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Chapter 277 Only Mikkelsen is doing serious business...

 "I think this is enough, he will definitely not be able to run away." Chrissy Cunningham clapped her hands. In front of her was Con Orr, who was frozen into ice.

The other party was looking at him with a dissatisfied look on his face, as if he disliked his unsightly appearance.

Tang Ji and his entire team were watching from the side. This was a cold chain warehouse in Taiping Prefecture, kindly provided by the Valentino Gang.

The gunmen of the Valentino Gang vacated the warehouse that was previously used to store imported beef overnight and used it to hold prisoners for Tanguy.

"Seriously, can't you carve a mermaid shape for me?" Kang Aer opened his mouth and made everyone's head hurt.

In the past three days, they killed the resurrected sixteen times. According to Wu Qianying's statistics, if Tang Ji did not use his own flames of hatred to burn the corpse, Kang Aer's rebirth would only take two hours.

Even if the body is burned, it only takes eight hours for him to be resurrected.

"If you can't carve a fish tail, at least carve me a pair of plump breasts embedded with shells?" Kang Orr, whose entire body was frozen in ice with only one head left outside, was firing on all cylinders, making sounds. pollute.

"As soon as he opened his mouth, my dreams were filled with the sound of explosions and shootings." Martin picked up a piece of ice from the ground and put it over his eyes. He had been hit in the eyes by flying rocks in another explosion.

"Me too, brother." Tony bumped fists with Martin feebly. Neither he nor Martin were superhumans. Compared with those superhumans, they were still somewhat lacking in physical strength.

"Wait a minute, you're not going to leave me here alone, are you?" Kang Aer watched the group of people in front of him start to pack their things, with a trace of panic on his face: "This is so inhumane! Come back quickly! Yours Uncle Kang still has many life tips that he hasn’t shared yet!”

Kang Aer's one-man show full of irony made everyone fall into silence, including Tang Ji. This was the first time that he had such great anger against someone.

"Well, it looks like I didn't fool you." Kang Orr calmed down his expression and straightened out his distorted face that looked like Jim Carrey's: "I did learn a lot when that group of players tortured me. , such as how to use hypnosis to trick your brain into thinking you are dead."

After Kang Orr finished speaking, he burst into laughter. Now anyone can see that he really has mental problems.

"I should be able to freeze him completely before he does that." Chris raised her hand somewhat cautiously. She had lived on the Moonlight Gold for a long time, and Wu Qianying had always used her as an experimental assistant. He also gave her a generous salary.

After experiencing the previous kidnapping, Chrissy Cunningham is very satisfied with her current life. The Moonlight Gold undoubtedly has the best living facilities, and under the guidance of Wu Qianying, her abilities are constantly improving.

In Wu Qianying's words, if she could get a graduate degree, she would probably be able to improve her abilities to the LV2 level.

Chris's proposal was recognized by the team members. They have really experienced what people's war is in the past few days.

Kang Orr's psychopathy is almost pervasive. He is not only a superhuman, but also a good mercenary. He has also developed many evil tactics based on his own abilities.

Facts have proved that when one person is at risk, no matter how strict the blockade is, there are still loopholes. The only person in the team who has received sufficient rest is Vicky.

After being harassed again and again, Vicky simply used her own abilities to mentally disappear.

This time they captured Kang Orr alive thanks to Vicky. She blocked Surte, and the rest was easy.

But Tang Ji knew that if it was so easy to get rid of Kang Orr, then the other party's previous boastful words about players were just bragging.

"You are right, little girl. It takes me several hours to convince myself to die, so every time I am resurrected, I will give myself a psychological hint." Kang Aoer turned his head hard and stared with dead fish eyes.

Chris: "Once my consciousness is in a state of silence for a long time, I will default to death."

"I'm asking you one last time, if you are willing to give up your mission." Tang Ji took a deep breath and resisted the urge to shoot the opponent's head and asked.

If Frozen still can't control him for a long time, Tang Ji can only consider treating Greedy to a meal...

"Let daddy be happy, little beauty!" Kang Orr looked at Chrissy Cunningham expectantly, and his crazy eyes made Chrissy take a step back subconsciously.

