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Chapter 198: Shadow of Jealousy

"The villain creation plan is very successful. Although most of them are hostile to us, they are easy to control." At the weekly meeting of Walter Company, an agent was speaking: "But the targets we have chosen so far are not enough.


"Continue, we are very interested." Kathy Walter glanced at the agent, a hint of impatience flashed in his eyes. That person was from Aslan.

"We need a group of pure bad guys, the kind who will make all the viewers want to kill them with a single shot as soon as they appear on TV." The agent was keenly aware of Kathy's expression, but he didn't care. The main focus of this project was

The person in charge is Aslan.

"You mean we need a group of bad guys with facial makeup?" Cathy asked. Her focus during this period of time was on choosing the right modest body.

In the body warehouse, there are so many high-quality bodies waiting for selection like a treasure trove. Every choice must be made carefully.

Therefore, even though the Virtue Seven project has been started for a week, none of the candidates who have been pre-determined have chosen their physical bodies.

Everyone knows that this is their best chance in the world.

The Seven Virtues are characters written in the background story. These star accounts will be auctioned at the beginning of the open beta, and the current owners can take a commission from them.

Kaixi fell in love with a female body with amazing abilities that fit the name of modesty, but she had to pay a heavy price.

She can withstand damage and then 'transfer' it to the specified target in a specified way, called [Damage Reflection].

[Damage Reflection] This ability is very powerful because it can transfer the damage it takes to the designated target with an efficiency of 200% at the LV1 stage.

This ability is a perfect match with [Cancer Recovery], but this combination lacks some initiative. Kaixi is confident that Modesty will become the most powerful one among the seven, but she is worried that this account will be ignored in future auctions.


Those first batch of players who enter this world may not be willing to pay high prices to buy accounts with this ability. They are here to be heroes and bastards, striking after others and not attacking others until others attack them. This concept cannot convince buyers.

Kaixi also knows Aslan’s goal, a body with an oriental face, a superhuman who fully fits the name of diligence, and his ability is called [Endless].

No one can be sure when that body will truly awaken. His abilities seem very simple, and he can continuously improve his limits through endless training.

When they discovered this high-value body, he had already trained his abilities to the level of LV2. He was a famous local fighting genius and all-around athlete.

And his hidden strength is actually far beyond those people's imagination. He just doesn't want to reveal that he is a super human.

In order to successfully capture the body, the pioneers lost a lot of manpower. The only pity is that the ability of ID [Endless] seems to be in conflict with [Cancer Recovery], and they are incompatible.

Kexi and Aslan had a tacit understanding and did not hinder each other in this regard, because they were both pioneers, and there were only three seats left for pioneers in the Seven Virtues.

"Yes, we need some bad guys with facial makeup to help the Seven Virtues establish their own image. We can't adhere to the no-kill principle every time." The agent said: "Although this can satisfy the indigenous fantasies about heroes, it is definitely

It’s not in our interests.”

"Very good, but don't be too deliberate. We don't control enough media. Don't let others get caught." Kathy finally agreed to the plan. Peace still needs to be maintained between her and Aslan.



Tang Ji, who had a conflict with Greed, spent a whole day lying in one of the old man's safe houses. In the past, he had to rely on Wu Qianying's repair pool to recover from such an injury.

But now, he just needs to sleep and eat more takeout.

Night City is still peaceful, but the world is gradually becoming more lively, with new super villains appearing almost every day, and Iron Man Rubeus is just the beginning.

Turn on the TV now, and almost all media are reporting intensely on new super criminals. These superhuman beings are like crazy, pathologically expressing their dissatisfaction to the world.

How much of this is controlled by the Trail Blazers behind the scenes, Tang Ji does not know. In his understanding, if you give a gangster a gun, don't expect him not to shoot and listen to the sound.

But now, with the intervention of players, superpowers are like Christmas gifts, dropped from the sky by Santa Claus, indiscriminately, and everyone has a chance.

