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Chapter 271 Burning Night City

 Modesty - Cathy Walter stood on the other side of the portal, watching Mr. Wen enter the operations hall of Walter Company.

Although she was confused as to why Mrs. Generosity was not there, as the first one to escape, Cathy took the initiative to welcome Mr. Gentle’s return with a smile.

Mr. Wen's face showed a hint of relief despite his heavy expression. It was obvious that Tang Ji had also put pressure on him, but the next second his handsome face, which showed the temperament of a mature man, suddenly exploded.

Red and white tofu brains were splashed on the all-metal floor along with pieces of flesh and blood, and gray-black flames burned slowly on it.

Casey's face turned pale instantly, and she ordered loudly: "Close the door!"

In fact, she didn't need to give an order. The pioneer who was maintaining the portal jumped back like a rabbit and gave up the task of maintaining the portal.

The body of the last colleague who was burned to death in the hall is still warm. The authority of the Great Pioneer is obviously not as good as his own life.

Maybe [cancer recovery] gave Mr. Wen a stronger vitality, or maybe the bullet in the prelude was slightly deviated in the rage. In short, Mr. Wen, who was shot from the back of the head, did not die immediately.

He stretched out a hand in vain, holding his face with nothing left in it, trying hard to squeeze through the rapidly shrinking portal.

But a strong arm strangled Mr. Wen from behind, and the other hand passed through the portal and extended a middle finger to everyone inside.

Mr. Wen struggled hard, but he still couldn't get rid of the shackles of the person behind him. In other words, the other person was enjoying the process, just like a cat catching a mouse.

In the end, the portal was completely closed, leaving only half of Mr. Wen's hand cut off in mid-air. As the halo of the portal dissipated, it fell to the ground with a splat.

The entire hall was silent, and all the pioneers present looked at Cathy Walter. Four big pioneers appeared with the Seven Virtues as vests, but only one came back.

Most of the pioneers have experienced this tragic situation, and coupled with the mixed rumors about Tang Ji, many pioneers are already afraid.

Cathy Walter was also a little flustered, but the majesty accumulated over the years allowed her to still maintain her cold expression and said to the others: "What are you doing here? Go do your own thing!"

The pioneers immediately scattered, and two pioneers even bumped into each other awkwardly.

Looking at this group of panicked pioneers, Cathy Walter sighed. Her mind was in a state of confusion now, but she had to resist the pressure and wait for new orders from the planning department or to send new instructors.

She turned around and planned to go back to her office to catch her breath, but she felt her feet were a little slippery. When she lowered her head, she found that she was stepping on Mr. Wen's lens.

The weird bursting feeling, the slightly bomb-like touch when bursting, and the smooth feeling after bursting became the last straw that destroyed Cathy Walter's psychological defense.

"Wow... yuck..." Cathy vomited all over the floor, pulled off her shoes like crazy and threw them away.

In the empty hall, she was hysterically venting her emotions alone, really wanting to vent all her recent emotions.

Since this return, nothing has gone smoothly. Now even Dennis Quint is dead, and Mrs. Bountiful and Aslan are not sure whether they are alive or dead. Maybe it will be her turn next?

"Tangji!" Cathy roared the name, took a deep breath, began to sort out her emotions, and became the strong woman again.

"Suppress all news about this operation on the Internet and delete all video materials!" Cathy gave orders to her assistant as she left the hall.

Although she was reluctant to say this, Cathy Walter, who recovered from her fear, immediately realized that now was the time for her to have the greatest power in the world.

There is no shackles from others, and all decisions are made by her alone. Even if the planning department wants to respond, there will be a blank period of about two weeks due to time flow.

"Let those naturalized people start hyping up the news about Night City's second red sun, and let the art team start preparing diligent, gentle and generous backup work." Cathy Walter hesitated and said again: "Not yet.

Publish news related to Tangji."

"Let Carcalf come to my office." Cathy finally said: "The Seven Virtues Plan is temporarily put on hold and the Walter Medical Plan No. 2 is sent to my office."

"Okay!" The pale assistant seemed to have regained his backbone, and turned around and began to get busy. However, the corridors surrounded by armor plates made the assistant have to go around a few more times to find his office.

