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Chapter 224 Help

 After all the hardships, Organa finally climbed into Traffic Port No. 14. Marcin Cooper was a few minutes ahead of her. His thin body was more suitable for crawling in such a long and narrow pipe.

But he didn't run far. When Organa struggled to climb out of the ventilation duct exit, two heavily armed soldiers had already pointed their guns at her head.

Marcin was two meters away, with his head in his hands and a soldier searching his body.

"Lock them up! Others are ready for battle. The shelters are being attacked. Remember their respective defense zones and prepare ammunition in advance!" Marvolo Taha's voice echoed throughout Traffic Port No. 14: "Everyone

The wounded who can still move should ask for weapons from the nearest soldier, we must protect ourselves!"

"Everyone must do their duty! Doctors and nurses, go to the elevator shaft temporarily and wait to enter the next floor! Stop all ongoing operations!" Marvolo stood like a flag, holding a gun from the center of Traffic Port No. 14

Walkthrough: "I repeat, stop the ongoing operation!"

In order to emphasize his order, Marvolo even personally shot and killed a wounded man who was undergoing surgery on the operating table: "Doctor, I know you are responsible, but for the sake of your life, you must go to a safer place!"

No civilians or soldiers from the Taha Gang objected to Marvolo's order. It had become the instinct of the people in District 13 to let the medical staff go first. After all, the probability of a new doctor coming to them was the same as that of a meteor falling from the sky and hitting District 13.

The probability is almost the same.

"Those people have already invaded." Organa and Marcin were imprisoned in a simple cage. The thin wires could be torn apart by Organa's bare hands at any time if she was willing.

"It's similar to what I expected. The Taha gang has been separated from society for too long, and they know nothing about the changes outside." Marcin glanced at the elevator that went deeper and deeper, and pointedly said to Organa

Said: "This is already the fourteenth transportation port. Don't forget what you promised me."

"When I find Lindsay, you follow me closely..." Organa ignored Marcin at all. She had no psychological burden for going against what she had said.

"This is different from what we agreed, Organa, it's different." A trace of inexplicable pride flashed in Marcin's eyes: "We can wait and see..."

And Organa looked at Marcin and felt that he looked like a clown. When she took Lindsay out of here safely, she would definitely catch this bastard and send him to the gallows.


There was another loud noise. Although the explosion did not appear in Traffic Port No. 14, the aftermath of the vibration still caused gravel to continue to fall here.

The civilians in every corner stared around in horror, their eyes constantly moving back and forth from the closed sealed doors and shed roofs on the left and right sides.

And this kind of explosion sound occurs every few minutes, and Marvolo, the only person who understands the external situation, becomes increasingly ugly.

Boyle Taha, who was located deeper inside, looked equally ugly. The superhuman team he sent out either lost contact or was intercepted by hostile superhumans. The few people who successfully reached the ground had no chance to face the monster.

A place without resistance.

The Gun of Avalon is the top fighting force of the ECS Gaul branch. The Taha gang obtained some information about him through external channels, but no matter how many words of information, it is not as true as coming face to face with the opponent.

That man wiped out an entire group of Taha Gang's superhumans with just one attack, and they didn't even have time to use their own abilities.

It was as if Avalon could see the direction of the underground bunker, and each attack successfully penetrated the overall structure of the shelter.

Philip has told Boyle the purpose of the other party. The previous EMP attack has destroyed all electronic facilities not within the protection range. If Avalon is allowed to destroy the underground shelter that is divided into sections, the next EMP attack will

It will bring the Taha Gang back to the World War I era.

Moreover, an underground shelter that loses energy cannot maintain gas exchange with the outside world. In just three hours, the people inside will feel unbearable suffocation.

"It seems we have no choice." Boyle held a walkie-talkie in his hand, and on the other side of the walkie-talkie was the Secretary of Homeland Security.

"If this is really the ECS Bureau's own action, there is nothing we can do." Philip still looks like an otaku. He has not been to the ground for two years, but he has all the Taha gang's informants outside the wall.

