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Chapter 221: Gathering

 "Old Jim, are you sure that person is trustworthy?" A group of somewhat embarrassed Taha Gang soldiers observed the surrounding environment vigilantly, and two people pointed their guns at Tang Ji, the leader.

The young officer is talking to the cyberized veteran.

"Who knows, anyway, he is not the same group as those superhumans." Jim, the veteran, watched the machinist keep cutting on his body, and was a little annoyed: "Can't you just leave me here and wait for it to be repaired after the beating? Too much


"Don't be stupid Jim, your prosthetic electronics have been completely damaged. It's cheaper to repair it than to replace it with a new one." The mechanic used a gas cutter to cut off the support structure of a thigh: "And it's time for you to leave the battlefield.

Well, when this time is over, why don’t you change into a civilian prosthetic leg and sell your modified gun?”

"Hell, you're the only one who has to leave the battlefield!" Old Jim said dissatisfied: "I have been fighting all my life, and I just want to die on the battlefield!"

"Who is the person he is looking for?" the officer asked again: "I haven't heard of any new people worth noting coming in recently."

"You talk to him about the specifics. Anyway, I agreed. As long as he kills that flying super human, I will take him down." Old Jim acted rogue: "Don't let me break my trust."

"The Taha Gang never breaks their trust. I will take him underground." The officer nodded and looked at the progress of the mechanic: "Be careful, don't make our meritorious veteran disabled."

The mechanic looked at Old Jim, who had only three fingers on one hand, and scratched his head. He really didn't know how to make him more disabled.

"Friend, thank you for your help. We will abide by the agreement and take you into the underground base, but for the sake of safety, at least tell me who you are and who you are looking for." The officer walked up to Tang Ji and said.

Tang Ji looked at the officer who was a head shorter than him and the epaulettes on his shoulders that were completely different from the Gallic military system. He became even more curious about this Taha gang.

The opponent obviously has a complete military rank system, and the soldiers are also well-trained. Although the equipment is poor, they are definitely soldiers who dare to fight.

"I am a mercenary." Tang Ji briefly introduced himself: "The person I am looking for is the same as me, with an Asian face. If nothing else happens, he should be a seriously injured person who cannot move. There are two more people with him.

A lady."

While Tang Ji was talking, the machinist over there completed the cutting work and took out the flesh and blood part of veteran Jim from the metal cage, and it was carried on the back of a strong soldier.

The officer made an invitation gesture to Tang Ji and took the lead: "There are very few Asian faces among us. If you can give me a name, maybe I can remember what to order."

"His name is Wang Zhengdao, a super human. He just entered District 13 today. He can move in space. The last news I got was that he was placed in Transportation Port No. 14." Tang Ji said directly: "But

The person who was supposed to be interacting with me was attacked by EMP before he could say his name."

Hearing Tang Ji's words, the officer's face turned ugly, which obviously meant that other forces besides the Taha Gang were in contact with the outside world.

This has always been forbidden by the Taha Gang. They regard District 13 as their own territory and regard themselves as the protectors and owners of this land.

Ensuring that everyone and everything in District 13 is under the control of the Taha Gang is the most important responsibility of the Taha Gang's military system.

"I will take you to Traffic Port No. 14, but if you can take away the person you mentioned, I need to ask my superiors for instructions." The officer said to Tang Ji: "I will make sure to convey your story intact.

But ultimately it’s not me who makes the decision.”

"That will help a lot." Tang Ji nodded. As for what would happen after finding Wang Zhengdao, he planned to have a headache at that time.

"This is right here. We can enter the No. 3 inner ring road from here." The officer opened a sewer manhole cover: "Not every sewer is an entrance. We have made many false targets. If we open the wrong target, it will explode, so no one

Be careful when giving directions."

"Go down and follow closely. It's very big inside, with many forks and traps. We have been operating here for decades, and it is by no means as simple as you see." The officer finally warned, and then he was the first to jump in.



