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Chapter 285 Enemy attack!

Wang Zhengdao even had time to finish a cup of coffee in Tang Ji's living room. Of course he knew that there was someone beside him who was informing the pioneer forces.

But these people are either important figures embedded in government agencies, or they are simply intelligence brokers who have no idea who they are working for.

Unless he intends to be like Mikkelsen, who does not suggest killing people at all, otherwise he can only endure this situation silently.

The reason why the European Union is willing to give the green light to the Ark Organization is mainly because they have a very good external image and can be called a neutral and good camp among superhuman forces.

On the opposite side, the pioneer forces and naturalized forces naturally occupy the chaotic evil side, while the Joint Enterprise Investigation Office represented by Mikkelsen is assigned to the lawful evil camp.

As for Tang Ji, Wang Zhengdao, a serious DND enthusiast, generally regards him as a chaotic neutral player. Of course, if Tang Ji is regarded as an independent force, it is not wrong to say that he is lawful neutral.

After all, as the strongest person currently known to mankind, Tang Ji himself represents this force that cannot be ignored.

"Mikkelsen asked me to stand by with you, waiting for his signal, and be ready to space jump to the Antarctic at any time." Wang Zhengdao drank hot coffee to save calories and flipped through his phone: "Can you find me some cold-proof clothing?

I might freeze to death in this suit.

The team members reviewed each other's physiques, and finally Tony shared his spare winter combat uniform with Wang Zhengdao.

This winter combat uniform with built-in electric heating and the dragon scale armor protection system are from the same manufacturer and have always been known for being expensive and reliable. The price of each set is basically more than 50,000 federal coins.

"I've always been curious about what kind of person Gluttony is. As one of the Seven Deadly Sins, he was too honest to stay with the Trail Blazers." Wang Zhengdao quickly put on a gray-white winter suit and selected it from Tang Ji's arsenal.

After picking and choosing, I selected a Shingen smart submachine gun.

Since Miwako arrived, weapons from Arasaka Military Industries have become a new choice for team members. Miwako has a way to get almost all weapons from Arasaka Military Industries, including those experimental ones, at prices far below cost.

For example, this smart submachine gun, internally codenamed Shingen, is even smaller than some large ordinary submachine guns.

But it integrates a series of technical equipment such as enemy detection radar, bullet tracking, automatic loading system, and holographic eyepiece, which is incredibly exquisite.

Of course, its price can be seen from the micro-engraved signature on the handle, which reads in neon: Forget Me Not.

This gun can fire two hundred and seventy bullets per minute, with an average bullet value of seventy-five federal coins. More importantly, in order to use its full capabilities, the user must be equipped with the matching Arasaka Group military chip.

Miwako snatched the bankrupt artifact and stuffed it into her backpack, then picked out a Shigure submachine gun and gave it to him: "You should use this gun, that gun is memorable to me...


Miwako has great respect for this superhuman who once rescued her from the devil's cave with Tang Ji. In her eyes, this powerful person who can travel between two countries in an instant is more worthy of respect than her own leader who kills people and sets fire every day.

At the same time, information from Mikkelsen was constantly being passed on, and Martin was preparing more explosives and flamethrower fuel according to new requirements.

Ethan is adjusting a microwave signal locator based on another Mikkelsen's instructions


An air strike team consisting of two F-48s has taken off, and Ethan needs to use this thing in his hand to guide the bombing point.

And Martin brought the one hundred rounds of special bullets containing radioactive materials and wore them on his body. According to Mi Chengsiyuan, Gluttony is now a huge mass of flesh that cannot be seen as human-shaped. It is not yet certain whether it is still alive. Have human consciousness.

This news put some pressure on Cheng Si. As a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, Gluttony was tempted by instinct just like him.

The other party has obviously completely succumbed to the desire represented by the concept of gluttony and transformed into a true gluttony form.

Why was Cai Cai promoted so quickly? Martin was not sure of this possibility, but he had seen the final result of succumbing to one's nature.

Greed also tried hard to fight against his own instinct, and he won. Martin didn't know what his future would be. He was worried that his future would really turn into what the prophet had seen...a complete madman who only knew about killing.

