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Chapter 259 The Calhoun Family

Mikkelsen directly dragged Tang Ji to the airport, where a majestic silver-white private jet was already waiting there.

"If we move quickly, you should be back in time for dinner, so I didn't notify you in advance to prepare your luggage." Mikkelsen drove directly to the plane's departure gate.

This aircraft adopts a fearless delta wing design, which looks much wider than conventional civilian aircraft, but the larger wings undoubtedly give it better performance.

"I forgot to tell you that the Pioneers used two satellites to monitor your whereabouts. I guess they won't personally deal with you in a short time." Mikkelsen looked up at the sky: "When we left

, my people disguised themselves as you and left the cafe from the other side, and you will be invisible for at least six hours."

Tanguy ignored Mikkelson and got on the plane directly. He knew that Mikkelson was demonstrating the value of working with him, and obviously being able to move freely was one of the benefits.

Otherwise, if Tang Ji goes out to do business in the future, he will have to wait until Wang Zhengdao has time.

The handsome and unreal service staff on the plane showed Tang Ji to his seat with a gentle and slightly admiring expression. Mikkelsen sat opposite him and pointed to the floor: "The Calhoun family.

The plane, the family council specially sent to pick you up, superhuman influence is everywhere, even the top wealthy families like them are affected.

"Many people regard you as one of the leaders of the new era, but your personality is a bit extreme." Mikkelsen introduced to Tanguy: "So when we arrive at Calhoun Manor, you will see a lot of people who are interested in you.

Calhoun, who has an extremely friendly attitude, don't take them seriously. Without little Edgar's authority, this plane is the greatest power they can mobilize.

"You seem to be worried about me getting along well with them." Tang Ji looked at the simple but by no means simple decoration in the cabin. It looked like what a human space station should look like a hundred years from now, similar to the one in the Moonlight Gold.

The retro style is completely different.

"Yes, I have been with them for decades, and I know very well what these people are." Mikkelsen looked at the rapidly receding scenery outside the window, lit a tree of life, and originally planned to give it to Tang Ji.

After one cigarette, I suddenly thought of the other party's virtue and threw away all the cigarettes.

"Your origin, your experience, your character, all of these are weaknesses in their eyes." Mikkelsen said with a puff of smoke: "They can please you with a luxurious lifestyle that you can never imagine in your life.

You, if you show even the slightest sign of addiction, you will become their tool.'

"I'm starting to get curious about their methods." Tang Ji frowned, feeling angry at the contempt in Mikkelsen's tone about his origins.

But he quickly suppressed the spread of this anger. This was not Tang Ji's original character, but the impact of his rage.

Although Tang Ji is a person with a somewhat bad temper, no colleague or friend has ever said that he is unreasonable, and recently he has indeed become more irritable than before.

He can control the anger of all living beings, but cannot suppress his own anger. This is undoubtedly a huge joke.

In order to divert attention, Tang Ji used his new ability to sense the anger in Mikkelsen's heart, but found nothing. There was no anger in the other person's heart.

"A superhuman who can control plants appeared over there in New York State. Fortunately, he escaped the hunting of the early pioneers, and now he has demonstrated powerful plant manipulation." Along with Mikkelsen's voice, the plane

It had taken off smoothly, and the passengers in the cabin hardly felt anything strange: "He destroyed three factories in a month, with amazing efficiency.

"In order to appease and recruit the jungle prince, the Ford family of New York State gave him Central Park as a private property." Mikkelsen said with some admiration: "The entire 340 hectares of green space was built in only three weeks.

It becomes a real forest."

"How old is that jungle prince?" Tang Ji doesn't care what the Ford family has done, he just wants to know if the other party can possibly be his helper.

With such a superhuman being, the jungle combat environment must have become the home field.

"His name is Brandon Mann. He is twenty-six years old. If you plan to recruit him to fight with you, forget it." Mikkelsen saw through what Tanguy was thinking: "He is an extreme environmentalist.

A vegetarian, he seems to be a cross-species lover, and his personality is a bit twisted. I guess you will start fighting within three minutes of meeting.'