"This is Transportation Port No. 12. It is a comprehensive transportation port. It is mainly used for daily necessities trading. Most of the people living here are natives of District 13." Marcin Cooper was wearing an Arab robe.

Clothes covered most of his face as he introduced Organa.

The way to get through the sealed door was much simpler than Organa thought. Marcin took out a wad of cash and handed it to the guards. They opened the door as if nothing had happened and pretended not to see the two people.

"Don't be fooled by the Taha Gang. There are indeed many diehard members of the Taha Gang who are willing to sacrifice their lives for that illusory ideal, but most of the people here are real scum." Marcin whispered: "For example, me,

I have nothing to sell but myself."

"Your description of yourself is very good, I will write it into your file." Organa did not hide her disgust.

Marcin Cooper is one of the naturalized people who leaked out of the Ark organization. He once served as the vice president of the Financial Integration Bank of the European Union and is considered one of the great stewards of the entire European Union's money bag.

It's just that after Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao launched the purge of naturalized people, he disappeared and there has been no trace. No one could have imagined that this banker who was supposed to be pampered actually abandoned everything and hid in

District 13.

"Don't be so mean. I'm a double traitor now. Everyone wants to catch me." Marcin Cooper said this, but there was no sign of nervousness on his face: "I did give a lot of help to the naturalized people and the pioneers."

They have given many green lights to their industries and approved many low-interest loans, but believe me, I have taken more from them.”

"What do you mean?" This is the first time Organa has seen someone like Marcin. He looks less than forty years old. He is full of energy and looks like he can't wait to start the next adventure.

Dr. Indiana Jones.

But the information clearly stated that this damn bastard was almost sixty years old. Even if he had some life-extending surgery, it could not explain his strong energy and extremely good mentality.

It was as if the pursuit from the two forces was nothing more than a trivial matter to him.

"Before I disappeared, 111 billion in cash was stolen from those accounts!" Marcin said in Organa's ear with a tone of mischievous success: "I am the only one who knows where the money is hidden.

Almost all their industries in the European Union have been paralyzed, and I don’t need to provide a list. You just need to check which companies have recent financial difficulties, and 80% of them are..."

Speaking of this, Marcin pointed with his finger and made an expression that we all understand. After saying that, he turned around and walked into a shop.

The space of Transport Port No. 12 is similar in structure to the underground passage Organa and Marcin encountered before, except that the space is larger, the road is wider, and it is divided into three spaces of the same size by three open isolation doors.

The shops here also combine the two functions of residence and use. A small part of them are open to everyone as shops, and some of them exist as factories, such as the one Marcin is walking into now.

In a space of nearly fifty square meters, two large machines that appear to have been carefully maintained are sending vegetables on the conveyor belt into the interior, while what is produced on the other side are sealed cans.

The Taha Gang must have planned for many years before establishing an underground base with a nighttime production chain here.

"Yusul, my old friend! Long time no see, do you miss me?" Marcin enthusiastically hugged Yusul who was debugging the equipment, but the other party was obviously not in as good a mood as Marcin.

The tall and round Yusul grabbed Marcin Cooper by the collar and said with red eyes: "You bastard, you still dare to show up! Do you know that because of your bad idea, we are almost finished now?


"Why are you so nervous? Aren't we not finished yet?" Marcin turned around and winked at Organa. Fortunately, he said, stop watching the fun, it's your turn.

But Organa pretended to be more interested in the can next to it and studied the nameplate on it.

"Because of your idea, I am still short of three thousand cans to meet the Taha Gang's order!" Yusul glanced at Organa cautiously: "If the Taha Gang knew that I secretly sold the cans to the above at a high price,

People, do you know what will happen? Together, the two of us can make up almost one-tenth of the order!"

"Yusul, I'm very sad when you say that. I just provided you with a small business that can double your income, and I earned an appropriate proportion of agency fees from it." Marcin broke away with force.

