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Chapter 155: The meal is over

 When Nagagusa Shiro appeared again, he pushed a huge fish tank that was as tall as a person and had wheels underneath. An amberjack, which was more than one meter long, was swimming vigorously in the fish tank.

Every time it turns, the strong and powerful fish tail will hit the glass of the fish tank hard, causing the water surface to splash with water.

"When the neon amberjack grows to more than one meter, it is called Tairamasa. Its meat is rich in oil, rich in flavor, and has a plump and plump texture. Everything has reached the most perfect balance." Nagagusa Shiro said in a cold voice.

It came out after the fish tank.

Across the water in the fish tank and the constantly swimming fish, the two people looked at each other a little vaguely, but both sides knew that the other had murderous intentions.

Nagagusa Shiro pulled out a real samurai sword from his waist, stood on the edge of the fish tank with one arm, and looked at Tang Ji condescendingly: "Fish like live slices require unique skills to ensure the original taste of the ingredients."

Tang Ji looked up at Nagagusa Shiro and clapped: "I'm looking forward to your performance."

The moment Nagagusa Shiro drew his katana, Sanada Hiroyuki's brows moved. As a neon man, he certainly knew that the other party was talking nonsense. No chef of any genre used a samurai blade to cook fish.

Hiroyuki Sanada now only hopes that the fish is big enough and can be delayed long enough. He doesn't know how long it will take for Nagagusa Shiro's helpers to be in place, but he knows that if Tang Ji fails to achieve his goal, it will most likely make the situation serious.

Nagagusa Shiro was lying on the edge of the fish tank like a spider, putting one hand into the fish tank, teasing the amberjack's already very sensitive nerves.

The moment the amberjack attacked his palm, Nagagusa Shiro suddenly exerted his strength, grasped the gills of the amberjack, lifted the fish, which weighed at least eighty kilograms, out of the fish tank with one hand, and smashed it into Tang Ji's face with a thud.

On the table!

The water droplets on the amberjack's body were thrown all over the sky with the inertia and the fish's struggle. For a moment, Sanada had to cover his eyes with his palms.

But at this moment, Nagagusa Shiro, who was holding the fish in his left hand and holding the knife in his right hand, stabbed out the blade in his hand. The long and sharp samurai sword passed through the body of the fish from an inch behind the gills, and the tip of the knife was straight.

Pointing to Tang Ji’s chest!

However, Tang Ji's iron hand had already crossed the path of the blade in advance, and the blade rubbed a spark on the metal and was deflected to one side.

Nagagusa Shiro stopped his strength in time, used the hand holding the gills to lift the one-meter-long fish from the table, and stretched it forward so that the fish head was located on the upper right side of Tangji!

Then the blade used the cassock cutting technique to bypass Tang Ji's prosthetic leg, slashing from the upper left to the lower right!

Tang Ji tilted the prelude, and at the moment he held the blade, he followed Shiro Nagagusa's strength all the way down, and finally let his blade hit the table.

At the critical moment, Nagagusa Shiro deflected the blade, allowing the blade to draw a graceful arc at the tail of the fish, and broke out of the fish's body.

Then Nagagusa Shiro used his left hand hard and slapped the amberjack flatly on the table. At this time, one side of the amberjack had been completely cleaned, and the dense fish bones could be seen showing a strange beauty under the pink blood.

The next second, with the flick of Nagagusa Shiro's sword blade, the entire fish flesh that had been peeled off fell back to its original position.

"The flesh of yellowtail is rich and fat, so it should be cut thickly to make a mouthful. Do not use solid ice as the base, otherwise the food will be greasy and oily." Nagakusa Shiro took a step back with his knife: "The skin of yellowtail is tough and chewy.

Slightly searing it with a flame and adding a little warmth can further enhance the flavor of the meat."

"Next, I will show you the technique of the flame sword." Nagagusa Shiro's fingers moved slightly, touching the mechanism in the scabbard, and made a gesture of drawing the sword to strike.

Hiroyuki Sanada put down the palm that was covering the water droplets, completely unaware that in the few seconds just now, the two people had already exchanged hands.

Tang Ji smiled, then picked up a plate and carefully selected a few condiments and poured them together.

His behavior obviously once again angered the chef Shiro Nagagusa. This was the diners expressing their dissatisfaction with the taste of the food and the chef's knife skills. He could not hide the fishy smell of the fish and could only add thick oily red sauce.


Nagagusa Shiro approached the table with strange steps. He still maintained the posture of drawing his sword and slashing, only the soles of his feet moved back and forth.

Don Quito was unwilling to get up or move his position, so Shiro Nagagusa naturally had the advantage, and he quickly adjusted the distance to a suitable position.

