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Chapter 333: Kill Hunter

One of the bodyguards subconsciously shot Tang Ji the moment he saw him. After all, Tang Ji was nominally a terrorist registered with Congress, and he had just bloodbathed the New W Palace.

Even a skinny camel still has a skeleton left. Although the federal government is in decline, it still controls a part of its military power and has a relatively complete intelligence agency. However, these people do not serve puppets like the Commander-in-Chief.

That's all.

The staff around Commander-in-Chief Hunter, or in other words, the entire New W Palace, basically came in through the door. Only these two bodyguards were operational personnel affiliated with the military. They were not only well-trained, but also had skills that were rare in the Federation.

sacrifice spirit.

So the bodyguard made a judgment in an instant and took action.


The bullet hit Tang Ji between the eyebrows, causing him to take three steps back. A trace of blood flowed down the wound, and then the severely deformed bullet fell directly to the ground.

As for the bodyguard who fired the shot, his skull had been overturned from the bottom up.

Several media reporters who were with Commander Hunter screamed and fled away, and the remaining bodyguards immediately pressed Commander Hunter's neck and fled backwards.

"He is a waste." The prophet stuck his head out and looked at the commander who disappeared around the corner and commented: "In every timeline I saw, he failed to be re-elected."

"Who is that person?" If he hadn't been carrying the prophet and the shooter was dead, Tang Ji would have chased them and taught them a lesson.

"That's the commander-in-chief of your federation, Hunter Rodham. Don't you usually watch the news?" the prophet asked, his tone somewhat weak.

Tang Ji snorted, answering the prophet's stupid question. After all, who is a serious person who watches the news?

"Okay, it's my fault." The prophet thought for a few seconds on Tang Ji's back and suddenly said: "Catch him and kill him."

"Huh?" This time it was Tang Ji's turn to be surprised. Is he so angry?

"He is a waste, and he is now representing the federal government on the side of the Trail Blazers. It is troublesome to keep him." The prophet pressed his temples with a headache: "To be honest, this kind of job is what that little bitch Wu Qianying wants.

It’s more comprehensive, but this is the best opportunity. Things are already like this, and no one cares about the death of an insignificant commander, so kill him!”

Tang Ji carried the prophet on his back and started chasing. Although he could not use phase jump, in this closed environment, the footsteps of Commander Hunter and his bodyguards were as conspicuous as candlelight in the darkness.

"You have Mikkelsen behind you. As long as Hunter dies, he can easily manipulate the election and elect a puppet under his control to come to power." The prophet explained on the road: "And Hunter's useless ability is not good. According to historical inertia,

Luther will become the next commander-in-chief of the Federation, and at least the Federation has organized a decent counterattack force in his hands."

"Counterattack force?" Tang Ji kept his movements as steady as possible, so as not to break the prophet's old bones.

"The counterattack against the Seven Deadly Sins, well... mainly you, and Surte." The prophet's words silenced Tangji: "Because the Federation is your territory, and others rarely cross the border."

The prophet didn't finish everything. It was the fourth time that something happened when she looked into the future. Out of responsibility for the entire world, the prophet didn't try to prevent the same tragedy from happening to Tang Ji that time. The seven deadly sins caused mankind to suffer.

The end is coming.

But that time, she chose to stand on the side of human civilization. Relying on the information obtained in the past three timelines, the prophet made preparations in advance, established the Ark organization, and tried to turn the tide in the early stages of the disaster.

She successfully suppressed Greed in the European Union. Although she was unable to kill the immortal monster, she contained him semi-permanently. He did not successfully escape from prison until the Prophet left the timeline.

Also contained is Gluttony. Gluttony has never been a big problem. As long as its growing appetite can be satisfied, it will quietly maintain a low power consumption state.

In Africa, through strategic coercion and negotiation, the Prophet finally limited the expansion of jealousy, at the expense of most of Africa, and satisfied jealousy.

In the Federation, the Prophet strongly supported Luther and fought a difficult war with Tangji. However, the war ended in human defeat. Tangji, or rather his rage, still swept the world and destroyed mankind from the civilization level.

Therefore, the prophet's feelings towards Tang Ji are very complicated. They are friends and enemies, but all of this happened in other timelines that Tang Ji knew nothing about. Because of this, the prophet still feels guilty towards Tang Ji.

