn't take them to heart. I was paying attention to other players.

branch organization."

Tang Ji clenched his fists, and the black snow of that night and the red dust cloud after the nuclear explosion flashed before his eyes, but he did not vent his anger on Mikkelsen, he just listened quietly.

"If you truly understand the power of players in our world, you will know that Losas is just the tip of the iceberg. It is indeed important. In my analysis, when players return again, it will quickly become this

The cancer of the world.”

"But behind it is an entire network belonging to players, which goes deep into our entire world. Naturalized people are pervasive and difficult to pull back into our camp. My intelligence personnel have suffered heavy losses."

"Then, I discovered you. I noticed you long before you came into contact with the Ark organization. After years of mutual penetration, I also planted some nails within the naturalized people."

"When players suddenly start talking about a person, it's hard for the naturalized people not to notice the name, Tang Ji, so I also noticed you."

"Obviously the players value you more than I thought. They even sent people back to test you during the non-return period. So, what's so special about you?" Mikkelsen's eyes wanted to see through Tang Ji.

: "Tell me this question."

"I know what you are worried about, Tang Anran." Mikkelsen finished smoking his second cigarette and looked at Tang Ji: "I can guarantee that no matter what choice you make in the future, I will not be a threat to Tang Anran.

Not that mean."

This chapter has been completed!
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