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Chapter two hundred and sixteen the enemy

 Tang Ji strolled through the ruins forgotten by the world, including dilapidated buildings, severely weathered roads, and wildly growing vegetation.

All this makes it hard to believe that this is a district in Paris, where civilization and barbarism are separated into two worlds by a wall.

He threw the scrapped mimic cloak on the roadside, and the new toy worth 100,000 yuan was scrapped. At this moment, Tang Ji was glad that he had always been used to shooting with mechanical aim.

The superhuman codenamed Alloy Angel passed over Tang Ji's head again. This was the second time he saw him.

If that idiot with metal wings isn't out of his mind, he must be looking for the entrance to an underground bunker, which is good news.

This proves that those superhumans have not realized that there is a huge underground city under their feet. If what that bullshit nightmare believer said is true, then Wang Zhengdao should be relatively safe now.

Tang Ji listened to the gunshots in the darkness and found that the nearest firefight point was one kilometer away. He could only move on and try to find a guide in the dark ruined city.

But soon he discovered that he seemed to be stared at by something, and his intuition told him that there must be something alive in the building behind him on the left.

Tang Ji did not turn around directly. He still kept moving forward at the same speed as before. At the same time, he took out a small mirror and used the moonlight to adjust the angle and observe the location of the third and fourth floors of the building.

A pair of fluorescent green light spots flashed past. Tang Ji looked around at the intersection, then turned and turned into the blind spot of the building. It looked like a confused person who had randomly found a direction.

In fact, after Tang Ji entered the blind spot in his sight, he almost immediately cut into the position under the outer wall of the building, and then approached the corner little by little, waiting at the angle for the stalker to show up.

The result was beyond Tang Ji's expectation. They were a small group of jackals walking out of that building, but their size was close to the size of an African lion. There were ferocious bone spurs on their joints, making them look very ferocious.

Tang Ji just glanced at it and lost interest. He was not at all curious about where this strange species came from. Anyway, District 13 is a big garbage dump. It can bury any secret and anyone can throw something in it.

He just left there quietly. Tang Ji was sure that the leader had discovered him, but he chose peace.

Tang Guimai guessed that the IQ of that thing was no lower than that of a six or seven-year-old child. If humans suddenly become extinct, who knows whether they will become the next intelligent species?

The upright walking jackal civilization is always cooler than cockroach people, rat people or crab people.

After walking two streets, Tang Ji lost the location of the exchange of fire. Maybe the group chose to retreat, or maybe they were killed by the superhumans. In short, no one was shooting in that direction.

But the good news is that Tang Ji finally found a "survivor", a soldier who belonged to the Taha Gang. Yes, he was a soldier. Looking at the man in front of him, it was hard for Tang Ji to call him a street fighter.

This is a cyber soldier whose body has been heavily modified. His waist and right hand have all been replaced with mechanical prostheses, one eye is a prosthetic eye, and biological armor plating has been transplanted to his chest and abdomen.

This thing is very rare, and few people would choose to use it to replace their skin in pursuit of safety.

But the soldier in front of him obviously didn't care much about his appearance. When Tang Ji found him, he leaned against the wall and tried to light a cigarette with his only arm.

It's a pity that the palm of the native arm is missing three fingers. Only the index finger and little finger are original, which makes it difficult for him to complete this action.

Tang Ji stepped forward and helped him light the cigarette. The other person took a puff of satisfaction and nodded to Tang Ji without saying a word.

Tang Ji noticed that there were several corpses of cyber soldiers on the roadside. There were no traces of battle on their bodies. It was estimated that some important organs in their bodies had been replaced with prosthetics, and then they were damaged in the EMP attack just now. They died.


There was a cigarette butt beside the veteran. It seemed that his comrade lit a cigarette for him before leaving.

"Where is the nearest underground entrance?" Tang Ji squatted in front of the veteran and asked, "I am not in the same group as those superhumans."

The veteran grinned with jagged teeth: "For the sake of helping me light my cigarette, I don't have to spit on you. Either kill me directly or leave me here to die. I won't tell you any news."


"I have a friend who was taken underground by you before, and those superhumans came to find him." Tang Ji said straight to the point: "Let me take him away earlier, and these superhumans will not be your trouble."


