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Chapter 378 Trap?

Tang Ji woke up from his sleep and quickly realized that he had taken on a very troublesome job. The victims who died of heart disease in the nightmare were basically the best in their respective fields. They were all psychology, neurolinguistics, etc.

Experts and scholars of learning.

From the perspective of a law enforcer, Tang Ji was sure that the nightmare killer must also be an industry insider, and Wu Qianying might have read his papers or books.

Therefore, Wu Qianying is also in danger. Tang Ji has raised the priority of this matter to a higher level. As for now, Tang Ji plans to deal with the physical base at hand first.

Unusca Island, part of the Aleutian Islands, once belonged to the Commonwealth...and now it has spent the last thirty years in a state of neglect.

It is an uninhabited island with no fresh water and no resources. It is like a pile of fish thrown into the sea by the creator. This is why it was selected by the pioneers.

With a large number of dimensional gate skills, the pioneer team theoretically has the ability to build infrastructure anywhere, so the new bases built by the pioneers are basically in various remote corners, making it difficult for agents in the traditional sense to track these places.

"Let the special agent team prepare for action." Tang Ji said to Vicky: "Wang Zhengdao will arrive in fifteen minutes, you go with us."

Vicki's little face flushed with excitement. She had been a subject of research when she was at the Lost Mountain Base, and her days were far less exciting than when she and Tang Ji traveled around.

Tang Ji lowered his head and looked at the valuable suit he was wearing, and felt that there was no need to change clothes. Those bastard pioneers and players had already learned a lot, and they preferred to leave this kind of place to the management of naturalized people.

Wang Zhengdao arrived in a hurry. Coincidentally, he was also wearing a suit...

The two men who once only cared about bulletproof vests and tactical boots looked at each other's dumb looks, showed helpless smiles, and then at the same time came to a conclusion in their hearts, that is - not as good as themselves.

Both Tang Ji and Wang Zhengdao are facing a problem, that is, putting them in their current positions would be a waste of their respective abilities.

But their respective positions are so important that they cannot trust anyone else except themselves.

Unless they are willing to hand over their respective positions to Mikkelsen, but even a political novice like Tanguy knows not to put all his eggs in one basket.

Compared to Wang Zhengdao, Tang Ji can at least leave the mess in his hands to his subordinates to deal with at any time, because the FBAS Bureau was basically set up by Mikkelsen, and they are at least qualified employees. What Mikkelsen can't tolerate the most is

Vegetarian meal in corpse position.

"I declare in advance that I will meet with King William V of Great Britain in twenty minutes. Considering that he is almost eighty years old, it is best for me to return to Buckingham Palace earlier." Wang Zhengdao glanced at the time and said to Tang Ji.

: "So I threw you on that island. If you can't handle it within fifteen minutes, how about I pick you up in an hour and a half?"

Tang Ji checked the prelude and found that this thing is no longer a mortal thing like his prosthetic limb, and there is basically no possibility of problems. However, he is still used to taking care of it every day: "I remember that Greedy bastard is haunting London now? Be careful.

Don’t be eaten as a snack.”

"That bastard has been very disciplined recently. Lindsay has been traveling between Paris and London, regularly confirming Greedy's location." Wang Zhengdao smiled and greeted Vicky. The little girl was wearing a mini version of dragon scale armor and looked like

Like a child wearing two layers of down jacket: "But my people are sure that he imported high-end 'ingredients' from Africa through some channels. Who does this remind you of?"

"Jealousy." Tang Ji sighed and added the name of jealousy to his increasingly long to-do list.

"Are you ready?" Wang Zhengdao asked the lady gently. After receiving a positive reply, he disappeared directly from the office with Tang Ji and the others.


"This is it, Yunasca Island." Wang Zhengdao stood on a boulder and looked at the green surroundings: "It seems that you have to spend some time to find where their warehouse is. I have to leave first.

One step, I will pick you up here in one hour and fifty-two minutes?"

Tangji stretched out his hand and gave him an OK gesture, and opened a dimensional door in the air with his other hand. The upgraded team members appeared on Yunasca Island.

