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Chapter 312 I am furious!

Nuclear weapons, as the most powerful weapons currently possessed by mankind, have always been shelved as doomsday weapons.

Human beings are both proud that they can invent and create such a destructive weapon, and regard this as evidence that they stand on top of the planet, but they are also afraid that the power of such a weapon can destroy themselves as well.

From the moment the first nuclear bomb exploded, those in power realized that it would be better for this weapon to serve as the Sword of Damocles forever, hanging high above the heads of all mankind, rather than actually falling.

Even in the most chaotic and disorderly era of corporate war, many forces involved in the war were very restrained, or at least feared the forces maintaining social order, and rarely used nuclear weapons.

It was also from that era that ultra-light nuclear bombs began to gain favor, and nuclear weapons with a yield of less than 3,000 tons were used as conventional weapons to destroy the opponent's raw material production areas, production lines, etc.

The Colining Company began to develop from that era. However, unfortunately due to the failed investment in Night City, the Colining Company was acquired by the Walter Group on the occasion of its 25th anniversary and was officially renamed Walter-Colining.

Ning Group, referred to as Woco Group.

The acquisition happened suddenly. In just a few hours, the Kolinin Company was completely destroyed. The Walter Group acquired the Kolinin Group at almost three times the price premium.

If those shareholders who jumped off the building in advance, deleted their accounts and came back knew this, they would have to come back alive and die all over again.

No one outside could have guessed that the original core of this sudden acquisition was just a stingy woman trying to regain her position...

Cathy Walter made a high-profile appearance at the press conference. After losing her modesty, Cathy returned to her previous body and looked high-spirited.

She looked at the dozens of media in front of her, with a meaningful smile on her lips. She bent slightly and said with a commanding air: "It's an honor to come to Night City. This will be a new beginning for Walter Group! We will not give up on science and technology.

Lin Ning Group's investment in Night City is exactly the opposite, we will make additional investment!"

"I'm starting to hate her." Wu Qianying looked at the countdown on her watch. It was nine seconds before the first nuclear bomb exploded. Her heartbeat seemed to have caught up with the thinking speed of her brain, and a blush appeared on her fair face.

Aria was more direct. She simply opened the official website of the Corinning Group and planned to hack the other party's database.

"Walter Group is a responsible company. Not only do we want to provide a large number of jobs for Night City, we also plan to invest in the Persia region to connect the two separated worlds again!" Kai, founder of Walter Group

Ms. Qian Walter appealed loudly on TV: "We have actually started preliminary preparations. I can't tell you much. I can only reveal one location, the gathering point on the 14th!"

The media reporters below and the business representatives of other companies all looked at each other. They didn't know why this Ms. Walter suddenly mentioned the Petrochemical Alliance and specially proposed a place called Gathering Point No. 14, but they could only applaud together, as if this

It's like a major event that can increase the stock price.


Wu Qianying directly smashed the TV...

At the gathering point on the 14th, Tang Ji stood alone on the roof of the only remaining three-story building in the town. This was once a temple, with solid materials, and it had been carefully maintained by people over the years, so it was the reason for the previous battle.


Tang Ji did not raise his head to stare at the sprinting missile in the sky. He trusted Wu Qianying and her calculation results. He closed his eyes and counted down in his heart...


Tang Ji clearly heard the sound of the missile's aerodynamic shape tearing the air. At the same time, Cathy Walter, who was far away in Night City, suddenly stopped speaking during the live broadcast and stared at her watch.

In the small town of Lalit, Alia has hacked into the database of the Korinin Group.


A conventional missile has landed in the town,

The deafening explosion penetrated the entire town, and a radius of nearly 100 meters from the impact point was shrouded in a dead zone.

The shock wave stirred up the scorching air, shaking the temple underfoot that was at least a hundred years old.

A twisted smile appeared on Cathy Walter's lips. The reporters on the scene clicked the shutter frantically. They had already figured out the title for tomorrow: "Crazy Enterprising Woman!"

Wu Qianying rarely prayed in her heart, hoping that God would listen to the prayers of saints more often, otherwise she would create a more exclusive religion and usurp the monotheistic religion's position!


