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Chapter two hundred and sixty seventh face to face

 When the gyroplane slowly descended to the ground, gentle Mr. Dennis Quint slowly walked out of the cabin, as if he was attending a dinner party rather than a hostage rescue operation.

He put one hand behind his back and showed a perfect smile to the live broadcast drone directly in front of him. Diligence and humility also returned in time, and together with Mr. Wen, he showed the complete battle of the Seven Virtues to the world.

Mr. Wen stood in the middle, standing humbly on his right side, with the residual light in his hand slowly extinguishing. Cathy had no supernatural ability at all, but this did not prevent her from equipping her wrist with a dazzling ring specially used to create special effects.


Diligent, who was holding a long stick, stood on the right side of Mr. Wen. The heavy war stick was placed on his disaster-resistant shoulder. He raised four fingers on his other hand and stood in front of his nose to imitate a monk and give the camera a profile.

Behind the trio, Lady Bountiful is still surrounded by starlight, healing the injured Enforcer.

Although it is just a simple appearance, behind it is a carefully prepared composition and a reflection of their respective status.

The one who originally stood in the C position should be modesty. Cathy Walter has been preparing for this moment for a long time, and even divided the scope of each of the seven virtues in advance.

It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes. Mrs. Generous, who holds the title of quasi-supreme, doesn't need to compete with other people at all, but fortunately, she herself has no interest in such things.

There is only one reason why Mr. Wen became the new C position. His corresponding target suddenly became much more dangerous than other targets, and the risks he took also increased infinitely.

Therefore, modesty can only occupy the third place in the four-person group. This is also thanks to Tang Ji who crushed Aslan in advance.

The angle of the drone was designed in advance. In order to take care of Mrs. Generosity who was not so 'gregarious', and ultimately for the beauty of the composition, Aslan had to be sacrificed to only show his face in profile so that the photo would not look too overdone.

Deliberately, people can tell at a glance that it is staged.

"My name is Dennis Quint, some people also call me Mr. Wen." Mr. Wen walked up to the director of the Law Enforcement Bureau and stretched out his hand with a kind smile on his face: "I'm sorry that we intervened in your actions rashly, but at that time

The situation is critical and we cannot sit idly by."

The media on the scene will never know the position of the director of the Law Enforcement Bureau, because at the moment the hovercraft appeared, he received a call from the mayor of Jinshan City.

The mayor on the other side of the phone informed him very formally that the Virtue team had officially reported this support operation at the city hall and received permission and support.

If he doesn't want to pack up and leave the next day, he'd better perform well in front of the media.

"Thank you for your help. The Jinshan City Law Enforcement Bureau always welcomes well-intentioned helping hands." The director held Mr. Wen's hand with a smile and shook it vigorously.

They had been entangled with the demonic superhuman for several months, and had paid a bloody price in the past three days. Finally, this group of people appeared out of nowhere and took over the scene.

The director didn't even have to think about it to guess how the law enforcement bureau and law enforcers would be described in the media tomorrow. Words such as incompetence, weakness, and disregard for hostage casualties would definitely be indispensable.

As the show ended, Diligent rushed straight to the building as a pioneer. He seemed to be a sharp arrow running directly upwards on the surface of the building perpendicular to the ground with the help of inertia!

The onlookers at the scene let out a series of exclamations in great cooperation, all captured by the drone.

"Diligence is the shortcoming of the entire Seven Virtues team." Tang Ji, who was standing on the roof of another building not far away, looked at Qin Qi through the window and entered Qi Qi, and the label given by Wu Qianying automatically appeared in his mind.

"At least within a year, he will only be a potential stock." Wu Qianying once described Diligent like this: "But in order not to cause trouble, he must be killed within eight months at least, or at least his physical body must be killed."

"Shadow, I'll leave it to you." Tang Ji gave the order to Shadow, who was debugging the firearm: "One chance, if you don't succeed, evacuate immediately."

"Copy that." Shadow nodded, and placed the 'Hail' that was over one meter long behind the wall. A huge camouflage cloth was spread over their heads to prevent it from being photographed by drones and satellites.

"Martin, that hovercraft is yours, don't let me down." Tang Ji assigned the unspecified hovercraft to the heavy firepower group in the tactical eyepiece.

From the appearance point of view, the floating vehicle looks very similar to the floating vehicle exhibited by Military Technology in the past few years, but the floating vehicle used by the Seven Virtues team does not have any LOGO, and is just silver-white in color, giving it a very sci-fi feel.