That bastard Wang Zhengdao still focused on the Ark organization and refused Tang Ji's hunting invitation. He really needed such a convenient means of transportation.

Otherwise, it would be too painful for Tang Ji to have a list of players that keeps growing every day, but not be able to hunt down the target in time.

Before being dragged by Wang Zhengdao to act as a thug, Tang Ji had already tried to take the initiative to hunt down the players on the list.

But his target is too big. Although players cannot ambush enough people in Night City to kill him, they have countless ways to target him.

Before Tang Ji could even leave the city, his originally planned target disappeared one step ahead of schedule. After several consecutive attempts, Tang Ji wandered around Night City every day with nothing to do but watch the news all day long.

He was very unhappy, but could not change the status quo. Even Mikkelsen could not determine what method the player used to monitor Tang Ji. The two sides were in a stalemate.

The players did not completely give up on the plan against Tang Ji, but after losing multiple pioneers permanently, most of the pioneers gave up on this dangerous mission.

Even though Kaixi kept raising the bounty on Tang Ji, no next brave man showed up. Instead, they left this difficult job to the naturalized ones.

The first one to be thrown over was naturally Tang Ji's old friend, the Adventer's loyal servant, the Saint's eternal enemy, the Adventer sect.

"I ask the descendant to bless these fifteen boxes of capped armor-piercing bullets, and the descendant to bless these twenty combat shotguns, so that we can win."

"May the descendant bless these eighteen combat drones and their one-month warranty service, so that our enemies will die."

"Ask the descendant to grant these five missile launchers and the ten missiles that come with them."

"Be careful when you move those, they're very sensitive."

"Oh, okay, please give us the blessing of the descendant, so that there will be no accidents during the transportation..."

"No need to pray for this!"

"Oh well..."

"Finally, I ask the descendant to bless these five boxes of unknown explosives. We need its unparalleled firepower."

"Unknown explosive?"

"I heard it's a new product, but I can't read the instructions. I only know that it's four times more powerful than TNT."

"Are you sure you know how to use it? We're going to put this thing on a bulletproof vest!"

"I ask the descendant to bless me to understand the instructions and prevent accidents from explosives..."

"Is he really reliable? Let the higher ups send someone else. I'm almost scared to death of him!"

Tang Ji just leaned against the window, listening to the conversation coming from the room. Opposite him, Tony, who was also clinging to the wall, had distorted facial features.

In the communication channel, Martin and Ethan were laughing like crazy. Even the stern Anthony couldn't help but smile. Only Soult, who was the least educated, couldn't find the humor in this matter.

At this time, Xiao Su was concentrating on polishing his new weapon. Because in the bullet time state, it was difficult for him to exert the power of the firearm, so Tang Ji ordered a broad-bladed sword for him.

The total length is 42 centimeters, the blade is wide and thick, and it is edged on both sides. It is made of a new type of titanium material, and its hardness and toughness are amazing. Of course, the price is also the same.

For Surte, his best tactic is to enter bullet time, then rush in and use his new toy to sever the heads from the necks of each target.

Tang Ji stretched out his fingers and counted three, then in tacit agreement with Tony, he smashed the glass and jumped into a warehouse.

Before landing, Tang Ji fired continuously, hitting three people.

These lunatics from the Advent sect are very difficult to deal with, not because they are powerful, but because they are so resilient.

This is already the third wave of Advent sect believers that Tang Ji has exterminated this week. As if they are not afraid of death, this group of people keeps sneaking into the Night City in groups of twenty. Some people don’t even bother to pretend, as if

It's like sending yourself to death.

And expecting the Law Enforcement Bureau to deal with these mental patients who have achieved freedom of fire and like to engage in suicide attacks is obviously too difficult for these people.

The security guards of the Green Wave Lake Security Group never dreamed that they had to pay so much to be transferred back to the Federation from the Persia Region. As a result, the intensity of the firefight here was even higher, and the suicide bombers were even more fearless of death.

