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Chapter 159: Reckless is over

 If you can accept Mikkelsen, who has an infectious smile and dyed blond hair, you can accept that the senior special agent of the Joint Enterprise Investigation Office not only infiltrated the intelligence department, but also became a big boss.

This is the setting for the webmaster of the information station.

In short, when the baker Mikkelsen brought a plate of small cakes and asked Tang Ji and his party to try it with a smile, Tang Ji and Anthony, the two people who had met Mikkelsen's "body", subconsciously felt that this

The thing was poisoned.

Fortunately, Mr. Lucky took the plate directly, and while eating the small cake, he sat leisurely in the best light position, crossed his legs, and asked the waiter for a cup of coffee.

Mikkelsen arranged for someone to take Miwako, who was hiding in the minivan, into the medical room of the intelligence station through the back door, and professional medical staff took over.

In normal times, Anthony would definitely follow him to see the level of his colleagues before deciding whether to hand over his wounded to the other party for treatment.

But right now, his CPU is obviously a little overclocked, and his attention is always attracted by the sunshine version of Mikkelsen.

Mikkelsen casually sat across from Tang Ji, took out a box of slim women's cigarettes and gestured to Tang Ji. After being rejected, he started smoking on his own, without paying any attention to the no-smoking sign next to him.

"Is it weird to see me?" Mikkelsen smiled, and his facial expression was so expressive that Tang Ji pulled his face to see if it was true or not. After all, he had done this kind of thing before.

But those eyes that remained silent proved that Mikkelsen was still the living dead. He was just controlling his facial muscles to make expressions that complied with ordinary human social rules.

"It's indeed strange, especially when your billboard is standing on the street like this. Are the stupid people blind?" Tang Ji hesitated for a long time and finally did not have the courage to eat the cake made by Mikkelsen himself.

"Would you be more surprised if I said that I have another avatar who has sneaked into the top management of the Huangban Group?" Mikkelsen blinked at Tang Ji, but under such a vivid expression, those eyes remained unchanged.

With no fluctuations in emotions.

This kind of contrast is like when you watch a European and American movie, the heroine is replaced by Sheldon, and then he uses a scientific perspective to maintain a completely uniform voice to help breathe.

This scene is enough to cause any man to suddenly suffer from ED and be treated for life-long depression. It would require 700 G of resources to wash away all the trouble.

"What's your purpose in coming to Daban?" Mikkelsen greeted the passing guests warmly, with the look of an enthusiastic boss on his face.

"Your little spy just confirmed that the Miki Consortium is controlled by the player. The player also has a body warehouse here. Don't you know?" Tang Ji pushed the coffee in front of him forward. He made up his mind not to touch any food.


"In fact, Arasha knows very well who is behind the Miki Consortium, but there is a body warehouse in Daban, which is indeed new information." Mikkelsen looked at the bustling flow of people outside the window: "What are your plans?

, I saw you brought that Mr. Good Luck here, and you already had a mature plan."

There is indeed a plan, but it's hard to say whether it's mature or not, and Tang Ji is too embarrassed to reveal how he uses Mr. Good Luck.

Until now, he didn't know if the choice he made from Nagagusa Shiro was right. After all, Nagagusa Shiro's ability was actually quite practical. It would be a pity to cut him off like this. He should be frozen and thawed as needed.

Wang Zhengdao did not come with them, so Tang Ji got rid of him and sent Chrissy back to Night City. Currently, in Tang Ji's heart, Chrissy's status could not be shaken by anyone, which was related to Tang Anran's safety.

"If you need any help from me, just ask me. Spending the wasteful money to do your own thing is an interesting thing for you and me." When Mikkelsen said this, there seemed to be something real in the corner of his eyes.

There was a slight smile, but it passed away in a flash, and Tang Ji had no time to distinguish it.

"I saw that the people from the Miki Consortium were equipped with a red exoskeleton with good performance." Tang Jiyi said pointedly.

"The products of Rising Sun Heavy Industry use Neon Man's hydrogen energy power pack. The technology is not very mature. I don't have one here. If you are interested, I can help you send one to Night City." Mikkelsen shook his head.

Shaking his head: "You can only rely on manual repair to make large toys that can be used as high-quality products."

