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Chapter 177 The bait is in place

 For everyone who knows, the return of the Trail Blazers is a big event, and Tang Ji is at the Afterlife Bar at this time, with a cocktail called "Fuck Losas" on the table.

Not everyone in Night City worships superhuman Shabi. The people here are simple and honest. If Losas didn't come and go without a trace, many people would be willing to give them a few shots.

Therefore, Tang Ji saved a lot of money by publishing the mission on Rogge. Many local mercenaries and bounty hunters heard that the target was those bastards in Losas and were willing to work for free.

"Just reimburse us some ammunition and funeral expenses later." This is what an old mercenary captain said to Tang Ji.

Tang Ji didn't know him, but they had similar experiences. The Red Sun incident was a pain for all Night City people.

"To Revenge." Tang Ji raised his glass to him. At least one-third of the people in the bar in the next life raised their glasses: "To Revenge!"

Tangji put the empty one on the bar and officially announced: "Those bastards have returned, and the hunting has begun!"

The crackling sound was endless, and the Afterlife Bar became empty almost instantly.

Heavily armed mercenaries and bounty hunters filed out of the underground exit of the bar, and vehicles filled with Avengers drove into the street.

The Night City Law Enforcement Bureau had received the news early and had already filmed the police patrolling the intersection near the Afterlife Bar. Everyone knew that Tang Ji was brewing some big news.

But when the moment really came, these part-time law enforcers were still shocked. They felt like they were sitting on the crater of the city.

"They are moving, Mr. Abir." A uniformed law enforcement officer contacted the manager of the Law Enforcement Bureau through the vehicle system: "We need support, there are too many cars!"

"I don't have the manpower to support you now, just pick a car and follow it!" Manager Abir's originally meticulous hair style had become messy due to sweating.

He encountered his own career crisis, and the pressure from Mayor Luther and the top management of Green Wave Lake Security Group was all on his shoulders.

The former made it clear that the criminal group headed by Tang Ji must not be allowed to disrupt the order of Night City!

The latter implicitly suggested that if it was really the Losas organization that wanted to retaliate against Tang Ji, it would be best for law enforcement units to avoid it and avoid causing too much damage.

Abiel is caught in a dilemma, and the Law Enforcement Bureau's own position is also very complicated. People from the old Law Enforcement Bureau faction simply ignore any orders against Tangji.

Half of the employees at Green Wave Lake didn't want to mess with that madman, and the other half were always looking for opportunities to kill Tang Ji.

In addition, all superhuman employees also have their own small thoughts. Some are looking forward to Losas' call, while others are firmly on the anti-Losas side.

The patrolling law enforcer outside feels like he's sitting in the crater of a volcano? Then he should really come and see Abir's ass - it's all red!

Of course, none of these things affected Tang Ji. He was leading his team members to take off on a sickle helicopter.

This expensive little toy from Mikkelsen is one of the leading products of military technology. It is fully electric-driven and can carry ten fully armed combatants or a light combat vehicle.

The maximum speed is up to 320 kilometers per hour, the maximum level flight, the cruising speed is 220 kilometers per hour, the maximum climb rate is 13 meters per second, and the endurance is up to 3.5 hours.

There are many forces with military-grade weapons in Night City, but this helicopter is the most troublesome for the city hall, because Mikkelsen also sent a full set of legal procedures and documents.

Theoretically, Tangji's small plane has the highest flight priority in the entire Night City, and even Mayor Luther's personal plane must avoid its flight path.

This can be regarded as a gift from Mikkelsen to Tang Ji. After all, in the previous battle for the body warehouse, the Joint Investigation Office led by Mikkelsen accounted for the majority.

As a former member of the trauma team, Anthony can fly a helicopter, and his skills are not bad. It only took one minute for this new vehicle to conquer Surte's heart.

Soult squeezed between Tangji and Anthony, almost burying his face in front of the dashboard: "Anthony, can you teach me to fly a plane?"

"Of course, but not now, I will teach you when I have free time." A smile appeared on Anthony's face. He has reached the age where he likes to teach his back experience.