"Haha, this excuse is good, but I don't believe it." The veteran took another puff of cigarette: "District 13 is not afraid of trouble, we will always win."

Tang Ji frowned. He had never dealt with such a character, but he looked like a ruthless character at first glance. Just looking at the implants and prosthetics on his body, you knew that death and pain were his old friends.

"What should I do to make you believe me?" Tang Ji didn't want to waste time looking for the next survivor, not to mention that the next one might not be as easy to talk to as this one.

"Did you see that birdman flying in the sky? I'll pull his head off, can you take me underground?" Tang Ji threw his backpack and helmet next to the veteran and pointed at the alloy angel that flew back for the third time.


"...?" The veteran's eyes were full of surprise, but he quickly realized that this was a bet that he would never lose, because he didn't even have chips: "If you do it, I will not only tell you where the entrance is.

Oh, I even told you the password to my safe!"

Without saying a word, Tang Ji climbed up along the wall, and soon climbed to the roof of the building. He stretched out his fingers to measure the wind direction, replaced his rifle with armor-piercing bullets, and calmly began to wait for the iron

The bird turns back again.

At this moment, the entire Thirteenth District seemed to be quiet, and there was no more gunfire. The silence was terrifying, as if everyone in the entire Thirteenth District was dead.

At this time, the saint also encountered the same problem. He lost himself. Without the guidance of gunfire, he felt like a blind man.

Fortunately, the saint found the scene where Tang Ji killed the three superhumans based on the direction in his memory. The saint knew that the real culprit in this case was Tang Ji just by looking at it.

But where will he go next?

The saint looked around. Every street here seemed dark and the buildings were dilapidated. Where should he go to find Tang Ji?

At this time, a sound of soft footsteps came from the end of the street, and two children who looked to be less than ten years old ran out at the corner of the street.

One of the children stepped on a stone and twisted his ankle severely. The other child stopped crying and tried to pull his companion up.

But the child who fell to the ground threw his hand away and shouted excitedly: "Run! Leave me alone!"

The next second, an arm suddenly grabbed the child's ankle, and a burst of laughter that could give people nightmares came: "Don't run! Don't run! I specially saved you until the end, you are my treasure.

Don’t get hurt!”

The saint looked at the arm with some curiosity, because he only saw the arm, which was four to five meters long and was swung like a whip.

Grain selection

Superhuman? In the Saint's mind, the image of Luffy, the pirate king from the early comics, emerged, but Luffy's laughter was not so scary.

The saint blew a loud whistle, attracting the attention of the two children and the owner of the arm: "Hey, how about finding yourself an opponent of similar size?"

It is undeniable that Saint is definitely the member with the most sense of justice in Tangji's team, but the standards he uses to enforce justice seem a bit unjust.

In the words of their parish priest, there are so many words in the Bible, but you only know the words tit for tat.

Of course, the saints think these four words are enough. They have always adhered to this principle, and now they have become so famous that no one stands up and says no.

As a believer, the saint would never let two children be killed in front of him, but he realized in the next second that he had said the wrong thing.

The 'enemy' who walked out from the street corner had his limbs stretched four or five meters, and he seemed to be standing on the third floor talking to someone. This was definitely not an opponent of similar size.

"Another new toy?" The long-legged man looked exactly like the ghost in the horror movie Slender Ghost. His limbs were elongated and his body was thin. He was wearing a black suit and his face was horribly pale. He stared at two dark circles under his eyes with a look in his eyes.

It's full of madness.

The saint quietly waved his hand to the two children, telling them to seize the opportunity to hide.

Fortunately, the children who grew up in District 13 are very worry-free. Even if his ankle was sprained, the child was holding on to his teeth and trying to escape with the help of his companions, without even looking back at the 'hero' appearance.

When passing by the saint, he heard two words at the same time. One child said thank you, and the other said "Idiot..."

"Haha, just like when I was a kid!" A happy smile appeared on the saint's face. He didn't care that he was not the opponent of the long-legged man. He only knew that he was on the side of justice again and did not back down because of the threat of death.