Yusul's Bondage: "No one could have predicted that the war would happen, right? It was an accident, not our fault."

"Leave it to the Taha gang to explain your reasons for seeing the devil. See if they believe it or not!" Yusul seemed to have lost all his strength and sat down on the ground: "We are finished!"

"Look, aren't I here to help you solve your problem?" Marcin Cooper squatted next to Yusul: "I have a way to prevent the Taha Gang from pursuing this order."

After saying that, Marcin Cooper whispered something in Yusul's ear. Yusul's eyes immediately widened and his whole face turned red.

But in the end, Yusul agreed to Marcin.

"So, since I have helped you solve another problem, tell me something useful." Marcin Cooper asked: "Did you hear that someone below sent a wounded person? He should be around

There is also a woman with a new face."

"I really want to hear someone talk about it. Just wait a minute, I'll go out and find out." Yusul just hesitated for a moment, then stood up to get information for Marcin.

Organa witnessed all this, but she couldn't figure out how Marcin did it. What kind of ecstasy drug did he give to the fat man?

"You promised me to keep me safe, Miss Organa." Marcin Cooper smiled at Organa, casually took a few boxes of cans from the can pile and threw them to her: "I hope that next time you

I will fulfill my responsibilities because I am doing my best to help you find the person you are looking for."

Organa didn't say anything, just nodded. She was not interested in Marcin's dirty dealings, and hunting naturalized people was not her job. She just wanted to find Lindsay as soon as possible.

"You're welcome, pack more. Yusul won't mind. We'll still need it later." Marcin Cooper took out a bag and filled it with cans without hesitation. He was not satisfied until the bag was full:

"They'll be worth a lot of money very quickly."

A few minutes later, Yusul returned to his shop, turning a blind eye to Marcin who returned home with a full load: "If you are looking for someone, they should be at Traffic Port No. 14. That area has been temporarily designated as a medical area, and the wounded are all there.

, a boy who went to deliver bandages saw a strange face."

"Very good, Yusul, don't forget what I said, do as I say, I'll make sure you're fine." Marcin Cooper patted Yusul's shoulder hard and signaled to Organa:

"We should go and find your little rabbit."

Organa took one last look at Yusul, who seemed to be making some kind of decision and was completely absent-minded.



"Deli, how do we take him down?" Sam asked breathlessly. For two teenagers, they dragged a heavily armed soldier back to the entrance of the underground passage five hundred meters away.

It is indeed a difficult thing.

But what's even more difficult is that the Taha gang soldiers will not let this stranger in just because he saved their lives. Even a kid like Sam knows this.

"Don't worry, I know it well." Deli once again showed his maturity beyond his age. He comforted his companions, limped toward the underground entrance with a homemade crutch, and planned to have a good chat with the guards.


But what surprised him was that there was no guard at the entrance to the underground at this time, and even the entrance was gone. It was replaced by a gully more than ten meters long, exposing several nearby underground passages that were going deep into the ground.


It looks like someone stuck a chopstick into an ant hole and then picked it hard.

Deli's face looked a little ugly, but he still made up his mind, waved vigorously to his little friend, and asked Sam to drag the stranger over.

Then, Deli chose the tunnel with the gentlest slope, and pushed the stranger in with Sam, and then the little figure disappeared into the depths of the tunnel together.

The tunnel that was supposed to be brightly lit was now dark, and corpses could be seen everywhere on the roadside. Deli nervously checked the corpses and then breathed a sigh of relief.

These people were not killed by humans, they were all shocked to death, which proved that at least there were no other similar weirdos waiting for them ahead.

Deli knew that they had to go deeper and enter a deeper shelter to be safe. He also knew that the front of this tunnel could enter Traffic Port No. 14.

His mother and father both worked there, and he would definitely be able to find a suitable reason for the stranger to hide there.

This chapter has been completed!
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