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Chapter 170 Mikkelsen is making cards

 A certain Mikkelsen sitting in the joint investigation office was reviewing the email sent to him by Wu Qianying. As he expected, Tang Ji first found the hidden player.

But Mikkelsen really didn't expect that this clue was so close to him, and almost the entire chain of events happened around him.

It was as if fate was teasing him...

Mikkelsen's face was a little gloomy, but because he usually had this face, no one could notice it.

"It took God seven days to create man. Now that destruction falls from the sky, he also has to wait seven days." Mikkelsen muttered to himself and began to prepare his plan.

He has signed more than a dozen new plans and contracts, including the establishment of two professional teams of fifty people, mainly composed of engineering troops, communications troops and medical troops, and the acquisition of several equipment production lines with outdated technology.

After all, Mikkelsen is an old man who has lived for more than a century. Although you can't tell it from the outside, in fact he can no longer keep up with the pace of the new era.

When tracking Tang Ji, he habitually used multiple clones to follow him in a relay style instead of using modern technology.

This is not because Mikkelsen does not know how to use modern technology, but that his personal style has been formed, and when faced with problems, his first reaction is still what he is used to.

Another example is the physical monster composed of major capitals. Although Mikkelsen himself is an outstanding capitalist, he almost single-handedly created the largest military technology group among the monsters.

But he was still accustomed to the centralized model of big government. When the federation was substantially disintegrated, Mikkelsen did not hesitate and used all possible means to take over the remaining frameworks of the Bureau of Investigation and the Intelligence Bureau.

This is a common problem among immortals, and Mikkelsen himself knows this very well. In this regard, he has always used greed as a mirror to warn himself.

As the oldest known human being, Wolfgang has maintained a lifestyle consistent with his habits in his prime.

He is used to the life of an adventurer with no fixed abode, and when he integrates into civilized society, he will subconsciously show his so-called gentlemanly demeanor.

Compared to modern communication equipment, Wolfgang even retained the inefficient communication method of writing letters. The more Mikkelsen observed him, the more he felt like a wild beast trapped in modern society.

Is he not the same? Their era has passed, but for various reasons, the dead souls of the old society still maintain a vigorous life, neither alive nor dead.

Mikkelsen was born after the end of World War II and grew up in the Cold War period when the world was bipolar. The model he is most familiar with is nuclear deterrence and nuclear balance.

When he realized that he was facing an invincible opponent, the genes engraved in his bones slowly awakened.

Mikkelsen is not a madman who wants to destroy the world every day, but he must ensure that he has this card in his hand and can play it at any time.

The war between them and the players will be cruel, but Mikkelsen doesn't care. In his idea, 12% of the total population of the civilization can be sacrificed to gain an advantage.

In this process, the financial crisis, food crisis, and energy crisis sweeping the world are inevitable. The manufacturing and energy industries will gradually be unified as the war progresses, forming a new political system.

Although he did not anticipate the emergence of players when he first established the Enterprise Joint Investigation Office, he was indeed preparing for this aspect.

Once a major crisis occurs, he will borrow the prestige and power of the Joint Investigation Office over the years to directly bypass capital traders and control a large amount of the real economy.

However, the popularity of superhuman beings and the emergence of players put an end to his plan. The emergence of superhuman beings gave human individuals the ability to resist, and also turned the conventional force he had secretly prepared into a joke.

Of course, what is more important is that as the source of the big crisis, those damn players are communicable, which means that capital always has the opportunity to choose sides.

Mikkelsen could guess the ending without much careful deduction.

In the early days of the player's arrival, based on their responsibilities and missions, capital will not sit still and wait for death. They will cooperate with themselves and the players to fight a war of controllable scope and controllable intensity.

But that's the limit. They can win battles one after another, but they can never win the war, because for the players, the war itself is interesting enough.

As the blood loss continues, capital will soon realize its ultimate failure and will sell itself at a good price before the ship sinks.

For players, a basically complete different world, with the cooperation of local indigenous people, can be developed into a low-intensity, sustainable 'paradise'.

Capitalists will not demand equal status. They can even accept a significant reduction in assets. In the end, as long as they retain their hierarchical status above their peers, it is a win-win situation.

As for what the world will look like in the end? Who cares?

Mikkelsen is a proud man. He may accept that he is being played by fate, but he will never accept that there is an extra layer of sky above his head.

The final plan he prepared was a plan to destroy the world.

This plan will kill many people, and it will even cause more damage than capital's compromise with players, but for Mikkelsen, this is definitely a dignified funeral.

By then, the players will get nothing but scorched earth. Unless they can get pleasure from filtering the air, purifying the land, and reconstructing the atmosphere, this will be a game without a winner.

He would rather flip the table than allow himself to fail.

As for this plan, there was no other insider except him. Mikkelsen's special ability ensured that he could complete the entire complex plan independently and leak the secrets as much as possible.

At this moment, a total of two thousand and forty-six Mikkelsens are operating around the world.

They either hold the sign of the Joint Investigation Office and enter major military bases for the first time, or they use their identities that they have disguised for many years to open various restrictions to facilitate others.

Mikkelsen, who was sitting in his office, was constantly sketching on a world map while waiting for news from Wu Qianying.

Mikkelsen is not a madman. He doesn't want to go to this extreme plan in the end, but he has no cards to play. It seems that the only variable is Tanguy.

Mr. Good Luck, the Prophet, and the hacker he had never seen before, as well as Tangji's own special characteristics, made Mikkelsen look forward to Tangji's future.

He wanted to know how far Tang Ji could go in future wars.

Even for him, destroying the world with his own hands is too cruel. Mikkelsen hopes that when the last moment comes, someone can make this decision with him.

This chapter has been completed!
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