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Chapter 275 Tangji's new neighbor

 Onuki Keisuke has been working on the Nisshin Maru for a year. His weight has increased from 170 kilograms to 110 kilograms now. He feels like a walking zombie every day.

He felt that he was not even as good as a machine. The captain would maintain the machine on time, but he would never give an extra grain of rice to the crew because they were already 'dead people'.

Those societies control their families, and if they don't follow their relatives far away in Neon, they will be killed. Every month, some people commit suicide because they can't stand the pressure.

They work endlessly here just to fill that hellish hole.

A whole whale weighs more than eleven tons. This behemoth can only be seen in the less polluted waters of the polar circle. It can only satisfy the monster for two days.

It eats almost anything, whales, krill, penguins, household garbage...even people. Keisuke Ohnuki has seen how those people deal with dead crew members, and it is no different from how they deal with whales.

If the wind wasn't so strong at night, he could even hear a low roar coming from the ground. Ohnuki Keisuke knew what figure it was, and it was the echo produced by the peristalsis of his hungry stomach.

There are more than 300 people in the whole camp, half of them are neon people, basically fishermen and ocean-going sailors. When Onuki Keisuke first came here, he saw some foreign sailors trying to resist and escape, but they quickly Just disappeared.

The people here have strange beliefs, and some of them worship a group of beings called Adventers, but according to Ohnuki Keisuke's observation, those Adventers look no different from other people, except that they are all superhumans.

There are also some people who worship the monster in the pit, they call it the Big Stomach God.

Ohnuki Keisuke had seen descendants falling directly from the sky, and some walking out of golden doors that suddenly appeared, which also made him lose the courage to escape from this ghost place.

In order to live a better life, Onuki Keisuke is trying to accept that weird belief and get rid of his current class.

Just yesterday, he bravely reported a newly arrived crew member who hid a weird electronic device. He didn't know how the other person got past the security check. He only knew that this was an opportunity.

Onuki Keisuke once fantasized about escaping from this ghost place, but now, Onuki Keisuke gave up this fantasy and chose another path.

They told him that tonight he must personally execute the crew member and then bring the body to the God of the Stomach, which will be Ohnuki Keisuke's ordination ceremony.


Ohnuki Keisuke was a little panicked. He wanted to join the group of people who believed in the descendants, not some big stomach god!

But apparently no one cared what he thought. As night fell, Onuki Keisuke was handed a bone dagger by a man in a black robe.

The smooth feel of the dagger made him feel a little nauseous, because it looked like it was made of human ribs. It was unknown how many people had held it in their hands and rubbed it before it felt like it did now.

"Kill him, dismember him, mix it with spices, and offer it to the God of the Big Stomach." The man in black robe said in Ohnuki Keisuke's ear: "Then you will become one of us, and you will see the greatness of God. !”

Ohnuki Keisuke is only afraid of the Big Stomach God, and also of the so-called descendants. He is just worried that if he doesn't follow his instructions, he will be the one sacrificed to the Big Stomach God tomorrow.

So he clenched the dagger in his hand and walked into the tent. This was not the first time he killed someone. As an ocean-going sailor, Onuki Keisuke's hands were not clean.

He once killed his friends for a rare wild tuna, and also killed his competitors in the port just to board that damn Nisshin Maru.

Now of course he can kill the accomplice who was betrayed by him in order to survive.

Onuki Keisuke opened the tent, and the crew members inside were tortured to the point of dying. They were leaning weakly on the chairs, with only a slit in their swollen eyes looking at him.

He seemed to be able to hear his heart beating loudly, and the blood was flowing like a river in his ears. Onuki Keisuke put the dagger on the throat of the victim.

Then he saw the other party's calm eyes, which were not the eyes of a prey. Ohnuki Keisuke subconsciously stepped back, but the other party did not know when he broke free from the restraints of the rope and grabbed his throat with one hand. , the other hand backhanded him down on the chair.

Then, in the horrified eyes of Onuki Keisuke, the crew member turned into himself in a few seconds, put the dagger to his eyes, and said in neon language: "I guess they can't tell the difference between us in appearance." difference."

Ohnuki Keisuke only felt a burst of pain and fell into complete darkness.

