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Chapter 165 Mantis catching cicadas

 Erimi Miwako looked at the frightened doctor in the intelligence station carefully re-bandaging her wound with biofilm, and she felt a little uneasy in her heart.

Miwako can face her physical disability calmly. After all, she chooses to voluntarily give up part of her body. There are also many people who embrace mechanized prosthetics.

What made her uneasy was the accident that happened here before. The head of the local intelligence station suddenly fled. Although there were no casualties, it also caused the entire intelligence station to temporarily become untrustworthy.

Miwako was also implicated, after all, this incident happened just after she was sent here.

The secrets in her hands were of great importance, and due to the sensitivity of espionage personnel, Miwako also realized that if the Miki Consortium was supported by that player, then there might not be people from the other party within the Aragban Group.

So she can only choose to hand over the secret to someone she absolutely trusts...

At present, the entire intelligence station has been temporarily taken over by armed personnel from the Special Division. Miwako has been assigned to foreign missions since she was a student, lurking in the Miki Consortium, and does not have much awareness of the changes in the Arasban Group's intelligence system.

But the unabashed rejection and scrutiny of those armed men have reached their lowest point, which makes Miwako, who has been lurking outside for many years and paid a heavy price to get the intelligence back, emotionally unable to accept it.

"I wonder if I can apply for the Orochi series of biochemical prostheses." Miwako, who was bored while waiting, began to think about how to make up for the physical defects, or to reasonably strengthen them while taking into account the appearance.

Based on the popular prosthetic culture on the market and the capital that Neon has grown, manufacturing tycoons and Huangban Group also want a piece of the pie.

However, as losers, their similar products cannot compete with companies like Military Technology and Lazarus, so they can only find another way like weapons products.

Biochemical prostheses are an experimental product of Huangban. Compared with Tang Ji's stupid, big, black and thick mechanical prostheses, biochemical prostheses are more compatible with the human body and have more sensitive nerve responses.

With the addition of flexible artificial muscles, biochemical prostheses can equal others in terms of power output.

Of course, these are all advertising slogans of Huangban Group and are only used for publicity.

For knowledgeable people, the technology of biochemical prosthetics is not yet mature enough, and the nerve connection system between it and the human body is still in the development stage, making it difficult to complete complex movements.

Good compatibility is based on the integration of man and machine and the expensive cost of dedicated personnel. These biochemical prostheses directly use the implanter's subcutaneous cells to cultivate key parts. The time cost and material cost are both prohibitive.

As for power output, it is said that the current Orochi series has achieved the level of energy consumption of 2L of coke for a 100-meter sprint, which is barely acceptable.

There are also legends that the reason why this series of biochemical prostheses is called the Orochi series is because Araban Group has also developed fifth limb products for male customers and specific female customers.

Of course, this may not be a legend. After all, the profits of the Orochi series are continuing to create myths with the impressive performance of doubling every quarter.

Miwako's random thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. A person in charge of the special section walked into the medical room with a smile and handed Miwako the previously confiscated mobile phone.

"Miwako, this is Yingo Mida." A strange yet familiar voice came from the other side of the phone.

But this name still brought a pure smile to Miwako's face. This name was associated with the happiest time in her life.

At that time, she was lucky enough to be chosen to stay with Yori Xuan, so she didn't have to be busy training and studying sixteen hours a day.

You can walk around in the streets and alleys every day under the guise of observing the public sentiment, and study in a normal school like everyone else.

Although the period when she was lazy was made up for in later training, those happy memories will remain forever.

"I'm with Yori Nobu." Sanda Yingfu continued: "Don't worry, you are surrounded by my people, they are protecting you, we will be there soon."

Hearing Arababa Yorinobu's name, Miwako finally breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm sorry to meet you in this form, but I have no other choice."

"Don't think so much, I'm here to pick you up." Araban Yorinobu's voice seemed to calm people's hearts, making Miwako immediately relax and collapse on the operating table.

Although she received blood transfusions and bandaged her wounds, the torture she suffered at Shirou Nagagusa's place had actually made this woman almost exhausted.



"We are following Yingfu Sandao's car. Yes, don't worry, our newcomers are very capable and they won't be able to spot us."

