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Chapter 279 a nightmare

"Their dreams are very special. I can only maintain this dream through indirect means and cannot interfere in any way."

"why me?"

"I don't know who else to believe in this matter except you. I am sure that their world appears in their dreams, a higher and more perfect world..."

"Or, that's heaven? Who can return from heaven and still be angry at angels? Only you, furious, only you..."

"If that world was really perfect, they wouldn't always want to go to other worlds."

"Haha, yes, what do I know? I'm just a woman playing with dreams..."



There is a gray mist all around, and its rust-like smell can be smelled even in dreams. There is no sense of smell in dreams, unless this smell has invaded the bone marrow, permeated the soul, and become the instinct of the dream owner.


This is the first time Tang Ji has intuitively witnessed the player's world. Of course, this is a dream after all, so it may not be that intuitive.

For example, now, as a huge light beam almost connects the sky and the earth, the fog is temporarily dispersed, and the light beam sweeps along the street, allowing Tang Ji to clearly see the scene in the distance.

At a glance, you can see endless streets, with identical black buildings on both sides of the road, like some kind of inferior repetitive texture.

Tang Ji walked forward along the street, and the owner of the happy dream that led him to this strange dreamland had disappeared. Obviously, it was not easy for Tang Ji, a foreign consciousness, to appear in this vast dreamland.

He noticed that the road under his feet seemed to be made of a kind of black crystal, as smooth as a mirror, but without any projection. Staring for a long time gave people a strange feeling of dizziness, just like staring at calm water.

The buildings nearby are also made of the same materials, which makes the boundary between the road and the wall infinitely blurred. The only thing that can make people perceive the sense of space is gravity.

The first feeling that Tang Ji felt from the world presented in the entire dream was solemnity, like a huge cemetery, thick and obscure.

There were no pedestrians on the road, or it should be said that there was nothing except Tang Ji. He didn't know whether this was caused by the dream mapping, or whether the player's world was originally like this.

Tang Ji was not confused by this emptiness. He identified a direction and kept moving forward. The Lord of Dreams just said that the existence of dreams is centered on the person who builds dreams.

There is no direction here. No matter which direction you go, there will always be people building dreams in front of you.

Soon Tang Ji heard some noisy music. This sound seemed to be everywhere in the background, but when you carefully searched for its source and melody, it disappeared, like invisible cat claws scratching in your heart.

Some abstract figures began to appear on the roadside, most of them were wearing uniform clothes, while a few were wearing different styles of strange clothes.

Continuing to move forward, Tang Ji noticed that the number of figures on the street gradually increased, even forming a long queue, and the outlines of some of them became more specific, forming vague facial features.

Tang Ji ignored the crowd in line, pushed away the figure in front of him and continued to move forward. He carefully controlled his power.

The Lord of Happy Dreams said that this place is as fragile as the phantom on a soap bubble, which will break with a little force.

"It would be great if I could become a pioneer. My contribution is too low and I can't go to those interesting worlds." The person in front of Tang Ji said in a dull tone.

The crowd in front of Tang Ji was getting denser and denser, and he had to push away the crowd to move forward. The details of these people were becoming more and more real, almost no different from real people.

They had more and more lines, but they were all related to pioneering and contribution. Hundreds of people gathered around Tang Ji and kept repeating fixed lines as if chanting sutras, making him dizzy with the noise.

"Yorelli Lassoga, we regret to inform you that you do not have any talents. You will be deprived of the memory of living in the City of Glory and go to live on the surface."

A new background sound appeared, low and gentle, but the effect was like thunder, and the figures surrounding Tang Ji all screamed in panic.

Tang Ji pushed hard against the wall of people in front of him, and finally an open space appeared in front of him, allowing him to breathe.

He continued to walk forward, and the pedestrians along the way gradually began to have a unified face, a brown face that looked a little sad.

They were dressed very casually, and some even wore something similar to a sack, as if they didn't care about their image at all.

Tang Ji saw something similar to a drinking pool appearing dozens of meters apart on the roadside. Occasionally, pedestrians would stand nearby and use cups to take colorful gelatinous substances from the outlet of the thin water pipe.

He noticed that most of the people who did this were wearing very casual clothes. When eating the colloid, a happy expression would appear on their faces, but this expression would soon dissipate when the eating behavior ended.

Tang Ji also tried to interact with this food maker, but the colorful gelatin flowed straight through his hands, as if it was just an illusion.

"That is Caixia, an ultimate food that only exists in our world, and a technology that involves the three major committees of soul, consciousness and body." A sudden voice sounded in Tang Ji's ears.

Tang Ji's hair suddenly stood up, he turned around as quickly as possible and got ready for battle.

However, opposite him, there was only a fluffy-looking puppy squatting, and the puppy was still peeing.

"That's right, I'm talking to you." The puppy shivered and spoke in human language: "This is just a projection of a shallow dream, not even a dream in the true sense, so Yoreli.

There is no way Lasoga can provide an alien consciousness like you with the eating experience of Caixia."

"Of course, even in a dream where he is 100% immersed, he can't do this." The puppy made a follow-me gesture towards Tang Ji, turned around and walked forward.

"Yorelli Lasoga is actually a very smart child. He is only a little short of being able to stay in that glorious city and become a quasi-supreme person." The puppy shook his head, as if he was speaking for Yoreli.

Leigh Lassoga lamented: "He just lacks a little bit of creativity."

"What are you!" Tang Ji put his hand on the prelude, and the weapon was also projected over. The ability of [Weapon of Revenge] turned it into an inseparable part of Tang Ji to a certain extent.

"Me? You can think of me as a stray dog ​​that only exists in the consciousness of these players, or think of me as some kind of firewall." The puppy licked his paws: "I was created at 003.96 standard time.

