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Chapter 301 The players new mission

Dan Turan looked at his hands, and there was a strange light shining on his palms. It took him three minutes for this light to go from unstable to stable.

Then, Dan Turan waved his hand suddenly, leaving a three-meter-long scorch mark on the wall five meters away. He waved his other arm again, and another scorch mark intersected with the previous one to form an X shape.

However, this scorch mark is much shorter and very light in color. Rather than being scorched black, it is more like just a mark.

Dan Turan continued to wave his arms, but the wall opposite did not change. He lowered his head and looked at his hands, and the strange color had disappeared.

This was his first adventure into a different world, at least within his limited memory, it was the first time.

Because of poverty, Dan Turan had sold extra memory storage sectors several times before. When he was in the main world, he could only remember what happened in the last seven days most of the time.

Except for a few memories that are indispensable for survival, Dan Turan treated himself like a blank slate. He didn't even remember why he was chosen to come to this world.

But no matter what, this place is much better than the main world, and he must have sold himself at a good price and used the money to enjoy it. Dan Turan was very sure of this and quickly accepted his

New working environment.

Exercise and become familiar with your abilities. This is the only task in the task bar. Dan Turan followed the task prompts and tried to stabilize the light on his hand again.

But the next second, the wall collapsed suddenly, and the broken wall bricks and clods of earth hit Dan Turan's head and face, and the dust raised made him cough continuously.

In the dust, a man over two meters tall wearing only shorts patted his head and shook the debris out of his hair.

"Are you still practicing your superpowers?" The giant man rolled up his biceps to show off: "Look at these muscles, we really hit the jackpot this time, man!"

"Doligon! Stop playing!" Dan Turan shouted in disgrace as a flying brick smashed a big bump on his forehead.

Doligon, friend, can be trusted when there is no interest involved. This is the label Dan Turan gave to Doligon, and it is retained in the memory sector as permanent data.

Dan Turan didn't know how long he had known Doligon, nor did he remember what they had done together. He only remembered that they had cooperated many times and done many things.

After re-establishing the memory of Doligon, Dan Turan soon discovered a problem, that is, Doligon has also been selling his memory sectors recently.

This resulted in the two people knowing almost nothing about each other and only identifying the other as a 'friend' based on the data left behind.

Dan Turan felt uncomfortable just thinking about this possibility, but except for this name, he could not find anything familiar here.

Dan Turan guessed that Doligon also encountered the same situation, so he would always follow him.

"It's just a joke, Dan." Doligon shrugged and stood three meters away, staring at Dan Turan's shining hands, as if judging Dan Turan's danger.

"Good news, Dan, they found several indigenous spies in that direction. Markarian issued a new mission. There are only twenty places, and I grabbed one." Dorigon sent a man named [Reconnaissance Enemy Shadow]

The task was shared with Dan Turan: "Do you want to come together?"

"Of course, Doligon. Um, thank you?" Dan Turan asked with some uncertainty. He vaguely remembered that friends need to say thank you when they help each other, but that mark that can be trusted when no interests are involved, is always

Let him be wary of Dorigon.

Doligon glanced at him with some confusion, then made a sign to follow me and walked towards the center of the town.

Markarian stood in the small square and looked at the noisy players in front of him without any disturbance. Some of these people wore underwear, some did not wear them at all, and some wore clothes that could hardly be defined as clothes by others.

s things.

For example, if you just passed by a guy with feathers all over his body and a long wooden stick in his hand, it would be difficult for you to tell whether this person has related abilities or is mentally ill just by relying on your imagination.

Markarian has seen too many unreliable players. Even if these people collectively perform a handstand and urinate in front of him, he will not react at all. He will issue the task when it is time to issue it. After all, he has really seen that scene.

Behind Markarian was a row of four-wheel off-road vehicles that looked simple in structure and lean in appearance. They were toys that had just been shipped over by their local ally Ibrahim.

"All players who have received the mission, come to me to get the key." Markarian pointed to the off-road vehicle behind him and said: "This is a vehicle that can move quickly and the driving method is simple. Try it yourself."

