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Chapter 172 Afterlife Bar

"Hello! I am your old friend Stan! Another boring day has begun. Are the workers in Night City ready for a new round of exploitation?

Haha, of course this is a joke! This is the city of dreams! I love this city, just like you love your mother. I think she left you at the door of the orphanage back then, and now I meet you on the street and care about you.

Want to smoke!

Every day, there will be hundreds and eighty new arrivals here, but only half of them can last a year until Heideshi catches up with the good years!

Of course if we catch up with our new hero, Enforcer Don, who is in a bad mood, they all have to take a break!

But why do they rush to Night City? It’s because everyone dreams of having their naked photos on the cover of Time magazine!

Who doesn’t want to be the next Law Enforcer Don? Wear the coolest clothes, grab the biggest gun, kill the toughest people, and become a legend!

Do you know where the legends of Night City gather together?

Afterlife Bar!

If it’s your first time coming to Night City, it’s a good idea to go to Afterlife for a drink!

Okay, the commercial time is over, next, is the much-anticipated Dead Man’s Lottery..."

The noisy sound stopped as Soult pulled out the car key. Although he was already an experienced driver in the wasteland, he still had to learn for a long time if he wanted to drive in Night City.

For example, after first correcting the habit of driving at people and hitting cars, Martin covered his head and leaned on the back of the passenger seat, feeling like he had just returned from a battle.

"Boy, if you want to drive well, you can't drive halfway, suddenly get out of the car and beat someone up based on your ability, and then come back and continue driving!" Martin struggled to unbuckle his seat belt, but he used too much force and accidentally

Pulling the thing off: "Especially when I'm still in the car, you can't do this!"

Do you know what it feels like to be sitting in a car traveling at 80 miles per hour, chatting, and when you turn around, the driver disappears and the door opens?

Martin knows...

"I drove ten kilometers and I didn't get a scratch!" Surte was wearing a hip-hop outfit, his clothes and trousers were one size larger than others, and he was also wearing a shiny hat crookedly. He looked like a city kid.

"Get out of the car and lift all the cars and pedestrians blocking your way aside! This is cheating!" Martin squeezed out of the car door.

They were driving a Quartz EC-L R275, a new compact sports car produced by Tianqiong Company. Although the space and appearance are not outstanding, the engine is powerful and the leather is durable. The market response is very good.

Soult bought the car himself, that's what he said anyway. Anthony didn't see any trace of blood on the car, so he acquiesced to this statement.

Martin did find a few bottles of acceptable inhalants in the secret compartment of the trunk, as well as a pistol that had not been maintained for a long time. Judging from Soult's surprised expression, he obviously did not find these things either.

"You didn't say that before! I drove the car to the destination intact, you have to take me in with you!" Surte looked at the sign of Afterlife with eyes full of expectation.

Since this kind of entertainment venue did not leave a good impression on Sirte the past few times, he yearned for this bar with a special status in the Night City.

The Afterlife Bar is the largest neutral zone in Night City. It does not belong to any gang force. Street fighters and law enforcers can also have a drink here.

At the same time, it is also the most famous information exchange center in Night City. A large number of intelligence brokers regard it as their home and exchange all kinds of secret information into finance.

Urban mercenaries, bounty hunters, hackers, private detectives, and other shady characters come and go regularly.

The boss of Afterlife is a woman named Rogge. She has a great background and is a big shot in the mercenary circle. She has always kept a low profile, but people say that all major events in Night City can only be accomplished with her nod.

"I heard that this wretched place used to be a morgue. It's not bad luck to drink here." Martin spat on the side of the road and stretched his muscles.

"Hillbilly, be careful what you say! Don't block the road!" The two mercenaries with dark circles under their eyes, who had just wandered out of the afterlife and had not adapted to the sunshine outside, backed away from Martin.

Martin didn't hesitate, he picked up the mercenary, threw him over the wall, and left him in the sun to make love: "Sober up and don't mess with people you shouldn't mess with!"

Soult also punched another mercenary in the stomach with a speed that no one could see, causing him to vomit all over the floor. The wine he bought last night was all in vain.