"When driving this thing, you can't get out of the car and move the things blocking the road in front of you before you get up." Martin said quietly: "As soon as you get off, it will be like a stone. With a thud, it will fall directly to the ground.


Soult snorted and ignored the silly big man.

Martin held a cigarette in his mouth and looked down at the entire Night City in the air. He was filled with joy as he watched the tall buildings below become like building blocks.

"Tang Ji, the Hughes team found a suspicious vehicle at the security checkpoint in the northern suburbs. There were four people in the car." Rogge's voice appeared in Tang Ji's ears: "Xius and the others checked the license plate number and contacted the owner.

If you can’t, someone is already following you. I’ll share the location with you.”

"Received." Tang Ji leaned against the glass, waiting for Aaliya's message support.

Just ten seconds later, Aaliya found the car through the location of the traffic camera and took photos of everyone.

According to the photos, these four people have all had the experience of disappearing, and their life circles do not intersect with each other. They are almost certainly pioneers.

"Bring them to a place where they can move easily. The first fish has already been hooked." A bloodthirsty smile appeared on Tang Ji's lips. He had waited for so long and finally waited for them.

"Are you sure you are from Losas?" Rogge asked with some uncertainty: "Because there are three other teams who also reported similar news. I know you are eager for revenge, but it is best not to make things too big.


"Send other targets to me for judgment. Believe me, I have been looking for them for so long, and my nose is sharper than a dog." Tang Ji gestured to Anthony, and the location of the car was immediately displayed on the navigation system.

The Sickle helicopter drew a graceful arc in the sky and passed by a TV station's helicopter. The pilot was so frightened that he immediately lowered his altitude for fear of causing Tang Ji's misunderstanding.

After all, killing a reporter didn't seem too outrageous for Tang Ji.

Yes, the major media outlets in Night City were so well-informed, and of course they had an immediate insight into the uproar Tang Ji caused in the underground world.

One by one, they were like flies that had found their target and rushed towards Tang Ji.

Although Tang Ji himself definitely didn't like this metaphor, it was the fact that there were six helicopters in the sky broadcasting Tang Ji's movements live throughout the whole process.

Tang Ji was betting that these arrogant pioneers would encounter bad things such as the destruction of the body warehouse and heavy losses to the naturalized forces when they returned to this world. They still had time to read the local news in Night City first.



Jon is considered a newcomer to the pioneer industry, and this world is the first world he has pioneered since joining the industry. As of yesterday, his career has been relatively successful.

If everything goes well, after the world is successfully developed, he will be able to save enough money to move to Mars or a satellite city.

But everything was broken with the accident of this return. The body equipped with three abilities that he exchanged for a loan disappeared.

Jon felt like he was going crazy. At that moment, he wished he could kill all the natives in this world!

These natives didn't understand how much pressure he was under. In order to better perform various tasks, he used his own contribution as collateral to get a high-interest loan from the logistics department.

If he cannot repay the loan on time, his only way out is to be treated as a negative asset by the company, and a copy of his consciousness is sold to the Consciousness Committee, put in an iron coffin, and shot into No Man's Sky at nine percent the speed of light.

Jon shuddered at the thought of this possibility. No one could survive such a journey.

In order to avoid this bleak future, Jon had to choose the task with the highest risk and the highest profit coefficient-entering the Night City and testing the abnormal individual-Tangji.

The other three people in the car basically had the same reason. They were all newcomers to this industry.

These newcomers have actually heard some rumors about Tang Ji. After all, the pioneers are still very free in this world. They have their own circles and will pass some news to each other.

But Jon actually doesn't believe that the natives of this world can kill players. After all, death has been far away from them for a long time.

As a new generation, Jon doesn't even have a clear concept of death itself.

Kathy Walter is happy to use new people to test Tang Ji's quality. Although the company has already found a guinea pig to test Tang Ji once before, it is always right to try it a few more times.

What's more, privately, the Soul Council has already signaled to Kathy Walter that they are very interested in Tang Ji and want her to test Tang Ji as much as possible.

Jon concentrated on driving. He had lived in this world on and off for more than three years, and he had long mastered the simple skill of driving.

