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Chapter 227 Closing

 Oscillator, a superhuman who is of little use in the eyes of jealousy, pointed at him to use electromagnetic pulses to turn the entire Paris into a dead zone. It is better to expect all Parisians to be scorched to death by the sun.

This is what Jealousy thinks of him, so when Jealousy controls the oscillator and spreads its own domain in District 13, he is cleanly abandoned.

Guarding him now is a team of parahumans affiliated with the military. They airborne and their only purpose is to use this riot to use the oscillator to destroy District 13.

In order to clear himself of suspicion, the general even dispatched a squadron to prevent this humanitarian disaster in public.

Their sacrifice is inevitable and is a pretense for society and District 13. No matter what the final result is, no one will publicly accuse the military.

But now, the general's plan has been ruined, and this superhuman team affiliated with the military has suddenly reduced its strength by 60%.

The shield, cloak, and communicator were killed at the same time, and the remaining pistols and traps didn't even know where the enemy was.

"Trap, what's going on?" The military superhuman code-named Pistol was wearing a set of light protective equipment, and his limbs were covered with streamlined and flexible exoskeleton lines: "How many traps have you laid around?"

"Fifty-six, none were triggered." The man nicknamed Trap was covered in debris and his face was painted in camouflage.

His ability allows him to build powerful traps with simple structures, surprising those who trigger the traps.

As the name suggests, Pistol Man carries a total of four pistols. His ability is similar to Tangji's [Revolver Revival], which can increase the power and rate of fire of pistol bullets and reduce the possibility of jamming.

Of course, unlike Tang Ji who used the Prelude as an execution weapon, this is the pistol's ability to survive, so he has been promoted once since his awakening.

Now the pistol can concentrate the mind, allowing the pistol to complete curved shooting after a short aiming, giving it an advantage in indoor combat.

But the pistol is currently unable to directly fight against a sniper hiding in the dark. This is supposed to be the job of the cloak. He is the sniper and heavy weapons hand in the team, but he died inexplicably, and no one even saw him.


At this moment, Oscillator, who was in a comatose state in the center of the building, suddenly showed pain on his face, as if something was about to burst out of his body!

"How many times has this happened? Trap?" Pistol couldn't bear to see the other party's pain. He was once one of them...

"This is the third time. We still have to hold on for five hours. It's a joke..." Trap said while carefully placing various traps inside the building.

Shadow calmly left the scene and prepared to move to the second sniper point. The biggest reason why he chose to hunt the oscillator inside was not only for personal revenge, but also because he lost the mission target.

He lost contact with the others, the communication equipment was destroyed, and the only local he met was a civilian who couldn't find an available underground entrance.

This mission was a disaster for Shadow. He used to be a killer and had a clear mission goal. Later, he became a mercenary and also did remote support work. This time, he was forced to use his subjective initiative.

Just when Shadow walked out of the building, his ability suddenly sensed a new accessible perspective. In that perspective, Shadow saw himself...

Hmm? Shadow continued to move forward calmly, and at the same time, he pretended to be blind and tripped over a stone, using a third-party perspective to observe that direction.

There was no one in the direction where the observer should have been. In order not to alert others, the shadow climbed up as if nothing had happened.

But he deliberately changed the direction, put himself within the rookie's observation range, and switched his perspective.

There was still nothing there, but the accessible perspective was there, and it was following him.

Shadow kept switching perspectives, and he was confused by the invisible thing. After confirming the position again and again, he suddenly raised his gun and turned around to complete another blind shot.

He hit, the bullet must have hit that thing!

The new perspective connected by the shadow has fallen to the ground, staring at the sky, just like the action of a human falling to the ground after being shot.

But Shadow didn't know if the person he hit was a human being, because the other person's perspective was very stable, and there was no struggle at all for a normal person after being shot.

Until he saw a naked man lying on the street fifty meters away from him.

An invisible man?

Shadow resisted the urge to check the body and quickly left the scene. He picked up his killer instinct again and never stayed at the shooting scene.