The crisp collision sound of bullets being loaded into the cylinder reassured Martin to a certain extent. He immediately closed the special sealed ammunition box and inserted the prelude back into the holster.

Putting on the dragon scale armor, putting on the tactical helmet, and adding [reinforcement] effects to the team members' armor one by one, Martin completed all the pre-war preparations in an orderly manner.

Everyone brought an extra box full of heavy firepower for Tang Ji to deal with those formidable enemies. Cheng Siyuan was calculating the load and considering how many times he would need to take all these people over.

"Right now, the precise coordinates and environment sketch have been sent to your email." Mi Cheng Siyuan's voice finally appeared on Surte's mobile phone: "Pay attention to the transmission accuracy, don't send people directly into the belly of gluttony."

"Confirm the target for the last time!" Cheng Si stood in front of Surte: "The troops are divided into two groups, I want both Gluttony and the warehouse!"

Miwang Zhengdao No. 1 was finally discovered by a short tentacle, but to his surprise, these tentacles growing on Gluttony actually had independent consciousness!

This tentacle, which is only two meters long and looks not much thicker than a human wrist, actually intends to eat alone, without any other tentacles realizing that there is delicious food around it!

"A new discovery, are you a parasite or the subconscious mind of gluttony?" Mi Wang Zhengdao No. 1 took out a dagger and confronted the tentacle in the air.

On the upper platform, other Mi Wang Zhengdao was struggling to resist the attack from the tentacles. The chain saw worked wonders in Mi Wang Zhengdao's hands, waving the tentacles left and right, sawing blood and flesh.

When a person completely overcomes his fear of alien species, the tool-using characteristics of the terrifying Ape erectus can be fully exerted.

The Miwang Zhengdao here does not have any supernatural abilities, but the cooperation is so tacit that the tentacles cannot break through the defense line composed of two shields.

The next second, four figures wearing gray and white tactical uniforms suddenly appeared on the metal platform. One of them disappeared again in an instant, leaving only three people.

Martin, Tangji, and Coulson have already appeared in the Antarctic base.

"This place is so cold... this is fucking! What the hell!" Tang Ji, who had not yet recovered from the aftereffects of a long-distance space jump, subconsciously closed his hands and hugged a thick tentacle!

The end of the tentacle suddenly split open, and the fine fangs and slender rods swept back and forth, streaking streaks of mucus on Cheng Si's tactical eyepiece.

If Cheng Si and his equipment hadn't carried enough weight, he would have lost the ability to resist like the previous volunteers who were thrown into the sky.

Tang Ji seemed to be wrestling with a python, his hands constantly exerting force, pulling the tentacles away from him bit by bit.


The tentacle was split in half by Martin's knife, and the injured rear half quickly retracted into the ground like an abyss, leaving only the front half still ferociously exerting force under Cheng Si's control, trying to pounce on his face.

Coulson was like a whirlwind, sweeping across the entire metal platform in an instant, using the forearm-long saber in his hand to cut off all the raging tentacle monsters.

"Gluttony is down there, there are guards behind the door, and there is a railway leading to the location." Micheng Siyuan No. 2 immediately finished introducing the situation: "I will be responsible for opening this door in a while. Your people need to use the best methods.

Go through the passage quickly and look for the body warehouse."

When talking about the fastest speed, Mi Wang Zhengdao's eyes were fixed on Coulson.

He has always regretted that he did not have a simple and weak ability user like Cheng Siyuan. Among the superhuman clones he occupied, there were few superhumans with such strength, and he deeply regretted this.

Coulson was shocked by the sight of Mi Wang Zhengdao, and he went to the lower platform in an instant by cleaning up the tentacles.

Tang Ji threw away the active end of the tentacle in his hand, ran to the lower platform carrying a huge box, and took out a huge searchlight from inside.


The entire abyss was illuminated, and Mi Wang Zhengdao and Martin were finally able to see the true face of Gluttony.

The red and purple flesh filled the entire abyss, and a 'big mouth' about five meters in diameter opened in the center of the mass of flesh.

The densely packed tentacles are like repellents on carrion, covering the surface of the meat mass, and snakes are dancing wildly under the strong light.

