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Chapter 291 They are coming

The entire body warehouse is constructed using a large number of modular composite materials. It can be seen that a lot of money has been spent. It maintains good ventilation inside, allowing the natural cold air of the Antarctic to be discharged into the warehouse, so that all body life-support cabins can be maintained at the same temperature.

Under low temperature environment.

The reason why Anthony and the others were able to find Surte so quickly is because the destination of almost all the passages here is the body warehouse located in the middle of the base.

It is highly automated and does not require any managers. Only when the pioneers were in this world, there were a few naturalized people responsible for maintenance and security working here.

Most of these people had just been killed by Sirte, and less than ten survivors were now hiding in the central control room, planning to rely on its strong door to resist.

But these things were meaningless in front of Wang Zhengdao's space jump. He only brought the saint alone to end this final resistance.

However, this does not mean that the entire base is undefended. These naturalized people only have the lowest level of authority and cannot terminate the automatic defense system in the warehouse.

For example, those ball-shaped robots, and more automatic firepower points.

Martin used a dozen body survival capsules as bunkers, blocked the entire passage, and used his large-caliber machine guns to destroy the guard robots one by one like target practice.

A few minutes later, robots were still popping up endlessly, but now they no longer rushed into the passage, but flashed past in the distant body matrix, maintaining a sense of presence.

"They learned wisely." Martin used his marksmanship and experience to achieve another victory, while the shadow on the side gave up the plan of shooting.

His weapon's penetrating power is too strong. If you don't find a good angle, it will easily cause accidental damage to those canned bodies.

"How many bodies have they hidden?" Anthony looked at the spectacular matrix of bodies in front of him and showed a rare expression of shock.

He made a rough calculation and found that the number of physical life-saving cabins in front of him must be more than 5,000, and Surte came up from the third level, which means that there are at least 15,000 people here.

These people were placed there like frozen pork in a slaughterhouse, displaying their abilities with a sign, as if that was the only value of their existence.

[Pablo Smith, 32 years old

Ability: Shadow Walker LV1 (can travel freely in the shadow within fifteen meters, no adverse effects found, huge potential)

Appearance: 82 points

Status: Healthy, memory has been cleaned, ready for use

Number of times descended: 0

Storage time: January 31, 2054

High-end body, not to be used as a pioneer body】

This was one of the bodies that Martin carried out and used to build a bunker. This information was written on the LCD panel.

The man in the survival capsule looked very majestic and had good features. It was a pity that there were no movie fans here, otherwise he would have recognized him as a second-rate movie star who disappeared in the plane crash three years ago.

Air crashes are undoubtedly a good friend of the Trail Blazers. With the computing power of the wetware matrix, in a sense, it is not an exaggeration to say that they control their destiny.

Through a series of calculations, they can finally pull a large number of predetermined targets to the same destination, such as an airplane.

An entire plane of passengers eventually suffered a plane crash with no survivors. Such an accident would neither arouse suspicion from other forces nor cause greater social unrest.

But as the pioneers gradually emerged, this inefficient method was eliminated.

They used simpler and more direct methods to accumulate a huge fortune. There were twelve thousand high-end bodies, twice that number of high-quality mid-range bodies, and 500 priceless top-level bodies.

All of this is now being displayed in front of Tangji's team, and the only thing standing in their way is a group of robots controlled by programs.

Ethan's drone is cruising down layer by layer, building a more comprehensive three-dimensional map.

Dealing with this group of robots is actually very simple. Just destroy the base's energy supply facilities and these robots will become decorations.

A certain Mikkelsen who entered the base with them was currently counting the assets of the pioneers, while Central Mikkelsen, who was far away at the headquarters in Hawaii, had already begun to contact the transport and escort ships and plan the route.

The pioneers may be able to transport across space by opening dimensional gates, but Mikkelsen can only transport these bodies in more traditional ways.

Even Mikkelsen couldn't figure out whether the elimination of Gluttony would cause greater losses to the pioneers, or whether the loss of these bodies would have a greater impact on them.

He only knows that without these bodies, those players who want to enter this world on a large scale can only look for opportunities bit by bit like the original pioneers.

