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Chapter 320: A short period of repair

"Thank you, doctor, I thought I couldn't survive this." Anthony, who was lying on the floating hospital bed, shook hands with the doctor weakly: "I read the entire operation record, and you and your team are very good.


"You're welcome. Every cut and every injection has been paid for." The doctor hired from outside smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that this transaction would involve such big consequences, and he regretted it for a long time.


The entire Petrochemical Alliance entered a state of combat readiness. Suddenly, the air defense network was shut down internally, and the entire force entered an undefended state. This was followed by three consecutive waves of missile attacks with a total of more than 25 missiles. Three of them were even equipped with nuclear warheads.

The missile was successfully detonated on the mainland.

Although Gathering Point No. 14 is just a black spot on the map to the Petrochemical Alliance, it still threatens the entire alliance.

Who can guarantee that the same problem will not occur next time? Who can guarantee that the next nuclear bomb will not bomb the industrial areas and political and economic centers of the Petrochemical Alliance?

For a force that has only fought a world-class war in more than 20 years, this nuclear explosion revealed too many problems, enough to keep those big shots awake at night.

The entire review center was mobilized. Thirty-two hours after the nuclear explosion, more than 1,500 officers were arrested and three small-scale rebellions were suppressed throughout the Petrochemical Alliance.

The Saudi Aramco faction hidden within the petrochemical alliance was forced to abandon some peripheral organizations, which is equivalent to taking a giant step back for five years.

Not all members of the Saudi Aramco faction are naturalized, but they are all in the know and have simply acquiesced in their own multilateral bets.

However, this 'harmony' will become very fragile once there is a loss of interests. Under Mikkelsen's secret instigation, intelligence agents from the Saudi Aramco faction soon took the opportunity to submit real intelligence about the mastermind behind the scenes.

The naturalized forces hidden within the Petrochemical Alliance surfaced instantly, shocking the senior officials of the Petrochemical Alliance.

From the beginning of the Gulf War to now, more than sixty years have passed. All the forces trapped in this quagmire are facing one problem, and that is the problem of localization.

The unbreakable alliance collapsed here, and the Federation, which regarded itself as the police of the world, could only withdraw its troops sadly, leaving behind large areas of mess.

Only the Petrochemical Alliance truly gained a foothold here. While they used technical means to break the friction caused by cultural differences, they also actively absorbed local forces and finally survived the war.

Since the Petrochemical Alliance wanted to take advantage of the demographic dividend of the Persian region, it had to endure this unstable internal structure.

And now, the nuclear attack on Colonial Point No. 14 has finally made the Petrochemical Alliance determined to eliminate the counter-revolutionaries. Over the past twenty years, they have used transportation lines and oil pipelines to divide the population bit by bit, and they have already gained a foundation.

Pneumatic major surgery.

"You have to leave here." Mikkelsen, who was coordinating the transfer of various supplies in Lalit Town, suddenly turned around and walked into Wu Qianying's tent.

This place was originally planned to be a research laboratory for supernatural abilities, and Wu Qianying even brought experimental equipment. Then a nuclear strike occurred, which wiped out the bodies of most of the players, so Wu Qianying had no choice but to give up.

"The Petrochemical Alliance is going to start attacking the naturalized organizations within the territory, but their intelligence system is lagging behind, and it is likely to develop into a civil war between the old and new factions." Mikkelsen seemed confident when he said this.

It's because manpower has been deployed on both sides.

"In four hours at most, this place will enter a state of military control, and a purge against the Saudi Aramco faction will start here." While Mikkelsen was speaking, a large transport plane roared past overhead and landed on both sides.

Military airport kilometers away.

Tang Ji had long thought that such a small town was equipped with such a large airport, but he was not a general, and he did not even have the ability to be a staff officer. He could lead a small team to carry out surprise attacks. He could not see that this small town was equipped with such a large airport.

The strategic significance of the town.

After the second corporate war, Mikkelsen's focus shifted to the pioneers, and he was somewhat neglectful of this land, but this did not mean that he relaxed.

With the improvement of his abilities, Mikkelsen, who already has more than 4,000 avatars, has hit new highs in personal efficiency. Ever since he entered the Petrochemical League with the team, he has been constantly planting his own nails.

Attacking the player cluster is just one of his multiple parallel mission lines. Taking the opportunity to tease the Petrochemical Alliance and wake up this sleeping lion is the second line.