"Asami Sozuki has secured target No. 2, but she is worried that the other party is trying to take advantage of her."

"That woman is too conservative! After her arms were blown off last time, she became a coward!"

"Naoki, don't go too far. Asami Sozuki is a senior, so please show due respect!"

"Haha, pedantic, what we need is strong action!"

"Stop arguing, remember that our first target is the woman Yorinobu Arakuban wants to see! After the No. 1 target is eliminated, the No. 2 target Tang Ji will be."

"What about Sanda Yio and Arababa Yorinobu?"

"If there is a chance, kill Yoshio Sanada as well, but never allow Yorinobu Arababa to be harmed. He is our ally!"

"I don't have such an ally like Young Master! Maybe my hands are slippery."

"Fukuyama Yusuke, take care of your people. I hope this is just a joke, otherwise the president will not let you go."

"I understand, Naoki is just outspoken. He won't hurt your mascot, right, Naoki?"

"Haha, that's right Yusuke, sometimes I don't speak my mind, so I'll be careful."

"These bastards!" Asami Sozuki looked at the speeches in the secret channel and even felt a little strange to the entire fraternity.

The old-school cadres continued to tolerate and retreat, but they did not gain the understanding of the newcomers, and the superhumans became more aggressive.

Asami Sogetsu looked at Tangji beside him, who was leisurely dismantling his own gun.

Although they were in a moving box truck filled with heavily armed people, Dang Tangji seemed to be a world away from them.

The bumpy environment did not affect Tang Ji's movements. He dismantled the parts one by one and wiped them clean. Soon the large-caliber revolver was reduced to several parts.

Tang Ji blew a breath and watched the bullet cylinder rotate smoothly on the connector, restoring the entire gun in an instant as if by magic.

Asami Sogetsu even felt that she saw something close to Tao in Tang Ji, and people's attention could not help but be attracted to it.

But soon a discordant voice came out: "Hey! Old Antique, backward weapons are no longer popular nowadays. Have you heard of smart weapons?"

The speaker is a superhuman in Asami Sozuki's team. He has the ability to harden his skin, which can make his skin's defense close to the level of a heavy body armor. He has always been disliked.

The superhuman fiddled with the gun in his hand that was the size and shape of an old-fashioned video camera. The square muzzle was actually an array of sixteen gun barrels.

This is the TKA-15 Musashi, a new weapon produced by the Araban Group to replace shotguns. It integrates multiple intelligent systems, coupled with unique design ideas, making the entire volume appear bloated and huge.

But corresponding to it is the power. It can lock on eight targets within 15 meters within 0.5 seconds, and then the bullets will automatically track the enemy and cause damage, which is a great advantage in street fighting.

Hiroyuki Sanada did not translate this sentence, because Tang Ji did not seem to notice this small provocation at all.

He was really worried that when he got out of the car later, two people would walk out of the car.

"In a moment, we will launch a feint attack first to attract the target's guarding force, and I will leave the rest to you." Asami Sozuki smoothed things over and said the reason was full of loopholes, feeling uneasy in his heart.

"Don't forget the information you promised about Losas." Tang Ji reminded him in a 'friendly' way, not forgetting to reload the prelude as he spoke.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Asami Sozuki always felt that when Tangji loaded bullets, he loaded them according to the number of heads in the car.

Especially for the last bullet, she saw Tang Ji chuckle at the reckless superhuman and put a black bullet into the bullet chamber.



"Sir, we are ready to enter the target neighborhood." The driver drove around Osaka aimlessly for more than an hour. After making sure that there was no tail behind him, he started to approach the neighborhood where the cake shop was located.

During this process, the Special Section had other teams secretly protecting them, and there were also small drones belonging to the Special Section searching for similar people in the air.

Unfortunately, the target who was actually monitoring them was in some kind of stealth position. He was currently leaning on the roof of Sanda Ying'o's car, live broadcasting their journey.

If Tang Ji discovers the opponent, he will definitely think of the first player he killed and that the opponent has the ability of [Chameleon Mimicry] in his relic library.

It's just that the player at that time only had LV1 level abilities, which was far lower than the tracker's level.

