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Chapter 314 I'm here

The dazzling nuclear flash flashed past, and the mighty force that made the earth succumb, after trembling, twisting, cracking, and rolling, finally consumed all its energy and gradually returned to silence.

What's left is that the temperature is still rising, and it's bone-chilling.

A charred black figure lay at the bottom of the shallow pit. There was no sound. The whole world seemed to have been pressed on the pause button. Only Mugu Yun was still rising to declare his anger to the world.

The first thing to recover was his sense of hearing... Tang Ji gradually heard the sound of the world burning... Then came his sense of smell. Unexpectedly, there was almost no smell in the air, which meant that everything had been burned. .

The entire gathering point No. 14 is like footprints on the beach, washed clean by the big waves, leaving no trace of its existence.

With Tangji as the center and radiating out for several kilometers, a young shepherd who was grazing was shocked by the power of God and walked forward in a daze. Then he accidentally fell down and never got up again.

In a more distant place, a plane was taking Wu Qianying and others closer to the death zone, while Aslan was dilly-dally selecting suitable protective equipment, intending to delay a little longer.

Tang Ji moved his fingers, and the charred black human figure wriggled bit by bit from the semi-glassy ground, like a newborn child.

The range of his movements became larger and larger, and the fragile dragon scale armor was scattered on the ground like white paper that had been exposed to the sun for decades.

Tang Ji escaped the most lethal seconds of the nuclear explosion, but he had to bear the remaining damage. Not every Seven Deadly Sins can resist such a blow with their physical body like Gluttony.

By falling off the previously carbonized skin and flesh, they have been replaced by new skin tissue.

Tang Ji didn't know where the limits of the conceptual body were, but he was indeed recovering all functions quickly.

He slowly stretched out his hands to cover his face, and used force with his fingers to pull the half-melted helmet off his head... accompanied by the pain of tearing the flesh.

After everything he experienced, Tang Ji was finally able to open his eyes and see things again, but as far as he could see, there was only dust in the sky...

An unknown number of tons of semi-crystalline gravel mixed with the ashes of the town fell from the sky, constantly reflecting light under the firelight.

Tang Ji looked around and found that he was extremely lucky to be at the angle formed by a few concrete stones. These may be the only things left in the town. They shielded Tang Ji from the most deadly shock waves and heat after the nuclear flash. harm.

Considering that Tang Ji finally arrived here after two consecutive phase transitions in an extreme state, the probability and coincidence are comparable to winning the Mark Six Lottery three times in a row.

"Ha...ahem, Carl Wile, here's to you." Tang Ji's voice was hoarse like the Tin Man speaking for the first time.

Tang Ji looked down at himself. The gray-black flames of hatred gently enveloped his body, isolating the hot air around him.

This is not a bustling night city, this is a desolate desert. The hurricane caused by the nuclear explosion is dispersing the intertwined mushroom clouds, blowing away the hot air, along with the floating objects in the air.

There will be no dust clouds that last for months, no ruins of destroyed buildings, and everything here will be gone in less than an hour.

In a few weeks, even the huge sand pit left on the ground by the nuclear explosion will be filled with other gravel, and then Gathering Point No. 14 will be as if it never existed.

Tang Ji began to climb the sand dune step by step, his hands and feet were covered in radiation-filled gravel. He could easily withstand the amount of radiation that would be fatal to ordinary people.

During this process, his eyes continued to mold and regain clarity in the mold, which represented the necrosis and rebirth of the lens. The tears caused by physiological stimulation continued to wash away the eliminated tissue from the eye sockets.

Tang Ji's skin fell off in large swaths from time to time, and then quickly regenerated, with almost no blood flowing out. They were all tightly held in the body by the dermis and refused to be wasted.

He can open dimensional doors,

He immediately told others that he was still alive, but the surrounding environment made Tang Ji give up this plan.

He could also use phase transition to leave here faster, but Tang Ji didn't do that. He wanted to finish the journey on foot... Once upon a time, he turned his back to Mo Guyun like this, holding Tang Anran in his arms, covered in blood

Angelina's blood walked out of the radiation zone step by step.