"The mission content is very simple. Just find any direction to move forward, find enemies, or find other gathering points." Markarian said while looking at the node missions on his mobile phone. There was no trace of impatience in his tone, but it made everyone

Players all understand his attitude towards them.

"It doesn't matter if you can't find it. If you have a sense of direction, you can try to return here." Markarian finally warned: "Those who complete the first two can get points. The reward for discovering the enemy is twenty points.

Killing enemies will reward you with relevant points, and finding other gathering points will reward you with ten points. The points can be used to redeem new abilities. That’s it, let’s go.”

Markarian never said what to do with lost people from beginning to end, but all players knew that there would be no rescue.

Of course they won't really die of thirst or starvation, but dying in the desert will obviously lag behind the progress of other players.

Dan Turan has no ambition to make a difference here. He just likes the sunshine and weather in this world, which he has never done before.

No, he couldn't say that he had never been in the sun before, because he couldn't remember anything that happened before, but Dan Turan enjoyed the dry and loose feeling brought by being exposed to the sun.

In comparison, Doligon seemed much more excited. He sat in the driver's seat with great interest, and a metal nameplate welded to the steering wheel recorded the operation method of this thing.

"Fasten your seat belt, ignite the car, step on the accelerator, damn, I learned it!" Dorigon skipped the first step, ignited the car directly, and then stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.


Dan Turan didn't have time to sigh at the roar of this little thing's engine. He was pressed against the metal seat by a push on his back and began to passively enjoy the pleasure brought by this abundant power.

Out of some instinct, Dan Turan put something called a seat belt around his body and buckled it on the seat.

Facts have proved that his instinct was right. The next second, Dorigon hit something, and the hot blood spilled over the metal frame without a windshield and splashed directly on their faces.

"It's cool!" Doragon roared excitedly, and drove out of the town with half of his body hanging on his body.

The superhumans of the Red Warrior system are born with stronger reaction speed. With only a distance of more than ten kilometers, Doligon is already a mature veteran driver.

At this time, Dan Turan had just wiped the blood off his face with a piece of clothing. In fact, there were other things besides blood. Doragon killed a man in the town, and the huge impact also broke his body.

Dan Turan can still smell the strange smell in his intestines.

"Ugh!" An uncontrollable impulse surged into his throat, and Dan Turan hung half of his body outside the car door, gushing wildly.

Poor outsiders have no idea that motion sickness is a common symptom in this world.

Hashim was walking alone in the desert, and drops of dark red blood flowed from the wound on his right arm, which was evaporated by the sun before he landed.

He frowned, gritted his teeth, and tightened the bandage used to cover the wound again, but it was meaningless. The wound would not heal at all, and it continued to weaken him.

Hashim guessed that this might be the influence of some supernatural power, otherwise this shallow wound should have healed long ago.

He sneaked for two kilometers in the sea of ​​sand, but as soon as he came out, his arm was cut open by a small blade-like object. There were no enemies around, and the origin of the blade could not be explained except for supernatural powers.

There were nearly a thousand superhuman beings. Hashim quickened his pace when he thought of this place. He was the messenger of this land. He knew that there was an inconspicuous small village nine kilometers away.

Hashem had the friendship of the locals, where he could get food and water, and if he was lucky maybe sweet dates and cactus dew.

He remembered that the last time he passed by that unknown village, their village chief said that the village would not be moved within eight months.

Unfortunately, the village was too small. If Hashim wanted to find a radio station that could contact the Free Wind, he would have to walk another 40 kilometers south.

There is a large enough town there with a population of more than 2,000 people. Although they have always maintained contact with the Petrochemical Alliance, they also maintain private cooperation with the Free Wind.

The Free Wind will never force the gathering to stand against the Petrochemical Alliance. Compared with those extremist organizations, the Free Wind acts more like a cultural inheritor and a light of hope, letting people know that as long as they are willing, there is always another option.

They are all still there.