A camera at the door of the bar turned to Martin, stared at him for a long time, and then turned back. The security guards in the next life were not willing to meddle in such nosy matters. As long as no one was killed, they would not be held responsible outside the door of the bar.

"Let's go, the head should be inside already." Martin walked down the steps happily, followed by Soult.

As Martin said before, the predecessor of Afterlife was a morgue. The entire main body of the building is underground. The further you go down, the cooler it gets.

After turning a corner, they saw the real entrance to the afterlife. The security guard in a suit looked at Martin and Soult seriously. They faced off for a few seconds before slowly moving out of the way: "Don't cause trouble, we're watching you."

Woolen cloth."

"Then you have to watch carefully." Martin strode into the bar, and the strange neon light effects instantly dazzled Sirte's eyes.

"Handsome man, would you like a drink?" The mature and beautiful female bartender looked at Sirte's young face and said with a smile: "We have many formulas worth drinking. There must be one that suits you."

"Hey, a vodka with ice, lime juice, ginger beer, and a little love!" Martin sat down on the bar and said to the bartender: "Remember to put it in a copper cup. What's your name?"

"They all call me Claire, you can call me that too." Claire mixed the cocktail quickly: "New face?"

"Call me Martin, I'm not a newbie, I'm following..."

"Tangji!" Someone suddenly screamed at the entrance of the bar, and then everyone in the bar looked in that direction.

"Is it him? Enforcer Tang?"

"It's him, that's right. That mechanical prosthetic leg is now sold as a commemorative edition. I went to place an order last week, but it was actually not until next month."

"You're not disabled, why would you buy a prosthetic limb?"

"In our line of work, do we have to be prepared? There's no guarantee that something unexpected will happen one day..."

Amidst the whispers in the bar, the owner, Rogge, walked out of a private room and headed towards the door. Her steps were quick and powerful. It was obvious at a glance that she was still a good warrior.

"I didn't expect that one day you would come as a guest." Rogge, who was wearing a leather jacket, said slowly, then stepped forward and hugged Tang Ji: "You are welcome in the next life, you are a real big shot now.


"Thank you, I'm here to discuss business." Tang Ji smiled, saw Martin and Soult sitting at the bar, and said to Rogge: "By the way, let's have a drink here with my people."

"Of course, I guarantee that the wine in the next life will be the strongest." Rogge turned around and shouted to the drinkers behind him: "For the new legend, I will invite you for the next round!"

"Long live! For the new legend!" At this moment, almost everyone raised their wine glasses to pay tribute to Tang Ji.

They don't care whether Tang Ji is good or evil, they only know that Tang Ji did something that is difficult for ordinary people to do, and he is still alive and well. This is their definition of legend.

"Good luck, newcomer." Claire smashed the copper wine glass into Martin's hand: "Would you like to try Morgan Blackhand? It's much stronger than this."

"That's my boss. I'll come back later to try the Morgan Blackhand you mentioned." Martin took a sip of the wine he ordered and said, "Not a bad technique!"

"You have a good boss and you will become famous soon. If you die one day, I will name this formula after you." Claire shrugged towards Martin.

"Why do you have to wait for me to die?" Martin asked before leaving.

"This is the rule of the next life. Only the dead are worthy of commemoration." Carlisle lit the cigarette and smiled brightly.

"This place is really unlucky." Martin muttered in a low voice and led Soult to follow Tang Ji.

Along the way, Soult was thinking about what kind of recipe he should choose to keep if he died. Maybe Coca-Cola with Skittles would be good, but without wine it doesn’t seem mature...



"It's been a year since we last met. You've changed a lot." Rogge sat on the spacious wrap-around sofa, puffing out smoke and gesturing to his men to turn on the jammer.

She was not familiar with Tang Ji, but she had interacted with him several times.

At the beginning, this reckless rookie law enforcer rushed directly into the afterlife, intending to arrest a suspect, but ended up having a conflict with the security guards. That time Tang Ji knocked down three security guards by himself.

The second time was after Tang Ji was promoted to law enforcement officer, he led people to block the entrance and exit of the afterlife, intending to identify the regulars here. In the end, Edward came in person and took Tang Ji away.