Now, Tang Ji still turned his back to Mo Guyun and walked out of the radiation zone step by step... The gray-black flames of hatred gradually changed from covering his whole body to a huge cloak that blocked half of the sand dunes.

At this time, a familiar spatial movement made Tang Ji stand on the spot, turned around and looked in a certain direction behind him.

There, golden sparks stood flickering, and after a few seconds, a small dimensional door that only allowed one person to pass through was slowly opened...

Aslan stood on the other side of the dimensional gate wearing heavy protective clothing. Hot and radioactive sand blew along the dimensional gate into a secret warehouse in the demonstration city.

"He can't be alive." Aslan repeated this sentence silently in his heart. Behind him, the other three pioneers wearing the same protective clothing stood silently without moving a step.

Aslan ignored the reactions of others, just took a deep breath and crossed the dimensional gate.

A corner of the sky has been revealed under the blow of the hurricane. The blood-red setting sun shines on the vast sea of ​​sand. The crystallized sand suspended in the air reflects the sunlight, making this scene as beautiful as a dream.

The Geiger counter Aslan carried was screaming like crazy, but this did not affect Aslan's good mood.

There was nothing left. Aslan's eyes swept away the dust in front of him, gradually spreading into the distance. The desert under the sunset reflected shadows of different sizes, either red or black, under the mushroom clouds.

This magnificent scenery made Aslan's chest suddenly feel numb, as if an invisible stone had been kicked away. If it weren't for the subordinates behind him, Aslan would have wanted to jump on the spot a few times and roar wildly!

Then, he saw a shadow not far away suddenly move, as if someone was tugging on the shadow covering the sand dunes.

Aslan's neck was a little stiff and he looked over...

On the sand dunes, an unusually tall figure looked like an emperor dominating the world, looking at his empire and turning his gaze towards him.

Those familiar eyes and the familiar tingling sensation made Aslan's heart freeze, and he sat down on the ground, unable to make a sound...

"This! No! It's possible!" Aslan slowly moved back, as if the slightest movement would result in a fatal blow.

But the other party was indifferent to his antics and just watched him slowly move back to the other side of the dimensional gate.

Before the dimensional door closed, Aslan saw the other party pointing a finger at himself, as if he was mocking and announcing the news that he was still alive.

Tang Ji did not kill that player, his condition was far from as good as it seemed, and he also needed this player to exist to pass the news that he was still alive to other players.

He could even imagine how disappointed and panicked the pioneers would be when they knew the news, and how fear would hang over all the players along with his reputation...

He wanted them to be afraid, as if they were receiving interest first.

Tang Ji no longer lingered here, turned around and continued to leave step by step.

And just as he expected, the news that he was still alive quickly spread throughout the entire pioneer community, including Cathy Walter.

At the press conference, the high-spirited Cathy Walter suddenly changed her expression, turned around and left the press conference, leaving only a room full of question-marked attendees.

"Are you sure he's still alive?" Cathy Walter's steps were fast, as if she was participating in a racing competition.

The assistant beside her was equally impressive, her legs jumping up and down quickly: "I'm sure, Aslan saw with his own eyes that Tang Ji was intact."

"Hell!" Cathy Walter clenched her fists. She didn't understand how the other party survived. This unknown mystery only exacerbated the fear in her heart: "Where is Wang Zhengdao?"

"He hasn't discovered that he is in our shielded state yet, and we still have time to hide." The assistant glanced at the message and replied, then led Cathy Walter into a room that was protected by layers of protection.

In the room, a dimensional door was opened that had been waiting for a long time. All the pioneers who attended the press conference were here, and they filed into the dimensional door behind Cathy Walter.

When the local person in charge of the Kolining Group felt that something was amiss and knocked on the door to no avail and barged in directly, the room was already empty.


"We are still twenty-seven kilometers away from the explosion point. We are preparing to airborne!" Mikkelsen looked at the cabin with the green light on and shouted in Wu Qianying's ear: "Do you have any experience?"

"I can pinpoint my placement to the centimeter level!" Wu Qianying, who has short, silver-white, shoulder-length hair, looks like she is cosplaying Miss Two Coins.

"Very good, let's go!" Mikkelsen clapped his hands and took over the command of the team without hesitation.