Hashim originally chose to join the Free Wind because of its more moderate stance. Any educated person knows that with the current situation of the Persian region, if he instigates hostility between the locals and the Petrochemical Alliance, there is only one outcome, and that is massacre.


The land and its people would have to wait for the right time but those metahumans, that was obviously another matter, Hashem had vaguely heard about the Adventers.

He was not sure whether those people were descendants, but in his short observation, he could not find any word that could describe that group of people better than this word.

When they kill, they don't look like members of an extremist organization with deep hatred, nor like mercenaries from the Petrochemical Alliance who are paid to do things, but more like urchins who burn ants with a magnifying glass, just out of curiosity.

Thinking of this, Hashim quickened his pace. He knew who to contact in this situation. He grew up in the European Union, and after joining the Free Wind, he returned there several times to recruit superhumans with blood ties. He was very concerned about what happened in the European Union.

The European Union's superhuman war has also been heard of.

But other people who grew up in this land, their eyes were bound here and could not see what was beyond the walls. Hashem had to send the message himself.

With this thought in mind, he moved forward step by step, but the scene in front of him began to become blurry, and finally his vision went dark and he fainted a few hundred meters away from the small village.

Before he completely lost consciousness, Hashem saw a car driving towards him.

The good news is that he won't die so meaninglessly in the desert. The bad news is that the Petrochemical Alliance's logo is printed on the car.

Mikkelsen looked at the map on the wall and fell into deep thought.

If there is any place in the world that he cannot interfere with, then Persia must be one of them.

The relationship between the Corporate Joint Investigation Office and the Petrochemical Alliance goes without saying. The battlefield between the Corporate Consortium and the Petrochemical Alliance has pushed the world to the brink of destruction several times, with both sides possessing multiple nuclear weapons as a deterrent.

If it were just that, Mikkelsen's black hands would not be helpless. As early as when Tang Ji first went deep into the Persian region to hunt Faisal and then evacuated via a secret route, it was Mikkelsen's relationship, but Tang Ji

At that time, he was still a small character, and no one cared about him.

Some people say that the Federation is a divided country. There are futuristic cities with different styles like Night City and Demonstration City, as well as thousands of miles of wasteland. There is no law and order. Then he must have never been to Persia.


The Petrochemical Alliance did not deliberately create a gap between the rich and the poor. They did not care about the indigenous people here at all, but their actions essentially created the largest division of civilization in the world.

On one side of the oil pipelines and transportation lines is the Bay Area, the essence of the Persian region. The entire coastal area still retains the prosperity before the Second Corporate War, with tens of millions of people living here.

On the other side, there is a land divided and torn by countless transportation lines. In many cases, the level of civilization of a gathering point is completely determined by the people who were trapped here in the first place.

Those large gathering points with schools and hospitals that are not far from the Bay Area will persist for a long time. At least in this generation, no difference will be seen.

But deeper in the area, surrounded by multiple layers of transportation lines and with extremely narrow living space, many towns had to be broken into pieces and dispersed into gathering points of dozens or even dozens of people in order to accommodate natural resources.

The level of civilization in these gathering points has deteriorated rapidly, and the further inland it is, the more serious it is. Some gathering points still maintain a decent electricity age, but many have degenerated into the steam age or even the nomadic age.

Mikkelsen's intelligence network is a joke in such a complicated situation. Unless he is willing to send his own clones to go undercover, it will be difficult for him to find suitable and sufficient spies in this land.

Fortunately, with the end of the second corporate war, the new generation of employees has grown up with far less hatred for corporate alliances than the previous generation. Apparently some of them are willing to exchange the intelligence in their hands for some pocket money.

For less than two hundred thousand, Mikkelsen found out that a border patrol team of the Petrochemical Alliance had captured a guerrilla member who had been emphasizing the word adventer since he was captured.

After the news was reported, someone quickly took away the prisoner, so a member of the patrol felt that the news should be quite valuable.

This is obviously another mission to compete with the enemy for time.

This chapter has been completed!
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