He is too important to appear on the ground at all. The Gallic military even launched a separate satellite to monitor District 13 24 hours a day, with the main purpose of finding him.

Because before Philip returned to the 13th arrondissement, he successfully moved a live nuclear bomb out of the 13th arrondissement and hid it in a secret location in Paris.

This is also the deepest trump card of the Taha gang. As long as they are willing, they can turn a certain area of ​​Pakistan into ruins at any time.

At this time, facing the attack of superhuman beings and the aggressiveness of the military, Boyle has already revealed his trump card.

The minister was here to finish things off, but he couldn't control those superhumans. He even frankly admitted that Gaul could no longer restrain those superhumans and could only let them do whatever they wanted.

But they can still restrain the army. As long as the Taha Gang is willing to choose peace and promise to hand over all the nuclear bombs they have, they will order the military and the Taha Gang to cooperate to deal with those superhumans.

"They have even sent troops to deal with the oscillator. This group of superhuman beings has obviously made them angry." Boyle smiled happily with Philip: "Now, we can only pray, in that case

Homeland Security will withdraw another one before a horde of superhumans kills us."

It is impossible to hand over all nuclear bombs. Western civilization has proven it countless times. If the other side says you have weapons of mass destruction in your hands, you'd better really have them.



"He looks really bad. Are you sure he's still alive?" The saint asked in surprise as he looked at Wang Zhengdao, who was being kept alive by a ventilator.

Red lines were all over Wang Zhengdao's body, and all the lines curved towards the holes in his chest with strange curvatures.

Compared with the previous time in the coffee shop, the lines on Wang Zhengdao's body now more than doubled, and the constantly glowing lines make people feel dizzy at a glance.

"He has been unconscious for almost two hours. The doctors here have tried their best, but they can't find out what's wrong with Wang." Lindsay Leglis shook Wang Zhengdao's hand, with a worried look on his face: "Tang Ji

Where? When will he arrive?"

"I believe it will be over soon. Nothing can stop him." The saint made the sign of the cross and prayed devoutly for Wang Zhengdao. He firmly believed that if he was a friend of the leader, he must be working hard to save the world.

But Wang Zhengdao's breathing was still weak, and his heartbeat was as slow as the red lines on his body flashing at intervals. It was almost impossible to tell without looking carefully.

"He just needs some time and some help..." The saint saw the goal of this mission, but in order to keep the goal alive, he decided to set off again to find Tang Ji.

"That's right! Some help!" Lindsay Leglis seemed to suddenly remember something. The hesitation on her face only stayed for a second before she stood up and stood in the middle of the room, activating her ability!

A faint wave of light slowly but firmly spread out with Lindsay as the center, and the speed became faster and faster. The starry sky projection that belonged to Wang Zhengdao immediately appeared in the room. However, at this time, the starry sky was covered by some kind of blood-colored shadow.

Tangled in thorns!

The saint also saw the projection of his supernatural power for the first time. It was a light curtain of white light, about the same size as him. A blurry figure inside the light curtain was imitating the movements of other figures.

The figures being imitated are constantly changing, but no matter how they change, the blurry figures will quickly learn their movements.

"What is this? It's so amazing..." The saint tried to reach out and touch the light curtain, but it was not solid at all. The saint's hand went straight through the light curtain without causing any impact.

Immediately afterwards, a golden projection appeared outside the ward, and Lindsay's eyes lit up: "It's Organa!"

But what surprised her was that behind Organa's golden projection, pieces of brown projection were displayed in the form of parchment, and the light even suppressed Organa!

"Are you also a superhuman, Marcin?!" Organa looked at the parchment, and her eyes at Marcin were full of vigilance.

This bastard lied to her all the way!

"This superhuman identity is my secret. There is absolutely no need for me to reiterate it to everyone I meet." Marcin still had the same treacherous expression: "But this ability does provide me with a lot of convenience."

"For example, I don't have to worry about someone borrowing money from me. For my previous career, this ability made me invincible." Marcin Cooper smiled proudly: "Of course, it may be too invincible.

So those greedy monkeys discovered my little secret."