Mikkelsen stabbed a few more holes in the opponent's face, making the whole scene extremely bloody before he stopped with satisfaction.

His men discovered this large-scale settlement a few weeks ago, but not only did it have the endorsement of the Neon Government, but several companies also came here regularly to purchase fish.

As the last pure sea area, the fishing industry here is quite developed. There are thirty or fifty similar gathering places. He originally thought that the pioneers would hide deeper.

Mikkelsen admitted that too much of his experience was dispersed in the political struggles within the conglomerate, otherwise it would not have been Wu Qianying's turn to discover this problem.

He is too suspicious and rarely shares important information with his research institutions, because he knows very well that if he does so, those companies will know about it soon.

Mikkelsen is very envious that Tang Ji can trust others so calmly. This is his weakness...he doesn't trust anyone except himself.

After orderly changing the clothes of the two people, Mikkelsen, disguised as Onuki Keisuke, walked out of the tent and threw the bone dagger at the feet of the black-robed man. Fear, fierceness, and a trace of confusion naturally appeared on his face.

If Mikkelsen were to make a movie, he could win the Best Actor Award and take on all the roles from director to extras by himself.

The man in black robe walked into the tent and glanced at the body. Just as Mikkelsen expected, he didn't even take a second look at the body and told him: "Take the body with you and let's feed the big stomach god."

Haha, big stomach god, Mikkelsen carried the body of Keisuke Ohnuki and followed the footsteps of the man in black robe. He had previously ignored gluttony in the Seven Deadly Sins.

After all, compared to several other known members of the Seven Deadly Sins, his performance was too low, but now that I think about it, there may not be a possibility that Gluttony would take the initiative to jump into the Pioneers' trap.

At least, these people were really trying their best to feed him.

Mikkelsen followed the man in black robe into a tunnel, which was dug in the ice. Judging from the black blood stains on the surface of the ice, there must have been many corpses brought to the Great Stomach God from here.

Carrying the body through the nearly one hundred meter long tunnel, Mikkelsen showed a tired and overwhelmed expression at the right time, and began to breathe heavily.

The man in black robe had no intention of waiting for him, but instead quickened his pace. After another two minutes, Mikkelsen dragged the body for another fifty meters with difficulty, and finally saw the legendary endless pit.

There is a deep pit dug into the ice, and a layer of thick black fog blocks the pit at a height of about ten meters, making it impossible for people to peek into the contents below.

Mikkelsen behaved very naturally, because this was not the first time that Ohnuki Keisuke came here. Every time they handled the whale, they would slide the processed whale meat down the slide and eventually fall into the pit.

The thick fog apparently also played a role in isolating sound. Mikkelsen could feel the ice beneath his feet vibrating rhythmically, as if a giant was snoring below.

"Here it is, throw him in. This is your first offering to the Great Stomach God." The man in black robe made way at the edge of the pit, and it was Mikkelsen who stepped forward: "The appetite of the Great Stomach God

There is no end, the more you give, the more you get..."

Before he could finish speaking, Mikkelsen threw Ohnuki Keisuke's body in, turned around and knocked the man in black robe to the ground with a punch.

Mikkelsen stepped on the opponent's face to prevent the man in black robe from screaming. Then he closed his eyes and froze for a few seconds. Then under the stunned gaze of the opponent, he inserted a knife into the chest of the man in black robe and started.


At this time, on a sunny island thousands of miles away, a clone of Mikkelsen who was drinking coconut milk sighed, reluctantly put down the coconut shell, put on his sunglasses and then lost his breath.

The body left behind by the clone soon faded and turned into its original appearance, an ordinary-looking white man. Judging from the empty surroundings, no one would find this body in the next few days.



This is the third day of Tang Ji's vacation. He is consciously adjusting his state and discovering the beauty in life as much as possible.

In Edward's words, if you can't extract the beauty from this world, you can't talk about fighting for it.

Tang Ji thought what he said made sense, but considering that the old man took him directly to Kabukicho to book a theater yesterday, he felt that he couldn't believe it.

At least Edward's way of loving the world didn't suit him very well. Of course, it suited Ryunosuke Motoki quite well, and they became conspiring in an instant.

