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Chapter 238 I am angry

 When the coolness of the morning bid farewell to the city, a huge flag was already hung on the iron tower known as the city's symbol.

The Gene-Breaking Sword is dotted on a blue background. Many transhumanists regard this symbol as their spiritual totem. Even though Losas has been clearly defined as a terrorist organization, there are still a large number of admirers.

And in a city like Paris, there is no shortage of such admirers.

Most of these transhumanists are not superhuman, but they insist that awakening is a natural human right in the true sense and a symbol of absolute freedom.

The threat issued by Losas caused a certain degree of commotion, but more people thought it was a carnival. Losas, who had been silent for a long time, reappeared, making many potential admirers cheer.

For example, right now, under the banner of the Gene-Breaking Sword, hundreds of worshipers are gathering in the Champ de Mars. They are shouting and using their mobile phones to record the moment when the flag is flying.

Confused tourists were also mixed in. Some of them were already worried and wanted to leave with their families, while others joined the carnival crowd.

The real chaos came with the appearance of a parade. These people wore fluorescent green vests and numbered hundreds of people. There were more than a dozen leaders responsible for maintaining order, and there were also several professional camera drones around them.


"No District 13, no nuclear bombs!" Along with rhythmic slogans, these people began to shout and at the same time erected a large number of signs with various satirical cartoons drawn on them.

"Losas and Tanguy, get out! Paris is Paris for Parisians!" Another slogan made the crowd gathered around gradually quiet down.

"Superhumans are a disease, we need to treat them!" the conductor continued to direct the parade and shouted, while looking warily at the Lotus worshipers opposite who had not yet reacted.

As he expected, the next second those people responded with mixed and obscene words, and a few minutes later the confrontation turned into a large-scale physical conflict.

Several law enforcement patrol cars hurriedly parked on the periphery, anxiously calling for support. However, as the number of marchers increased, the entire traffic in Paris came to a standstill.

"This world sucks, Kevin." Naturalized Clark Riley looked at the excited crowd with a smile on his lips. He is a superhuman, the kind who awakens naturally.

His ability is to amplify people's emotions within a certain range. This lively scene of "singing and dancing" is his masterpiece.

At this time, he was like a conductor on the stage, stretching out his fingers from time to time to amplify a specific emotion in someone's heart, making the whole scene even more chaotic.

"Keep your movements small so you don't get noticed." Kevin Mott reminded Clark as he pushed the demonstrators who were trying to get closer to them.

He is also a superhuman, but unlike Clark, he is a fighting superhuman, also known as the Red Samurai.

Of course, he is an artificial superhuman, using the blood of greed to inject the two abilities of [cancer recovery] and [rubber skin].

Among the naturalized people, the status of artificial superhumans like him is very low, because those who have not awakened and transform into superhumans in this way will forever lose the opportunity to awaken.

So, he is Clark's protector, a human shield.

Not far away from them, evangelist Jose Barros from the Adventist sect was working hard to add new blood to the sect.

Jose is also a natural awakener. He can create a short period of false memories in other people's brains. This ability allows him to quickly rise to the top of the Adventist sect and have many followers.

It's a pity that his poor logical ability means that the false memories he compiled are often exposed. For example, Jose once tried to make the current leader of the Adventist sect believe that he was his chosen successor...

But Jose failed to do a good job of logically arranging the timelines before and after. Within a few hours, the leader of the Advent sect discovered his particularly discordant memory, and angrily threw Jose to Paris to preach.

This was thanks to Tang Ji's blessing. The Advent sect had suffered a serious loss of blood recently, and a large number of fanatic-level believers were sent to die in Night City, so much so that the European Union headquarters was running out of manpower, so he managed to save a life.

As the most sincere dogs of the pioneers, the Adventist sect responded immediately after receiving the notice, pulling out all the power they could muster from around them and stuffing it into Paris.

The camera zoomed out further, and the drone recorded the entire scene with a wide-angle lens, which was transmitted back to Ethan's command vehicle and then to Tang Ji.

"They hung a flag on the Eiffel Tower. This is the only thing I have found related to Rosas." Ethan showed the picture to Tanguy through a tablet computer.