Tang Ji instantly entered a phase transition state. The direction and distance are not important. What is important is that at this moment, he is no longer in this world...

For a moment, Tang Ji felt that he was already dead, because before entering the phase transition, he had already seen a bright color and felt the sudden burst of temperature.

Even if Tang Ji adjusted the light transmittance of the tactical eyepiece to the darkest level and kept his eyes closed, the dazzling light would instantly illuminate his field of vision like the sun that was so close.

Indescribable pain filled Tang Ji's mind, but this pain was like the best medicine in the world, letting Tang Ji know for the first time that he was still alive!

He succeeded!

At least this time, it worked...

The phase jump process only lasted a few seconds, and the distance was only a few hundred meters. The target he had previously aimed at was a basement under the temple, but Tang Ji was not sure whether he had actually arrived there.

He has tried his best to prolong this process, but just like his other abilities, he does not have that much time and experience to correctly understand these abilities and improve them.

Tang Ji was furious, not a polymath, so Wu Qianying wasted more than ten hours just asking him to briefly understand the theoretical knowledge that phase transitions might correspond to.

Sixteen seconds... Tang Ji tried hard to recall Wu Qianying's words. He couldn't see anything. Tang Ji didn't know if he was blind or if the tactical eyepiece melted.

He couldn't hear anything, and there was a roaring sound in his ears, as if a Category 18 hurricane was roaring in his ears. Every breath seemed to be breathing a liquid blade into his lungs, cutting himself from the inside out. In this kind of situation

The situation is such that the sense of smell has completely failed.

The touch was not much better. Tang Ji felt as if he had fallen into lava. Everywhere in his body hurt and was hot. He felt as if he was melting, as if he was bathing in molten steel...

He wanted to scream, but his throat seemed to have disappeared and he couldn't feel it at all, and even if he screamed, he couldn't hear...

In this endless torture, Tang Ji felt uncontrollable anger pouring out of his heart. He was furious! He was a god on earth!

Those players! Those pioneers! How dare they! How dare they offend themselves like this!



At this moment, the human part of Tang Ji's heart seemed to turn into fuel to support the flames of hatred, providing him with a shelter in this scorching hell...

Kill the culprits! Take revenge on them! No, kill them all and let the world feel the pain...Kill every living creature!

I am furious! I want to set this world on fire!

The angrier Tang Ji becomes, the more he ignores his own pain. He is like a traveler who sees a mirage in the desert, constantly moving forward in the abyss...

Until the bone-chilling sense of urgency rushed straight into his brain... It was another nuclear bomb. Reason and memory seemed to return in an instant, allowing Tang Ji to find a glimmer of clarity...

Sixteen seconds!


A total of three impacts! The interval is sixteen seconds! Fifty-seven seconds!


Remember! Otherwise I will find a stepfather for An Ran!

Tang Ji suddenly realized that he had never interrupted the countdown, even in the crazy state before... When his reason returned, he seemed to hear his brain wailing: Five! Four!


In Night City, Cathy Walter remained silent, ignoring the media reporters around her. Only the sound of the shutter sounded from time to time throughout the press conference.

In the small town of Lalit, a trace of tears flashed across Wu Qianying's eyes, but they were wiped away by the female doctor in an instant.

The saint knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly. The cross in his hand had been squeezed out of shape, but he didn't know it.

The team members gathered around, quietly waiting for the results. The atmosphere was a bit solemn, as if a memorial service was being held...

Mr. Haoyuan, who was sunbathing on the Moonlight Gold and preparing for artificial tanning, was burned and curled by a fluorescent tube that he accidentally dropped. He ran back to the bedroom crawling, mumbling: "This is A bad omen! This is a bad omen!"


Tang Ji forced himself to concentrate and ignore the physical pain. Angelina's face gradually appeared in his mind, looking at him tenderly...


Tang Ji disappeared from the world again...


"Is he dead?" Aslan looked at the real-time picture sent back by the satellite. Another flash of light that could be seen clearly in extraterrestrial orbit flashed by, but he still couldn't believe it. The shadow that had been hanging over his head was It just disappeared.