Many law enforcement officers have chosen to retire early due to psychological problems, while others are writing applications hoping to return to the front lines of the Persian Region.

To Tang Ji and others, these Advent believers seemed a little abnormal.

This is not the first time they have dealt with these religious lunatics. Tang Ji is sure that the last time they fought in London, they were not so extreme.

But now, these people seem too abnormal.

The moment Tang Ji landed, the two believers closest to him did not hesitate to pull out their grenades and pounced on him without any regard for their own life or death.

Fortunately, the large-caliber bullets in the prelude had a superior stopping effect. With two consecutive gunshots, the two believers lost the ability to continue moving forward.

Shadow's unique gunshot sounded in the communication channel, and the two cultists at the high point didn't even have time to turn their heads to look at Tang Ji before they were directly transformed into parts.

Tony also finished clearing the cultists around the explosives. The moment he gave a thumbs up, the door of the warehouse was smashed by something.

Tang Ji only felt a gust of fishy wind blowing in front of him, and the battle was over.

Surte stood at the farthest point of the warehouse and shook the blood off the sword vigorously, with a satisfied smile on his face, as if a child had gotten his favorite toy.

At this time, Martin, who was carrying heavy firepower, finally rushed into the warehouse in embarrassment. Looking at the scene in the warehouse, he cursed a few words starting with F, and shouted angrily: "Like this again? Like this again? Next time I go on a mission.

Don’t take Soult with you!”

"Old man, you are too slow!" Soult put his broadsword back into the scabbard on his back. He even asked the saint for advice on this action, not for the skill, but for the beauty.

"Another batch of free arms was seized?" Ethan's drone floated over quietly and took pictures around the boxes filled with weapons and ammunition: "It's been posted on the Internet, soon.

The person with the highest bid will come back to receive the goods, and we can withdraw. There are still two targets that need to be inspected today."

Tang Ji glanced at the warehouse littered with corpses, then looked at the prelude that he still had one bullet left, refilled the bullet, and got into Anthony's car.

"They all still have mental problems, and they look the same as the previous batches." Anthony watched the entire battle from a drone perspective.

Of course, the main reason was to slow down and see Soult's movements clearly. With the help of Ethan, Anthony quickly found the picture he wanted.

"Look here, Tony's bullet has broken his leg, but he didn't show the pain he deserved at all. His last second before death was still thinking about detonating the explosives in the box." Anthony looked worriedly.

Talking to Tang Ji: "We don't care about one dead soldier or two dead soldiers, but now there are almost a hundred, which is definitely not normal."

Yes, it is definitely not normal. These Advent sect members sometimes seem to be sleepwalking, such as the conversations they overheard before the attack.

But they are not the kind of walking dead. They can still communicate normally, live normally, and can even carry out complex blasting operations.

"Is it jealousy?" Anthony thought of the mental patient in Africa.

"Maybe, I will ask a friend to help me check the situation." Tang Ji was also suspicious of the mentally ill pervert. Although he was imprisoned by the pioneers in a body warehouse and laboratory, there seemed to be some kind of relationship between them.

In a delicate balance.

If Envy is willing to spend some time to help the pioneers further brainwash the Advent sect, it is not impossible. You must know that although Tang Ji negotiated a deal with him, he turned around and sold Envy.

As the strongest superhumans, the Pioneers themselves have mastered gluttony and analyzed the original ability of greed. If they can convince Envy to provide them with a steady stream of cannon fodder, the entire system will be completed.

Tang Ji had no choice but to kill Envy. That guy's existence was a threat to everyone, but according to Mikkelsen's investigation, soon after Tang Ji left, Envy disappeared from the warehouse.


The last time the body warehouse left by the pioneers was cleared out based on intelligence, there were some problems in Africa. A large body warehouse was empty and nothing was left.

Afterwards, many of the investigators sent by Mikkelsen and other organizations disappeared. Obviously jealousy was there.

This chapter has been completed!
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