Later, superhumans appeared, and everyone was very busy.

Law enforcement officers only need to stop metahumans who set fires and steal things on the streets, while Rogge Chao deals with metahumans with mature criminal motives.

She still remembers that at that time, the major gangs were almost crazy to increase their money to hire people from her. Whether they were experienced veterans or fresh-faced rookies, they could find jobs at satisfactory prices.

Of course, the casualty rate was also alarmingly high. After the chaos temporarily subsided, the drink list at the Afterlife Bar had a whole page longer.

Many familiar faces have disappeared, but that's not the end.

red sun...

Many Night City residents don't want to mention the pain. Rogge still remembers how the lost Tang Ji broke into the next life a year ago.

The meeting between the two was not very friendly, but for Edward's sake, Rogge proved in front of Tang Ji that he was not involved.

Until now, tracing the person responsible for the Red Sun Incident and the news of the acquisition of Losas Organization are still top tasks on the to-do list for the coming growth period.

Now, a year has passed and Night City has recovered from the Red Sun incident, but Rogge knows that some people have changed forever.

She witnessed Tang Ji's transformation and was full of respect.

Next to Tang Ji, sat members of his team.

The calm and steady Anthony, the taciturn Shadow, the tall Martin, the devout saint with a face full of piety, and the budding Soult, these people all exude their own aura.

Ethan, who was just slumped on the sofa and counting the neon light poles in boredom, looked a bit redundant. Next to him sat Mr. Lucky, who was joining in the fun.

The only person who was not present was Tony Levins. Based on the current situation, Tang Ji gave him five days' leave and asked him to take his family and children to Night City. If anything unexpected happens, they can be sent directly to Moonlight Gold.


As for the rest of the team, most of them are singles with no worries. Only the Saints and Martin have their own responsibilities.

But the former was unable to mobilize the clergy in their church to leave the diocese due to illusive matters, while the latter was burdened with hundreds of people to feed and could not be transferred to the Moonlight Gold.

"I have a big deal to discuss with you." Tang Ji sat opposite Rogge, half of his face hidden in the shadows, but the light in his eyes still made it impossible for anyone other than Rogge to look directly at him.

"I like big business." Rogge took a sip and said calmly, she recognized Tang Ji's status, but business is business.

"Twenty-four hours from now, I want your people to stop all new superhumans entering the city." Tang Ji said: "In addition, I will hire all idle mercenaries to prepare for battle in the city.

In the event of a firefight, they can provide support at any time."

Rogge's expression changed a little. She waved her hand and asked her men to leave. Then she looked at Tang Ji: "Are you crazy? Do you want to fight a war in Night City?"

"It's not that I want to fight, but the war has come, and I just want to make Shangwan smaller." Tang Ji shook his head: "How many people can you mobilize?"

"If you can't convince me, I'm afraid no mercenaries will respond to your hiring." Rogge looked at Tang Ji: "In my opinion, this is more like your plan to cleanse the whole city of superhumans."

Tang Ji snapped his fingers at Sirte, who suddenly disappeared on the spot. When he appeared, Tang Ji already had a glass of wine and a cigarette in his hand, while Rogge's hand became empty.

"I'm not so extreme now. I found the real culprit behind Losas." Tang Ji put the wine glass and cigarette on the table and gently slid it over: "If I kill any super human, you should believe it.

He deserves to die."

Rogge fell into silence. She needed time to digest the information Tang Ji revealed.

"I can pay in cash or trade with information." Tang Ji continued: "I can't trust the current Law Enforcement Bureau, but in 24 hours, many accidents will happen."

"What is going to happen? What Tangji have you found?" Rogge bit his lip: "What is your plan?"

"This is information you can't afford." Tang Ji chuckled: "But one thing is for sure, Losas is going to make a comeback."

"I feel like you will drag me into the abyss." Rogge sighed. Finally he said: "Within twenty-four hours, I can prepare 300 people for you. Calculated as a medium-intensity operation, you hire these people

It requires spending 2.4 million federal coins every day.”

"I can pay in cash."

This chapter has been completed!
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