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Chapter 360 Intensifying

"This is a new prison under planning. The preliminary design of this project actually started six months ago, but at first we considered Boracay Island." Mikkelsen introduced by throwing a Tangji and a stereoscopic projector.


At this time, they were walking in the central area of ​​Night City. The central area had experienced two nuclear attacks and had now become a truly no-man's land.

However, the Kolinin Company used a large amount of emerging materials to rebuild the area after the first Red Sun incident, and established several fully automated purification centers. In addition, the yield of the second nuclear explosion was much smaller than the first.

Therefore, the current radiation value in this area only exceeds the standard by a mere three times.

"Are you planning to build this prison here?" Tang Ji frowned. The central area, just like its name, is located in the middle of Night City. It was once the most prosperous place in Night City. Even after two

After the Red Sun incident, there were still many tall buildings here.

"Yes, this place is now the most famous negative equity in the world. The last drop of blood of the poor Colinin Company was drained here. Mikkelsen pointed to those buildings and said: "The radiation on the surface and inside of these buildings

The remnants have been cleaned up, and the cost is almost twice as much as destroying and rebuilding. No one will invest in this area anymore. This area is dead, and it is perfect for building a prison."

Tang Ji remained silent. He had no concern for the future of the central area. His only concern for this place was the place where Angelina died.

He once built a small 'monument' for Angelina there, made from the car Angelina was riding in when she was killed, but as the Colinin Company began to restore order in the central area, he moved that small

'Spiritual Harbor' has been withdrawn.

Tang Ji didn't know what Angelina would think about turning the central area into a large prison. After all, she wasn't used to paying attention to current affairs.

"When our plan begins, we need you to be here." Mikkelsen was so confused that he said with a rogue face: "According to my plan, this prison will take shape within the next three months.

The total number of the first batch of superhuman prisoners in the entire federation and even the world will exceed 1,200, which is the most precious wealth in the world for the pioneers."

"Three months?" Tang Ji is not disgusted with the idea of ​​becoming the warden. After all, he is also from the judicial system, and Mikkelsen makes sense. He is probably the most suitable candidate. He just doesn't believe that the other party can

Just build this prison in three months.

"This is the age of superhuman beings, friend." Mikkelsen shrugged: "The basic framework will be built by Mr. Brandon Mann with plants, and then Mr. Taro Shibata, a neon man, is currently imprisoned in

Guantánamo, he can dissolve the cement again and shape it into random shapes, just like playing with plasticine."

"Are you going to build a prison with superhumans and lock them in it?" Tang Ji lit a cigarette at an intersection with no vehicles. Mikkelsen had already accepted his fate before, and he gave Tang Ji a whole

The box tree of life, God knows how many leaves that tree has, can it single-handedly supply the consumption of the Mikkelsen group plus a long-smoking smoker like Tang Ji.

"Yes, these existing buildings will be used. Most areas will be managed by the prisoners themselves. The core area will use the pioneers' freezing technology to allow them to have a good sleep." Mikkelsen puffed out.

Said: "Although doing this may cause the prisoners to feel no pain, I can significantly extend their sentences. After all, the federal commander is ours now, and you are also there. If it doesn't work, just send them to

Then deal with it and use your fire to purify them."

"The premise is that Luther can survive this accident." Tang Ji's tone expressed deep sympathy for the red-haired man's experience.

The military conflict that occurred on the outskirts of Xinjinshan has now developed into a full-scale confrontation between the remaining military systems and the entire Northern California. The entire conflict has escalated faster than anyone imagined.

Even Mikkelsen could not completely foresee all the transactions hidden in the dark, but it is obvious from now on that there must be a power network hidden behind the scenes in Northern California, which almost achieved independence back then. Their actions were too unified.


Poor Commander-in-Chief Luther, he made a good start on the first day after taking office, and then he could only keep raising the bar. Currently, there are four generals and seven military agencies that Luther used various methods to tie into the chariot.

A total of more than 2,000 professional soldiers, 150 armored vehicles, and 22 aircraft were mobilized to rush to the 'front line'.