Tang Ji waved his hand, and Chris completed the ice sculpture with understanding.

Looking at Kang Orr who was frozen inside, almost all the team members breathed a sigh of relief. Even Anthony felt a lot more relaxed.

Everyone waited in the warehouse for ten minutes, but Kang Orr was still trapped in the ice without any sign of disappearing, which seemed like a good sign.

But both Tang Ji and Wu Qianying behind the scenes knew that the Pioneers were definitely experts in freezing the human body. If Kang Aoer could be completely sealed by this method, this person would never appear like this.

"How long do you think you can trap him?" Tang Ji knocked on the ice. The ice formed by Chris was still strong. Tang Ji felt heartbroken when he thought that Tang Anran was trapped in the ice like this.

"If he can really achieve that level of hypnosis, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch him at all." Wu Qianying pushed up her glasses and said confidently: "Hypnosis and suggestion are both very delicate subjects. With Kang. Ao

With the qualities you have shown before, it is hard for me to believe that he has such profound attainments in this area."

"At most, he is only a little smarter than Martin and the Saints, and even worse than Ethan." Wu Qianying made a pertinent comment on Kang Auer's IQ, and by the way belittled the two illiterate people in the team. Surte because

Minors have temporarily escaped Dr. Wu's vicious tongue.

"He did escape from those players." Tang Ji turned around and walked out of the warehouse, nodding to the Valentino Gang gunman guarding the door: "We still can't take it lightly."

The other party immediately lowered his head deeply, not daring to look directly into Tang Ji's eyes. They would take over the follow-up work and be responsible for staring at Kang Aur in the ice. If he disappeared out of thin air, these gunmen would report it immediately.

"Believe me, even if he has other methods, they can only be based on supernatural abilities and cannot be hypnosis." Wu Qianying shrugged indifferently: "According to my observation, his neurosis should be disguised, maybe

This is the reason why he was thrown out by the players in the first place. A body that cannot be occupied and cannot cooperate is equal to garbage."

"Is there anything else I should know?" Tang Ji was used to Wu Qianying's analysis. Sometimes he felt that compared to Wu Qianying, his eyes were just decorations.

"If he really comes to you through resurrection again, I suggest you use your cruelty to dismember him and hurt him in the most cruel way." Wu Qianying frowned. She actually didn't want to tell Tang Ji this.

She knew Tang Ji. Although they had only known each other for less than two years, because of Tang Anran's relationship, Wu Qianying understood the unknown side of Tang Ji.

Tang Ji is a decisive and even decisive person. If killing someone can solve a problem, he will never give up the opportunity to pull the trigger.

He also has a strong sense of responsibility. Once he accepts someone or feels he owes someone a favor, he will never let it go.

But Tang Ji is not a cruel person. He will not torture others just to cause pain. He is more about judging and making the sinners deserve what they deserve...

Of course, this is just Wu Qianying's personal opinion, and Tang Ji's current public image cannot be cleansed at all.

Wu Qianying has recently been studying the concept of rage in a religious sense, and she knows that Tang Ji has been trying to maintain himself as the spokesperson of rage.

She must admit that the fit between rage and Tangji is too high. Its basic concept is the desire for revenge caused by negative emotions such as hatred and anger.

Cruelty and bloodthirsty can also be summed up in the concept of rage. Wu Qianying didn't want Tang Ji to fall into it, but she knew that what Tang Ji couldn't tolerate was failure, and he would not let himself be slowed down by such a clown.

"Kang Orr's reaction to pain is a disguise. He is not a masochist, he is afraid of pain." Wu Qianying sighed and explained: "I have repeatedly studied the video footage of him, and I am very sure that he has a reaction to pain.

It feels normal, he just shows this side deliberately."

"I can't imagine how he developed such an almost instinctive reaction, but I guess the player left him with more than just mental trauma." Wu Qianying finally warned: "As long as you break through his psychological defense,

He will no longer be your problem."

Tang Ji glanced back at the warehouse, feeling more and more that he was a blind man. He didn't see that Kang Orr was pretending at all, but considering Wu Qianying's research on micro-expressions, he chose to trust Dr. Wu's judgment.