"Ha! How does it feel to find out that you have become the prey in the end?" Organa was ready to fight. She had no idea what the other party's abilities were.

Marcin's hint was completely false to Organa.

"Look, I'm not the kind of fool who is willing to sacrifice everything for a certain belief, and I don't want to enter that terrifying factory and become the monster's food, thus contributing my meager abilities." Marcin introduced his own skills casually.

Past: "So, I found a suitable opportunity to leave."

"Don't interfere with me, and I won't interfere with you. Let's go our separate ways from now on!" Organa's focus is still on Lindsay, and she doesn't want to cause any complications.

If Marcin were an ordinary person, she would naturally not mind breaking off the other person's limbs and handing him over to the ECS Bureau for trial, but since he was a superhuman who seemed powerful enough, it was another matter.

"Damn it, Organa, don't you have any brain tissue in your head?" Marcin felt that he was wasting his feelings: "My ability is an oath, don't you understand? You promised me that if I take you to find you

The person I’m looking for, you must protect me in this incident.”

"You..." Organa suddenly felt bad, but she still felt lucky.

"This is not an ordinary verbal promise. Come on, we have passed such a naive age a long time ago. How do you think I got to that position?" Marcin held a little finger deep inside and pinched the first finger of the little finger.

Jie mocked: "For people like you, I can restore your inner thoughts even if I close my eyes."

"Protect me well and make sure I can leave here alive. Don't think about that little princess of yours. Organa, you can't afford the price of breaking the contract." Marcin shook his finger at Organa: "Now, I am yours.

Object to be protected.”



In the end, Tang Ji just knocked the child unconscious with the butt of his gun, and then looked at a woman running screaming a few meters away. He suddenly stopped, showed a weird smile to him, turned around and ran away.

He chased after him mechanically. Thinking of the child just now, Tang Ji did not shoot, but just picked up a stone again and knocked the woman unconscious.

"Hahaha! Tang Ji, is hide-and-seek fun? To be honest, dealing with you is much easier than dealing with those players." Jealousy once again occupied a person's consciousness: "I thought your bottom line would be lower and more difficult.

Deal with it a little..."

The voice of jealousy jumped again, coming from behind Tang Ji, and the target he was tracking before had fallen to the ground and lost consciousness.

Tang Ji frowned, he was a little confused. He had seen Envy a few months ago. He knew that the other party was very capable, but it was definitely not that outrageous.

In just a few months, he became a little too strong, which was contrary to common sense.

Also a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, Tang Ji knows that he is getting stronger almost every day, but this process is more like a snail's crawl, and obvious progress can only be seen every few months.

Another example is greed. That old guy who has lived for hundreds of years is just that. Jealousy cannot become so strong all of a sudden unless someone is helping him.

As Tang Ji gradually calmed down, the logical ability that once belonged to the law enforcer returned again, and he suddenly realized that the control ability of jealousy only spread after the hole was opened.

Through the simplest inference, Tang Ji knew that the bastard couldn't at least control the people behind the wall through walls. He still needed a medium to spread his abilities, maybe eye contact?

Damn, if Wu Qianying was here, he might be able to analyze more things. Tang Ji gave up the plan of tracking Envy with a cold face, but took the lead and walked to the sealed door leading to Traffic Port No. 14.

Bah! Bah! Bah!

Tang Ji raised his hand and emptied the prelude bullet nest, dispersed the crowd gathered here, huddled behind a bunker and shouted to the guards: "Tell your heads, there is a mind controller here who can control the people around him at will.

Open the damn door!"

"Go to hell!" Tang Ji responded with a hail of bullets, and the Taha Gang soldiers cursed.

"Believe it or not, no one can pass here, including you." Tang Ji found a suitable position and sat directly on the ground, with the prelude on his knees and shaking up and down: "This is the simplest screening method...


As soon as Tang Ji finished saying this, he was slapped in the face. He saw a familiar light wave penetrate the wall, penetrate the sealed door and sweep across the entire transportation port.

Then, including him, superhuman projection lights appeared in the underground space, one...two...three...

This chapter has been completed!
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