When the big man Martin squeezed out of the dimensional door, Wang Zhengdao had disappeared.

"I smell a smell of dampness and bird droppings." Martin frowned, one foot already sinking deep into the muddy ground.

Vicky frowned and slapped him with [Shield], and then Surte. Vicky was envious of his cool-looking exoskeleton equipment.

It's just that this thing doesn't even have auxiliary power. Vicky tried it out once, and it was like being locked in an iron maiden...

Tang Ji nodded to Soult. The tacit understanding between them had been developed, and most of the tactical orders could be completed directly with their eyes.

Soult entered [Bullet Time] directly. Yunasca Island is not big, so it won't take long for him to complete the reconnaissance mission.

Yin Senke squatted on the ground to assemble a group of bionic drones. They looked as flexible as ordinary birds, but they were far inferior to traditional drones in terms of endurance.

This thing is a bionic product that Miwako got from the Arasaka Intelligence Department. Miwako's connections there are unfathomable. It's hard to say whether Prince Arasaka has a crush on Miwako.

"I think the position in the FBAS Bureau is quite suitable for me." Anthony stood next to Tang Ji, looking into the distance with a telescope: "Following you around the world is more tiring than when I was in the trauma team. I have passed.

At that age.”

As the backbone of this young team, Anthony's status has always been very transcendent. Almost everyone in the team owes him a life or even several lives. When Tang Ji is away, he is the spiritual leader of the team.

Unfortunately, as the team members awakened one by one, Anthony gradually became the team's weak point. Since the last injury, his physical strength has been much lower than before.

"They need you Anthony." Tang Ji still can't forget the scene when he first met Anthony. He called himself Chicken Little... Anthony's calmness left an indelible impression on him. He used his own

Bait creates an opportunity for Tang Ji: "Supernatural abilities cannot replace the human spirit."

"Such words coming from your mouth don't have much credibility." Anthony smiled freely: "I watched you press other people's spirits to the ground and rub them again and again all the way. After this mission is over,

I will submit a written application."

"I respect your decision, Anthony, but I hope you will think it over carefully again. We need you." Tang Ji told the truth. He is a person who leads the charge. Without Anthony behind him to help check and fill in the gaps, he would not be at ease.


"I'm not retiring, I just plan to change my environment and sit in an office." Anthony said with a very proud tone: "I have worked with the most powerful superhumans in the world for so long, and I am qualified to work in the FBAS Bureau. Those people

It will never be more difficult than you."

As soon as Anthony finished speaking, Soult had already ran back. His heavy boots were stained with mud and looked a little bloated.

"We found the head! Four kilometers away, there is a cave with people coming in and out. Judging from the equipment, they should be naturalized people." Soult reported what he saw: "The guards are very lax, and it seems easy to deal with."

He drew a simple map on the ground and showed the locations of the guards one by one.

"Very good, remember our action goals, prioritize superhuman targets, and open dimensional gates, and let me deal with them immediately if you find them." Tang Ji looked around to make sure everyone understood what he meant: "Second

The target is the physical body, don’t give them the chance to take away the physical body.”

"Yes!" Everyone confirmed the order in a low voice, and Tang Ji immediately nodded to Surte, they still belonged to the spearhead.


The speed was close to Mach 2 and the surprise attack made any defensive measures pale in comparison. None of the surveillance cameras, multi-source detectors, and motion detectors responded at all, let alone the guards wearing exoskeletons whose vision was blocked.

There is a cave inside the cave. It looks like the entire mountain has been hollowed out. It looks like a superhuman 'masterpiece'.

It's just that apart from the scale, other conditions here haven't kept up. There are less than twenty bodies in the life-sustaining cabin randomly piled in the corner.

Not far from the main body is the life support cabin, and several building materials prove this. This base is either being expanded, or it has not yet had time to start official use.

But why would Greed give himself invalid information?

Tangji opened the dimensional door with a swipe and asked the team members to complete the second leapfrog. Then he nodded to Surte and he could enter free mode.