The prophet originally thought that he had completely understood this man, but fate was always playing tricks on him. Not only did players who had never appeared in the real timeline appear, but he also created a unique Tangji.

He is both furious and Tangji...

"He is chasing us." Commander Hunter's bodyguard looked a little ugly. He set up some obstacles on the smooth road, but the monster was not only not afraid of bullets, but also extremely powerful.

"What should we do? I can't run anymore!" Hunter was breathing heavily, his whole body was like a cooked shrimp, and his strengthened heart could no longer drive this aging shell to vigorous exercise.

"I can help you buy a few minutes, but then you have to rely on yourself." The bodyguard checked the equipment he carried, pointed to a fork in the road and said: "Choose a road, and then don't look back!"

"The Federation will remember your sacrifice!" Commander Hunter summoned his energy and solemnly said to the bodyguard, and then ran to the left passage in a panic.

It wasn't until he lost sight of the bodyguard that Hunter stopped and took out a delicately packaged cryogenic container from his arms, in which two scarlet injections were kept.

Commander Hunter hesitated for a moment, then decisively opened one of the potions marked with physical enhancement and plunged it into his chest.

Those were gifts from the descendants, two in total, one was a physical strengthening injection and the other was a mental strengthening injection.

Hunter originally planned to check with his personal doctor before considering whether to use it, but now he had to take a chance.

The injection took effect almost immediately. His heart suddenly accelerated and blood containing vitality was spurted to the whole body. Hunter snorted secretly, feeling as if the blood all over his body was about to pierce the skin and spurt out!

But the feeling of swelling soon faded away, but Hunter felt that he had never felt better. The organs that had begun to age were glowing with a second spring, and the skin was visibly plumped up, no longer so loose and pale, as if he had been away from home for a long time.

Fifty years of youth have returned to this body again.

Hunter felt that he was in good condition and could run a marathon, so he started running around without hesitation.

And the loyal bodyguard threw the pistol at the fork chosen by Hunter, turned around and slipped away in the other direction, loyalty and honor be damned...



Just when Tang Ji was planning to hunt down the federal commander, Wang Zhengdao was carrying a pickaxe to shave ice on the Antarctic ice cap. His superhumanly strong physique and the power-generating skills brought from many years of martial arts training made Wang Zhengdao look like a ruthless machine.

Shaved ice machine.

However, even for such an ice-shaving machine, digging fifty meters deep into the Antarctic ice is a big job, but Wang Zhengdao worked hard.

Tang Anran's coffin-style sealed cradle was placed next to him. Wang Zhengdao, naked to the waist, had dug down more than a meter deep. The cold Antarctic wind blew the ice slag on the ice and swept it over Wang Zhengdao layer by layer.

It was evaporated by the hot body temperature and turned into white mist.

He dug with great concentration, as if there was nothing more important in the world.

Of course, in a sense, it is not wrong to say this, because this is the last insurance for Tang Ji to completely transform into Fury. Without Tang Anran, the world is worthless to Fury.

But the reason for Wang Zhengdao's concentration is more than that. His mobile phone was thrown on the survival cabin, covered in layers of ice and frozen into a lump. The words "No signal" were displayed on the mobile phone because the phone card was blocked by Miko.

Wilson took it.

The Ark organization was splitting up, and Mikkelsen returned to the European Union as Wang Zhengdao to clean up the mess.

This is the best choice. Wang Zhengdao knows very well that in this situation, even if the prophet returns to the Ark organization, it will not stop those people from moving closer to the players. Years of confrontation and sacrifice are enough to turn many once determined people into cowards.

"An Ran, do you think it's a good idea for me to hide you here?" Wang Zhengdao waved his pickaxe and said to the direction of the life-support cabin: "There are tens of thousands of people down here who are being refrigerated and preserved. Isn't there a saying?

Well, hide the water droplets in the sea and hide the sand in the desert, don’t you think so?”

"When I dig out the body warehouse and hide you inside, who will be able to find you? At that time, apart from me and your dad, only Penguin will know..." Wang Zhengdao was mid-sentence when he suddenly froze.

, he suddenly jumped out of the ice pit and looked at the emperor penguins who were watching the excitement not far away, then looked at the life-saving cabin, sighed, picked up the pickaxe and walked towards the penguins.

"I'm sorry, buddy, there are too many coincidences and accidents in this world. I have to take precautions." Wang Zhengdao picked up the penguin's body and threw it away a few kilometers away. He then returned to the scene to make sure there were no witnesses around before continuing to work.