Cathy Walter, who locked herself in the office, once again saw Mr. Wen's face that suddenly exploded in front of her eyes, and that face was currently being stepped on by Tang Ji.

He looked at Mr. Wen indifferently. With the blessing of [Cancer Recovery], the face that was missing two-thirds of its flesh was working hard to heal.

"I hope you like the welcome ceremony of this world." Gray-black flames wrapped around the prelude, and each complex and mysterious inscription was gradually lit up.




Large-caliber bullets tore off Mr. Wen's arms, and the third bullet penetrated his chest. The flames of hatred completely swept through Mr. Wen's body.

[You have obtained points: 400 points]

[The hunting list has been updated: New prey - Dennis Quint (Mr. Gentleness of the Seven Virtues) (has been completely terminated) (The relic library has been opened, all products are exchanged at half price)]

[The relic library has been updated, please check]

The prompt from the system proved Mr. Wen's death. The only thing that caught Tang Ji's attention was that the names Seven Virtues and Mr. Wen were marked separately by the system.

"Seven virtues, haha." Tang Ji took out his dagger and took away his trophy without ceremony. Although the trophy was not complete, it was still a big fish.

Wang Zhengdao guarded the body of Mrs. Generous, and there was a Neon Man sitting next to him, covering his wrists. When he saw Tang Ji returning with a broken head, the Neon Man couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"I am not in the same group as them!" Chihiro Maekawa raised his hands and said loudly: "I am a mercenary, someone hired me..."

"Shut up!" Wang Zhengdao kicked the prisoner to the ground and pointed at Mrs. Geng's body: "He was the one who shot and opened Mrs. Geng's body. When I arrested him, he was destroying the communication equipment provided by his employer.


"Who hired you?" Tang Ji glanced at the neon man and saw a familiar expression on his face. Every urban mercenary who planned to do something big had such an expression.

They have long put life and death aside and are willing to fight for their lives, just to one day become a big shot, make a lot of money, drink strong drinks, drive luxury cars, and either retire at the age of thirty or die at the age of thirty.

"I don't know, I'm only responsible for taking money to do things." Maekawa Chihiro replied very bachelorly. He still had the blood of his teammates on his body, but he didn't care.

This road is like this, life and death, Maekawa Chihiro looked at Tang Ji, as if waiting for his trial, but one hand was already on his dagger.

"Go away." Tang Ji didn't want to waste time with this mercenary. In any case, he had done him a favor.

Obviously, the employer behind him knew these pioneers far better than he did, and there were only a handful of such people in the world. Among them, the only one Tang Ji knew was named Mikkelsen.

Maekawa Chihiro glanced at Wang Zhengdao, and seeing that there was no reaction from the other party, he bowed to the two of them and limped away into the distance.

"The central area of ​​Night City has just experienced a second nuclear explosion. The good news is that the number of casualties is far lower than the last time." Wang Zhengdao thought about it and told Tang Ji the news.

"Where's the bad news?" Tang Ji's body trembled slightly, so small that Wang Zhengdao thought he had seen it wrong.

"The bad news is that the stock price of Colin Ning has plummeted." Wang Zhengdao joked, but Tang Ji laughed loudly.



"This is war! This is the most blatant provocation and insult to Night City!" On the streets of Night City, a bespectacled man wearing a body armor and standing on the roof of a car raised his rifle high and pointed at the angry crowd.

Shout loudly: "They want war! We will give them war!"

"Give them war! Pay with blood!" Dozens of listeners, some men, women and children, gathered around and shouted in unison.

Behind the man with glasses who was giving a speech, there was a mushroom cloud nearly 100 meters high that was still rising slowly. However, the residents of Night City who had already experienced the red sun incident had lost the sense of fear from the last time.

Instead, they were filled with inexplicable anger. They were angry at being provoked over and over again in their homeland, and angry at the unscrupulous behavior of those superhuman beings.

This anger that had nowhere to vent turned into a crowd and filled the streets and alleys of Night City.

After the last Red Sun Incident, the central area was opened for less than a month after careful cleaning by the Corinning Company. Although many companies have moved in, there are not many permanent residents. The number of casualties is expected to be far lower than the last time.