It's just that he hasn't realized yet that the upper limit of driving technology is art.

At several consecutive intersections, Jon's vehicle was restricted by other vehicles in the left and right lanes and turned into the road preset by the hunters.

But Jon was unaware of this. In fact, he had no clear goal himself. The mission he received only stated that he should find Tang Ji.

As for where Tang Ji is now, Jon still needs to wait for intelligence support from the naturalized people. This will take some time because the high-level naturalized people are busy handing over to these descendants.

"We seem to be turning right." The companion sitting in the co-pilot suddenly said: "This place is getting more and more desolate, we'd better..."


Jon's car hit a mine and the whole car was overturned. These predators are not joking, they are real guys.

The car was a landmine crushed by the left rear wheel. The pioneer sitting in this corner didn't even hum before returning to his hometown.

Sitting next to him was a female pioneer. Although she did not die directly, her condition was not good. The torn car fragments opened a large hole in her abdomen that could be reached with a hand.

[Cancer Recovery] This ability is considered a basic benefit for pioneers, but these intern pioneers don't have the money to upgrade this ability now.

It will take a while for a mere first-level [cancer recovery] to repair such an injury, but fortunately, the physical body itself has pretty good abilities.

The ability of this female pioneer is [Banshee Wail]. She can scream three waves of infrasonic damage. Although it is only level 1, she still has objective lethality.

Right now was her best chance. No additional guidance was needed. The wound on her abdomen alone was enough to cause her to scream.

The three-person team that was the first to stop and approach the target was caught off guard and all fell to the ground, bleeding from their orifices, and soon lost any signs of life.

Another car full of armed mercenaries drove forward fifty meters, then put his team members down one by one, and surrounded the site of the car accident from a distance.

"Dane is finished. There is a superhuman in the car. We have won the jackpot!" The mercenary at the head held the walkie-talkie with some excitement: "Tell Tangji that he has to give us a bonus!"

"Tang Ji will be here soon. He asks you to surround the target, but do not open fire to kill the target." Rogge sat in the empty bar, holding a glass of wine: "He wants to kill those people himself."

"Of course, no problem. The donor has always had privileges." The captain didn't mind: "As long as he gives enough money, I am even willing to help him put these people into gift boxes and wait for him to open the gifts."

"Be careful, these people are very dangerous." Rogge warned lightly, and then hung up the phone.

People die for money, and birds die for food. These mercenaries may give up their lives, but they cannot give up greed.



Jon climbed out of the cab with difficulty, and despite being shot in the leg, he dragged the co-pilot's companion out because his body's native ability was [Reinforcement].

Although the name is very simple, the effect is outstanding. If this ability had not been effective for a short time, this body would have had the opportunity to be sent to the polar warehouse.

"Are you still alive? Reinforce this car quickly!" Jon patted his companion's face hard. He had participated in a lurker operation and was not considered a rookie.

But at that time, he had three abilities available.

The companion struggled to slap his hands on the surface of the car. As a burst of light blue light surrounded the car, the strength of the car was temporarily increased by fifty percent, which could block the incoming cold guns.

Jon himself forcefully opened the trunk, took out the weapons prepared in advance from the secret compartment, and prepared to fight back.

Until now, he still doesn't know who attacked him, but it must be related to Tang Ji.

Jon threw a folding shield to the co-pilot's companion, while he picked up a sniper rifle, suddenly showed his head and glanced at the other side, and the next second he ducked out again and fired a shot.

A mercenary hiding behind the car door fell straight to the ground and began to twitch.

The bullet avoided his protective equipment and pierced his throat. This was the ability of Jon's physical body to [find weaknesses].

Jon is also a blessing in disguise. Although he is not as powerful as his usual physical body in combat, the potential of this ability is huge.

If it hadn't been for an accident and there weren't enough bodies available in the federal region, he wouldn't have been able to get this body at all.

Jon showed his head again and fired a shot. Another mercenary immediately fell to the ground. A smile appeared on his lips, feeling that he was not far away from paying off the loan.

This chapter has been completed!
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