No one can keep up with Sirte, and no one can plan detailed combat missions for Sirte. Letting him be a free man is the most appropriate choice.

"The numbers don't match up." Anthony checked the surrounding bodies one by one, feeling a little uneasy.

The assault team headed by Saint and Tony had already controlled the only entrance and exit. Their original task was to occupy the central control room, but now, the central control room is still in a state of parts.

The sudden conflict lasted for eight seconds, and Shadow eliminated the last enemy, killing him with one shot.

There were a total of eighteen guards, but only six of them had time to surrender, and they came back with their lives saved.

"Who are you?" Tang Ji took a prisoner to a corner, and the same thing happened in other corners. Spreading the interrogation and creating competition has always been a trick for temporary interrogation.

But to Tang Ji's expectation, the prisoners in his hands had no intention of being loyal and unyielding at all. He confessed without hesitation: "We are the security guards of Deyang Armor!"

As a former law enforcer, Tang Ji has certainly heard of the name of Deyang Armor. It is like the European Union version of military technology, except that there are not so many high-tech industries, not so commercialized, and not so many manufacturing industries, but it has dual

An armed force that is twice as powerful as military technology.

In the past few decades when the European Union was on the decline, Deyang Armor controlled the world's fourth largest sea fleet, although most of them were small boats.

In addition, its security services are spread all over the world, and many semi-colonial ports in Africa are in their hands.

"What mission are you performing here?" Tang Ji continued to ask, and he began to consider the issue of greedy intelligence sources.

"I don't know. We were ordered to stay here without further orders." The security guard explained honestly: "Every three days someone will come by water to deliver supplies. Other than that, everything here has nothing to do with us!"

Tang Ji looked back at Anthony, who nodded, indicating that the others were speaking the same tone. They were either telling the truth, or they had discussed their rhetoric in advance. The latter's words took a lot of time to refine.

Fortunately, the Dimension Gate made the Blazers elusive and allowed Tang Ji to open holes everywhere and throw people everywhere.

"Send the prisoners and bodies and start the evacuation process." Tang Ji did not hesitate and prepared to retreat directly. He himself could not pass through the dimensional gate, but others could.

A golden dimensional door appeared at Tang Ji's fingertips. As Martin threw a body of life-saving capsules into it, other captive members of the team also escorted them in, and then filed into the dimensional door.

"See you later, head." The saint said a final hello and walked into the dimensional gate. Although he had seen those pioneers who also had this ability, he felt more and more like an angel in his heart.

Only Anthony looked full of thoughts. Before the dimensional door was closed, he kept frowning: "I still think there is a problem. The pioneers can't afford to ignore so many bodies here."

Tang Ji actually felt the same way, so he sent the team members away first.

After everyone else evacuated, the entire island fell into silence again. Tang Ji just watched as the dimensional gate at his fingertips suddenly flickered, and then was dispersed.

Everything was as Tang Ji expected. The pioneers had mastered some new abilities, which could restrain dimensional gates and space jumps. They planned to show up to compete with him.

As for the news they released through Greedy's mouth, Tang Ji planned to settle the score with Greedy later.

"Hello Tang Ji." A drone suddenly flew from a distance and hovered in front of Tang Ji: "I'm sorry to meet you in this way, but the risk of meeting you is that everyone

Unbearable, I am Markarian."


Tang Ji casually blew up the drone, and when he turned around, he had already appeared at the cave exit through the ability of phase transition. Obviously, the ability to affect the dimensional gate did not affect this ability.

Dingfeng Novel

"As the protagonists on both sides of the war, there is nothing wrong with having a few words to enhance understanding before the full-scale war begins." Markarian's voice seemed to come from under the earth and echoed throughout the island.

But Tang Ji turned a deaf ear. He closed his eyes and faced the breeze, tasting the subtle differences in the air, and soon found a difference.

This is indeed a trap, but Tang Ji doesn't feel much threat from it. If the pioneers misjudge Tang Ji's growth rate, Tang Ji will be happy to correct them...

This chapter has been completed!
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