Then, the whole person was like a taut long bow that was stretched to the extreme, and the next second, it was suddenly released!

Hiroyuki Sanada only saw a red mark flash across his retina, and a rapid gunshot accompanied by the sound of metal collision made his ears ring.

And Nagagusa Shiro has returned to his previous posture again, as if the blade has never been unsheathed.

But a bright broken blade, with its blade still burning with flames, was swinging back and forth on the table in front of Hiroyuki Sanada. He could even smell a strong aroma of wine.

If you get closer, maybe the person who can taste the aroma of this wine is Hiroyuki Sanada's head.

Hiroyuki Sanada wiped his cold sweat. He couldn't see clearly the specific process of the battle, but he knew that Tang Ji had the upper hand, because the opponent had already picked up the chopsticks and cut off the hairiest piece of fish from the belly of the amberjack.

Clamped up.

The surface of the fish skin has been slightly wrinkled by the searing, and the edges are tilted upward, revealing the red and white layers of fine fish underneath.

"The best delicacies, dedicated to the most distinguished guests." Nagakusa Shiro seemed to have not seen the cutting blade in front of Sanada Hiroyuki. He knelt down very formally two meters in front of Tang Ji, looking at Tang Ji expectantly.

It seems that he is waiting for Tang Ji to give him the most honest feedback.

Tang Ji lightly dipped it into his sauce plate. This action made Nagagusa Shiro and Sanada Hiroyuki frown at the same time.

Unlike before, because of the proliferation of devil salmon, most aquatic products now have to rely on artificial breeding.

It is difficult to completely simulate the living environment of large fishes like amberjack that have migratory habits. It can be said that such an amberjack that can grow to the stage of peace is definitely a rare species that will eat less.

Watching Tang Ji put the piece of fish belly into his mouth, Sanada Hiroyuki couldn't help but swallow his saliva. This was the first time in his life that he had seen such top-quality ingredients. At this moment, he even forgot about the danger of being almost beheaded by the Broken Blade Owl.


Nagagusa Shiro heard Sanada Hiroyuki's swallowing sound, took this opportunity to go down the steps, gently placed the katana on the floor on the right side, took out the same style of willow blade from his arms, stepped forward, and gently

Gently cut the half of the fish into diamond-shaped pieces.

"I just made a fool of myself, are you still satisfied?" Nagagusa Shiro took out a bottle of sake and put it on the surface of the fish. He ignited the alcohol with a match. The flame and the aroma of the wine instantly burned through the surface of the fish, leaving the skin and fish flesh.

become tighter.

He used a willow blade to separate a part of the fish, placed it in front of Hiroyuki Sanada and made a sign of invitation. Then he knelt down in front of Tang Ji and took out a triangular dagger-shaped knife from his arms.

"The eyes of the yellowtail have been specially processed and have a unique flavor. I hope you like it." Nagagusa Shiro gently held up the head of the yellowtail body that was used as a food plate. Before the other party could make an emergency response, he suddenly slashed hard with his knife.

It penetrated a few millimeters behind the amberjack's eye socket.

In the meantime, Nagagusa Shiro also exerted force on his wrist, and turned the knife in a circle inside the amberjack's eye socket. He then gouged out a fish eye that was as big as a glutinous rice ball and had a complete shape.

"This thing needs to be put into the stomach as soon as possible!" As soon as Nagakusa Shiro finished speaking, he already handed over his hand and stabbed Tang Ji in the eye with a knife!

Tang Ji watched the fish eyes on the tip of the knife reflect his face more and more completely, and remained motionless. It wasn't until there was a hint of expectation in Nagakusa Shiro's eyes that he suddenly stretched out his prosthetic limb and held Nagakusa Shiro.


At this time, the tip of his knife was only three centimeters away from Tang Ji's eyes, but Nagagusa Shiro's body of flesh and blood could never resist Tang Ji's steel body.

Tang Ji held Shiro Nagagusa's wrist tightly, carefully looked at the fish eyes on it, and frowned with disgust: "You can eat it yourself."

Nagagusa Shiro was pushed by Tang Ji, but he still maintained the demeanor of a so-called cooking master. The tip of the knife in his hand was always pointed upward, so that the delicious food did not fall to the ground and be contaminated by dust.

He turned around and put the fish eyes on Hiroyuki Sanada's plate: "Since the host and guest don't like this, let the guest enjoy it."

Hiroyuki Sanada wanted to say loudly that I didn't want to eat such weird things, but as a neon person, Nagagusa Shiro's cooking master style immersed in his bones drove him to try this thing.

"Next, I will deal with the fish tail for you." Nagagusa Shiro began to sweat on his forehead. He knew that he was suppressed by Tang Ji in all directions, but he had no choice. There were too many secrets in his house, and he couldn't just run away.