This is definitely the most important turning point in this war!

Thinking of this, even an old popsicle like Mikkelsen couldn't help but smile, and said to Wang Zhengdao: "This operation can buy us at least two years!"

"Two years. In two years, maybe Tang Ji alone will be able to frighten those players." Wang Zhengdao narrowed his eyes, as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his whole body.

He was originally a fair and peaceful person, and his motto was not to argue, otherwise he would not be the prophet's most trusted person.

Wang Zhengdao does not want to climb up and gain more power. His ideal is to become an explorer who can go on adventures around the world, see novel scenery, and explore secret places that no one has ever been to.

Perhaps this is the reason why his ability after awakening is to jump in space. When Wang Zhengdao was a boy, he dreamed more than once of getting up early to stretch on the top of the Egyptian pyramids, washing his face at the Nicaragua Falls, and finally having breakfast in a small restaurant in his hometown.

But the pressure brought by the Trail Blazers forced Wang Zhengdao to keep moving forward.

He travels around the world every day to hunt down dangerous elements who are on the prophet's list, and gets entangled with official-speaking bastards within the European Union over ECS affairs.

He didn't even dare to sleep too hard for fear of missing a phone call and causing a catastrophe. If it weren't for his excellent physical fitness from years of martial arts training, Wang Zhengdao would have collapsed long ago.

Now, he finally saw the slightest possibility of realizing his dream.

"They have taken control of the body warehouse." Mikkelsen, who was standing in front of the bottomless abyss, generously threw a whole box of unopened Tree of Life to Tang Ji: "In three days at most, I can take over this place.


"Don't be too happy, none of those pioneers showed up." Tang Ji looked at the time and waited patiently for the plane to arrive.

Before seeing Gluttony's body, he didn't believe that the monster could be eliminated so easily.

Before transporting those bodies away, he couldn't believe that the pioneers just raised their hands and surrendered.

If the world was so lucky, they wouldn't be fighting to death here. Tang Ji was not a pessimist, he just didn't believe that things would end so easily.

For Tang Ji, the world has only two colors: black and red since the Red Sun Incident. In such a world, the light of hope is even a bit dazzling.

"My informants told me that after they realized that Wang Zhengdao was looking for you, all those pioneers went offline." Mikkelsen said with a smile on his lips: "Now, several of my clones are carrying

Commandos try to get into Walter's company and clean out their bodies."

"Those bastards are very smart, they are in the same building as the new W Palace, and those political idiots are talking official talk with my people." Mikkelsen blew out a smoke ring of contempt: "I have been thinking over the years, when I

Is it right to sit back and watch the federal government be dismantled? But every time I see those people playing politics, I feel like I did the right thing."

Tanguy couldn't understand Mikkelsen's emotion. He was born in the post-federal era and knew nothing about that era of big government. He was originally just a small law enforcer who wanted to live a good life.

But now, he was standing next to the nuclear bomb blast pit, smoking a cigarette, chatting and laughing with the world's biggest conspirator, and could only say that things in the world are unpredictable.

"Coming." After a long silence, Mikkelsen looked into the distance, where a transport plane that was lowering its altitude drew two white lines in the sky.

Soon, the transport plane passed over the heads of Tang Ji and the two at a not very fast speed, and dozens of blue plastic buckets with parachutes were thrown down.

These active paramotors adjusted their directions on their own and slowly fell into the bottomless pit. Following a dozen soft sounds, a hint of coolness emerged from the bottom of the pit, and more steam splashed up.

Another orange-red painted box landed directly on the open space dozens of meters behind them, containing the equipment Mikkelsen needed.

The Mikkelsens swarmed up, opened the box, and quickly built a temporary rappelling platform next to the bottomless abyss.

Tang Ji, with the help of the Mikkelsons, put on a heavy radiation protection suit. On the other side, the Mikkelson who had talked to Tang Ji before also put on the same equipment.

The two of them each brought a bunch of equipment, stood on the rappelling platform, and descended quickly under the control of other Mikkelsen.