Northern California is not inferior either. Civilian armed groups that have emerged from various places appear to have different formations and disorganized equipment. However, they are strangely under the same command system, showing quite a tacit degree of cooperation.

In the words of local media, the conflict that broke out in the suburbs of Xinjinshan was the most prominent armed conflict in the Federation after the Corporate War. Although the cause is unknown, it successfully overshadowed the previous big news of Tangji and the Omaha Massacre.


As for the three prison vans that initially caused the conflict? No one cares about them anymore. One of the prison vans was hit head-on by a tank that the military arrived later, and there were no survivors.

There was also a prison car that, under the driver's desperate maneuvers, crashed into the sand and lay on its back. It was exposed to the sun for two days. No survivors have yet been seen climbing out.

The last prison van was the prison van Wade was in. It became the dividing line on the battlefield. To the north of the prison van was the position of the Northern California armed organization, and to the south of the prison van was the position of the military.

Because reinforcements from both sides were on the way, there was an eerie silence on both sides of the battle line.

Wade and the four prison guards who were loyal to him and did not participate in the kidnapping hid in the prison car, looking at a loss of everything that happened outside.

A metal pillar removed from the car, with a white shirt tied to it, was lifted high out of the armored bus in the hope that both sides would not attack them impulsively.

In the car, both the prison guards and the prisoners were full of food. All their food and water were used up last night. The distance from Xinjinshan City to Night City was less than 700 kilometers. This was originally a one-time trip.

Without long-distance transshipment work, no one would carry extra supplies.

"I am Wade Leslie, a guard at the No. 7 Federal Prison. I called unknown armed forces. Who can tell us what happened?" Wade called again on the radio with a dry mouth, but there was still no answer.

From the beginning of the conflict until now, Wade has not received any news from the No. 7 Federal Prison, nor has he received any answers from both sides of the conflict. It is as if the whole world has forgotten them.

"Save some energy, Wade. I saw the bulletproof vests they were wearing before. The first group of people were swats from Xinjinshan City. If they were involved, we would definitely be silenced." An injured colleague said weakly.


He glanced at the prisoner holding area and whispered: "Hey, Wade, listen to me, the gas used to suppress those superhumans is almost exhausted. We have reached an agreement to clean up those superhuman beings in half an hour.

Scumbag, will you join?"

Wade was silent. He had previously refused the invitation to participate in the distribution of black money. He was obviously a rare good citizen with a moral bottom line, but now the suggestion from his colleague really moved him.

As a prison guard in the heavy prison area, he knows better than anyone else the prisoners in the cage. They are all beasts...

"We would do this even without you." The injured colleague struggled to stand up, picked up the pistol and loaded it: "I would rather be killed by bullets from outside than give them a chance to kill me."

"You're right, I'll join." Wade finally nodded. He knew exactly what the prisoners would do if they lost their existing control points.

The bastard imprisoned in No. 1 is only seventeen years old, but he already has two lives on his back, one before he was imprisoned, which was his neighbor, and the other after he was imprisoned, which was his cellmate.

His ability is to release some kind of electric current. Wade has never seen the other party use his ability. He always wears a pair of insulating gloves.

The person imprisoned in the second position is a sexy beauty. She was a social butterfly before, but after awakening, she became a "piranha". She can take away all the youth of men from her second brother. She is already thirty-seven years old, but

He looks like he is seventeen years old.

The good news is that her ability does not work on the same sex. The bad news is that she has nourished many people before she was imprisoned. She is as strong as an elephant. Wade has seen her bend three two-centimeter-diameter penises between her thighs.

Alloy railings.

Wade still remembered that the woman had been in jail for almost a year and had never touched a man. It was certain that if she regained her mobility soon, all the men in the car would not end well.

As for No. 3, there lived a homeless man who could communicate with rats. No one knew how many of his colleagues he had manipulated the rat swarm to kill before he was arrested. If it weren’t for his later ambition to use the rat swarm to intervene in street wars, maybe he

He will live until he dies of old age on the street.