The Saint threw a grenade at the opponent, but his long whip-like arms swung through the air, intercepted the grenade, and then threw it in another direction.

The monster's limbs were much faster than the saint thought. In return, the long-legged man's right hand stretched out again across a distance of more than ten meters, and really whipped it out like a whip!

The saint could even hear the sound of breaking through the air. He could only rely on his instincts to dodge the blow. The arm was severely whipped to the ground, leaving a two-meter-long whip mark there.

Especially at the end of the palm, a shallow pit the size of a millstone was created!

The Saint opened fire at the opponent, but a superhuman who could pull out his arms at supersonic speeds was obviously not something bullets could deal with. The opponent just opened his palms to cover his face, and the rest of his body was directly invulnerable.

If Saint had read the mission briefing carefully, he would have known that the man in front of him was the super villain nicknamed Whiplash.

Before he was arrested by the Gaul officials, the Flagellant committed at least seventy murders. However, because of his powerful ability, he reached an agreement with the high-level officials of Gaul and became a hawk.

His limbs have the strongest defense, followed by his torso. His weak point is his head, which can be easily broken by bullets almost like ordinary people.

The report also stated that the maximum extension length of his limbs was more than thirty meters, but in that form the whipman could not stand up at all, and he could not maintain balance.

Four meters and seventy-five meters is the most commonly used length for whipping people. It can surpass ordinary people and can maximize the strength and flexibility of its supernatural limbs.

The saint threw a smoke bomb at his feet, which he and Tang Ji learned, and then turned around and ran into the building next door.

However, the whipping man raised his arms and started to rotate like a large electric fan, and the smoke from the smoke bomb was blown away before it had time to spread.

One arm crossed a distance of more than ten meters, grabbed the saint's backpack strap, and threw him directly. The other arm cooperated with the tacit understanding and slapped the saint hard on the chest before he landed!

The saint only felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his whole body hit the wall of a building behind him. When he landed, he vomited a lot of blood and struggled a few times before he stood up.

He took out a combat stimulant injection from the medicine bag on his waist and blew it hard on his neck. His whole body shivered and he was immediately relieved from the physical pain.

At this moment, mentally the saint felt that he was running wild on the grass of heaven, but physically he still stayed in this bad world, facing the devil who seemed to have just crawled out of hell.

The saint threw away his rifle, flicked his arms, and the special dagger slipped out of the arm sheath, and then he whipped the person and rushed over!

As a person who learned fighting by watching videos, participated in death fighting competitions, and won the championship title, Saint's talent in the field of fighting is self-evident.

He instinctively knows that he has to close the distance to gain an advantage!

It's just that the speed of whipping people has exceeded the reaction speed of saint's nerves. When the whipping people got serious, he didn't even know the angle from which the opponent's arms were swung, and he was hit hard again!


The saint was whipped against another wall by the whippers again. Under the protection of the dragon scale armor, only a few ribs were broken.

But the shocked internal organs caused the saint to vomit blood every time he tried to stand up.

The Flagellant raised his arm, intending to end the fight, but was hit in the forehead by a flying stone.

The saint looked in the direction where the stone was thrown, and it was the little boy who had been injured just now and called him a fool!

The boy bravely stood at the window, holding another stone and throwing it at the whipper!

As for his companion, he didn't know when he slipped into the building behind the saint and followed the rope down from above: "Sam said if you can't climb up by yourself, we'll leave right away!"

"Don't worry about me, kid, I'm fine..." The saint tried his best to smile. He was not lying. Because of the medicine, he was still in a state of excitement, and his whole person was in a state of ecstasy.

, as if death were just a mother's hug.

But the next second, the Saint saw the legs of the irritated whipping man suddenly rise up, directly parallel to the fourth floor, and his hands reached in from two different windows like pythons, and grabbed the child named Sam.


Afterwards, the whipper threw Sam directly into the sky, waiting expectantly for him to fall back!

"Devil! How dare you commit such evil deeds in front of God's believers!" The saint only felt a force driving him to stand up, and the biblical allusions in his mind kept churning, echoing the scene in front of him.

The saint suddenly realized that he was the wrath of God at this moment!

This chapter has been completed!
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