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Chapter 205 Disadvantages

 In Night City, if you have a gun in your hand, a group of brothers behind you, and you know where your enemies are, it’s self-evident what will happen next, right?

Just like Tang Ji and the others did, the enemy fell from the sky. A total of twenty-five menacing big guys. Just like Tang Ji and the others had done before, they jumped from an altitude of nearly a hundred meters and landed near the landing site before landing.

Suddenly, piles of jelly-like green gel swelled out.

As a public figure, Tang Ji has never received his fair share of advertising fees. For example, the Lazarus Group has sold millions of copies of the quick-response gel.

In addition to its tendency to replace parachutes, this thing has also become the new favorite of extreme sports enthusiasts. An airborne soldier who goes deep behind enemy lines cannot consume much gel, but an extreme sports enthusiast who wholeheartedly seeks death can jump off a cliff in one day.

Sixteen times.

Another example is the Prelude, a classic and nostalgic masterpiece that was originally just for selling sentiments. During this period, sales have skyrocketed, and a small-caliber sissy version has even been launched to facilitate the public's addiction to tough guys.

When Tang Ji and his people temporarily occupied the ground floor room of an apartment building, the original owner did not hesitate to run to the underground parking lot to take refuge after Tang Ji threw several large amounts of cash.

At this time, Shadow finally took the elevator to the rooftop of the building opposite. The Saint followed him, still working part-time as observer, deputy shooter and protector.

Shadow's electromagnetic sniper rifle needs to be precharged, but the sudden enemy obviously did not give him this time, so he can only fight with another more traditional weapon first.

A 10MM caliber MK-32 Army model, as a sniper rifle, is actually somewhat out of date with the times.

At a distance of three hundred meters, it is difficult for it to penetrate individual targets with increasingly exaggerated armor thickness, such as dragon scale armor and other professional protective equipment.

For example, now that he was passing the armed rotorcraft in the sky, Shadow just looked up and judged the model of the aircraft, and then gave up on shooting.

He just activated his optical camouflage equipment, set up his sniper rifle and started aiming at the airborne troops' pre-landing point.

Twenty-five fully armed Hydra elites successfully...

No, twenty-four fully armed Hydra elites landed successfully, and the last one unfortunately became Surte's first victory.

Before the armed soldier fell into the gel, Soult picked up a stone and smashed him out of the gel's coverage.


The soldier, with a total weight of more than 230 kilograms including men and equipment, was shot flat on the street, and the exoskeleton equipment with a support frame became flat.

The tough tactical protective clothing locks flesh and blood inside without causing any environmental pollution.

But everyone knew that no matter what kind of creature was inside, it couldn't breathe anymore. It looked like lunch meat in a sealed bag that had been run over by a car several times.

The soldiers of Hydra did not show any sympathy for their companions, nor did they waste any second. They were the trump cards accumulated by the naturalized people for many years, and they had long been accustomed to war and death.

The twenty-four soldiers were naturally divided into five groups. Relying on their heavy protective equipment, they did not even seek bunkers and started pouring firepower directly in the target direction.

The direct order they received was to kill Tang Ji at all costs, without considering accidental injuries or evacuation issues.

If they succeed, even if the second Red Sun Incident occurs in Night City, someone will be able to bring them out. Otherwise, the only way for them to fail is for all of them to die in battle.

Tang Ji is a difficult target, which is recognized within Hydra. They had briefly fought against each other before when the Lily Sanatorium was destroyed.

However, both sides obviously believed that their true abilities were not shown in that battle, and they planned to continue their relationship.

A Hydra soldier who made an obvious tactical move suddenly trembled and then collapsed to the ground, clutching his neck.

This is Shadow's first target.

But Shadow was disappointed. The two nearest soldiers quickly dragged the wounded man and moved him to the blind spot of his sight, while the other two soldiers overdrawn several explosives in his shooting path.

The explosives exploded continuously, forming an umbrella-shaped smoke at a height of about twenty meters that could not dissipate for a long time, completely blocking Shadow's sight.

"A team of five people has entered your building, be careful." Tony reminded on the communication channel: "The leader said that these people are tenacious, so it is safest to start with the leader."