The rest of the team had no reaction to this. On the one hand, they had not yet recovered from the news that they might die in a nuclear explosion. On the other hand, Mikkelsen's identity and status were too authoritative for them. .

The cabin opened, and Wu Qianying jumped out first with Aria in her arms. The white lab coat that she had no time to change out of was swaying in the wind, like a dandelion drifting.

In normal times, Martin, Tony and Yin Sen would have said some saucy words to tease Tang Ji's future family status, but no one was in such a mood now.

The team members jumped out one after another, and two armored vehicles also marked out their parking spaces, and landed together with everyone.

In mid-air, the armored vehicle was stretched by the suddenly stretched parachute, and began to land at a slower speed. It was not until it was less than five meters away from the ground that it shot a larger rapid-response gel downward, and then smashed into it.

The team took three minutes to assemble, and then activated two Man-eating Shark armored vehicles with nuclear radiation protection capabilities and drove towards the gathering point No. 14.

As they continued to penetrate deeper into the radiation zone, the car radio began to work intermittently, and the signal became weaker and weaker. Eventually, the car in front and the car behind could only communicate through light signals.

"We'd better not enter within one kilometer of the explosion point." Mikkelsen looked outside through the dark green observation window and whispered to Wu Qianying: "That is an absolute death zone, it is meaningless."

Wu Qianying just quietly picked up the Radiantin and drank it in one gulp, seemingly not paying attention to Mikkelsen's words.

"The filter element and fuel can last for six hours, and then we have to return and wait for follow-up personnel to re-enter." Mikkelsen said again. He did not mean to badmouth the rescue plan. For him, the cost of such a thing

It's completely negligible.

But he is worried that the few talents he has chosen will fall ill in a strong radiation environment.

"Let me go down and search. I am fast and I can search quickly." Soult looked at the narrow observation window eagerly: "I still remember where we separated at that time. I will definitely be able to find it!"

"You tore the protective suit to pieces as soon as you started." Mikkelsen sighed and looked at Wu Qianying. She was the only one here who had the dignity to persuade Surte.

"Wait here." Wu Qianying only said one sentence, and Sirte stopped.

He occupied an observation window and refused to share it with anyone. His eyes seemed to be shining with light as he stared outside.

The speed of the wheeled armored vehicle was not slow, and the place where the nuclear explosion occurred was not in a city, so there was not much debris. They quickly arrived at the location before gathering point 14.

At least according to the map coordinates, they were already outside Gathering Point No. 14, but except for the crater, there was nothing here.

Tang Ji's team members began to wear protective equipment silently, uu readwww.uukanshu.com Big bags, big bags

The anti-radiation agent was used up and the radioactive agent was injected. Mikkelsen didn't say anything when he saw this. He just knocked on the cab and asked the driver to stop and open the door.

Soult couldn't wait to get out of the car, but for safety Wu Qianying tied him and Martin together with a rope, forcing the other party not to enter bullet time.

Wu Qianying looked at Mo Guyun, who had begun to dissipate in front of her, and fell into a long silence. She seemed to see the man's desolation and despair as he walked out step by step with An Ran in his arms that night.

At this moment, she partially understood the never-ending anger in Tang Ji's heart, and it was precisely because of this that Wu Qianying became even more convinced that he would not die here.

That is a stubborn man who cannot even stop death!

He won't die so easily!

But, where are you now? Wu Qianying walked step by step in the direction of Mo Guyun, as if she had lost her mind.

Aria grabbed Wu Qianying's arm from behind. Although they were both superhumans, Aria was a minor after all and was far less powerful than Wu Qianying in her prime, so she was dragged away directly.

"Wake up!" Mikkelsen appeared at the right time and stopped Wu Qianying: "If he hadn't died yet, he wouldn't have gone in that direction!"

"I know..." Wu Qianying, who had always remained calm, finally showed her feminine weakness in the ruins. She looked at Mikkelsen in confusion: "But where is he?"


"I'm here." A hoarse voice appeared not far behind Wu Qianying, and it sounded undetectable through the protective clothing.

But Wu Qianying heard it, and she turned her head to look in that direction like a cheetah. Tang Ji was hiding behind the armored vehicle, sticking out his naked upper body, waving to herself, with a trace of embarrassment on his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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