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Chapter 243 Trash fish do not count!

 Tang Ji opened the relic library he had just updated, glanced at the ability called [Mr. Perfect Muscle], and silently closed the relic library page.

Not every awakened superhuman ability is so practical. At least for Tang Ji, this ability is almost meaningless.

At this time, his body was filled with inexplicable power. This power did not come directly from his muscles, but was an additional bonus brought by the embodied anger in a sense.

The rage at the LV2 stage has not yet fully revealed itself, at least the page of that fool's system is still filled with all kinds of erroneous data.

Maybe it can't directly obtain information about the ability of rage, but it needs to give a digitized result based on the final result?

Tang Ji's thinking did not last long. He looked at the drones in the sky surrounding him to take pictures, but his communication system was still dead silent.

Obviously, the pioneer's Sword of Damoryus only cut off the electronic signals related to him and did not affect other drones.

Tang Ji was keenly aware that the other party seemed to want to spread everything that happened here. He looked back at the Eiffel Tower like a torch and realized that it was him, opening a new page of the era.

But Tang Ji has no regrets. Instead of waiting for the warm water to boil the frog, he might as well lift the table now and show everything to the world.

The prophet cannot directly show the world what he sees, but he can!

The gray-black flame tower and the flame demon standing in front of the tower had just demonstrated his cruelty, and the whole of Paris was quiet.

Everyone realizes that this is not a joke, nor is it a movie, Losas really wants to put an end to the enforcer Don here!

And Tang Ji is by no means a lamb to be slaughtered, he is a man-eating demon, waiting at his own sacrificial site for fresh sacrifices to arrive!

This also means that what they said before about nuclear bombs is most likely true!

More civilians began to take to the streets with their families and prepare to leave the city. No one wanted to bet on the yield and specific location of the nuclear bomb.

Well, that’s a bit too absolute to say. At least the Gaul Commander himself showed bravery and fearlessness at this time, and he vowed to live and die with Paris!

Compared with the chaotic Paris citizens, the frontline reporters around the Champ de Mars felt that they had a lucky break today. They might have a chance to win the Albert London Prize, the Pulitzer Prize, or the Dutch Open Prize!

What they captured was something that other colleagues would never have the chance to experience in their lifetime!

The burning Eiffel Tower! The ferocious ghost face hanging above it! Every micro-expression of that thing is the anchor point for supernatural power to shake the foundation of the world!

However, Tang Ji's appearance is a bit unsatisfactory. With the increasing number of superhumans, this kind of appearance that is on fire is no longer news.

Fortunately, Enforcer Tang himself is a very newsworthy subject, and the special color of the flames matches his words and deeds very well, which is enough to take some impactful photos.

Don't doubt the courage of these reporters. Not only did they have the courage to fly the drone less than 20 centimeters in front of Tang Ji to chase him and shoot him, but some also dared to climb over the fence and rush to a position 20 meters away from Tang Ji.

Press the shutter button hard.

Not only that, they also photographed a true superhuman duel. Although superhumans are everywhere now, and superhumans are arrested every day for abusing their abilities and affecting public order, this battle in the Champ de Mars is completely different.

a property.

The Gauls called the Champ de Mars a duel that finally matched their name. Whether they were admirers of Losas or fans of Law Enforcer Tang, they were all satisfied with this 360-degree live broadcast.


Although Tang Ji's final act of torture forced half of the media to blur the scene, considering Tang Ji's previous reputation, no one was surprised except for a few human rights organizations that expressed their opinions tactfully.


As time passed by, Fazi Parker even received a will projection from a psychic superhuman. Aslan almost flew into a rage and asked him to immediately cooperate with a superhuman from the Advent sect on the scene to delay Tangji.

But Faqi Parker persisted. He sank himself fifteen meters underground, which was the limit of his ability, and then sat down in the well to look at the sky.

As soon as Tang Ji moved, Faqi Parker immediately moved without stopping at all.

Jose Barros also stood still, but the bad news is that the Atonement Squad has recently arrived in Paris. Although the sect's top leaders did not ask him, a "civilian", to go with the squad to face death, they ordered him to organize a group of "

The mission of the loyal' cannon fodder.