Martin took out a lighting rod, folded it hard and threw it down. It fell into the huge mouth of the abyss. The light continued to fall down to a height of more than ten meters and suddenly disappeared.

Gluttony at this time is like a Bobbitt bug that is so thick that it blocks the sewer, and grows upward little by little with every meal.

Miwang Zhengdao No. 1, who was holding a small tentacle in his hand, waved to Cheng Si at the bottom of the pit and threw the tentacle into the abyss.

Soult appeared again with three more players, this time Anthony, Saint, and Tony.

"Damn it, what did I see!" Tony leaned half of his body out of the guardrail and shouted exaggeratedly. He thought his life was already science fiction, but he didn't expect that it would end and become fantasy now.

Anthony took out the rope that had been prepared for a long time and went down it, allowing Miwang Zhengdao No. 1 to climb up and away from the flesh and blood body.

The saint held a compound bow in his hand, and nailed the tentacles that had found prey and planned to attack to Gluttony's body or the wall, causing Gluttony's entire body to tremble.

The pioneers were worried about Gluttony's awakening, but Cheng Si and the others didn't care.

According to the original plan, if Gluttony still maintains the ability to communicate, they will find a way to rescue this "fat boy" after consensus and escape the clutches of the Trail Blazers.

But now it seems that it has degenerated into a monster without the ability to think.

Miwang Zhengdao No. 1 searched for a long time, but could not find any other facial features except the mouthparts. There was no nose, no ears, and no eyes.

They were either buried deeper in the bottomless abyss, covered in layers of fat, or they were simply eliminated in the earth.

After all, Gluttony lives in a straight cave where food is poured in from above. The place is dark and noisy, and there is no need for him to hunt independently.

Cheng Si would not be surprised at all if Gluttony chose to remove his eyes and ears in this environment and degenerate a more efficient respiratory system to support his huge body.

Under the cover of the team members, Miwang Zhengdao quickly cleaned up all the mechanical equipment that needed to be cleaned, and then Tang Ji turned off the searchlight.

"I will open the door in three minutes. Your people will be responsible for clearing the guards behind the door, and then continue to move forward along the railway to find a passage to the body warehouse." Mi Wang Zhengdao said to Cheng Si: "I will leave a few

I personally try to call out the personality consciousness of gluttony with you.

"Are you sure that thing still has personality consciousness?" The saint frowned and crossed himself on his forehead: "That is the incarnation of the devil!"

Mi Wang Zhengdao did not want to argue with a fanatical believer who even needed to look up the Bible in a dictionary, so he continued: "If conventional means cannot awaken his personality consciousness, you need to try with your fire. If all methods prove ineffective, I

A clone will be left behind to guide missiles to attack him."

"What if the missile can't kill him?" Cheng Si looked at the ground below and asked in a dull tone.

"Then I can only trouble you to run a few more times and bring back enough strong acid liquid." Mi Wang Zhengdao also looked down, feeling a lot.

Unexpectedly, gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins, has fallen to such a low level.

Three minutes passed quickly. At this time, the F-48 had entered the Antarctic Circle and the missile had entered the range.

Martin's team members lined up on both sides of the airtight door, watching Mi Wang Zhengdao bang the door hard with an iron rod: "Open the door! We are still alive!"

After a short wait, the airtight door slowly opened, and the officer and the priest stood together with smiles on their faces, obviously feeling lucky that these volunteers could complete their mission.

The former is happy that they don't have to send their own people to die, while the latter believes that these people have demonstrated the superiority of their Advent sect in front of the converts.

The guards at the door also had smiles on their faces, and they were not jealous of the triumphant heroes. But the next second they stopped laughing. Four detonation bombs were thrown in and exploded in mid-air.

It made everyone's eyes go blank and their ears roared.

Cheng Siyuan rushed through the gap in the air-tight door in one sprint, ignoring the guards on both sides, and disappeared at the end of the passage in an instant.

"Close the door! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" The officer was the first to react, and he was also the first to die. The saint killed him with one shot, followed by the priest himself, and then the guards on both sides. The battle only lasted six seconds.

, all twenty-nine guards were killed.

This chapter has been completed!
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