"No one can survive two nuclear explosions, at least not in this world." A pioneer stood behind Aslan, with the same expression of disbelief on his face, but he was forcing himself to believe that the monster was dead. .

"You are right, no one can survive such a blow." Aslan murmured to himself: "He is furious and does not have the ability of Gensokyo..."


The door was violently pushed open from the outside, and a frosty-faced Mrs. Kang appeared in the Walter Group conference room. She swept across the crowd coldly. There were nearly forty pioneers sitting here.

"Who approved this plan?" Mrs. Kang Dai stared at Aslan as if she were looking at a disgusting bed bug.

This look made Aslan hiccup nervously: "Yes...it's Master Markarian, haha! Authorized by Walter to execute..."

"Cathy Walter! Where is she now!" Mrs. Kang showed such intense emotions for the first time. No pioneer dared to raise their head and look at her.

"In Night City..." Aslan forced himself to speak. He is a great pioneer and he must stand up at this time.

"Open the dimensional door." Mrs. Kang took a few deep breaths: "Go to Night City... No! Go to see Markarian!"

Just as she wished, almost as soon as she finished speaking, a pioneer immediately opened a dimensional door leading directly to Markarian's office.

Like a gust of cold wind, Mrs. Kang turned around and walked into the dimensional gate without saying anything to these people.

"Are we going to be in big trouble this time?" the pioneer closest to Aslan asked in a low voice, but he didn't expect Aslan to answer.

Aslan knew that from now on, Cathy Walter would be the de facto leader of the world's pioneers...


Angelina looked at him with a smile like a flower, but the next second the entire scene turned into black and white, and black snow fell from the sky, falling on Tang Ji like lava and instantly taking away his skin and flesh.

But Tang Ji didn't feel pain, at least not as much as the pain in his heart. He looked at Angelina covered in blood, walking away alone in the black snow...

"Will you avenge me?" The next second, the familiar voice suddenly burst into his ears, as if it was about to pierce his eardrums.

Tang Ji turned around hard, throwing off nearly half of his flesh in the process, and his legs were like a wet towel being wrung out, squeezing out all the flesh and blood.

Angelina's eyes were dull and red as she stared straight at him and asked again: "Have you avenged me?"

"No, not yet..." There was no fear on Tang Ji's face. He stretched out his hand tremblingly to smooth the blinded blood-colored eyes, but the hand gradually carbonized in front of him and fell to the ground.


"I'm very disappointed!" Angelina screamed, grabbing Tang Ji's shoulders with her bloody hands and shaking her hard!

"So disappointed!" The voice gradually became shrill and shrill, uukanshu.com www.uukanshu.com deafening, and Tang Ji was like a clay figure, whose muscles and bones were broken during the shaking, and all his flesh and blood were turned into fly ash, leaving only a white skeleton.

"Dad!" The familiar yet unfamiliar childish voice seemed to come from the horizon...

The next second, Tang Ji woke up. Although his eyes were still dark, his ears were buzzing, and he couldn't feel anything, Tang Ji still knew that he was awake.

He is still alive and well.

He still has unfinished business, he still has responsibilities in this world, he cannot die, he must live!

He is angry, but he is not just furious!

The fierce and turbulent heartbeat roared in the mind, hatred drove the flow of vitality, and the consciousness forced reality to bow its head, using more powerful rules to rebuild the violent body in the ruins...

Fifty-seven seconds...

The almost human-shaped Tang Ji opened his mouth and let out a silent cry!

In Lalit Town, Alia suddenly unplugged the power supply, and half of the tentacles made of black gel material were pouring out of the screen. They seemed to have lost their vitality after the power outage, and fell directly on the table.

The sound here was particularly harsh in the quiet tent, and Aria plunged into Wu Qianying's arms, crying silently.

Across the world, 4,096 Mikkelsens stood there with solemn expressions, looking into the distance, as if they were seeing someone off.

Although a miracle is still possible, Mikkelsen no longer has much hope that Tanguy will survive.

Next, he has already planned to start making arrangements for the war in the post-Tangji era.

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