Thousands of miles away, Envy reluctantly disconnected himself. He didn't expect that useless oscillator to have the ability to interfere with his spiritual connection.

The reason why he was willing to cooperate with the pioneers this time was because they were willing to provide him with a batch of customized 'tool men'.

There are a total of twelve tool men, all of whom have two abilities, one is invisibility, and the other is the key [spiritual sharing] ability.

[Spiritual Sharing] The original owner of this ability was captured by Envy himself, a magical superhuman who could share his mental state with others.

When jealousy sees the other person for the first time, he knows that she belongs to him.

In fact, this was indeed the case. This woman who was tortured because of her unique ability showed almost no resistance and gave herself completely to jealousy.

Then, jealously and cruelly, he handed over his servants to the pioneers, allowing them to cut into pieces and devour the original owner of this ability, in exchange for twelve more useful 'apostles'.

Jealousy does not need its own tool, how sincere and full of love it is for him. In fact, he despises all human emotions and only believes in his own abilities.

These twelve apostles have all had their memories wiped away. Without the control of jealousy, they are like a blank slate. They don't even have the ability to take care of themselves.

Jealousy also put his own spiritual mark on them, which was a newly acquired characteristic after he became familiar with his own abilities. Such a mark allows Jealousy to ignore the distance and control the puppets at any time.

Before acquiring the apostles, jealousy had already left such a mark on more than a dozen puppets, sending them scattered around the world to secretly collect intelligence.

Gu Mou

But the apostles are different. They can act as a transfer station for jealousy and spread his will to further places.

And just now, Jealousy lost two apostles, as well as almost all the controlled superhumans in District 13.

When he reestablished the connection, two apostles had lost their 'signal', and the jealous partner would never make up for his loss.

The twelve apostles were a number that was finally decided upon by both parties after several negotiations. The pioneers promised that they would never interfere with these apostles, but Jealousy had to help them get rid of Wang Zhengdao.

The Seven Virtues team has been established, and plans to target potential resistance forces in this world have also been launched. Naturally, the first one to bear the brunt is Furious Tangji.

Not only because of his ability to really kill players, but also because Tang Ji never thought of hiding himself. He just stood in the spotlight, as if telling all players: "I am here, come to me."

This declaration is not only a provocation to players, but also an incentive to all resisters who are aware of the existence of players.

But after comprehensively assessing the threats at this stage, the Blazers placed Wang Zhengdao's threat level above Tang Ji's.

And now, the out-of-control superhumans of the ECS Bureau are in panic in District 13. The experience of being mind-controlled is definitely a nightmare.

However, they did not have much time to regret it. Except for a few lucky ones who reacted immediately and escaped far enough away at that moment, most of the controlled superhumans lost control of the apostles again after jealousy regained control.


They have never fought against an enemy like Envy. They thought they were evolvers and strong men, but they did not expect that they were just pawns in the hands of higher-level chess players.



"The superhumans outside want to negotiate with us." Twenty minutes after Tang Ji arrived at Traffic Port No. 14, the Taha Gang soldiers, who finally got a chance to breathe, received a messenger.

They asked for negotiation, and their purpose was very clear. They only wanted the wounded at Traffic Port No. 14, and then they would leave here.

It was only now that the senior leaders of the Taha Gang finally believed that the cause of this conflict had nothing to do with them, and that those superhumans were really only here for one person.

This put the relationship between Tang Ji and his entourage and the Taha Gang into a subtle embarrassment, and the Taha Gang's heroic resistance and heavy losses suddenly turned into a joke.

Boyle glanced at Marvolo, who also had an ugly face, and Tang Ji, who was calm and composed. Silence filled the air.

The superhumans outside said they were willing to wait for five minutes. If the Taha Gang still chooses to side with Wang Zhengdao after five minutes, they will kill everyone and leave no grass behind.

As a mature political leader, Boyle will certainly not believe that what the other party is telling is entirely true, but it is undeniable that the current war does not belong to the Taha Gang.