Tang Ji only hoped that it would not be equipped with an overly exaggerated protection system. Because of Wang Zhengdao's carrying capacity, Martin only brought lightweight surface-to-air missiles.

"The missile launchers have been deployed, and I'm putting up window strips on the roof. Three minutes, head!" Martin replied.

In order to prevent others from being discovered in advance, Martin and Tony were sent into a nearby single-story building by Wang Zhengdao. Once the operation started, they would blast the roof of the building in a targeted manner and then launch missiles.

"Ethan, what about you?" Tang Ji looked at the large number of drones surrounding the scene with a smile on his face.

"Alia is retrieving specific signals, but we will not exceed the time required by Martin's big stupid bear at the latest." Ethan replied with some resentment: "But among the drones at the scene, except for the drones used by local law enforcement,

The other drones are media drones, which can only play a reconnaissance role.

"That's enough." Tang Ji looked through the telescope and watched the glass on the floor Qin Qi just entered continue to break. It was obvious that the force field ninja was not going to be captured without mercy.

"Sulte, saints, you are responsible for being humble." Tang Ji continued: "They are all the top pioneers, don't be brave, I only want you to delay her temporarily.

"Don't look down on me, head!" Surt adapted to his new suit. Different from the dragon scale armor protection system equipped by others, he wore a polymer suit similar to a tights.

That is Wu Qianying's custom-made drag-reducing suit, which allows Surte to function more fully within bullet time. With Tang Ji's [reinforcement], this thin layer of suit also has good defensive capabilities.

"Anthony, watch them for me and don't let them die." Tang Ji looked at the mature and steady Anthony and gave the final order: "Once I die, the mission will end immediately.'

"Understood, sir!" Anthony saluted seriously, and then jumped directly from the edge of the building.

"Wang Zhengdao, let's take the remaining two, one for each of us. I want the big bear!" Tang Ji joked loudly in the air. "Why am I not responsible for the big bear?" Wang Zhengdao appeared next to Tang Ji in an instant, holding his hand

Putting it on his shoulder, he nodded: "Leave it to me!'

The two disappeared in mid-air in an instant, and the next second, they appeared three meters above the heads of the Seven Virtues team!

Death falls from heaven!

Tang Ji drew the prelude in the air and shot at the three unsuspecting virtues below!

Modesty - Cathy Walter was the first to react. She had had such a nightmare countless times, and this time it finally came true!

Bullets burning with gray-black flames easily penetrated the field formed by Cathy's [Damage Reflection]. Just as they had most pessimistically expected, her ability could not cause effective counter-injury to the rage.

But fortunately, in order to prevent all abilities from being ineffective against rage, Cathy Walter chose an ability called [Flicker] as the third ability.

An ability that exists entirely to save life. It randomly appears at another location within a radius of 500 meters twice a day.

Mr. Wen raised his head in astonishment, his eyes full of surprise. He watched the bullet burning with black flames penetrate his body, and slowly lowered his head to check himself.

The bullet passed through him without leaving any wounds!

His ability can be effective against rage!

[White Knight's Gensokyo: When the owner of the ability expands this field, he can ignore all malicious attacks. The white knight can extend this field to his allies through touch.]

As early as when the hovercraft first landed, Mr. Wen had already started his own business, because he was Mrs. Generous's insurance, and this necessary caution saved his life.

However, Mr. Wen didn't care about the surprise that his ability could be effective on Tang Ji. His expression changed drastically and he suddenly rushed in the direction of Mrs. Generous!

But Wang Zhengdao suddenly appeared behind him, grabbing the opponent's collar one by one, intending to teleport himself to an altitude of 10,000 meters, but his palms were instantly empty, as if the person in front of him was just a shadow!

At this time, Mrs. Generosity was looking at Tang Ji with great interest. When the two bullets were fired at her, Mrs. Generosity just took a step back and perfectly avoided death.

Tang Ji landed, Prelude spinning in his hand, and the bullet had been reloaded. Of course, he didn't really choose this target because of his opponent Xiong Da. It was Wu Qianying's idea to choose Mrs. Generosity as his primary target.

She swore that she had analyzed various signs and found that the person with the highest status in the Seven Virtues team was Mrs. Generosity. But when he saw this beauty with his own eyes, Tang Ji felt for a moment that Wu Qianying chose her out of jealousy.