But Jose just wants to leave Paris now, as far away from Tanguy as possible. As a speculator in the Advent sect who does not have a firm belief, he has just witnessed the death of an Advent and... the cowardly behavior of another Advent.


This greatly dealt a blow to Jose's already impure faith, and he suddenly realized that the descendants might not be as indestructible as they said.

Maybe they are indeed difficult to kill, but many of their behaviors are the same as humans. They can also be angry and fearful...

Many believers of the Advent sect believe that the Advent is an angel. However, the demon in the square has just swallowed an angel as a sacrifice and is sticking out its tongue greedily for more...

At this time, the devil in Jose's mouth was indeed craving for more. He stared at the ground, the anger in his heart not weakened at all by the death of the sacrifice...

not enough!

Far from enough!

However, there was nothing he could do about the other sacrifice so close to him. He could only vaguely sense that the other sacrifice was hiding somewhere underground.

There was not even a trace of anger in the other party's heart. Although Tang Ji tortured his companions, the cowardly soul hiding underground remained intact.

He can light the entire Eiffel Tower on fire, but he cannot use the flame of hatred to turn into a shovel, dig up the entire Champ de Mars, and dig out that old man.

Fortunately, new sacrifices have fallen from the sky...



"Do you think we are safe here?" The saint looked around cautiously through the car window. He, Marcin, and the unconscious Wang Zhengdao seemed like little mice forgotten in the corner of the spotlight.

Although this car was still owned by Tanguy in the center of the Champ de Mars, not far from the Eiffel Tower, it seemed that the whole world had not noticed their existence.

"Be careful, don't get discovered!" Marcin looked at the saint nervously, fearing that the other party would move too much and cause the truck to shake and be noticed.

"If those descendants find us in the car, they will definitely not mind spending some time to kill us first!" Marcin glanced at Wang Zhengdao, who was still sleeping soundly: "This is an important goal no less important than Tang Ji.


"What the hell, are we just hiding here and watching?" The saint's tone was a little ready to move, but his movements were equally cautious.

He knew very well that Tang Ji was in some abnormal state now. Compared with the mature and steady captain in the past, Tang Ji was now like a ball of flame, dangerous and persistent.

If Anthony were here, he would have given Tangji a shot of sedative to calm down, but the saint was different. He grew up in the church, and the only book he had access to was the Bible.

At his core, he is a mental patient with a unique understanding of religion and a very flexible moral level...

"What can you do if you go? Can you help pick up the body?" Marcin leaned against the inner wall of the carriage, keeping the balance on the left and right of Wang Zhengdao, even speaking carefully: "Don't make trouble! Don't forget

There is another wounded person here!"

"I am also a super human!" the saint emphasized his identity, the dagger in his hand flying up and down like a butterfly piercing a flower.

Marcin rolled his eyes, can superhumans and superhumans be the same? That one is the Seven Deadly Sins level demon outside, and in terms of seats in the United Nations, he is on the level of three permanent members!

As for you, you are probably a Zimbabwean... Marcin looked at the tattoos on the saint's face and rationally decided to irritate him less.

"After today, the world will change." Marcin looked at the burning Eiffel Tower so close at hand, his eyes a little blurred.

He still remembered that when he first awakened, supernatural abilities and superhumanity were still quite secretive concepts, and the awakened people cautiously tested them through various channels.

No one knows whether the person he is contacting is an awakened person like himself or a curious person who does not know good and evil. He is like a wizard in the dark ages, looking at the outside world through the small window in the basement and choosing his own carefully.


But times have changed after all, and the changes have been so rapid. Marcin felt as if he was immersed in the excitement of using his ability for the first time one second, and the next second he was in this land full of evil fire.

The superhuman beings in the sky are like dandelion seeds, cheap and fragile...

It is a superhuman armed force belonging to the European Union's naturalized people, the 'New Order' team, with as many as one hundred and fifty people, nearly half of whom are naturally awakened superhumans, and the other half are shaped from the blood of greed.

Super soldier.

This was a new sacrifice offered by the naturalized to the rage. Tang Ji looked up at the sky, and the huge transport plane cast a shadow on the Plaza de Mars.