"I understand, continue to keep an eye on the airport, stations, and highway entrances." Tang Ji looked at Losas' flag: "I will deal with it now."

At this time, Tangji was still on the territory of the Taha Gang, and Boyle's mechanics were helpless with their damaged equipment.

Especially the one-piece helmet of the Dragon Scale Armor, let alone maintenance, the detachable parts of that thing are directly assembled using the temperature difference method, and cannot be disassembled without special tools.

They could only provide Tang Ji and his party with some weapons, ammunition, and some extra conveniences.

"Believe me, I want to get that nuclear bomb back more than anyone else right now." Boyle's face looked paler than the superhuman being captured by Tangji on the ground.

Their nuclear bomb was lost...

Although Boyle was facing threats at that time and had a tendency to compromise, after all, the nuclear bomb was still hidden in their secret location.

However, a few minutes ago, the guards of the nuclear bomb just gave the news that the nuclear bomb was lost...

"The only way I can help is this." Boyle handed a black and red key to Tangji and whispered to him: "I know it's a bit irresponsible to say this, but this is your battle from now on.

Well, if you find the nuclear bomb, this key can turn it off, no matter what password, countdown, this is the final insurance, this is the backdoor of purely mechanical control."

"Turn it to the left and it will detonate the nuclear bomb immediately. Turn it to the right and it will detach the detonation device directly. The choice is yours." Boyle seemed to breathe a sigh of relief: "It belongs to you now."

"We are settled." Tanguy and Boyle shook hands, turned and walked into a secret passage. The other end of the secret passage is the 5th arrondissement of Paris, which is one of the smuggling corridors of the Taha Gang.

The electric-driven trolley walked in the dark passage for a full forty minutes before taking them to the exit, a secret exit that cut directly into the Paris drainage system.

When they climbed up the shaft ladder, a station wagon big enough to hold them all was parked on the side of the road.

"I thought I would never come out in this life!" Lindsay cried with a sad face, leaning in Organa's arms aggrievedly. The half-meter-long rat in the sewer caused her mental damage almost as much as greed.

Organa patted Lindsay on the back and said to Tangji: "I'm leaving with Leglis. It's too dangerous here! You don't need the two of us as burdens, right?"

Tang Ji pointed at the intersection, indicating that the other party was free, but when Marcin also licked his face and tried to sneak away after Organa, a dagger grazed his face and was nailed to the wall.

"Help carry people, I'm in a hurry." Tang Ji tilted his head towards him, and Marcin could only follow the saint dejectedly, looking back three times to get into the station wagon.

Before they could place Wang Zhengdao in place, the station wagon paused for a moment and rushed out of the alley with a feeling of push on the back!

Ethan's drone fed back the facts about Paris' traffic conditions to Alia, who then sent the best route to Tangji.

A twists and turns route appeared on Tang Ji's tablet, but he obviously had no patience to obey traffic rules and avoid the crowded parade crowd.

This Columbus V300 station wagon produced by Villefort caused chaos as soon as it hit the road. It rushed through two or three red lights and drove straight towards a blocked intersection!

"Boss, the intersection in front of you is completely blocked..." Ethan advised carefully: "The route Aaliya sorted out can save you fourteen minutes."

What responded to him was a series of gunshots. Tang Ji opened the car window, stuck a rifle sponsored by the Taha Gang out of the window, and fired a round into the air. The drivers who were stuck in front immediately became confused and quickly abandoned the car.

get away.

Tang Ji stepped on the accelerator and drove the car onto the pedestrian path, squeezing past the wall that was said to be very historical.

As for the parades blocking the road, they disappeared as fast as the "veterans" of Night City.

"Okay, sir, you saved a minute, but there are still fourteen intersections ahead of you that need to be cleared. Trust me, the Transportation Bureau will award you a medal." Ethan sent the picture of the intersection ahead to Tang Ji.


Paris traffic, which was already overwhelmed, became even more congested because of Losas' statement. Just by looking at the screen, you can feel the panic and...anger of people on the road.

Yes, angry, these ordinary people have tried their best to adapt to the new era, but the world is like a steamroller, constantly setting off new waves chasing them behind, vowing to sweep everyone into it.