"Are you Tang Ji?" Mrs. Generous was not afraid of Tang Ji's threat. Instead, she showed the look Tang Ji often saw on Wu Qianying: "I have always been curious, why can you kill us directly..."

"Since you are so curious, I am honored to let you experience it for yourself." Tang Ji looked at Mrs. Generous and without hesitation activated his new ability - invitation to a death match!

In front of Tang Ji's eyes, a gray-black chain shot out from the void, instantly connecting him to Mrs. Generosity, and the fight to the death was over.

"Your enemy is me!" Mr. Wen stood in front of Mrs. Generous like an enraged lion, spreading his fingers and pressing down with one hand, instantly changing the gravity of the area where Tang Ji was!

Feeling the pressure, Tang Ji swayed and walked forward step by step despite a gravity environment that was several times greater than usual.

Wang Zhengdao appeared next to Mr. Wen again, and a fierce iron sword passed through him again, and then disappeared in an instant.

Tang Ji knew that this was Wang Zhengdao demonstrating Mr. Wen's special ability to himself.

Gray-black flames of hatred swept through his body and spread along the ground. Tang Ji felt the anger of the crowd around him. Although this anger was not directed at the Seven Virtues, and even some of the anger was directed at himself, it didn't matter. These angers

It quickly turned into flames and clung to Tang Ji's back, forming a wing-like cloak.

In the distance, accompanied by a dull gunshot, a hole the size of a football suddenly appeared on the surface of the building that was supposed to be the center of everyone's attention.

Then there was a second gunshot. The experienced law enforcement officers immediately found the building where the gunman was located based on the gunshot. The other party seemed to have no intention of concealing it. He fired one shot after another, leaving traces on the surface of the building.

Hole after hole!


Chased by bullets, Qiangli broke out of the window, but was shot again in mid-air. The powerful bullet knocked him away like a baseball, and he fell to the ground in a helter-skelter manner.

However, Diligent quickly disappeared after landing. Shadow frowned. He immediately lost Diligent's perspective after the opponent became invisible.

"Evacuate!" Shadow didn't even look at the expensive hailstones. He got up from the ground and immediately ran to the rooftop entrance.

He was greedy. He should have evacuated immediately after the first shot hit, but in order to hit the opponent again, Shadow chose to take the risk.

Now it was time to repay the debt. As soon as Shadow and Anthony entered the building, a missile from nowhere hit the rooftop, bathing the entire building in thick smoke.

Modesty appeared less than two hundred meters away from Tang Ji. Before she could say something bad, she was knocked away by the tiger-like Surte!

[Damage Reflection]!

The angry Cathy activated her domain ability, and sure enough, the whirlwind Surte returned before she could get up, stabbing straight to the heart with a sharp dagger!

However, just when Surte was about to kill his enemy, the strong sixth sense that almost stung his skin caused him to move the tip of the knife slightly away from his heart.

The next second, Surte passed by modesty, leaving a trail of blood behind, staggering hundreds of meters away, and fell straight to the ground.

His abdomen was severely cut open, and a section of his intestines almost fell off and rested on the top of his feet.

"I'm sorry, head, I messed up." Soult said with strength. He didn't even know how he was injured. The huge frustration made his mental pain worse than his physical pain.

"I'll be here right away!" Anthony spat out the cement dust in his mouth, and the equally embarrassed Shadow Machine Gun shattered the glass in the corridor and the two of them jumped out.

Ethan, who was hiding in the dark and taking over the drone at the scene, finally found the other party's volunteer center, another invisible floating vehicle hidden in the sky.

Ethan immediately sent the data to Martin. Miwako kept looking at the battlefield in the distance, turned around and slapped Ethan hard on the back of the head to vent her dissatisfaction at not being able to go to the front line.


Martin directly blasted his roof, and several missiles shot towards invisible targets. Then he and Tony received a new task assignment to support the Saints in delaying modesty.

The entire scene instantly turned into a battlefield. The hostages in the building looked at the kidnappers who were still alive and dead, and then looked at the heated scene outside. No one dared to run out.

Finally, a boy who didn't look strong gritted his teeth, raised a chair and hit Daniel Shinoda on the head hard, once, twice, while his arms kept rising and falling.

It wasn't until the last blow that a crack was created in the ground that he was sure that the other party was completely dead. The boy seemed to let out a wild beast's roar.

One superhuman dies, and another superhuman awakens...

This chapter has been completed!
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