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Chapter 310: Open the door

In just a short cigarette, Tang Ji seemed to have seen a few shining bright spots in the distant horizon, shining ominously under the afterglow of the setting sun.

But the survivors at Gathering Point No. 14 were completely unaware of the death falling above them.

After all, the plane Mikkelsen promised could not arrive before the missile. Of course, in fact, arriving was just a comfort.

Even if Mikkelsen can mobilize an aircraft that can take off and land vertically at the gathering point within the Petrochemical Alliance's control area, it will be difficult for it to outrun the coming shock wave.

Flying in the sky are ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads.

Mikkelsen can mobilize 32% of the anti-missile satellites in Earth-changing orbit and can indirectly control the ground-based anti-missile systems of nineteen countries, but he has not sent out the Damoryk that defeated the Trail Blazers in the information war. Sword of Si.

Those missiles did not exist on the radar system at all, and no anti-missile system could target them. Mikkelsen could only watch them pass overhead and fly towards the target.

"Boss, is something going to happen?" Soult stood next to Tang Ji with a vigilant look on his face, as if he was guarding against invisible enemies. They had already encountered invisible enemies twice.

Tang Ji knew it was time to make a choice.

As an Avenger, Tang Ji originally thought that he was pure enough, pure enough to accept the death of anyone, pure enough to give up everything for efficiency.

However, that cigarette had already made the choice for him. Only now did he realize that the reason why he sent Soult out for reconnaissance was probably just to get rid of him and not make the simplest and purest choice.

Tang Ji looked at Xiao Su's nervous but confused expression, reached out and rubbed his head vigorously: "It's a missile, go and bring everyone here, we are leaving."

"Where to go?" Soult obeyed the order subconsciously, and then he reacted, his voice almost breaking: "Missile?!"

"Go quickly!" Tang Ji pointed at the local survivors wandering on the street, turned around and walked into the dilapidated hut.


"Doctor, your work is suspended, we are leaving here." Tang Ji clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention: "Others lend a hand and help them carry away the equipment and instruments."

No one on the team asked why. They were used to Fu following Tang Ji's orders.

They trust Tang Ji, and at the same time, Tang Ji also trusts them...

I don't know since when, Tang Ji has become accustomed to the presence of these people around him, to Martin's loud snoring every day, to Tony and Yin Sen's daily exchange of experiences and experiences of various obscene activities.

Anthony found a familiar rhythm of life here, the saints found faith here, and the Shadow achieved economic freedom here.

There are others, and they have all more or less been promoted in the team. Fighting is the fastest way for warriors to build friendships.

Between life and death, people's emotional power is continuously released, becomes abundant, and becomes sincere. What's more, the mission performed by this team also has a grand and outrageous tone - saving the world!

Although Tang Ji himself was not interested in this kind of branch mission, his actions did effectively slow down the players' colonization speed, as all the players who died can testify.

Tang Ji himself, on the other hand, has found a long-lost peace in the team... He will no longer wake up from nightmares, covered in cold sweat, will not be distracted while driving, and will subconsciously turn off the passenger seat first when the wind is strong.


[Dimension Gate] is a simple, but very practical ability, and it is also the only ability that players have that can compete with Wang Zhengdao.

Perhaps the only drawback is that this thing requires the maintenance of the ability user to continue to exist, so it cannot be effective on the ability user itself.

It's not expensive, and it's a drop in the bucket for Tang Ji. The only risk is that more supernatural abilities may cause Tang Ji's genes to collapse.

Of course, it is optimistically estimated that [Dimensional Gate] will not be the last straw that breaks Tang Ji's mind, but it is definitely the most worthless straw among many.

Both Wu Qianying and Mikkelsen regard Tang Ji as the sharpest knife in mankind, and even Tang Ji himself recognizes this status.

For a good knife, it should become either increasingly sharp or light and agile, but now, it risks breaking the knife and adding a navigation function...

Neither the knife itself nor the knife holder needs this function, but now that there is no one around, they need a navigation function to get out of the predicament.

For Tang Ji, [Dimension Gate] was such a useless ability, but he still chose to redeem it...

There was no genetic collapse, no sudden death, not even a little strange feeling.

Of course, no ability compatibility similar to the previous ones was triggered, the system did not have any additional prompts, and everything seemed calm.

Tang Ji just felt that he had a slightly different perception of the surrounding environment, uu Kanshu www.uukanshu.com It was as if there was suddenly an extra color in the world. It was inconspicuous, but it changed the whole world.

Following his own feeling, he reached out and drew a small circle in front of him. Golden sparks filled his fingertips, then shattered, and a small dimensional door was opened.

The other side of the dimensional gate is officially the cryogenic warehouse of the Moonlight Gold, and Tang Anran's special baby version of the life-saving capsule is placed alone not far away.

Tang Ji seemed to hear An Ran's silver bell-like laughter in his ears, and subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch the life-support capsule, but as his thoughts fluctuated, the dimensional gate immediately dissipated in the air.

"Head?" Martin, who was holding a blood oximeter, looked at Tang Ji's hands as if he had seen a ghost: "Can you learn this thing the day after tomorrow?"

The Saint pulled Martin. The relatively sensitive Saint had already sensed something was wrong from the strange behavior of Tang Ji and Mikkelsen, and as Tang Ji's 'true believer', even if Tang Ji wore a halo and told him that he

It was God, and he was not surprised.

The doctor did not show any pretense that he was performing an operation and could not interrupt it for the sake of the wounded. As soon as Tang Ji opened his mouth, the doctor gave up his efforts to continue debridement, re-covered the wound with a layer of biofilm, and did a good job of transferring the wounded.


Tang Ji stood there, focusing his attention, imagining the location of Lalit Town, restoring the scene in Wu Qianying's tent, and guiding his thoughts to connect with that color.

He stretched out his hand and drew a large circle in the air. As his fingers continued to draw circles, large dimensions gradually appeared.

On the other side of the dimensional gate is Wu Qianying's temporary laboratory in Lalit Town.

In the chaotic laboratory, only Wu Qianying stood there calmly with her arms folded, frowning at the opening of the dimensional door, as if she had been waiting for a long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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