Secretly splitting the Saudi Aramco faction and separating the naturalized faction from the non-naturalized faction is the third line, while using the petrochemical alliance and even Saudi Aramco’s own armed forces to cleanse the naturalized forces in this land is the fourth line.


In addition, Mikkelsen also has a fifth line in preparation. The gray field plan he showed to Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao, although a bit cruel, is still within the scope of natural principles and human relations.

With Mikkelsen's temperament, how could he not make second-hand, third-hand, or even N-th-hand preparations for the doomsday plan?

Viruses that can completely destroy the biosphere, a completely autonomous network of unmanned combat machines, etc. These things need to be arranged in advance before they can be used as a trump card, but these things do not need to be shown to Tang Ji.

Moreover, Mikkelsen also needs to consider whether some plans will arouse alternative interests among players after they are implemented.

For example, Mikkelsen currently possesses at least two viruses that can instantly kill more than 90% of humans and effectively use biological tissues to turn biological weapons into superior biochemical weapons. One comes from a corporate laboratory, and the other comes from a certain person.

Superhumans named by the prophet.

Mikkelsen also hid a twelve-year-old superhuman child in a laboratory hidden in the mountains. Her ability is [Limited Wishing]...

Of course, these are meaningless to Tang Ji. He is opening a dimensional gate directly leading to the Moonlight Gold. The team members and Wu Qianying carried various boxes on their shoulders and filed into the dimensional gate, completing the journey from Persia in an instant.

The journey to the sea outside Night City where the area arrived.

Wang Zhengdao stood nearby and almost applauded. In the past, he was like a bus. He had to take a whole bus of people with him every time he went out. But now, he only needs to wait for Tang Ji to send people away before sending Tang Ji away.

Just send it there and you will be upgraded to a special car driver in an instant.

"Tang Ji, wait." Wang Zhengdao finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the dimensional door being closed and Wu Qianying, the female devil, disappearing on the Moonlight Gold.

In the past few days, because of the accident that happened to Tang Ji, that woman often threatened him with her eyes, making Wang Zhengdao worry that the other party would poison him every time he ate.

And as a smart person with outstanding intelligence, after Wu Qianying knew the specific abilities of the prophet, she had been secretly investigating whether there was someone behind the Tang Anran case when she "accidentally came into contact" two years ago.

The answer is yes. Wu Qianying is very confident that her feelings for Tang Ji come entirely from her inner appreciation and are not affected by any external force, but she cannot tolerate her destiny being secretly changed by an old woman at a certain moment.

Therefore, the relationship between Wu Qianying and the prophet is very delicate. They have never met directly, but they have fought openly and secretly in the dark several times.

Tang Ji knew nothing about this, but the thoughtful Wang Zhengdao had already seen the clues, and was sure that the prophet had suffered a loss, and he was unhappy for a long time.

Now that the prophet is missing, although Carcalf promised to provide information as soon as there is any clue, he is a marginalized person who has not even had the status of a formal pioneer before. If Cathy Walter deliberately conceals it, it will be difficult for him to find anything valuable.


But the prophet could not wait that long...

Wang Zhengdao wanted to trade the player prisoner with the Trail Blazers in exchange for the prophet, but Wu Qianying's attitude was the biggest variable.

He felt that he was sure to convince Mikkelsen because his ability was too important. Mikkelson might offer a condition that he could not accept, but Wang Zhengdao would accept it even though he gritted his teeth.

He felt that he was sure to convince Tang Ji, because Tang Ji was his friend and owed the prophet a favor.

Only Wu Qianying and Wang Zhengdao were not sure of persuading the other party. In some aspects, that woman was as rational as an emotionless machine.

She has completely independent values ​​and can accomplish a certain goal regardless of any external influence. At the same time, her abilities are so outstanding that for ordinary people, a completely reborn awakening is more like the icing on the cake. The biggest advantage is that

No need to diet anymore...

Wu Qianying's value is not only reflected in her research ability, but also in macro control. She is more like the brain, while Tang Ji is the fist, Wang Zhengdao and the forces he represents are the legs, and Mikkelsen is the torso.

Her importance has become more prominent over time, and she has unknowingly occupied the most important position in the alliance between several parties.