"In comparison, I recommend smart weapons produced by Huangban." Mikkelsen continued: "If I were a high-level military technology executive, I would be careful about Huangban's weapons design department. They have captured the new generation of consumer products.

The heart of the person.”

"As long as you can afford it, you don't have to worry about being inferior to others, and there is no need for boring training. All the problems are left to the weapon itself. You only need to raise your arm." Mikkelsen smiled and made a button gesture.

Trigger gesture: "Then wait for your enemy to fall on the side of the road with regret on his face."

"I still trust my marksmanship more." Tang Ji shook his head and took out an equipment list that he had written long ago and handed it to Mikkelsen. This thing was originally written to Hiroyuki Sanada, but the other party was in Neon Local.

There is no way out.

"It's up to you, I need two hours to prepare these things." Mikkelsen took a deep look at Mr. Lucky sitting by the window, and then looked at Tang Ji: "As long as he is here, I won't disturb you.

His revenge plan."

He could never figure out why the force that had been driving Mr. Good Luck finally brought Mr. Good Luck to Tang Ji.

In fact, Mikkelsen himself is a crucial part of this process, and he feels that his pride has been trampled on the ground and ravaged by fate.

Mikkelsen learned about Tang Ji's presence in Daban about half an hour before Tang Ji arrived. The person in charge of security at Daban for the Miki Consortium was his.

But he didn't want to. Before he could react, Tang Ji led a group of people directly to the door and rushed into his lair in Daban.

This is actually not good news for Mikkelsen.

He relied on some tricks to work himself into the absurd intelligence department, and even became the webmaster of Daban Station, but Tang Ji was like a bomb.

This matter involves both players, naturalized people, and the Miki Consortium. The top brass of the Intelligence Department will definitely send someone to trace the whole story.

In fact, Mikkelsen cannot withstand any investigation. His public identity is not a secret. There is no guarantee that a second Tangji will not appear during the investigation and he can be recognized at a glance.

He was indeed a little too arrogant before. He didn't disguise his identity too much and still used his own face. He liked to humiliate his old rivals in this way.

But Tangji's tree, which held thunder in his hand, happened to explode in his hand. Mikkelsen could only attribute this to unfair fate.

Although he is still drinking coffee calmly now, he has actually contacted him privately to get a boat ticket to leave Neon on the sea overnight.

But Mikkelsen is Mikkelsen after all. When he said he would prepare everything in two hours, he really prepared everything Tangji needed.

High-standard protective equipment is essential. The price of buying dragon scale armor in Neon is much cheaper than buying it in the Federation.

The rest are conventional weapons and equipment, which are not a problem at all for those with knowledge. Mikkelsen has studied Tangji's fighting style in detail.

Tang Ji is a person who relies more on intuition than reason. His tactics are simple and direct, but the scary thing is that he thinks less and moves quickly.

Often before the enemy reacts, he has already achieved the mission goal by defeating and destroying him.

But this does not mean that Tanguy is not strong enough. On the contrary, the more Mikkelsen studies Tanguy, the more powerful he discovers.

Even without the bonus of being furious, Tang Ji is still one of the people who stands at the pinnacle of human individual strength. Mikkelsen spent a lot of effort to get Tang Ji's physical examination report from his time in the Law Enforcement Bureau.

Since Tang Ji became a law enforcer, his physical fitness has been steadily improving, and this improvement has even surpassed the normal physiological curve.

He has never been sick, and his various physiological data do not seem to be exaggerated, but they have reached a completely consistent balance.

People who are stronger than him are definitely not as flexible as him, people who are faster than him are not as durable as him, and people who can outrun Tang Ji usually participate in professional competitions and will not appear on the streets of Night City.

Tang Ji's physical fitness has always been overshadowed by his fighting style. He is accustomed to an offensive style of playing with injuries. This tendency became more obvious after the Red Sun incident.

In addition, Tang Ji is also a sharpshooter and a superb small-scale combat expert, but these things are covered up by the identity of Fury.

Mikkelsen was shocked to find that with so many people at his disposal, he couldn't find anyone who could compare with Tang Ji.

This further strengthened Mikkelsen's determination to control Tang Ji and even Mr. Good Luck with the help of Wu Qianying.