Otherwise, if people find out who he has killed later, Nagagusa Shiro will definitely not be able to stay in Neon any longer. He now relies on the people of the Miki Consortium to keep their word.

Counting the time, they should be arriving soon. Nagagusa Shiro looked at the samurai sword thrown on the ground, the willow blade on the table, and the dagger in his hand. He then looked at Tang Ji, who was still feasting, and at the opponent's hand.

The pistol was connected, showing a hint of loneliness.

For a long time, he has been accustomed to his own excellence and regards others as insignificant. Today, he suddenly realized that he was just a frog at the bottom of the well. This shock made Shirou Nagagusa exhausted physically and mentally.

Tang Ji just looked at Nagakusa Shiro with an expressionless expression. The willow blade he used to slice the fish was right next to Tang Ji's right hand, less than two meters away from Nagakusa Shiro.

The two meters were like a natural chasm, and Nagakusa Shiro did not dare to step forward to take the blade. The back-and-forth drama between him and Tang Ji just ended.

After the scene, there is a naked jungle relationship. Tang Ji is stalling for time, waiting for Wang Zhengdao to return with the medical staff, and Nagagusa Shiro is also stalling for time, waiting for the Miki Consortium to rescue him.

Now the people waiting for both sides have not arrived, but the drama has ended early, and the scene is somewhat silent.

Nagagusa Shiro wanted to get his sword back, continue acting, and continue to delay time, but he didn't dare to bet that Tang Ji would take this opportunity to attack him.

Tang Ji smiled and suddenly gave the willow blade to Nagagusa Shiro: "Continue, I'm not full yet."

Nagagusa Shiro felt like he was being pardoned. He knelt on his knees and kept his kneeling position. He walked all the way. Liu Ren made a knife in his hand and started to deal with the fish tail.

The tail of a big fish like amberjack has strong muscles and low fat content, but because it is "live meat", just looking at the color gives people a sense of pleasure.

The pinkish-red color looks like the clouds reflected in the sky at sunset. Only Shiro Nagagusa, a live-cutting master who has mastered the bone swimming technique, can cut fish with such bright colors.

This is the freshness of the blood that has not yet fully come into contact with the air. This is the sadness of being reduced to the food and drink of others before life is over.

No matter how much Tang Ji looks down on Nagagusa Shiro, he must admit that this cooking expert has changed his views on fish ingredients.

Tang Ji, who grew up eating deviled salmon, never thought that he would feel a certain degree of happiness when eating fish one day.

As for Hiroyuki Sanada, he had already finished his portion and was looking at the amberjack on the table that had become a dinner plate.

Tang Ji listened to the sweet sound the willow blade made as it sliced ​​across the amberjack's muscles and skin in Shiro Nagagusa's hands, and smelled the aroma of the burning sake in the air.

The next second, a low and rhythmic melody interrupted his lunch time.

It should be some kind of low-flying aircraft. Tang Ji, who didn't know much about neon military equipment, couldn't accurately determine the source of the sound, but he knew that lunch time was over.

Nagagusa Shiro apparently also realized something. When the first elite soldier who broke through the wall still stood up, he had already rolled over and hid behind the fish tank.

"Kill him!" Nagagusa Shiro shouted loudly: "Kill him!"


The first one to roar was still the prelude. The soldier wrapped in black artificial muscles and wearing a ninja-like helmet had his left leg shattered by a shot from Tang Ji before he could see the environment clearly.

His thighs were broken simultaneously, and the owner of the thigh lost the support on one side and fell to the ground in an instant, but his brain did not realize what happened.

Then, the walls were broken one after another, and as soon as some of these soldiers entered the room, they instantly disappeared through the shadows in the room.

This is some kind of environmental stealth function, and it is much smoother than the same type of equipment Tang Ji has seen before. Obviously, the Neon people have been forced to isolate themselves during this period, and it is not without technological progress.

Unfortunately, Tang Ji had already passed the warning of relying on hand-eye coordination to complete shooting, and the stealth abilities of these soldiers were of no use to him.

Just like hunting a duck, the sudden burst of firepower in the prelude even made the soldiers outside who had not had time to rush in think that there were multiple enemies ambushing in the room.

"Is this the reinforcement you called for?" Tang Ji calmly hid behind the fish tank, loaded the bullets for the prelude, and smiled at Nagagusa Shiro through the water and glass: "You should really finish that fish.


"Is it true that we can't talk anymore?" Nagakusa Shiro looked at the first batch of soldiers who entered and were all knocked down, and asked again: "I'm really just a businessman, I can talk about anything!"

"Sorry, I hate this kind of person the most."

This chapter has been completed!
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