Samada Yingo is a cautious and suspicious person. If he hadn't been like this, he wouldn't have been promoted to the position of head of the special section, so his driver was also a confidant brought all the way from Tokyo.

It's just that although the confidants were loyal and experienced, they didn't notice the increase in weight. On the one hand, it was because the tracker himself was lighter.

On the other hand, it was because the vehicle he was driving had been modified by the local person in charge of the Special Division and had bulletproof panels installed, so the vehicle itself was heavier.

The tracker just wore a helmet, kept his hands tightly on the car body, and always kept the camera pointed straight ahead.

The armed squads arranged by the Iron Lotus Brotherhood on the big board are also constantly maneuvering, waiting for the opportunity of the oriole behind.

Soon, the car carrying Samada Yio and Arababa Yorinobu stopped at the door of the cake shop. At this time, the cake shop had already put up a closing sign.

The two people and the accompanying bodyguards ignored the sign and went straight in. The special section personnel disguised as store clerks immediately opened the door to the secret room at the back. After a few people entered, they covered it up again.

"The target has arrived at the destination." This signal immediately made the Iron Lotus people excited, and the real mission goal was also sent to every member in the car.

Now, except Tang Ji and Hiroyuki Sanada, everyone in the car knew who they really wanted to kill.

Asami Sozuki's smile became more and more forced. The driver slowly parked the truck in an alley opposite the cake shop. Her team members were already ready and eager to try.

"Where is the information I want?" Tang Jicheng clicked, put the prelude together, and asked calmly.

"We are sorting out the information about Losas..." Asami Sozuki had cold sweat on her forehead, subconsciously stalling for time.

"Sister, don't waste time!" The superhuman who spoke before stood up with a cruel look on his face and shouted: "Let's do it right here!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a bullet shot directly into the driver's head, and blood poured all over Asami Sozuki's face.

Bah! Bah! Bah! Five consecutive gunshots sounded, as if they had converged into one sound.

Hiroyuki Sanada covered his ears with his hands and rolled out of the car in embarrassment. Because the space was narrow, when Tangji fired, two shots were almost close to his face.

The large-caliber revolver in the prelude almost deafened his ears in a confined space. Hiroyuki Sanada shook the blood on his sleeve vigorously and held on to the wall to let himself catch his breath.

"I knew it!" Hiroyuki Sanada was smoking a cigarette outside before he saw Tang Ji walking out of the carriage.

That superhuman did cause him some trouble. When Tang Ji fired, he was the last target. Because his smart weapon was heavy and bulky, he couldn't even lift the muzzle in the car, so he was the least threat.

This also led to the fact that when Tang Ji turned the gun towards him after one point and two seconds, he had already completed his transformation and his whole body was bronze.

The black armor-piercing bullet was embedded in his forehead. Tang Ji had to step on the opponent's chest, rounded the bullet and used it as a hammer, and knocked the bullet in one by one. This was a response to his previous provocation.

"This is the charm of old antiques." Tang Jichao showed the unscathed body to the prelude: "Simple, reliable, durable, and strong."

Unfortunately, it could only hold six bullets. Tang Ji pulled Asami Sozuki's hair and dragged the only survivor out of the carriage.

"I said, deceiving me will have serious consequences." Tang Ji began to reload the bullets in the prelude: "Tell me your real plan, such as why you want to kill me? I have many enemies, you have to remind me


Asami Sozuki closed her eyes and said nothing. Her heart had died from the gunfire just now.

After Tang Ji loaded the bullet, he glanced at the young face with pity, turned around and left, letting her go.

Asami Sozuki didn't know that the Iron Lotus Brotherhood claimed to be a safe chat room, and Aaliya had already hacked into it by following her phone.

Even those more secret private chats, Tang Ji could see clearly. The Iron Lotus Brotherhood certainly knew that Asami Sozuki's mission was dangerous, but who caused her team to suffer heavy losses before and not be supplemented by powerful superhumans?


Fortunately, the Iron Lotus Brotherhood is not lying. Although they do not have information about Losas, but their own tendencies, at least Tang Ji can spend today happily.

After all, what could be more beautiful than bullets accompanied by blood and sunset accompanied by death?

This chapter has been completed!
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