The other seven prisoners are also extraordinary, but these people are still ordinary superhuman criminals in the seventh prison, and they are not dangerous. Wade doesn't know why the world has become so dangerous all of a sudden, but

He knew that he could no longer be aloof this time.

Otherwise, he would definitely not be among the people who got out of the car alive in the end.

Not far away, at the Allied Arms position in Northern California, a man wearing a gray military uniform was watching the footage from the drone. He was Hadera Emerson. Yesterday he was still an unknown person, but today he has become a near-miss here.

Commander of four hundred armed soldiers.

He is a naturalized person, a third-generation naturalized person.

Hadera has never had direct contact with the pioneers or players. He has only been told from birth that he is one of the naturalized people, serving some great existence that cannot be told for the time being.

The Naturalized Organization took care of him, let him go to school, and gave him a job with a stable income. Hadera was very satisfied with everything he got, so when his contact told him yesterday that he had been activated

At this time, Hadera accepted it calmly.

He took an injection of a medicine called the Blood of Greed, transforming him from a mortal into a superhuman, able to include other people in his psychic network. Then he drove out from Xinjinshan City with a gun and felt that this road that existed only the day before yesterday

There is no front line.

When he left the city border checkpoint, the guard there saluted him solemnly, as if he was going to participate in World War II.

But for Hadera, this was just an ordinary job that required another skill from him, no different from repairing cables in the city. The former was something he learned with the help of naturalized people, and the latter was the same.

"Oakland Lightning Camp, I am Commander Hadera Emerson. From now on, you will be under my command." Hadera saw a group of nearly 200 armed civilians approaching from the west side of the road. The convoy was led by

Composed of several buses and trucks, without heavy equipment, a light infantry unit with an unknown training level.

A rotorcraft belonging to the military whizzed past their heads, and the dust blown up by its wings almost drowned the driver's field of vision.

"Don't be nervous, don't fire. They don't dare to fire directly at civilian vehicles. We have media broadcasting live." Hadera used the radio to reassure the other party: "Continue forward three kilometers and you will enter our air defense identification zone. Don't be so nervous.


Hadera used a soothing voice to ease the pilot's mood. Just as he expected, the plane did not fire. No one wanted to be the culprit of the outbreak of civil war.

The same is true for the consortium behind the armed forces in Northern California. Mikkelsen enthusiastically continued to use his connections to help Luther channel military forces while looking at how many hidden lines were buried in Northern California.

"Those pioneers laid out their plans too early, and many lines were hidden too deep, but now they are better. The more they understand, the clearer I can see." Mikkelsen explained to Tangji: "Luthor is us

There is a new target on the table. If the pioneers leave it alone, I can help them regain the glory of the federal government. A unified big government is more suitable for dealing with this war. If they take action, that is even better.


Mikkelsen had a smile on his face. Many times he would be caught off guard by Tang Ji's personal actions, but perhaps because of Mr. Good Luck, such sudden accidents can often turn into new ones in the end.

Advantage, of course Mikkelsen must also proudly say that the trouble Tang Ji caused was the only one in the world that had the ability to take advantage of it.

Next, Mikkelsen also plans to let Marcin Cooper, a former naturalized man, make a public appearance in the federation to pursue the position of federal minister of finance.

Luther is a big fish, and Marcin is a small fish. They stimulate both players and naturalized people at the same time, forcing them to take action.

"By the way, there is one more thing. For safety reasons, Luther will sign a document to move the federal administrative center to Night City in the next few days." Mikkelsen spoke again, with a somewhat joking tone: "This is his condition, it must be in

You can support your work at any time."

Tang Ji suddenly coughed. Apparently for the sake of safety, Luther had completely given up on the issue of face.

You must know that when the Federation collapsed, Night City was the first famous free place to declare its independence from the federal jurisdiction. It set off a large number of cities to pursue independence, and the name California Free State came from this.

As a result, things have turned around, and Night City is now becoming the new political center of the Federation...

This chapter has been completed!
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