He just received a bill from two old men this morning, which amounted to more than 20,000 federal dollars. Ever since he learned that Tang Ji's assets now exceed 100 million, Edward's consumption level has immediately improved to a higher level.

After a short period of psychological counseling, Vicky has returned to the team and replaced Yin Sen in charge of the kitchen. Miwako, who is the best cook, only shows off her cooking skills when she is in a good mood.

Tang Ji was looking at his relic library. After killing Mr. Wen and several other superhumans, the exchange points reached 850 points again.

After removing the existing abilities in the relic library, only Mr. Wen provided two additional abilities, and an unlucky pioneer named Disen. Bazzel provided an ability called [Dimensional Gate].

This was definitely an unexpected gain. Tang Ji never expected that the flame of hatred could burn through the portal and successfully burn the opponent to death.

[Dimensional door (lv1) (later implantation ability, cannot be upgraded): Opens a dimensional door leading to other areas that needs to be maintained continuously. It can be closed at any time. Price: 200 points (enjoy the complete termination discount, price after discount)

100 points)

―That's right, as long as you know the direction of where you want to go, how far it is from your current location, the altitude error, plus a little calculation of the curvature of space, and most importantly, don't use the dimensional door

Drive into the wall]

A very useless ability for Tang Ji, because judging from the ability description, it is a purely auxiliary ability and cannot be effective on himself.

Unless he can exchange the abilities in the relic library for others, this ability can only be kept at the bottom of the box.

Next came the big gift package from Mr. Wen. Although he failed to successfully hunt Mrs. Kang, it was good to kill Mr. Wen. Although he only encountered him once, Tang Ji was already disgusted by Mr. Wen's ability.

[White Knight's Gensokyo (lv1) (original ability of the body, can be upgraded): When the owner of the ability expands this field, he can ignore all malicious attacks. The white knight can extend this field to allies through touch.

, Price: 1,000 points (enjoy the complete discount, the price after discount is 500 points)

―I won’t hit you, you won’t hit me, let us look at each other until someone gives up and leaves calmly]

A very special ability, but it was very unsuitable for Tang Ji. In other words, Tang Ji was somewhat repelled by this ability.

This feeling of rejection and even disgust comes directly from the existence called rage deep in Tang Ji's heart.

[Note: It is detected that your existing ability and this ability conflict with the underlying rules and cannot coexist. Forcibly exchanging the ability will cause the low-authority ability to be completely overwritten by the high-authority ability]

Tang Ji shook his head regretfully, and once again came up with the idea that it would be great if he could exchange the abilities in the relic library for others, uu Kanshu www.uukanshu.com Unfortunately, the simple system from the player did not respond.

Another ability left by Mr. Wen is called [Basic Explosion], a pure explosive ability.

[Basic power burst (lv1) (later implanted ability, cannot be upgraded): After a short preparation, stimulate the body's full potential, burst out with a power up to four times the upper limit of physical fitness, and then fall into a long-term weak state after a period of time. Price

:100 points (enjoy the complete discount, the price after discount is 50 points)】

A low-level ability that works well with White Knight's Gensokyo. Tang Ji was hesitant to redeem it. Although it was not clearly marked on the system interface, all the players he encountered had less than four abilities.

Those players must not have been constrained by this because of balance. Tang Ji guessed that this was limited by genetic stability.

Tang Ji now has four abilities, namely [Rage lv2], [Revolver Revival lv1], [Weakness Discovery lv1], and [Reinforcement lv1].

The last time he redeemed the ability [Salute to Manolite!], [Rage] forcibly swallowed that ability. Tang Ji didn't know if this was a reminder, but taking risks for a low-level ability was not worth it.

Thinking of this, Tang Ji closed the system interface a little irritably, but he immediately realized that he had become irritable again.

Tang Ji took a deep breath, cleared his mind, and began to recall the short but warm interaction with Tang Anran, and gradually relaxed.

But the next second, a reckless and urgent knock on the door dispelled his good mood: "Open the door! I am your new neighbor! Let me say hello!"


ps: It’s rare to be a little early, hehe

This chapter has been completed!
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