He didn't want to pursue the previous right or wrong, he just wanted to know whether the Taha gang still had a chance to make up for the losses caused by misjudgment of the situation.

"It seems that we were too sentimental before." Boyle broke the silence, still with a smile on his face, but Marvolo on the side was far less restrained, and his hand was on the handle of the gun.

How much did the Taha Gang lose that night? No one can figure it out. Before the war began, they had more than 2,000 full-time combatants, including dozens of superhumans and nearly a hundred cyberized veterans who had been transformed by prosthetics.

Now, there are less than 500 armed personnel who can still maintain contact with the headquarters. Even taking into account the adverse conditions caused by the EMP attack, Marvolo also knows that at least nearly half of the Taha Gang's armed forces have been lost.

The wealth he had saved for twenty years was reduced by half overnight, and Marvolo almost wanted to vomit blood.

"They must..." Marvolo wanted to say something, but was stopped by Philip, who believed in Boyle's wisdom.

"We don't want to shirk responsibility, but you have also seen that apart from the wounded and us, there is not much power here to help you resist the superhumans outside." Boyle smiled bitterly: "To be honest,

Those superhumans will rush into my bedroom if they rush in again."

"But after all, we are comrades who have fought side by side. The Taha Gang is willing to delay for a while for you. There is a secret passage to the surface here, which may give you new opportunities." Boyle looked at Tang Ji with satisfaction.

He said with a regretful face.

As the leader of the Taha Gang, Boyle knew that since they were no match for the superhumans outside, they probably couldn't afford to offend this group of forces who were temporarily at a disadvantage.

This can be seen from Wang Zhengdao's state. It is obvious that those outside are taking advantage of others' danger.

The dead cannot be resurrected, and it is useless to regret the losses that have been incurred. Boyle can only minimize his losses and try to sell the other party a favor.

"Give us a few more walkie-talkies." Tang Ji had no objection. He originally had no other requirements for the Taha Gang. If it hadn't been for the EMP attack, he would have taken Wang Zhengdao away long ago.

Without the positioning of [Soul Thorn], those superhumans could not accurately locate Wang Zhengdao. It was not difficult for Tang Ji to hide in the ruins of District 13 for several hours and wait for Wang Zhengdao to recover.

"The Ark Organization will remember your friendship." Tang Ji said to Boyle very generously: "The man you inadvertently sheltered is the head of the Ark Organization. After this is over, you can make a list and put all

The losses were reported to them and they were happy to pay the bill."

Even the Taha Gang, who are blocked underground in District 13, have heard of the name of the Ark Organization. They are the most active superhuman organization in the European Union. They even set up various ECS bureaus single-handedly.

Although the superhuman beings attacking them from the outside now belong to the Gaul branch of the ECS Bureau, Boyle doesn't want to know the inside story at all.

Now he just wants to put these big troubles away quietly, and then close the door and lick his wounds.

Two minutes later, Tang Ji and the others were ready to set off in front of a secret tunnel, but there was one more person in the accompanying team.

Marcin Cooper stood evasive behind Organa, his face full of annoyance. His plan may include a close contact with Tangji!

"This is the tour guide I picked up on the road, a former naturalized person, the vice president of the Financial Integration Bank, a double traitor who robbed naturalized people of 111 billion euros of wealth." Organa unceremoniously exposed Marcin.

Lao Di: "He also used his superpowers to hold me hostage and be his bodyguard."

Hey, Tang Ji immediately smiled. Isn't this just throwing yourself into a trap?

"I am not a naturalized person now! I know I am guilty, but the harm I caused to the entire naturalized people before I left is definitely greater than my contribution!" Marcin dragged out his situation in an instant: "They are now

They are also looking for me, and I am the only one who knows where the money is hidden! I also know the true identities of many naturalized people!"

"Keep me alive, I'm valuable!" Marcin Cooper spoke quickly, fearing that he would be shot by Tang Ji before he finished speaking: "I can use my ability to swear that everything I say is true.


This chapter has been completed!
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