"Roger!" Shadow glanced at the video screen in the lower left corner of the tactical goggles. A soldier was carefully checking whether there were explosives in the elevator.

That was the camera he left in the elevator in advance, and he also left some small gifts. Unfortunately, the other party was too cautious and had to unpack it in advance.


The building where Shadow was located shook a few times, and hot air sprayed along the elevator shaft to the rooftop. Unfortunately, Shadow could not be sure whether he had caused effective damage to the enemy.

The signal from the motion detector showed that three people on the other side were moving quickly along the stairs, while the other two people were using some kind of jetpack to quickly climb up the outer wall.

Ethan's drone only captured a brief picture and was killed by his colleagues.

The drone hunters were thrown into the air by the previous rotorcraft, and were directed by the drone operator, like a swarm of bees, sweeping back and forth to clean up Ethan's drone.

With only existing portable equipment, Ethan could only keep increasing the distance, allowing the drone swarm to continue to increase the distance, and survive for a while.

Except for the shadow of the gun that never left their hands, the heaviest firepower in their hands was just a Standard-226 rifle. It was Sirte's big toy, which happened to be blown away in the explosion and fell nearby.

This kind of rifle that uses caseless bullets has a full magazine of fifty bullets, but they really can't cause effective damage to the enemy.

Tony's marksmanship was good. He seized the opportunity while being suppressed and pulled the trigger, causing at least twelve effective strikes. In the end, the target just shook his head, then moved forward again and began to compress the space of Tangji's team.

Tang Ji now knew how troubled the enemy was when he had Wang Zhengdao's cooperation before. They could always seize the loopholes in the enemy's defense and catch the enemy by surprise.

Just like what he is experiencing now, Tang Ji wisely chose to wait. He could not suppress the enemy fifty meters away by relying on the prelude alone, so he could only wait for the enemy to get closer...

Gu Hao

But Hydra obviously had a more efficient method. Several team members who looked more bloated stood on the spot and quickly assembled rocket launchers.

"TMD!" Martin, who also only had a shotgun, took one look at the situation outside and turned around and ran away.

The rocket crashed directly into the apartment, causing the entire building to feel the vibration. Fortunately, Anthony had already moved Miwako to the second floor.

Tang Ji, on the other hand, has enough ability to protect himself. He used the [Reinforcement] ability to strengthen everyone's body armor. He also tore off a refrigerator door and used the [Reinforcement] ability to block it in front of him, curling up in front of him.

The corners blocked the shock waves and high temperatures.

Tang Ji didn't want to remain so passive, so two minutes ago, he asked Soult to leave first with Ethan and Miwako, who was obviously unable to keep up with the rhythm.

"Go to safe house No. 4, win this damn drone war, and then tell me how many enemies were airdropped into my territory!" Tang Ji patted Ethan's face hard: "Don't let me down.


"I'm the best!" Ethan nodded affirmatively.

"Send them to the place, and then see how many enemies are around us. Be careful, we are serious this time." Before Soult left, Tang Ji grabbed Soult's collar and warned: "Don't

Take risks with your own abilities!"

After Surte left, Tang Ji vowed that when this incident was over, he would find a superhuman who could replace Wang Zhengdao to fill the vacancy in the team.

"TMD!" Martin, who had just escaped from the rear window, shouted the same thing, and then turned back: "There are two basilisks behind us!"

Following Martin's words, fierce firepower directly penetrated the two-story wall, leaving the entire first floor of the apartment riddled with holes.

Tang Ji and Martin lay on the ground, crawling against the wall, unable to even raise their heads.

"Boss, what good plan do you have? You'd better think of it quickly, otherwise my wives will be widowed!" Martin still shouted angrily, and even had the leisure to joke: "I still have a few of them.

I haven’t slept a lot!”

"Shut your mouth, I'm thinking!" Tang Ji also shouted with all his strength, he was really thinking of a way to fight back.

He was observing the basilisk outside through the bullet hole using the ability of [Discovering Weaknesses]. Compared to the pervert Greedy, this complex man-made thing 'seemed' to be much easier to deal with.



Ethan, who was abandoned a few kilometers away by Soult, hurriedly walked into a store, changed his clothes, and took a large-size pullover to put on Miwako.