The metal giant that passed by at low altitude was a C-400M Winter Bear transport aircraft manufactured by United Airlines. It weighed nearly two hundred tons and could drop two hundred fully armed soldiers at once.

For example now...

"We saw an unidentified transport plane that just airdropped nearly a hundred armed soldiers over the Champ de Mars." The frontline reporter quickly sent back the news, pointing to the transport plane in the sky and telling lies.

The side of the plane was clearly printed with a logo that was different from the Gallic flag. It was the logo of Galileo Aerospace and Defense Group - GADS.

It contracts 70% of the European Union's air defense business, but does not include Gaul. However, reporters can only pretend not to see those four conspicuous letters.

Even the Commander-in-Chief of Gaul himself could only politely call the GADS External Liaison Office and ask why your big plane just flew over my head.

The answer from the other party is also very simple. There is no such thing. It's just that a large transport plane of ours was hijacked by the Losas organization earlier. A formal notice will be sent to you later.

Only the commander-in-chief and the military representative were left looking at each other, their faces almost the same color as the army's camouflage green.

Tang Ji looked at the parachutes in the sky, glanced at the weapon box left by Hamed, and pulled out a big thing that looked like a rifle, but with a caliber of 12 mm, just like hunting a turkey.

Empty twenty rounds of 'bullets' in the magazine.

With a hit rate of 95%, Tang Ji believes that those innocent souls who were too late to land will definitely make the European Union's naturalized people realize the importance of rapid response gel to airborne troops.

A total of one hundred and thirteen superhumans landed safely, unarmed, watching eagerly, and full of confidence because they only had one opponent.

As sacrifices, they were unqualified, but as enemies, these people were even more hateful than the players. Tang Ji had no mercy and appeared in front of an airborne soldier just after he landed and before he could break free from the shackles of the paracord!

The scarlet red eyes reflected the victim's face. He didn't even have a chance to show off his abilities or pull the trigger, before his neck was broken and his body was casually discarded aside.

The prophet once said that among all the seven deadly sins, rage is the most terrifying one because it has no fixed territory and is like a moving natural disaster, accompanied by death that never stops lashing the entire world on the surface of the planet.

Perhaps it was because of the worry about his responsibility thousands of miles away, deep under the sea, or perhaps because of the pressure from players coming from across the world, Tang Ji did not fall into that eternal rage.

But even so, he is still one of the most dangerous individuals in the world. When he runs, the gray-black flames of hatred are stretched like a battle flag.

Those superhumans who have not awakened the ability to respond quickly can only pray that they are not his target when facing Tang Ji.

Countless bullets fell on Tang Ji, but Tang Ji's performance made them despair. They had no idea that before they landed, someone had already proved with their lives that small-caliber weapons were completely unable to threaten this monster.

A superhuman wearing a huge helmet turned on the switch of the helmet under the cover of his companions, and a beam of light as thick as a fist shot straight towards Tang Ji!

But Tang Ji's charging speed was too fast, and the beam holder could only turn his head and try to catch up with the target with his sight.

The beam of light covered at least one kilometer, leaving a deep scratch on the building outside the Champ de Mars, almost melting through the wall.

The reporters and residents who were hiding inside and taking pictures carefully looked at the red walls in shock and fled one after another, refusing to watch the excitement again.

Two superhuman soldiers with strong self-control and solid defense blocked Tang Ji's way with their shields. One of them was kicked away by Tang Ji, but the other one successfully withstood Tang Ji and let the light beam

The maintainer 'saw' Tangji!

The powerful beam of light shone on Tang Ji, intertwined with the gray-black flames, and reflected brilliant light.

Then... there was no more. Tang Ji broke the neck of the person who was blocking the way. He didn't care about the blow of this scorching sight. He walked twenty meters in front of the beam keeper despite the sight.

One shot destroyed the huge helmet.

Bullets, beams, poisonous mist, fire, ice...all piled up on the Champ de Mars, allowing the whole world to witness what superhumanity is...

And, the cruelty of enforcer Tang...

This chapter has been completed!
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