With such a mood, Mikkelsen watched Tang Ji and his party leave the cake shop in disguised vehicles. He arranged two vehicles for them. There was no positioning and no tricks. He didn't want to end up because of his unnecessary efforts.

Plans to influence Tang Ji.

If he really has a plan...

Next, Mikkelsen needs to consider when it is more appropriate for him to disappear. He has to wait for the right opportunity to reveal the location of the body warehouse to the Abandoned Special Class.

They are old rivals, but on this front, their interests are relatively consistent.



Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao were in a car, and in the car behind them were Anthony, Mr. Good Luck, and Sanada Hiroyuki. He planned to drive around the Fukushima Industrial Zone where the body warehouse is located, and give Wang Zhengdao

It took a while to get familiar with the environment, and then two people rushed in and killed everyone inside.

The plan is simple and crude, but considering that it has been nearly six hours since the time passed, the longer the delay, the greater the possibility of alerting the enemy. This is the fastest plan.

Wang Zhengdao looked disheveled, and the continuous trip to and from the Federal Neon Line made him physically and mentally exhausted.

"Don't expect me to help much in a while, I'm almost exhausted." Wang Zhengdao drank instant coffee and kept breathing.

"I have paid." Tang Ji emphasized: "To complete the prophet's mission, we must clear out most of the body warehouses."

"Did the person who gave you the information tell you how many guards there are here?" Wang Zhengdao watched as both sides of the road gradually became deserted, and human industrial behavior brought irreversible pollution to the surrounding environment.

Of course, all the pollution combined is not as good as the nuclear leakage pollution that Fukushima City once experienced. The Neon government's negative and irresponsible response measures at that time completely lost public opinion, which indirectly led to the subsequent "return to treatment"

Private enterprise' movement.

Matsutomo Electric, the leading company in the Kansai region, indeed spent a lot of effort to manage Fukushima and eventually built it into a heavy industrial zone.

But as time went by, the story repeated by capital happened again.

Employees working in the Fukushima Industrial Zone are constantly being diagnosed with terminal illnesses, and the Geiger counters that engineers smuggled in are buzzing.

The "just" media leaked that the isolation layer used to fill the nuclear waste was proven to be ineffective, and Matsutomo Electric concealed this fact.

However, the photos taken at the scene showed that the damaged surface of the isolation layer was a regular cylindrical opening that was deliberately penetrated.

Someone deliberately damaged the isolation layer, but when Songyou Electricians encountered the problem, the cross-section showed that the isolation layer they poured was less than one-third of the specified thickness.

For a time, Songyou Electrician accused Huangban Group of maliciously destroying the isolation layer and treating the safety of people's lives as nothing. When Huangban rebuked the other party for being unreasonable, he also pointed out that Songyou Electrician was obsessed with profit and cut corners.

The lawsuit between the two parties lasted for more than 20 years, and until the last victim died in the hospital, no one received a penny in compensation.

Matsutomo Electric is still the largest company in Kansai, but the Fukushima Industrial Zone was abandoned. They hastily repaired the isolation layer and treated this area as a garbage dump.

Some merchants looking for cheap will take the risk to build warehouses here, but they will never let any information related to Fukushima be displayed on their products.

The player's body warehouse is in this area. Tang Ji parked the car on the mountain road, and the factory where the body warehouse is hidden is three kilometers in front of them.

"Can you jump over?" Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao looked at the dilapidated factory building in the distance. The once orange outer walls were now dim.

This area used to be densely populated with factories, but now there are only empty factory buildings left, with no street lights or vehicles on the roads.

Locals rarely enter the Fukushima area, but occasionally scavengers' trucks rumble by, collecting all the metal products they can take away.

"Of course it can, but I don't know the internal structure. Judging from the situation, they must have rebuilt the inner city inside the factory. Jumping directly in will easily get stuck." Wang Zhengdao pointed to an old truck that was running: "We can jump first

Get there and follow the truck around to get a closer look."

"Jumping on a moving target?" Tang Ji frowned. The open trunk of the truck was filled with scrap steel bars: "Are you sure?"

"Stop talking nonsense and let's go!" After Wang Zhengdao said that, he put his hand on Tang Ji's shoulder, and the two of them disappeared out of thin air.

This chapter has been completed!
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