Anyone faced with such a situation has reason to feel fear and anger.

Fear and anger are the most extreme and easily aroused emotions of human beings. At this moment, Tang Ji seemed to feel the anger in these people's hearts.

It was a completely different kind of anger from him. Compared with his, the anger of these people was scattered and weak. They didn't even know who they should vent their anger on, so they could only vent their anger aimlessly on everyone around them.

The fire of hatred that had been burning slowly against the skin began to ripple again, as if responding to Tang Ji's anger, wrapping the entire station wagon in it bit by bit.

"This is the fire of punishment. This is the will of God. Through His hand, justice will be served." The saint made the sign of the cross and looked at Tang Ji feverishly. This was not the first time he saw a vision on his head and body.

, but it’s so shocking every time!

"Can you tell me which version of the Bible you are reading?" Marcin hung his whole body on the hospital bed where Wang Zhengdao was lying, his feet off the ground and did not dare to touch the gray-black flame: "I don't think God is necessarily

Agree with your statement!"

The saint glanced at Marcin coldly: "You'd better be careful about your words and actions!"

Marcin obediently made a zipper movement and remained silent.

However, this time the fire of hatred seemed to have found a resonance channel. As Tang Ji drove forward, the station wagon left a burning road behind.

Not only that, they were actively spreading, quickly surpassing the speed of the station wagon, and spreading in all directions, following the anger in people's hearts and burning into their hearts.

One, two... a hundred, two hundred... Those who were blocked on the road with nowhere to go, those who were filled with anger and didn't know how to pour it out, all felt something strange.

The man who was being blocked at the intersection by the demonstrators felt as if he had been poured a large glass of strong alcohol in winter, and his whole body became inexplicably excited.

He looked back at his wife who was sitting in the back seat and holding her two children. She was comforting the restless children. Although she was also frightened, she tried to pretend to be calm.

They were once residents of Night City and experienced the Red Sun Incident. It was precisely because of this that they chose to immigrate to this strange city.

But now, in front of him, a group of excited demonstrators holding slogans were blocking the intersection, refusing to let anyone pass.

The man couldn't hear their slogans clearly, he could only see the complacency of these people, as if they were laughing at the people they blocked on the road.

"Ah!!!!" The man roared like a Viking barbarian, pushed open the car door and rushed toward the demonstrators!

His charge seemed to awaken a sleeping beast, and countless people made the same choice in unison!

Why can Lotus reappear as if nothing happened! Why do superhumans run rampant on the streets again and again, making my life worse!

Why is all this happening?

With red eyes, the man violently pushed down a protester and punched him on the bridge of the nose. The splash of blood was the best reward, making him more excited and more motivated!

"Do you know I have a wife and children in the car! Do you know you're blocking my way!" The man punched the other person's face one after another: "You know everything, you just don't care! Bastard


Around him, dozens of people were fighting together, but he seemed to be possessed by the God of War, knocking down one person after another, tirelessly and painlessly.

Until suddenly everything in front of him was empty, and no one was blocking him anymore. The man suddenly regained consciousness. At this time, everyone around him looked at him in horror, as if he was some kind of monster.

"Don't block my way! Bastard!!!" the man roared and stumbled back to his car. It was only now that fatigue and fear returned to his brain. His heart was beating as if it would burst out of his chest in the next second.

His steps were shaky, as if he might trip at any moment.

Only then did he start to fear that someone would shoot him in the back. Only then did he start to worry about the consequences. Will law enforcement arrest him? Will a camera capture his face?

But nothing he worried about happened. The entire intersection was cleared, allowing him to start the vehicle and start moving forward.

The wife stretched out her hand to hold the man's shoulders and gave him a look of affirmation. The man instantly regained his composure, wiped the blood from his fists, and drove forward steadily.

Beside him, the station wagon burning with gray-black flames honked its horn as if to affirm the man's feat, followed closely by drivers all over the street honking their horns, like a trumpet of triumph.

The brewing fire of anger followed the wind and caught up with the station wagon and merged into Tang Ji's body, making the fire in Tang Ji's eyes suddenly become more intense.

This chapter has been completed!
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