It is used to protect the player’s soul from being harmed in this world.”

"By the way, I am version 0.1 of Ahpla. This meeting was purely accidental. We were not supposed to have the opportunity to meet directly, but your world always brings us surprises." The puppy shrugged very humanely.

Shrugging: "Did you know? In fact, in our world, dreaming is a very luxurious thing. Yoreli Lassoga only enjoys 8.9% brain utilization when he is awake.


"When he is in an inactive state, all his brain functions belong to the committee." The puppy smiled and showed a somewhat playful expression: "So when he is in an inactive state in your world, he suddenly appears

If there is an abnormal data call application, I will come."

"Let me tell you a joke, and treat it as a gift for our first meeting." The puppy waggled its tail and continued to move forward: "Yorelli Lassoga received nearly a hundred years of basic education in the Glory City, but

Now he behaves as recklessly as a muscular high school football player in your world because we deleted the knowledge he once received to ensure that the spare brainpower can be better utilized, so in our world the idiot is

Brains are more valuable!”

Tanguy couldn't laugh at all. This kind of hellish joke was only funny when told by Yoreli Lassoga himself.

"Why are you telling me this?" Tang Ji stood there and stopped moving forward. In front of him was the body of Yoreli Lassoga. The face that Tang Ji had grown tired of seeing along the way looked around in confusion, as if wondering.

own situation.

"Maybe it's because of self-esteem? The people who created me don't seem to want you to think of them, or us, as existences like Yoreli Lassoga." The puppy scratched its face impatiently with its paws: "Anyway, since

We meet because of various accidents, so how about each leaving a good impression on the other?"

"Quickly use your special torch to light Yoreli Lassoga, and then let me start my work." The puppy pointed at Yoreli Lassoga in the distance: "This is my mission.

And you’re happy to do it, aren’t you?”

"Are you the AI ​​they created?" Tang Ji tried to get more information from the other party. He tried to keep all the information in his mind and planned to go back and let smart people analyze it.

"AI?" The puppy patted its head hard with its paw, as if the word was some kind of insulting word, but then it sighed and said in a coaxing tone: "Okay, with your level of education,

This is probably the only word you can find. You can treat me as some kind of AI. I have no objection. How about you accept my kindness now?"

"If you don't plan to take action, I will dispel this poor dream projection. This is also part of my job." The puppy rolled on the ground and looked at Tang Ji with his head tilted: "Don't get me wrong, no.

Trap, from now on, as long as you are still using that ability to try to kill any player, I will try to understand and counterattack, so why not start now."

"Normally, I don't like to kill people who have no ability to resist." Tang Ji pulled out the prelude and pointed at Yoreli Lassoga: "But..."


Bah! Bah!

The bullet chamber of the prelude was emptied instantly, but the bullets were all heading towards the puppy. Tang Ji didn't care whether the bullets worked or not, he himself had already pounced on the dog!

Normally Tang Ji would not talk so much with the enemy unless he wanted to launch a sneak attack.

When the bullet hit the ground, the ground instantly shattered like real glass. No, to be precise, the entire dream was shattered.

Before Tang Ji touched the puppy, the whole world had been shattered. He and the dog were as close as a few feet, but yet so far away.

A crack separated him and the dog into two different fragments, drifting further and further apart.

Tang Ji saw an unreasonable expression on the dog's face. It was difficult for him to understand why a dog could make such rich and vivid expressions, but that dog could do it.

The puppy jumped from one fragment to another. After several jumps, it held Yoreli Lassoga in its mouth. At this moment, the dog seemed to have turned into the size of a prehistoric giant beast, and then quickly disappeared into the endless

in fragments.

Tang Ji could only watch all this happen. His observation perspective had long ago changed from the first-person perspective in the body to the third-person perspective in the void.

He saw his body trapped in one of the fragments floating into the distance. Two sun-like light sources appeared in the void, quickly expanded to occupy his entire field of vision, then quickly zoomed away, and then became the size of a pupil.

What appeared next was the delicate cheek of the female host, the light in her pupils was the reflection of the outdoor sunlight in her pupils, and then the familiar room of Tang Ji and the familiar back figure in the distance appeared.

When he lowered his head, he was still sitting on the sofa, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, as if what happened before was just a dream.

No, that was a dream. The Lord of Happy Dreams was looking at Tang Ji with eager eyes, as if expecting him to share with him what he saw and gained in the dream.

But the next second, the dream lord screamed, and the entire distorted TV image flickered, and then Tang Ji's entire dream began to flicker.

The ceiling was collapsing, cracks appeared in the walls, the ground was shaking, and the next second the entire dream was torn apart in front of Tang Ji.

He was left sitting still with a cup of coffee in his hand.


Tang Ji didn’t remember holding the coffee before entering the player’s dream!

His hand shook, and all the hot coffee spilled on his body. Tang Ji subconsciously stood up straight, and the coffee cup fell to the ground with a crisp clatter.

"What's going on! That bastard is here again?" Martin woke up instantly from the sofa, took out a submachine gun from his arms, and aimed the gun around with sleepy eyes.

Following closely behind was the Saint, who jumped up almost instantly, holding a cross dagger in each hand.

"What's wrong!" Vicky stood at the door holding a plate of snacks, startled by the strange thing in the room.

Soult appeared in the middle of the living room like the wind, still holding a crutch in his hand: "I searched the surrounding area for a hundred meters, and found no trace of Kang Aur!"

Looking at Surte, whose tip had been flattened, Tang Ji looked down at the coffee spilled on his body, then looked around, pinched himself hard, and felt a trace of pain before telling everyone

Said: "It's okay, I had a nightmare."

"Oh." Martin put the submachine gun back under his arm and was about to fall back to sleep, but he immediately bounced back up.

Who? Who had a nightmare?

This chapter has been completed!
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