Tang Ji frowned at this series of names. He really couldn't figure out what the other person looked like.

"Okay, let's get down to business. First of all, this is a stealth operation." Mikkelsen looked into Tang Ji's eyes and added an accent to the word "secret": "You may not like people like little Edgar, but we must

The consensus is that you can destroy individual humans, but you cannot destroy classes, and whether you like it or not, people like them will exist.

Tang Ji had reservations about this, but considering Mikkelsen's face and the fact that the other party had not found any black material for the time being, he temporarily nodded.

"Very good, maybe after this war is over you can reshape the social order according to your own preferences, but at least let it remain as it is now, so that we can have enough materials to fight a cross-world war." Mi

Colson nodded,

"Little Edgar himself, or the mind controller who controls him, doesn't know that someone has invited us to the manor as guests, so we will be disguised as guests from another family coming to discuss business." Mikkelsen said:

"I will be responsible for the specific identity. You act as my assistant or bodyguard. No one will pay attention to your identity.'

"If everything goes well and we meet little Edgar, you must use your own methods to remove any possible mind control effects on him while ensuring his life safety." Mikkelsen continued to explain his plan: "

The best outcome is that you succeed quickly and we gain the friendship of the Calhoun family.'

"What's the worst outcome?" Tang Ji has no ill intentions towards the Calhoun family, but considering the recent situation, it is difficult to guarantee that the entire process will not go unexpectedly.

"The worst result is that little Edgar is not controlled by anyone. His previous behavior was just a mental illness." Mikkelsen sighed: "At this time, I need you to kill little Edgar directly, but you have to do something

To do it beautifully, it would be better to pretend that the non-existent mind controller saw the situation and directly killed the accused little Edgar.'

"It's very troublesome to do this, but fortunately, jealousy can take the blame, and there is a suitable successor in the Calhoun family." Mikkelsen said to Tanguy seriously: "Remember, this is the worst result.

, I don’t want to kill little Edgar, this will greatly consume my trustworthiness in the circle.”

"You owe me a favor." Tang Ji pointed at Mikkelsen: "A favor."

"This is the beginning of cooperation." Mikkelsen did not respond to Tangji, but said: "And from my perspective, I will pay much more than you in future cooperation.

Tang Ji didn't like to bargain, he had already decided that the other party owed him a favor.

"Welcome to Calhoun Manor, which has been the private domain of the Calhoun family for more than eighty years." The person in charge of welcoming them was a young butler in a tuxedo.

The airport is located inside the manor. It is not so much a manor as it is a private city of the Calhoun family. There are more than seven medium-sized or above aircrafts at the airport that Tang Ji saw alone.

The real Calhoun Manor is on a hill. It is a huge castle that sparkles in the sun.

The route to the manor was filled with carefully pruned plants, and drones were everywhere. Tang Ji even saw a small town at the foot of the mountain from a distance.

Perhaps noticing Tang Ji's gaze, the butler explained: "Calhoun Manor has a total of 3,347 servants and related maintenance personnel. They and their families live in the manor, and that is their

Residential area."

"Residences, supermarkets, schools, hospitals, and gas stations are all available. The Calhoun family has always been kind to people and has never had any conflicts with the residents of the town." The housekeeper introduced with some pride: "Even if many employees retire,

Still living here.

Tang Ji looked at the scenery outside. Everything here reminded him of the lords and subjects of the medieval era.

"We are almost there. Your invitations have been checked. You can go directly to the living room on the second floor to wait. There will be other people responsible for receiving you." The butler parked the car at the gate of the castle, got out of the car and opened the door.

A gorgeous carriage pulled by four horses was waiting for them on the other side of the gate. The coachman in gorgeous clothes opened the carriage door and made a gesture of invitation to them.

"Very good! The castle, the carriage, and the servants! I'm starting to look forward to what I'll see next!" Wu Qianying's voice appeared in Tang Ji's ears, and he even heard the other party eating melon seeds.

Obviously, for the women on the Moonlight Gold, Tang Ji's live broadcast was very suitable for passing the time.