At this time, the steam emerging from the bottom has been reduced visibly to the naked eye. A large amount of water vapor is condensed by the cold air on the surrounding rock walls, forming various patterns. When the light sweeps across, it exudes a dreamlike luster.

After only descending fifty meters, the landscape here changed. It was originally a barrel-shaped pit, but now it had expanded to both sides and turned into a crack on the glacier.

It is said that this place was originally a deep glacier crack, but the excess crack was blocked by the high-grade filler used by the pioneers, and it became the bottomless abyss. The impact caused by the nuclear bomb explosion obviously restored the place to its former glory.

of landforms.

After descending another thirty meters, a huge piece of ice peeled off the glacier blocked their way. Neither Tangji nor Mikkelsen were geologists, so they couldn't see how it was formed. They only knew this thing.

Blocking his own way.

Mikkelsen used a scanner to scan the thickness of the ice below. The good news was that the space after fifteen meters was still empty. The bad news was that they had to dig out the fifteen meters themselves.

Tang Ji silently threw all the tools he carried on the ground, raised a pickaxe and started to shave the ice. He now knew why the other party had to bring him with him.

For humans, the huge force hit the ice and only caused a splash of ice. Tang Ji's move was like a foolish old man moving a mountain, which was ridiculed by nature.

A violent shaking came from under their feet, and another shaking came from the depths of the endless cracks on both sides. A large amount of gravel and ice fell, almost making the two people unable to stand firmly.

This was obviously not Tang Ji's doing, but the stress on the glacier after the nuclear explosion was released bit by bit.

Tang Ji continued to dig the hole regardless, and soon he dug out a deep enough blast hole. Mikkelsen stuffed the explosive into the deep hole, filled it back with crushed ice, and blocked it with an expansion plug.

At the entrance of the dead cave, the two men detonated the explosives as soon as they returned to the rappelling platform and ascended to a safe distance.


The loud noise echoed in the silent underground space, and an obvious crack appeared on the ice, but it did not break directly as Mikkelsen hoped.

Tang Ji activated [Discover Weakness] and stared at the cracks in the ice. He suddenly took out the Prelude and fired continuously at the ice.

From his perspective, dots of red light were appearing and disappearing on the surface of the ice one after another.

But the bullets in the prelude were like soul-chasing arrows, biting every weak point. The fifteen-meter-thick ice layer was finally broken by the penetration of forty-two bullets, leaving a wide enough gap.


Mikkelsen glanced at Tangji meaningfully, and Mikkelsen, who was far away in Hawaii Island, recorded this vision in his file.

The rappelling platform continued to descend, and when they descended to a depth of 140 meters, they heard the sound of rushing water.

The two looked at each other, and the worry in Mikkelsen's eyes could not be dispelled.

If the nuclear bomb penetrated the ice cap below and let the seawater flood in, it would be difficult for them to confirm the state of Gluttony.

As the rappelling platform continues downward, it has reached the depth where the previous platform was, but all the artificial traces here have disappeared under the ravages of the nuclear explosion.

In fact, the space here has been greatly expanded. The entire bottomless abyss is now similar to the shape of a beer bottle. They have just passed through the bottleneck and entered the bottle body.

The unstable arched structure continued to drop debris. Under the light, the water surface full of broken ice below was rippled and slowly rising.

In this case, no one can go down and find out.

Mikkelsen, who was far away in the body warehouse, immediately realized the danger. He hurriedly walked to the sealed entrance. According to the current rising rate of water in the bottomless pit, it would be flooded in ten minutes at most.

A tunnel leads here.

A trace of fierceness flashed in Mikkelsen's eyes. At least these bodies will not be used by players. This is the best situation, however.

"Ah!" Ethan, who was sitting on the chair, suddenly screamed. In the drone picture, a naked body suddenly appeared in front of the camera and punched the drone, which almost scared Ethan.


In the footage of another drone, hundreds of opened body life-support capsules appeared, and the slippery nutrient solution on the floor pointed to the same path.

Here they come!

PS: I'm really sorry, this situation has happened again in the past two days. But it will return to normal starting from tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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