Because of her existence, Mikkelsen had to act calmly and explain all the stakes in every action, instead of pointing directly at a target and giving them orders: "Soldiers, go and capture this!"

The relationship between her and Tang Ji is very complicated, with feelings and interests, but the core is Tang Anran.

For the first time, Wu Qianying stayed up all night to save that little life from the edge of death. Night after night, Wu Qianying hummed a lullaby in the quiet laboratory, while Tang Anran gave the final song in a babbling voice.

An instinctive response.

The Prophet once analyzed Wu Qianying. She said that emotionally, every time Wu Qianying snatched someone from the hands of death, Wu Qianying's protective desire for Tang Anran would become stronger.

Academically, every day that Tang Anran survives healthily means that Wu Qianying's miraculous path continues.

Therefore, the only person who can influence Wu Qianying is Tang Ji, unless Wang Zhengdao plans to fish An Ran out.

"What do you think?" Wang Zhengdao hesitated for a long time and finally explained what he meant.

"Is this how you have dealt with the Trail Blazers for so many years?" Tang Ji's words made Wang Zhengdao feel a little embarrassed, because this was really not the first time they had made a similar deal with the Trail Blazers.

Although the two sides are hostile to each other, and there is definitely a blood feud on the Ark Organization's side, once someone is captured, they will use a large amount of cash to redeem the person, in the name of not giving up any of their companions...

"This is war. Think about the gray field plan that Mikkelsen showed you before, think about those mushrooms and corn." Tang Ji looked at another transport plane passing by in the sky: "It's impossible."

"You said that you owe the Prophet a favor." Wang Zhengdao sighed. He didn't know these truths, but the entire Ark organization was in a semi-standstill state, waiting to see how he planned to deal with the accident involving the Prophet.

If all efforts are made to rescue, the Ark organization will remain the same Ark organization, or if it is just a show-off and the prophet is allowed to escape, the entire organization will fall apart.

The third option is what Wang Zhengdao is least willing to do, which is to take the opportunity to directly eliminate dissidents and completely change the Ark organization.

"I will avenge her." Tang Ji took out a box of Tree of Life and generously gave one to Wang Zhengdao.

"What if it was Wu Qianying who was arrested? What if it was Tang Anran?" Wang Zhengdao asked angrily.

"Wu Qianying is too smart, she will not let herself be captured." Tang Ji's face was hidden behind the smoke, and he was silent for a while before saying the second half: "As for An Ran, if that happens, I will definitely die.

Now, it’s not my turn to have this headache.”

"I really don't want to take that step." Wang Zhengdao held a cigarette in his mouth without lighting it. He did not stay at the Ark Organization headquarters at this time, but hid directly in Lalit Town because he did not want to go back and face reality.

Mikkelsen said that if you want to take action, it is best to solve the problem with a thunderous method the first time. The more ruthless he strikes, the less losses the Ark organization will suffer.

And Wang Zhengdao's ability is very suitable for carrying out this kind of task. If he is willing, it only takes one hour to complete the point-to-point elimination.

He had a list in his mind, full of people who needed to be dealt with. Although Wang Zhengdao didn't want to admit it, he had actually long expected how low the feasibility of exchanging prisoners would be. He just wanted to find an excuse to go through

Just get the answer from other people's mouths.

"You're right, this is war, and the days of playing house are over." Wang Zhengdao lit the cigarette, his eyes gradually becoming fierce...

"Actually, there is another way to try..." Wang Zhengdao, who was already ready to take action, started to prepare for a space jump, but suddenly he almost doubled over when he heard Tang Ji's words.

"Damn it, you did it on purpose!" Wang Zhengdao turned to look at Tang Ji. The previous haze had dissipated and his eyes were clear again: "Hurry up and say it!"

"An ally who likes to come uninvited gave me a player's hiding address. If we are lucky, we can force the pioneers to trade prisoners for time." Tang Ji also had an idea and had this idea, but he

I think it's very easy to use.

After all, Cathy Walter and the others didn’t know that they had mastered that hiding place, right? They were chased at the door twice in a row, and their threat was real!


PS: Because I missed my grandma’s birthday before the epidemic, today I suddenly received a notification from the family group that I would make up for the old lady’s birthday in the evening, so I was delayed...

PS: I recommend the cartoon "Farewell to Arms", which depicts war scenes in the near future in great detail.

PS: Check for typos later, wash up first

This chapter has been completed!
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