Mikkelsen is very busy. He has hundreds of undercover clones in various organizations, many of whom have reached high-level positions.

It can be said that at this stage, many regional wars between organizations simply involve Mikkelsen fighting with his left hand and his right hand. As a real boss who stirs up the world's situation, Mikkelsen's time is worth tens of thousands of dollars.

But now, there is such a clone, who is reluctantly huddled in Antarctica, either raising pigs or mixing feed every day.

This troubles Mikkelsen. Life in the Antarctic Circle seems to still be stuck in the last century. The increasingly chaotic world has almost nothing to do with it, and the attention of major companies rarely focuses here.

Here, the main means of transportation are traditional fossil fuels, and oil tankers from the Petrochemical Alliance come here every once in a while to do business.

It is said that Antarctica has become their third largest market. As one of the masterminds behind two corporate wars in the city, defeating the Petrochemical Alliance has always been a milestone in Mikkelsen's life.

It is definitely a great pleasure for Mikkelsen to see his former rivals doing this kind of begging business, but if the business in Antarctica of the Petrochemical Alliance is not known at all by his undercover agents in the Petrochemical Alliance, Mikkelsen will be happy

Won't come out.

Obviously, there is a force within the Petrochemical Alliance that he has never known existed.

Considering his status as many undercover agents in the Petrochemical Alliance, this force is obviously very hidden, and the status of the mastermind behind the scenes must be very high.

The first thing he thought of was Saudi Aramco, a ghost company that no longer exists but is still alive.

Before the first corporate war, the shadow of Saudi Aramco was behind the second Yom Kippur War initiated by OPEC, the predecessor of the Petrochemical Alliance.

Unfortunately, in the subsequent corporate war, with the rise of the new energy industry, the traditional energy industry became the loser. OPEC became the petrochemical alliance, and its internal power was gradually controlled by the federal and European Union energy groups.

Saudi Aramco became the first victim of internal consumption within the petrochemical alliance. It can be said that a fallen Saudi Aramco made the entire petrochemical alliance successful.

But the group of people who once controlled Saudi Aramco still exist. They relied on diversified investments, backdoor listings and other means to integrate early and hide in the petrochemical alliance.

Mikkelsen has always suspected that that group of people was most likely the earliest naturalized people, but they were hidden too deep and there was no tail for Mikkelsen to catch.

Now, Mikkelsen finally found their traces in Antarctica, which was forgotten by civilization.

A large-scale body warehouse, as well as the supporting greedy blood production line and supernatural ability laboratory, these things require a huge amount of resources and manpower.

No matter how clean the pioneers are, it is only on the Internet, and they cannot clean up the traces in the real world.

After just lurking here for a few days, Mikkelsen heard some useful information from his 'brethren'.

For example, last year many large ships appeared nearby, and a cruise ship sank nearby, with bodies frozen in the massive amounts of ice rolled up.

For another example, the cave of the Big Stomach God hides a tunnel leading to the Kingdom of God...

That night, Mikkelsen used the excuse of venting his animal desires to select a male believer and bring him into his tent, transforming him into a new clone.

Then he personally escorted his clone and turned him into a sacrifice to the Big Stomach God.

The newly arrived Mikkelsen had no special equipment, only a cold-proof suit, a dagger temporarily gifted by his "senior", a pistol, and a flashlight before he climbed down into the bottomless abyss of the Big Stomach God.

The body occupied by this clone is just an ordinary person. He can only bite the flashlight and climb down bit by bit along the rope fixed in advance by his "senior".

Thank God, that layer of black mist was not corrosive and was just a simple blindfold. Mikkelsen shined his flashlight downwards. It was still dark below and nothing could be seen. Only the rumbling sound surrounding his ears became clearer.


As if there was a subway tunnel below and he was passing through the subway, Mikkelsen had no expression on his face and just continued to climb downward.

But until he climbed to the end of the rope, Mikkelsen could only grit his teeth, turn around and jump off the bottomless abyss, hoping that he would land safely...

This chapter has been completed!
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