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Chapter 188 What's wrong with him?

 The news of Fabinski's death was nothing to Tang Ji. He only regretted not killing that bastard directly last time, so now he has no chance.

"Coward." These were the words Tang Ji left when he attended Fabinski's funeral. Only he could hear it.

The funeral was very simple and was handled by the Law Enforcement Bureau. The information Fabinski left with the Law Enforcement Bureau were all false, and his relatives were all fictitious.

Most of the people attending the funeral were Tang Ji's colleagues and former colleagues in the old Law Enforcement Bureau. Abiel, the new manager of the Law Enforcement Bureau, did not want the news of a law enforcement officer who committed suicide by swallowing a gun to be publicized by the media at this time.

The appearance of Tang Ji made Abiel's expression change. He didn't even bother to host the funeral, and he found an excuse and left the scene in a hurry.

In the past eight hours, Tang Ji was possessed by a disaster star, and just like Conan was alive, there would be explosions and assassinations wherever he went.

The assassin followed him like a shadow, launching attacks on Tang Ji almost without sleep, from poisoning to sniping. There was also a space displacer hidden in the dark, constantly replacing explosives near Tang Ji.

According to Wu Qianying and Aaliya's calculations, this superhuman who has mastered the ability of space displacement can use the ability of space displacement no more than six times every eight hours. At least the guy hiding in the dark only showed them so much.

Tang Ji couldn't find a way to deal with these two assassins for the time being. He had seen how the other person quickly transformed into another person. This way of disguise was almost impossible to guard against.

However, the solution is on the way. One hundred special bullets containing radioactive materials in the warheads and two daggers made of the same material have been processed and were kindly sponsored by Mikkelsen.

Mikkelsen said that the next time you meet one of them, if you find an opportunity to shoot him or give him a knife, the radioactive element will remain in their body for more than 72 hours.

Next, it's easy. They can use special search equipment to search for injured people throughout the city. Even if they change a hundred identities, they can't wash away the radioactive elements.

The only side effect is that the radiation dose of these equipment is relatively high. Long-term carrying or exposure may cause certain side effects, including but not limited to leukemia, cancer, and the collapse of the no-clean system.

"I really hope you can deal with them as soon as possible." Mikkelsen said on the phone: "This combination can be regarded as the ace player among the descendants. Killing them is very symbolic."

At this time, all members of Tang Ji's team gathered around the funeral site, with Shadow as the core, occupying a commanding height.

They were paying attention to the crowd around Tang Ji. In the past eight hours, they had become accustomed to cold shots and hidden arrows coming from different directions.

Thanks to the fact that the assassins had no chance to use large-caliber weapons in order to change their identities and flee the scene, and the quality of their protective equipment was quite good, there was no attrition.

But even so, Anthony was too busy and dizzy. When there was another explosion, Martin used his thick body to block the shock wave and shrapnel, allowing others to respond quickly.

Correspondingly, the unprotected areas of Martin's body were also bloody. Anthony had just finished treating Martin's injury with his front foot, and then Tony was shot in the chin from 20 meters away while going to the roadside to smoke.

If it hadn't been for the bullet hitting the edge of his helmet, Tony would have lost not only half of his chin, but most of his face and his entire lower jaw.

The Saint was lucky enough to have a brush with death. When he passed by a trash can, he suddenly heard a muffled sound coming from inside. After opening it, he found that a grenade had been sent inside at some point, but it was


At this time, the team members were like frightened birds, with a posture of being like an enemy. After occupying the commanding heights, they immediately checked all nearby sealed containers.

Even the ventilation ducts on the roof were pried open and a camera was used to look inside.

Tang Ji's participation in the funeral this time was intentional. He was also anxious to fish out these two difficult opponents and solve them as soon as possible. He was worried that the other party would always have clues to find the Moonlight Gold.

In fact, Daoud was indeed present. He was pretending to be a reporter and was hiding among the reporters waiting for an opportunity to interview Tang Ji.

A metal thorn covered with venom is hidden in the microphone, and it can be ejected by just pressing the switch.

Compared to the Tang Ji team, Daoud is the character who really panics. He has realized that the probability of encountering an 'accident' is abnormally high.

Bullets jamming has become the norm, and Tang Ji even encountered the misfortune of having both sides of the barrel exploded where Tang Ji couldn't see him, as if he was using cheap weapons produced by Jianlibao Company.

Daoud once almost collided head-on with Sirte who was traveling at high speed. He only felt a gust of wind blowing past his eyes, and at that time, he had time to put away the weapon in his hand.

Fortunately, there was no danger. Daoud pretended to be a child and deceived the inexperienced Soult. He did not think there was anything abnormal about a ten-year-old child owning a pistol.

As for the space replacement coordinates he provided to his companions, they encountered even more problems. They replaced Tang Ji with explosives eight times in total.

As a result, it failed twice, and once the replaced grenade did not go off at all, and the remaining five times did not cause actual damage.

The ability of space replacement is very powerful, but it consumes a person's mental energy extremely. Daoud knows that his companion is the best among his peers, but he cannot bear such frequent consumption.

The previous space swap, which spanned nearly seven kilometers and moved him from the Plaza Hotel to the beach, had already consumed nearly half of his teammates' energy.

Next, Daoud will be unable to get support from his companions for twenty-four hours, and will have to take risks alone.

Daoud is not an impulsive person. Every time he assassinates, he is based on his absolute advantage, but when it comes to dealing with Tang Ji, he is indeed becoming more and more reckless.

On the one hand, he did not want to admit that he was not as powerful as any of the natives. On the other hand, Daoud really urgently needed to complete the task and return with Tang Ji's head to compete for a position in the Seven Virtues.

In fact, the entire Trail Blazers team is now fighting openly and secretly, each trying to get a piece of the pie. This may be their only chance to obtain a high-end body, and it also comes with a large amount of resources.

Although these celebrity bodies still need to be returned to the company in the end, at least during the use process, the actors can gain a lot of benefits.

Seeing Tang Ji walk out of the Law Enforcement Cemetery, Daoud jumped up immediately, thinking of giving Tang Ji a 'surprise'.

As a result, he was tripped to the ground by a colleague behind him who was wearing heavy makeup. When the colleague passed him, he didn't forget to kick him hard with his high heels.

Daoud looked at Tang Ji who was surrounded by reporters. He never dreamed that his plan would be disrupted by reporters...

This chapter has been completed!
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