"Keep your head down and don't look around. Players have very high network permissions. In theory, all cameras are their eyes." Ethan whispered to Miwako: "Follow me, there is a safe house nearby, you will be responsible for it later.

Keep me safe and pull me out of the connection if you notice any trouble."

Miwako nodded and followed silently. She wasn't quite used to the rhythm here yet, but her eyes were full of excitement.

"That little bastard, couldn't he run a few more kilometers and send me directly to the place?" Ethan rubbed his hands anxiously. With every minute of delay, he felt the pressure multiplying.

Whenever he was nervous, he would subconsciously want to smoke some contraband, but under Tang Ji's high pressure, he had completely quit those things, and his long-lost health had begun to return.

Ethan looked around and selected a car on the side of the road. With Aria's cooperation, he quickly cracked the safety lock and pulled Miwako straight to the safe house.

In the safe house, Ethan first found Surte's chewing gum and chewed it hard to relieve his symptoms. Then he opened his backup studio, pulled out the connection cable, and looked at Miwako: "Remember, once you find something wrong,

Pull me out and trust your instincts, if you feel something is wrong, something is!"

"Also, the gun cabinet is over there. I really hope you don't need it." Ethan finally said, inserted the thread into his brain, and then his eyes turned white and he entered the hyperlink state.

Miwako scratched her hair hard and suddenly laughed. This was the life she had always expected!

She opened the gun cabinet, looked at the dazzling array of equipment inside, and quickly armed herself. The mysterious Alia guided her through the communication channel to activate the security protocol of the safe house.

At this time, Surte, who was still in bullet time, had returned to the battlefield. The battle situation here was not optimistic. Tang Ji's enemies obviously planned to solve the problem at once. New flying objects kept passing through the sky, dropping more scary ones.


Surte saw a 4*4 metal box hit the ground. As the four metal plates opened, the four basilisks-3 huddled inside started to move. They first moved their supporting legs, and then each

A red light came on.

Three of the Basilisks-3 immediately started running, moving in the other three directions at a speed far exceeding that of human running, further surrounding the building where Tang Ji was located, leaving only one standing in place, with the antenna above its head seeming to be a command signal.

chemical machine.

Soult had not received formal military training, but just by looking at the appearance, he knew that this Basilisk-3 was much more important than the three units that had just left.

At this moment, Soult planned to be a hero who turned the tide, just like the role he once played in the Skull and Bones Party.

Relying on his own ability, he quickly approached the target from behind and stuffed a grenade into the heat dissipation grille of the Basilisk-3.

With an explosion, Surte suddenly discovered that the war machine was almost intact. Although black smoke continued to emit from the radiator grille on one side, it immediately completed its turn and fired at Surte at a speed far beyond human reaction speed.


Surte, who entered bullet time again, dodged the bullet trajectory in a somewhat embarrassed manner, rushed directly to the feet of Basilisk-3, hugged one of the opponent's supporting feet with both hands, and overturned it to the ground with force.

A beautiful move. Soult once had such an experience. When the group of mercenaries proudly took a similar thing out of the carriage, they thought they had a chance to win.

But they were wrong. Soult rushed over and overturned it just like before. The thing was like an overturned turtle and never got up again.

But this time, it was Sirte who was wrong. The Basilisk series is a flagship product produced by Military Technology. Just like a real Basilisk, it twisted around to regain its balance and at the same time launched a counterattack against Sirte.

Even the reinforced body armor could not completely withstand the heavy firepower of the Basilisk at such a close distance. Surte tried his best to hold on and enter bullet time again at the moment he was shot.

He dodged most of the bullets, but there were still two that were too late. Soult felt as if a red-hot iron had been stabbed into his stomach. The pain was so intense that the wounds on his legs could even be ignored.

Forget it.

The 9MM caliber kinetic energy bullet has a powerful stopping effect. A gap was directly opened in Sirte's lower abdomen, as if he had been bitten by a wild beast.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, a suicide drone controlled by Ethan personally rushed straight towards the Basilisk-3. The violent explosion once again shook the balance of the Basilisk-3!

This chapter has been completed!
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