Red Sun Incident.

However, the rebuilt central area was still regarded by Night City residents as a symbol of Night City getting rid of the shadow of the red sun. As a result, this symbol collapsed again before it was ready to be shown to the world.

Even the most honest person was irritated. The man with glasses standing on the roof of the car was a hard-working employee of the company yesterday, but now he was brandishing a rifle and wanted to fight with people.

As soon as Tang Ji returned to the city, he felt the anger brewing in the city. This anger was everywhere and nowhere to be vented, and was transforming into a riot sweeping the city.

Along with the explosion and the rise of the mushroom cloud, the stock price of Colinin Company fell, as if it was a deep dive that could not stop.

Tang Ji saw people in suits jumping off the rooftops of some buildings without hesitation and falling to pieces on the ground, which was considered the last mockery of the world.

There were also cars with the LOGO of Corinine Company on them, rushing past on the street, leaving boxes and boxes of Radiation Eliminator on both sides of the street.

That was not a act of kindness by the Korining Company, but the enthusiastic people of Night City took the opportunity to loot the warehouse of the Korinin Company.

During the more than a year he spent in Night City, in addition to eliminating radiation in the central area, Colining was also doing science popularization work, explaining the cleaning and elimination of nuclear radiation in detail to the residents of Night City, so as to flaunt his business capabilities and let people

People can live with peace of mind after the central area is opened.

This kind of science popularization is now showing results. After the nuclear explosion, the mob in Night City organized and planned to select the warehouse of Korinin Company as the target and transport a large amount of radioactive silica out.

Of course, the reason why these mobs were able to obtain the goods so quickly and distribute these supplies on the street, which will inevitably increase in price, is because the leader behind the scenes is a black boss who is cleaning up his name and cares about people's livelihood.

"Gusvota, I said, you don't need to be involved in this kind of thing." Scimitar saw Gusvota, who was wearing a gold vest, getting out of the truck, and punched him angrily.

"Are you worried that Colinin Company doesn't know that this is the work of the Valentino Gang?" Wearing a dark suit and holding a scimitar with a civilized stick, he looked at Gusvota who was knocked down, his eyes full of disappointment:

"You should go to the city hall with your classmates now and demand a response from those big shots, a tough response!"

"They are all weaklings, we have to rely on ourselves!" Gusvota retorted loudly: "I want to be with my brothers!"

"Trash." The scimitar poked Gusvota's ribs with a civilized stick, and finally showed a cheerful smile: "When you are as old as me, don't regret that I didn't give you a chance."

"No, sir!" Gusvota stood up from the ground with a sudden jerk: "I promise, I will never regret it! I was born to belong to the streets!"

"Very good, then come with me." Scimitar looked at the mushroom cloud in the distance, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes: "Some people think that we are easy to mess with, and they have to pay the price now."

Behind Scimitar, fifty heavily armed members of Valentino's commandos were divided into ten vehicles, following Scimitar's Alvarado Mission sedan.

Their target is a group of superhumans on the edge of Haywood District, and the Valentino Gang has figured out their origins.

They were once admirers of Losas, and they also received a large amount of funding from unknown sources. Recently, they have expanded rapidly on the streets.

No one likes to have a nuclear bomb thrown on their head, let alone a group of five-star good citizens like Night City. The whole city is like firewood being ignited, exuding scorching heat.

Tang Ji stood less than two kilometers away from the center of the nuclear explosion. This was the place where Angelina died. The small memorial hall that once belonged to him alone has begun reconstruction work at the Corinning Company.

Later, he was transported away by Tang Ji.

But every time he was in a good or bad mood, he still used to come here to commemorate his dead lover.

Standing here, Tang Ji felt that he was a little closer to the other side of the underworld.

This is indeed the case now. Exceeding radiation has caused the temperature in the vicinity to continue to rise. The advertising slogans printed by the Colin Ning Company on the back of Tangji are slowly melting and flowing along the walls.

Ironically, that sentence says exactly this: "Colining Company provides you with professional radiation environment cleaning, giving me a piece of wasteland in exchange for a piece of greenery for you!"

Night City is burning...

This chapter has been completed!
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