He just seemed more silent.

The blood on the pickaxe left a trail of blood marks in the white ice pit, as if Wang Zhengdao's heart was being broken by himself.

The base that was flooded at first was frozen very solid. Wang Zhengdao vaguely sensed several gaps, none of which were large enough to accommodate a life-support capsule.

He could only knock it down bit by bit, thirty meters in an hour, and most of the time was wasted transporting crushed ice, otherwise the crushed ice would be melted by his body temperature and frozen back again.

"Let's hide you here for now, little guy. If your father is dissatisfied, I will have to dig you out." Wang Zhengdao turned around and emerged from the bottom of the pit next to the life-support cabin. He patted the panel and opened the life-sustainment cabin.

Bringing it down.

Then he used a space jump to transport seawater and fill the entire pit, pushed the broken ice in, watched them solidify, and used tools to roughly smooth the surface before he was satisfied.

There was no mark, but a space jumper would not forget any place he had been. Wang Zhengdao stood there and took a root, making sure that he had not left anything behind before turning around and leaving. He had to pick up Tang Ji from the demonstration city.

The question then is where should they go.

Players with dimensional gate abilities can raid the Ark organization and Wu Qianying's laboratory at any time. With the assistance of Tang Jiye and Wang Zhengdao, he killed a group of players when he found them. Both sides were unable to withstand the other's attacks, but both

out on a limb.

Wang Zhengdao appeared on the roof of Building AA-001 in the Demonstration City with a cold wind. Two armed rotorcraft were circling overhead. A large suspended transport aircraft was parked less than ten meters away from the roof.

Team Skeleton is airborne.

Half the team's manpower has already landed, and the quick-response gel saves them from testing the shock-absorbing capabilities of their exoskeleton equipment. The entire logistics department is grateful for this cheap compound.

Wang Zhengdao appeared in the center of the team. After these people dispersed, they formed a wide area in the center as an air landing field. Wang Zhengdao's vague space perception did not notice them at all.


A green lump of quick-response gel appeared in front of Wang Zhengdao, and then a soldier equipped with an exoskeleton ran straight into it. Both sides stared through the green gel, with surprised expressions on their faces.

But Wang Zhengdao was one step faster. The moment the quick-response gel dissolved, he grabbed the soldier's shoulder with one hand and led him to disappear on the rooftop in an instant.

The whole process was too fast. The commander and other soldiers, who had their backs to the airborne field, saw through the rear camera the whole process of Wang Zhengdao suddenly appearing, then snatching away a team member and disappearing again, but they had no time to react.

Wang Zhengdao and his captives appeared on the 122nd floor in an instant. The captives who experienced the air-conditioned jump for the first time immediately vomited all over their helmets.

Wang Zhengdao is already accustomed to this reaction. When he was used by the prophet as a killer to assassinate superhumans around the world who would cause heavy losses in the future, he used this method to solve many difficult opponents.

Wang Zhengdao grabbed one of the captive's arms and exerted force along the anti-joint. With superhuman strength and skillful skills, he easily defeated the mechanical joints made of conforming materials, as well as the human joints protected inside.

They were twisted together into an angle that seemed irreversible.

Snap, the rifle was kicked away by Wang Zhengdao. He grabbed the gap on the edge of the helmet's mask with one hand, and with an instant force, he lifted the mask directly, revealing the embarrassed face underneath.

"Who are you!" The soldier looked at Wang Zhengdao in horror, and used his mobile hand to pull out the pistol from his waist. But before he could see the other man's face clearly, the pistol was taken away and left to him.

The ones were three twisted fingers.

The soldiers did not feel much pain due to the combat stimulants that had just taken effect, but seeing their own limbs deformed was still a visual shock to this new recruit.

After just one round, he gave up all resistance in his heart.

"What's your mission here?" Wang Zhengdao asked, looking at the logo imprinted on the opponent's shoulder armor.

"We were ordered to rescue the federal commander and leave here, and kill the terrorist Tang Ji." the soldier said honestly.

"Who gave the order?" Wang Zhengdao continued to ask. After staying with people like Mikkelsen for a long time, he also learned something. Those pioneers must also have collaborators in the military.

"General Joel Martinez!" the soldier replied affirmatively.


1 second remember network:.

This chapter has been completed!
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