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Chapter 192 The professional team begins to act

 Rube Crook, a long-distance transport driver who grew up in a small city, has been working in this industry for thirteen years and has a pretty good reputation.

In the federal government, the long-distance truck driver industry is one of the few jobs that can provide relatively high wages to people with low education.

Ruburt's father was a truck driver. Unfortunately, the outbreak of corporate war later made the old Crook impoverished. The only thing left to Ruburt was a dilapidated transport truck.

Fortunately, Rubeus was a real man. He supported his family through his own efforts, so that his mother could live in a nursing home with caregivers, and his sister could concentrate on studying in college without having to worry about the pressure of tuition fees.

Just like the truck driver in the federal people's impression, he is tall and unkempt. He often doesn't trim his beard or get a haircut for several weeks. He drinks heavily and smokes constantly. In addition to the steering wheel, he is better at using a shotgun than a fork.


After two consecutive corporate wars, the wilderness areas on the Federal Highway have become as dangerous as the West in the Cowboy Era. There are a large number of modern nomads living in the wilderness, and bandit gangs are scattered in every corner, like jackals eating carrion.

Ruber's most famous achievement is that he led a team with four unmanned trucks over a distance of 1,200 kilometers, creating a 'shortcut' that saved 30% of the distance compared to the original route.

The high income allowed Rubeus to have a happy family. He married a beautiful wife, bought a house, and almost had a child, making himself a father.

But bad luck soon befell him. First, his mother's nursing home was attacked by a superhuman psychopath and burned to the ground.

Before Ruber could recover from his grief, the logistics company he worked for also experienced changes and was acquired by a larger company. The new boss only needed the logistics company's transportation routes and warehouse nodes.

Rube is unemployed, and he can't find a new job. The ultimate template for a modern logistics company is the transportation model of the Petrochemical Alliance, which reduces human factors in the entire logistics process as much as possible.

Due to the complex situation of the federation, they are not yet able to do this, but they also generally use a lead vehicle with a driver to guide three to five unmanned trucks into a convoy, and deploy security personnel depending on the degree of danger.

Maybe if you give Rubeus a little more time, he will get over this little setback, but life is so cruel, and no one has a second chance.

After learning that Luper had lost his income, the bank required Luper to provide proof of property to repay next month's loan, otherwise it would take back the house, with twenty-one days remaining before the repayment date.

Because they knew Rube's property situation very well, they knew that he couldn't get the money out, and the land was going to be expropriated and converted into a warehouse just because of the new enterprise.

Rube's house will increase in value within two weeks, and the bank obviously does not intend to miss this opportunity to increase profits.

In the end, Rube failed to provide enough proof of assets. His friends were all unemployed like him, and several of them lived in the same neighborhood and faced the same problem.

Ruburt's wife also had a miscarriage due to excessive mood swings. This sad woman later left Ruburt's life alone one night when Ruburt was drunk.

His sister eventually dropped out of school because she failed to apply for a student loan, and had to find an accountant job in a big city to support herself.

It's just that her luck was as bad as Rube's. She didn't know that the company she worked for was a leather company used by a local gang to make false accounts. Because she knew some things she shouldn't have known, she directly worked for a few months.


And Rubeus, after experiencing so many tragedies, the only thing he could do was to quit drinking to relieve his sorrow, as if he was drowning himself in alcohol.

He was unable to resist. Rube was not a coward. He shot and killed the bank auditor the day after his sister disappeared. He did it so flawlessly that the law enforcers did not even suspect him of being an alcoholic.

But Ruburt knew that the person he killed was just a ruthless executor. What really hurt him was the bank and this society.

When faced with such an ambitious target, Rube didn't know how to fight back. After all, he was just a truck driver who was good with a shotgun.

Until one day, he drank too much wine, reunited with his family and wife in his dream, and even hugged his unborn child in a blur.

When Ruburt woke up again, he woke up and saw that he had become a moving metal sculpture. He could also make the metal bottle cap fly around him like a bee from a distance of two meters.

From that day on, Rubeus knew that he was different from before and that he was now capable of revenge.



"Rupert Crook, the full-metal gangster, or just call him Iron Man." A somewhat oily middle-aged man in a suit introduced excitedly on the dynamic PPT presentation: "In the past few months, he has been continuously

Seven banks were robbed, causing nearly a hundred casualties. The team was mature, brave and resourceful!"

As a close-up of a recent photo appeared, the man in the suit continued: "More importantly, he looks good, has a tough guy temperament, and has a good background story. He is very likable. Now these audiences like this style of villain!"


"I think he convinced me." Aslan whispered to Cai Xi beside him: "We can't make the villain all look like a face. This Rubeus has more depth and will attract the attention of adults."

"Especially the middle-aged female market, but we must be careful about the direction of public opinion. If he has too many sympathizers, it will affect our virtue team." Cai Xi also quietly replied: "Whose script are you going to put him in?"

"How about tolerance?" Aslan smiled: "Let Rubeus be the first old enemy, and tolerance will show up first. In the end, we will give Rubeus a life sentence and let tolerance take him to prison."

"Then we got another high-end body. As long as we slightly change the appearance and add other abilities, the audience will not remember Rubeus." Kaixi also smiled, and his relationship with Aslan was very special.


No one could tell that these two people wanted to stab each other.

"Very good, Bob, you have chosen a good target. Why don't you leave now and let him feel the care that a professional team can bring?" Kaixi waved his hand and sent the naturalized employee away.

Yes, she has several similar meetings to hold in the future.

The Seven Virtues need villains with enough fame to serve as stumbling blocks. They want to become stars and idols. For this purpose, the entire Walter Company has prepared a complex and detailed plan.

As for who will appear first and become the nominal leader of the Seven Virtues, this will require more 'transactions'.

This chapter has been completed!
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