"I guess there should be knights in armor inside!" Alia joined the discussion, and her voice when opening a carbonated drink was very clear: "I wonder if there is a dungeon under the castle, and who will be locked up in the dungeon?'

It was obviously not the first time Mikkelsen had seen such a scene. He closed his eyes and meditated on the carriage, and reminded Tanguy: "After entering one kilometer of the castle, all external signals will be cut off. This is one of the security measures of the Calhoun family."


Tang Ji heard the disappointed sighs of several women on the other side of the earphone. Apparently Wu Qianying and Aaliya were not the only ones in the audience.

A few minutes later, Tang Ji felt that his ears were clear. It was obvious that the carriage had entered the signal shielding area. From here, the Calhoun family's castle looked even larger and more modern.

The reflection in the sun is the coating on the surface of the castle. Tang Ji doesn't know what role it plays, but it must be extremely dazzling when viewed from the air.

Perhaps Calhoun, who sought Mikkelsen's help, played a role. After the carriage stopped, Tangji was taken directly into the castle by two guards with daggers at their waists without going through any security checks.

Aria guessed correctly. There were indeed knights in armor in the castle. They looked like common decorations in the castle, standing motionless a few meters apart.

But Tang Ji was keenly aware that these knights were robots ready to go, and those weapons were also sharpened by this guy.

The atmosphere in the castle was very depressing. Except for the guards responsible for guiding the way, Tang Ji did not see any living people, only unmanned machines working quietly.

The guards brought Mikkelsen and Tangji to the reception room, caressed their chests slightly in salute, and left without saying a word. The reception room had already placed exquisite and easy-to-use snacks in advance. Judging from the quantity, they needed

The wait won't be too short.

Mikkelsen walked around the reception room and carefully looked at the antique furniture and furnishings before sitting next to Tang Ji: there were no surveillance cameras or bugs, and they still maintained respect for the guests."

"Just say what you want to say. I know you have a lot to say." Mikkelsen picked up the snacks on the table and looked at Tang Ji. "You should try this. You won't be able to eat it after leaving this castle."

Having this kind of thing, monopolizing a kind of food or ingredients is also a status symbol for them.'

"It's really beyond my imagination." Tang Ji thought that he had seen the Moonlight Gold and had already seen it on the market, but now he found out that the owner of the Moonlight Gold had just started.

The real wealthy families are so rich that they don't know how to spend it, and they have been acting like monsters for generations.

He picked up a piece of this light green rectangular pastry, put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly. A strange aroma spread in his mouth, with a smooth and tight texture, a soft fragrance and a slight sweetness.

Tang Ji's palate, which is more sensitive than ordinary people, confirmed that this was an ingredient that was beyond the scope of his recipe. His taste buds had never been exposed to this kind of taste before.

"Don't ask me, I don't know what this thing is called. If you have to have a name, you can call it Calhoun Incense." Mikkelsen explained: "I don't know what it is and I don't know where it comes from.

Yes, this is one of their family secrets.

"The Tree of Life tobacco you smoke is also learning from them?" Tang Ji looked at Mikkelsen, a touch of anger burning under his reason.

"Don't call me so high-end, I'm not that powerful. The output of that thing is just small, and I happen to consume a lot." Mikkelsen shook his head and pointed to the food on the table: "I think

To achieve their level, you must first choose an ingredient and slowly hype it up from the root."

"First let the price far exceed the actual price, then plummet, repeat it several times, so that most growers give up this crop, and then give it to time, twenty years, thirty years, or half a century if you are unlucky.

, and finally succeeded in removing a food from the public diet." Mikkelsen described the methods of the 'new aristocrats' in a leisurely manner: "Of course, in recent decades, they have found new ways to speed up this process.

, for example, developing a targeted virus to exterminate a certain species on a large scale, and then retaining a small batch of seeds and planting them individually on a space farm, the effect would be equally good.”

"I heard that Calhoun's snack was called mung bean cake in the past." Mikkelsen put another piece of snack in his mouth and said to Don Quixote.

This chapter has been completed!
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